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Example 1 with AutomaticZenRule

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class ZenModeHelper method addAutomaticZenRule.

public String addAutomaticZenRule(AutomaticZenRule automaticZenRule, String reason) {
    if (!isSystemRule(automaticZenRule)) {
        ServiceInfo owner = getServiceInfo(automaticZenRule.getOwner());
        if (owner == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Owner is not a condition provider service");
        int ruleInstanceLimit = -1;
        if (owner.metaData != null) {
            ruleInstanceLimit = owner.metaData.getInt(ConditionProviderService.META_DATA_RULE_INSTANCE_LIMIT, -1);
        if (ruleInstanceLimit > 0 && ruleInstanceLimit < (getCurrentInstanceCount(automaticZenRule.getOwner()) + 1)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule instance limit exceeded");
    ZenModeConfig newConfig;
    synchronized (mConfig) {
        if (mConfig == null) {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "addAutomaticZenRule rule= " + automaticZenRule + " reason=" + reason);
        newConfig = mConfig.copy();
        ZenRule rule = new ZenRule();
        populateZenRule(automaticZenRule, rule, true);
        newConfig.automaticRules.put(, rule);
        if (setConfigLocked(newConfig, reason, true)) {
        } else {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
Also used : ServiceInfo( AutomaticZenRule( ZenRule(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig.ZenRule) AndroidRuntimeException(android.util.AndroidRuntimeException) ZenModeConfig(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig)

Example 2 with AutomaticZenRule

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class ZenModeHelper method addAutomaticZenRule.

public String addAutomaticZenRule(AutomaticZenRule automaticZenRule, String reason) {
    if (!isSystemRule(automaticZenRule)) {
        ServiceInfo owner = getServiceInfo(automaticZenRule.getOwner());
        if (owner == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Owner is not a condition provider service");
        int ruleInstanceLimit = -1;
        if (owner.metaData != null) {
            ruleInstanceLimit = owner.metaData.getInt(ConditionProviderService.META_DATA_RULE_INSTANCE_LIMIT, -1);
        if (ruleInstanceLimit > 0 && ruleInstanceLimit < (getCurrentInstanceCount(automaticZenRule.getOwner()) + 1)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule instance limit exceeded");
    ZenModeConfig newConfig;
    synchronized (mConfig) {
        if (mConfig == null) {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "addAutomaticZenRule rule= " + automaticZenRule + " reason=" + reason);
        newConfig = mConfig.copy();
        ZenRule rule = new ZenRule();
        populateZenRule(automaticZenRule, rule, true);
        newConfig.automaticRules.put(, rule);
        if (setConfigLocked(newConfig, reason, true)) {
        } else {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
Also used : ServiceInfo( AutomaticZenRule( ZenRule(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig.ZenRule) AndroidRuntimeException(android.util.AndroidRuntimeException) ZenModeConfig(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig)

Example 3 with AutomaticZenRule

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class ZenModeHelper method addAutomaticZenRule.

public String addAutomaticZenRule(AutomaticZenRule automaticZenRule, String reason) {
    if (!isSystemRule(automaticZenRule)) {
        ServiceInfo owner = getServiceInfo(automaticZenRule.getOwner());
        if (owner == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Owner is not a condition provider service");
        int ruleInstanceLimit = -1;
        if (owner.metaData != null) {
            ruleInstanceLimit = owner.metaData.getInt(ConditionProviderService.META_DATA_RULE_INSTANCE_LIMIT, -1);
        if (ruleInstanceLimit > 0 && ruleInstanceLimit < (getCurrentInstanceCount(automaticZenRule.getOwner()) + 1)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule instance limit exceeded");
    ZenModeConfig newConfig;
    synchronized (mConfig) {
        if (mConfig == null) {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "addAutomaticZenRule rule= " + automaticZenRule + " reason=" + reason);
        newConfig = mConfig.copy();
        ZenRule rule = new ZenRule();
        populateZenRule(automaticZenRule, rule, true);
        newConfig.automaticRules.put(, rule);
        if (setConfigLocked(newConfig, reason, true)) {
        } else {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
Also used : ServiceInfo( AutomaticZenRule( ZenRule(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig.ZenRule) AndroidRuntimeException(android.util.AndroidRuntimeException) ZenModeConfig(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig)

Example 4 with AutomaticZenRule

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class ZenModeHelper method addAutomaticZenRule.

public String addAutomaticZenRule(AutomaticZenRule automaticZenRule, String reason) {
    if (!isSystemRule(automaticZenRule)) {
        ServiceInfo owner = getServiceInfo(automaticZenRule.getOwner());
        if (owner == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Owner is not a condition provider service");
        int ruleInstanceLimit = -1;
        if (owner.metaData != null) {
            ruleInstanceLimit = owner.metaData.getInt(ConditionProviderService.META_DATA_RULE_INSTANCE_LIMIT, -1);
        if (ruleInstanceLimit > 0 && ruleInstanceLimit < (getCurrentInstanceCount(automaticZenRule.getOwner()) + 1)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule instance limit exceeded");
    ZenModeConfig newConfig;
    synchronized (mConfig) {
        if (mConfig == null) {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "addAutomaticZenRule rule= " + automaticZenRule + " reason=" + reason);
        newConfig = mConfig.copy();
        ZenRule rule = new ZenRule();
        populateZenRule(automaticZenRule, rule, true);
        newConfig.automaticRules.put(, rule);
        if (setConfigLocked(newConfig, reason, true)) {
        } else {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
Also used : ServiceInfo( AutomaticZenRule( ZenRule(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig.ZenRule) AndroidRuntimeException(android.util.AndroidRuntimeException) ZenModeConfig(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig)

Example 5 with AutomaticZenRule

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class ZenModeHelper method addAutomaticZenRule.

public String addAutomaticZenRule(AutomaticZenRule automaticZenRule, String reason) {
    if (!isSystemRule(automaticZenRule)) {
        ServiceInfo owner = getServiceInfo(automaticZenRule.getOwner());
        if (owner == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Owner is not a condition provider service");
        int ruleInstanceLimit = -1;
        if (owner.metaData != null) {
            ruleInstanceLimit = owner.metaData.getInt(ConditionProviderService.META_DATA_RULE_INSTANCE_LIMIT, -1);
        if (ruleInstanceLimit > 0 && ruleInstanceLimit < (getCurrentInstanceCount(automaticZenRule.getOwner()) + 1)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Rule instance limit exceeded");
    ZenModeConfig newConfig;
    synchronized (mConfig) {
        if (mConfig == null) {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "addAutomaticZenRule rule= " + automaticZenRule + " reason=" + reason);
        newConfig = mConfig.copy();
        ZenRule rule = new ZenRule();
        populateZenRule(automaticZenRule, rule, true);
        newConfig.automaticRules.put(, rule);
        if (setConfigLocked(newConfig, reason, true)) {
        } else {
            throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Could not create rule");
Also used : ServiceInfo( AutomaticZenRule( ZenRule(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig.ZenRule) AndroidRuntimeException(android.util.AndroidRuntimeException) ZenModeConfig(android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig)


AutomaticZenRule ( ServiceInfo ( ZenModeConfig (android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig)5 ZenRule (android.service.notification.ZenModeConfig.ZenRule)5 AndroidRuntimeException (android.util.AndroidRuntimeException)5 Preference ( OnPreferenceClickListener ( PreferenceScreen ( Map (java.util.Map)1