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Example 1 with Bucket

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class NetworkStatsManager method querySummaryForDevice.

     * Query network usage statistics summaries. Result is summarised data usage for the whole
     * device. Result is a single Bucket aggregated over time, state, uid, tag, metered, and
     * roaming. This means the bucket's start and end timestamp are going to be the same as the
     * 'startTime' and 'endTime' parameters. State is going to be
     * {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#STATE_ALL}, uid {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#UID_ALL},
     * tag {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#TAG_NONE}, metered {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#METERED_ALL},
     * and roaming {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#ROAMING_ALL}.
     * @param networkType As defined in {@link ConnectivityManager}, e.g.
     *            {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_MOBILE}, {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIFI}
     *            etc.
     * @param subscriberId If applicable, the subscriber id of the network interface.
     * @param startTime Start of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @param endTime End of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @return Bucket object or null if permissions are insufficient or error happened during
     *         statistics collection.
public Bucket querySummaryForDevice(int networkType, String subscriberId, long startTime, long endTime) throws SecurityException, RemoteException {
    NetworkTemplate template;
    try {
        template = createTemplate(networkType, subscriberId);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (DBG)
            Log.e(TAG, "Cannot create template", e);
        return null;
    Bucket bucket = null;
    NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, startTime, endTime);
    bucket = stats.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork();
    return bucket;
Also used : NetworkTemplate( Bucket(

Example 2 with Bucket

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class NetworkStatsManager method querySummaryForDevice.

     * Query network usage statistics summaries. Result is summarised data usage for the whole
     * device. Result is a single Bucket aggregated over time, state, uid, tag and roaming. This
     * means the bucket's start and end timestamp are going to be the same as the 'startTime' and
     * 'endTime' parameters. State is going to be {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#STATE_ALL}, uid
     * {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#UID_ALL}, tag {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#TAG_NONE}
     * and roaming {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#ROAMING_ALL}.
     * @param networkType As defined in {@link ConnectivityManager}, e.g.
     *            {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_MOBILE}, {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIFI}
     *            etc.
     * @param subscriberId If applicable, the subscriber id of the network interface.
     * @param startTime Start of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @param endTime End of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @return Bucket object or null if permissions are insufficient or error happened during
     *         statistics collection.
public Bucket querySummaryForDevice(int networkType, String subscriberId, long startTime, long endTime) throws SecurityException, RemoteException {
    NetworkTemplate template;
    try {
        template = createTemplate(networkType, subscriberId);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (DBG)
            Log.e(TAG, "Cannot create template", e);
        return null;
    Bucket bucket = null;
    NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, startTime, endTime);
    bucket = stats.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork();
    return bucket;
Also used : NetworkTemplate( Bucket(

Example 3 with Bucket

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class NetworkStatsManager method querySummaryForDevice.

     * Query network usage statistics summaries. Result is summarised data usage for the whole
     * device. Result is a single Bucket aggregated over time, state, uid, tag and roaming. This
     * means the bucket's start and end timestamp are going to be the same as the 'startTime' and
     * 'endTime' parameters. State is going to be {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#STATE_ALL}, uid
     * {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#UID_ALL}, tag {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#TAG_NONE}
     * and roaming {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#ROAMING_ALL}.
     * @param networkType As defined in {@link ConnectivityManager}, e.g.
     *            {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_MOBILE}, {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIFI}
     *            etc.
     * @param subscriberId If applicable, the subscriber id of the network interface.
     * @param startTime Start of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @param endTime End of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @return Bucket object or null if permissions are insufficient or error happened during
     *         statistics collection.
public Bucket querySummaryForDevice(int networkType, String subscriberId, long startTime, long endTime) throws SecurityException, RemoteException {
    NetworkTemplate template;
    try {
        template = createTemplate(networkType, subscriberId);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (DBG)
            Log.e(TAG, "Cannot create template", e);
        return null;
    Bucket bucket = null;
    NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, startTime, endTime);
    bucket = stats.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork();
    return bucket;
Also used : NetworkTemplate( Bucket(

Example 4 with Bucket

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class NetworkStatsManager method querySummaryForDevice.

     * Query network usage statistics summaries. Result is summarised data usage for the whole
     * device. Result is a single Bucket aggregated over time, state, uid, tag and roaming. This
     * means the bucket's start and end timestamp are going to be the same as the 'startTime' and
     * 'endTime' parameters. State is going to be {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#STATE_ALL}, uid
     * {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#UID_ALL}, tag {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#TAG_NONE}
     * and roaming {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#ROAMING_ALL}.
     * @param networkType As defined in {@link ConnectivityManager}, e.g.
     *            {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_MOBILE}, {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIFI}
     *            etc.
     * @param subscriberId If applicable, the subscriber id of the network interface.
     * @param startTime Start of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @param endTime End of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @return Bucket object or null if permissions are insufficient or error happened during
     *         statistics collection.
public Bucket querySummaryForDevice(int networkType, String subscriberId, long startTime, long endTime) throws SecurityException, RemoteException {
    NetworkTemplate template;
    try {
        template = createTemplate(networkType, subscriberId);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (DBG)
            Log.e(TAG, "Cannot create template", e);
        return null;
    Bucket bucket = null;
    NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, startTime, endTime);
    bucket = stats.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork();
    return bucket;
Also used : NetworkTemplate( Bucket(

Example 5 with Bucket

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class NetworkStatsManager method querySummaryForDevice.

     * Query network usage statistics summaries. Result is summarised data usage for the whole
     * device. Result is a single Bucket aggregated over time, state, uid, tag and roaming. This
     * means the bucket's start and end timestamp are going to be the same as the 'startTime' and
     * 'endTime' parameters. State is going to be {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#STATE_ALL}, uid
     * {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#UID_ALL}, tag {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#TAG_NONE}
     * and roaming {@link NetworkStats.Bucket#ROAMING_ALL}.
     * @param networkType As defined in {@link ConnectivityManager}, e.g.
     *            {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_MOBILE}, {@link ConnectivityManager#TYPE_WIFI}
     *            etc.
     * @param subscriberId If applicable, the subscriber id of the network interface.
     * @param startTime Start of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @param endTime End of period. Defined in terms of "Unix time", see
     *            {@link java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis}.
     * @return Bucket object or null if permissions are insufficient or error happened during
     *         statistics collection.
public Bucket querySummaryForDevice(int networkType, String subscriberId, long startTime, long endTime) throws SecurityException, RemoteException {
    NetworkTemplate template;
    try {
        template = createTemplate(networkType, subscriberId);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (DBG)
            Log.e(TAG, "Cannot create template", e);
        return null;
    Bucket bucket = null;
    NetworkStats stats = new NetworkStats(mContext, template, startTime, endTime);
    bucket = stats.getDeviceSummaryForNetwork();
    return bucket;
Also used : NetworkTemplate( Bucket(


Bucket ( NetworkTemplate (