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Example 21 with AppWidgetHostView

use of android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView in project android_packages_apps_Launcher2 by CyanogenMod.

the class Workspace method onDrop.

public void onDrop(final DragObject d) {
    mDragViewVisualCenter = getDragViewVisualCenter(d.x, d.y, d.xOffset, d.yOffset, d.dragView, mDragViewVisualCenter);
    CellLayout dropTargetLayout = mDropToLayout;
    // We want the point to be mapped to the dragTarget.
    if (dropTargetLayout != null) {
        if (mLauncher.isHotseatLayout(dropTargetLayout)) {
            mapPointFromSelfToHotseatLayout(mLauncher.getHotseat(), mDragViewVisualCenter);
        } else {
            mapPointFromSelfToChild(dropTargetLayout, mDragViewVisualCenter, null);
    int snapScreen = -1;
    boolean resizeOnDrop = false;
    if (d.dragSource != this) {
        final int[] touchXY = new int[] { (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1] };
        onDropExternal(touchXY, d.dragInfo, dropTargetLayout, false, d);
    } else if (mDragInfo != null) {
        final View cell = mDragInfo.cell;
        Runnable resizeRunnable = null;
        if (dropTargetLayout != null) {
            // Move internally
            boolean hasMovedLayouts = (getParentCellLayoutForView(cell) != dropTargetLayout);
            boolean hasMovedIntoHotseat = mLauncher.isHotseatLayout(dropTargetLayout);
            long container = hasMovedIntoHotseat ? LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT : LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP;
            int screen = (mTargetCell[0] < 0) ? mDragInfo.screen : indexOfChild(dropTargetLayout);
            int spanX = mDragInfo != null ? mDragInfo.spanX : 1;
            int spanY = mDragInfo != null ? mDragInfo.spanY : 1;
            // First we find the cell nearest to point at which the item is
            // dropped, without any consideration to whether there is an item there.
            mTargetCell = findNearestArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], spanX, spanY, dropTargetLayout, mTargetCell);
            float distance = dropTargetLayout.getDistanceFromCell(mDragViewVisualCenter[0], mDragViewVisualCenter[1], mTargetCell);
            // cell also contains a shortcut, then create a folder with the two shortcuts.
            if (!mInScrollArea && createUserFolderIfNecessary(cell, container, dropTargetLayout, mTargetCell, distance, false, d.dragView, null)) {
            if (addToExistingFolderIfNecessary(cell, dropTargetLayout, mTargetCell, distance, d, false)) {
            // Aside from the special case where we're dropping a shortcut onto a shortcut,
            // we need to find the nearest cell location that is vacant
            ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
            int minSpanX = item.spanX;
            int minSpanY = item.spanY;
            if (item.minSpanX > 0 && item.minSpanY > 0) {
                minSpanX = item.minSpanX;
                minSpanY = item.minSpanY;
            int[] resultSpan = new int[2];
            mTargetCell = dropTargetLayout.createArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], minSpanX, minSpanY, spanX, spanY, cell, mTargetCell, resultSpan, CellLayout.MODE_ON_DROP);
            boolean foundCell = mTargetCell[0] >= 0 && mTargetCell[1] >= 0;
            // if the widget resizes on drop
            if (foundCell && (cell instanceof AppWidgetHostView) && (resultSpan[0] != item.spanX || resultSpan[1] != item.spanY)) {
                resizeOnDrop = true;
                item.spanX = resultSpan[0];
                item.spanY = resultSpan[1];
                AppWidgetHostView awhv = (AppWidgetHostView) cell;
                AppWidgetResizeFrame.updateWidgetSizeRanges(awhv, mLauncher, resultSpan[0], resultSpan[1]);
            if (mCurrentPage != screen && !hasMovedIntoHotseat) {
                snapScreen = screen;
            if (foundCell) {
                final ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) cell.getTag();
                if (hasMovedLayouts) {
                    // Reparent the view
                    addInScreen(cell, container, screen, mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1], info.spanX, info.spanY);
                // update the item's position after drop
                CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) cell.getLayoutParams();
                lp.cellX = lp.tmpCellX = mTargetCell[0];
                lp.cellY = lp.tmpCellY = mTargetCell[1];
                lp.cellHSpan = item.spanX;
                lp.cellVSpan = item.spanY;
                lp.isLockedToGrid = true;
                cell.setId(LauncherModel.getCellLayoutChildId(container, mDragInfo.screen, mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1], mDragInfo.spanX, mDragInfo.spanY));
                if (container != LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT && cell instanceof LauncherAppWidgetHostView) {
                    final CellLayout cellLayout = dropTargetLayout;
                    // We post this call so that the widget has a chance to be placed
                    // in its final location
                    final LauncherAppWidgetHostView hostView = (LauncherAppWidgetHostView) cell;
                    AppWidgetProviderInfo pinfo = hostView.getAppWidgetInfo();
                    if (pinfo != null && pinfo.resizeMode != AppWidgetProviderInfo.RESIZE_NONE) {
                        final Runnable addResizeFrame = new Runnable() {

                            public void run() {
                                DragLayer dragLayer = mLauncher.getDragLayer();
                                dragLayer.addResizeFrame(info, hostView, cellLayout);
                        resizeRunnable = (new Runnable() {

                            public void run() {
                                if (!isPageMoving()) {
                                } else {
                                    mDelayedResizeRunnable = addResizeFrame;
                LauncherModel.moveItemInDatabase(mLauncher, info, container, screen, lp.cellX, lp.cellY);
            } else {
                // If we can't find a drop location, we return the item to its original position
                CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) cell.getLayoutParams();
                mTargetCell[0] = lp.cellX;
                mTargetCell[1] = lp.cellY;
                CellLayout layout = (CellLayout) cell.getParent().getParent();
        final CellLayout parent = (CellLayout) cell.getParent().getParent();
        final Runnable finalResizeRunnable = resizeRunnable;
        // Prepare it to be animated into its new position
        // This must be called after the view has been re-parented
        final Runnable onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                mAnimatingViewIntoPlace = false;
                if (finalResizeRunnable != null) {
        mAnimatingViewIntoPlace = true;
        if (d.dragView.hasDrawn()) {
            final ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) cell.getTag();
            if (info.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET) {
                animateWidgetDrop(info, parent, d.dragView, onCompleteRunnable, animationType, cell, false);
            } else {
                int duration = snapScreen < 0 ? -1 : ADJACENT_SCREEN_DROP_DURATION;
                mLauncher.getDragLayer().animateViewIntoPosition(d.dragView, cell, duration, onCompleteRunnable, this);
        } else {
            d.deferDragViewCleanupPostAnimation = false;
Also used : ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) Point( AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) AppWidgetProviderInfo(android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo)

Example 22 with AppWidgetHostView

use of android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView in project android_packages_apps_Launcher2 by CyanogenMod.

the class Workspace method onDropExternal.

     * Drop an item that didn't originate on one of the workspace screens.
     * It may have come from Launcher (e.g. from all apps or customize), or it may have
     * come from another app altogether.
     * NOTE: This can also be called when we are outside of a drag event, when we want
     * to add an item to one of the workspace screens.
private void onDropExternal(final int[] touchXY, final Object dragInfo, final CellLayout cellLayout, boolean insertAtFirst, DragObject d) {
    final Runnable exitSpringLoadedRunnable = new Runnable() {

        public void run() {
            mLauncher.exitSpringLoadedDragModeDelayed(true, false, null);
    ItemInfo info = (ItemInfo) dragInfo;
    int spanX = info.spanX;
    int spanY = info.spanY;
    if (mDragInfo != null) {
        spanX = mDragInfo.spanX;
        spanY = mDragInfo.spanY;
    final long container = mLauncher.isHotseatLayout(cellLayout) ? LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT : LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP;
    final int screen = indexOfChild(cellLayout);
    if (!mLauncher.isHotseatLayout(cellLayout) && screen != mCurrentPage && mState != State.SPRING_LOADED) {
    if (info instanceof PendingAddItemInfo) {
        final PendingAddItemInfo pendingInfo = (PendingAddItemInfo) dragInfo;
        boolean findNearestVacantCell = true;
        if (pendingInfo.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT) {
            mTargetCell = findNearestArea((int) touchXY[0], (int) touchXY[1], spanX, spanY, cellLayout, mTargetCell);
            float distance = cellLayout.getDistanceFromCell(mDragViewVisualCenter[0], mDragViewVisualCenter[1], mTargetCell);
            if (willCreateUserFolder((ItemInfo) d.dragInfo, cellLayout, mTargetCell, distance, true) || willAddToExistingUserFolder((ItemInfo) d.dragInfo, cellLayout, mTargetCell, distance)) {
                findNearestVacantCell = false;
        final ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) d.dragInfo;
        boolean updateWidgetSize = false;
        if (findNearestVacantCell) {
            int minSpanX = item.spanX;
            int minSpanY = item.spanY;
            if (item.minSpanX > 0 && item.minSpanY > 0) {
                minSpanX = item.minSpanX;
                minSpanY = item.minSpanY;
            int[] resultSpan = new int[2];
            mTargetCell = cellLayout.createArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], minSpanX, minSpanY, info.spanX, info.spanY, null, mTargetCell, resultSpan, CellLayout.MODE_ON_DROP_EXTERNAL);
            if (resultSpan[0] != item.spanX || resultSpan[1] != item.spanY) {
                updateWidgetSize = true;
            item.spanX = resultSpan[0];
            item.spanY = resultSpan[1];
        Runnable onAnimationCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                // widgets/shortcuts/folders in a slightly different way
                switch(pendingInfo.itemType) {
                    case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET:
                        int[] span = new int[2];
                        span[0] = item.spanX;
                        span[1] = item.spanY;
                        mLauncher.addAppWidgetFromDrop((PendingAddWidgetInfo) pendingInfo, container, screen, mTargetCell, span, null);
                    case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
                        mLauncher.processShortcutFromDrop(pendingInfo.componentName, container, screen, mTargetCell, null);
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item type: " + pendingInfo.itemType);
        View finalView = pendingInfo.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET ? ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) pendingInfo).boundWidget : null;
        if (finalView instanceof AppWidgetHostView && updateWidgetSize) {
            AppWidgetHostView awhv = (AppWidgetHostView) finalView;
            AppWidgetResizeFrame.updateWidgetSizeRanges(awhv, mLauncher, item.spanX, item.spanY);
        int animationStyle = ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_DISAPPEAR;
        if (pendingInfo.itemType == LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPWIDGET && ((PendingAddWidgetInfo) pendingInfo).info.configure != null) {
            animationStyle = ANIMATE_INTO_POSITION_AND_REMAIN;
        animateWidgetDrop(info, cellLayout, d.dragView, onAnimationCompleteRunnable, animationStyle, finalView, true);
    } else {
        // This is for other drag/drop cases, like dragging from All Apps
        View view = null;
        switch(info.itemType) {
            case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_APPLICATION:
            case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT:
                if (info.container == NO_ID && info instanceof ApplicationInfo) {
                    // Came from all apps -- make a copy
                    info = new ShortcutInfo((ApplicationInfo) info);
                view = mLauncher.createShortcut(R.layout.application, cellLayout, (ShortcutInfo) info);
            case LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER:
                view = FolderIcon.fromXml(R.layout.folder_icon, mLauncher, cellLayout, (FolderInfo) info, mIconCache);
                throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown item type: " + info.itemType);
        // dropped, without any consideration to whether there is an item there.
        if (touchXY != null) {
            mTargetCell = findNearestArea((int) touchXY[0], (int) touchXY[1], spanX, spanY, cellLayout, mTargetCell);
            float distance = cellLayout.getDistanceFromCell(mDragViewVisualCenter[0], mDragViewVisualCenter[1], mTargetCell);
            d.postAnimationRunnable = exitSpringLoadedRunnable;
            if (createUserFolderIfNecessary(view, container, cellLayout, mTargetCell, distance, true, d.dragView, d.postAnimationRunnable)) {
            if (addToExistingFolderIfNecessary(view, cellLayout, mTargetCell, distance, d, true)) {
        if (touchXY != null) {
            // when dragging and dropping, just find the closest free spot
            mTargetCell = cellLayout.createArea((int) mDragViewVisualCenter[0], (int) mDragViewVisualCenter[1], 1, 1, 1, 1, null, mTargetCell, null, CellLayout.MODE_ON_DROP_EXTERNAL);
        } else {
            cellLayout.findCellForSpan(mTargetCell, 1, 1);
        addInScreen(view, container, screen, mTargetCell[0], mTargetCell[1], info.spanX, info.spanY, insertAtFirst);
        CellLayout.LayoutParams lp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
        LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase(mLauncher, info, container, screen, lp.cellX, lp.cellY);
        if (d.dragView != null) {
            // We wrap the animation call in the temporary set and reset of the current
            // cellLayout to its final transform -- this means we animate the drag view to
            // the correct final location.
            mLauncher.getDragLayer().animateViewIntoPosition(d.dragView, view, exitSpringLoadedRunnable);
Also used : ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView) Point( AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView)

Example 23 with AppWidgetHostView

use of android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView in project android_packages_apps_Launcher2 by CyanogenMod.

the class LauncherTransitionable method addAppWidgetFromDrop.

     * Process a widget drop.
     * @param info The PendingAppWidgetInfo of the widget being added.
     * @param screen The screen where it should be added
     * @param cell The cell it should be added to, optional
     * @param position The location on the screen where it was dropped, optional
void addAppWidgetFromDrop(PendingAddWidgetInfo info, long container, int screen, int[] cell, int[] span, int[] loc) {
    mPendingAddInfo.container = info.container = container;
    mPendingAddInfo.screen = info.screen = screen;
    mPendingAddInfo.dropPos = loc;
    mPendingAddInfo.minSpanX = info.minSpanX;
    mPendingAddInfo.minSpanY = info.minSpanY;
    if (cell != null) {
        mPendingAddInfo.cellX = cell[0];
        mPendingAddInfo.cellY = cell[1];
    if (span != null) {
        mPendingAddInfo.spanX = span[0];
        mPendingAddInfo.spanY = span[1];
    AppWidgetHostView hostView = info.boundWidget;
    int appWidgetId;
    if (hostView != null) {
        appWidgetId = hostView.getAppWidgetId();
        addAppWidgetImpl(appWidgetId, info, hostView,;
    } else {
        // In this case, we either need to start an activity to get permission to bind
        // the widget, or we need to start an activity to configure the widget, or both.
        appWidgetId = getAppWidgetHost().allocateAppWidgetId();
        Bundle options = info.bindOptions;
        boolean success = false;
        if (options != null) {
            success = mAppWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(appWidgetId, info.componentName, options);
        } else {
            success = mAppWidgetManager.bindAppWidgetIdIfAllowed(appWidgetId, info.componentName);
        if (success) {
            addAppWidgetImpl(appWidgetId, info, null,;
        } else {
            mPendingAddWidgetInfo =;
            Intent intent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_BIND);
            intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
            intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_PROVIDER, info.componentName);
            // TODO: we need to make sure that this accounts for the options bundle.
            // intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_OPTIONS, options);
            startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_BIND_APPWIDGET);
Also used : AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) Bundle(android.os.Bundle) Intent(android.content.Intent) RecognizerIntent(android.speech.RecognizerIntent)

Example 24 with AppWidgetHostView

use of android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class AppWidgetHostActivity method addAppWidgetView.

void addAppWidgetView(int appWidgetId, AppWidgetProviderInfo appWidget) {
    // Inflate the AppWidget's RemoteViews
    AppWidgetHostView view = mHost.createView(this, appWidgetId, appWidget);
    // Add it to the list
    LinearLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LinearLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LinearLayout.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);
    mAppWidgetContainer.addView(view, layoutParams);
Also used : AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) LinearLayout(android.widget.LinearLayout)

Example 25 with AppWidgetHostView

use of android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView in project ADWLauncher2 by boombuler.

the class WidgetCellLayout method onViewportOut.

     * Called when this cell layout get into the viewport
public void onViewportOut() {
    View child;
    AppWidgetHostView widgetView;
    AppWidgetProviderInfo widgetInfo;
    Intent intent;
    for (int i = this.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        try {
            child = this.getChildAt(i);
            if (child instanceof AppWidgetHostView) {
                widgetView = ((AppWidgetHostView) child);
                // Stop all animations in the view
                // Notify the widget provider
                widgetInfo = widgetView.getAppWidgetInfo();
                int appWidgetId = widgetView.getAppWidgetId();
                intent = new Intent(LauncherIntent.Notification.NOTIFICATION_OUT_VIEWPORT).setComponent(widgetInfo.provider);
                intent.putExtra(LauncherIntent.Extra.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
                intent.putExtra(AppWidgetManager.EXTRA_APPWIDGET_ID, appWidgetId);
        } catch (Exception e) {
        // LauncherApplication.reportExceptionStack(e);
Also used : AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) AppWidgetProviderInfo(android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo) LauncherIntent( Intent(android.content.Intent) AppWidgetHostView(android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView) ImageView(android.widget.ImageView) View(android.view.View)


AppWidgetHostView (android.appwidget.AppWidgetHostView)45 AppWidgetProviderInfo (android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo)18 Point ( View (android.view.View)10 Context (android.content.Context)6 Intent (android.content.Intent)6 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)6 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)6 TextView (android.widget.TextView)6 AppWidgetHost (android.appwidget.AppWidgetHost)5 LinearLayout (android.widget.LinearLayout)5 Test (org.junit.Test)5 Rect ( Resources (android.content.res.Resources)3 Bitmap ( RecognizerIntent (android.speech.RecognizerIntent)3 LauncherIntent ( SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)2 NameNotFoundException ( Paint (