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Example 1 with RecognizerIntent

use of android.speech.RecognizerIntent in project AndroidChromium by JackyAndroid.

the class FeatureUtilities method isRecognitionIntentPresent.

     * Determines whether or not the {@link RecognizerIntent#ACTION_WEB_SEARCH} {@link Intent}
     * is handled by any {@link}s in the system.  The result will be cached for
     * future calls.  Passing {@code false} to {@code useCachedValue} will force it to re-query any
     * {@link}s that can process the {@link Intent}.
     * @param context        The {@link Context} to use to check to see if the {@link Intent} will
     *                       be handled.
     * @param useCachedValue Whether or not to use the cached value from a previous result.
     * @return {@code true} if recognition is supported.  {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean isRecognitionIntentPresent(Context context, boolean useCachedValue) {
    if (sHasRecognitionIntentHandler == null || !useCachedValue) {
        PackageManager pm = context.getPackageManager();
        List<ResolveInfo> activities = pm.queryIntentActivities(new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH), 0);
        sHasRecognitionIntentHandler = activities.size() > 0;
    return sHasRecognitionIntentHandler;
Also used : ResolveInfo( PackageManager( Intent(android.content.Intent) RecognizerIntent(android.speech.RecognizerIntent)


Intent (android.content.Intent)1 PackageManager ( ResolveInfo ( RecognizerIntent (android.speech.RecognizerIntent)1