use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageManagerService method findPreferredActivity.
// TODO: handle preferred activities missing while user has amnesia
ResolveInfo findPreferredActivity(Intent intent, String resolvedType, int flags, List<ResolveInfo> query, int priority, boolean always, boolean removeMatches, boolean debug, int userId) {
if (!sUserManager.exists(userId))
return null;
flags = updateFlagsForResolve(flags, userId, intent);
// writer
synchronized (mPackages) {
if (intent.getSelector() != null) {
intent = intent.getSelector();
// Try to find a matching persistent preferred activity.
ResolveInfo pri = findPersistentPreferredActivityLP(intent, resolvedType, flags, query, debug, userId);
// If a persistent preferred activity matched, use it.
if (pri != null) {
return pri;
PreferredIntentResolver pir = mSettings.mPreferredActivities.get(userId);
// Get the list of preferred activities that handle the intent
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Looking for preferred activities...");
List<PreferredActivity> prefs = pir != null ? pir.queryIntent(intent, resolvedType, (flags & PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY) != 0, userId) : null;
if (prefs != null && prefs.size() > 0) {
boolean changed = false;
try {
// First figure out how good the original match set is.
// We will only allow preferred activities that came
// from the same match quality.
int match = 0;
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Figuring out best match...");
final int N = query.size();
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
final ResolveInfo ri = query.get(j);
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Match for " + ri.activityInfo + ": 0x" + Integer.toHexString(match));
if (ri.match > match) {
match = ri.match;
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Best match: 0x" + Integer.toHexString(match));
match &= IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_MASK;
final int M = prefs.size();
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
final PreferredActivity pa = prefs.get(i);
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug) {
Slog.v(TAG, "Checking PreferredActivity ds=" + (pa.countDataSchemes() > 0 ? pa.getDataScheme(0) : "<none>") + "\n component=" + pa.mPref.mComponent);
pa.dump(new LogPrinter(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM), " ");
if (pa.mPref.mMatch != match) {
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Skipping bad match " + Integer.toHexString(pa.mPref.mMatch));
// looking for, skip it.
if (always && !pa.mPref.mAlways) {
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Skipping mAlways=false entry");
final ActivityInfo ai = getActivityInfo(pa.mPref.mComponent, flags | MATCH_DISABLED_COMPONENTS | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE, userId);
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug) {
Slog.v(TAG, "Found preferred activity:");
if (ai != null) {
ai.dump(new LogPrinter(Log.VERBOSE, TAG, Log.LOG_ID_SYSTEM), " ");
} else {
Slog.v(TAG, " null");
if (ai == null) {
// This previously registered preferred activity
// component is no longer known. Most likely an update
// to the app was installed and in the new version this
// component no longer exists. Clean it up by removing
// it from the preferred activities list, and skip it.
Slog.w(TAG, "Removing dangling preferred activity: " + pa.mPref.mComponent);
changed = true;
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
final ResolveInfo ri = query.get(j);
if (!ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName.equals(ai.applicationInfo.packageName)) {
if (! {
if (removeMatches) {
changed = true;
Slog.v(TAG, "Removing match " + pa.mPref.mComponent);
// user their preference, if we're looking for an "always" type entry.
if (always && !pa.mPref.sameSet(query)) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Result set changed, dropping preferred activity for " + intent + " type " + resolvedType);
Slog.v(TAG, "Removing preferred activity since set changed " + pa.mPref.mComponent);
// Re-add the filter as a "last chosen" entry (!always)
PreferredActivity lastChosen = new PreferredActivity(pa, pa.mPref.mMatch, null, pa.mPref.mComponent, false);
changed = true;
return null;
// Yay! Either the set matched or we're looking for the last chosen
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "Returning preferred activity: " + ri.activityInfo.packageName + "/" +;
return ri;
} finally {
if (changed) {
Slog.v(TAG, "Preferred activity bookkeeping changed; writing restrictions");
if (DEBUG_PREFERRED || debug)
Slog.v(TAG, "No preferred activity to return");
return null;
use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageManagerService method allHavePackage.
* Return true if the given list is not empty and all of its contents have
* an activityInfo with the given package name.
private boolean allHavePackage(List<ResolveInfo> list, String packageName) {
if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(list)) {
return false;
for (int i = 0, N = list.size(); i < N; i++) {
final ResolveInfo ri = list.get(i);
final ActivityInfo ai = ri != null ? ri.activityInfo : null;
if (ai == null || !packageName.equals(ai.packageName)) {
return false;
return true;
use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageManagerService method getRequiredButNotReallyRequiredVerifierLPr.
private String getRequiredButNotReallyRequiredVerifierLPr() {
final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PACKAGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION);
final List<ResolveInfo> matches = queryIntentReceiversInternal(intent, PACKAGE_MIME_TYPE, MATCH_SYSTEM_ONLY | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE | MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
if (matches.size() == 1) {
return matches.get(0).getComponentInfo().packageName;
} else if (matches.size() == 0) {
Log.e(TAG, "There should probably be a verifier, but, none were found");
return null;
throw new RuntimeException("There must be exactly one verifier; found " + matches);
use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageManagerShellCommand method runQueryIntentActivities.
private int runQueryIntentActivities() {
Intent intent;
try {
intent = parseIntentAndUser();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
try {
List<ResolveInfo> result = mInterface.queryIntentActivities(intent, null, 0, mTargetUser).getList();
PrintWriter pw = getOutPrintWriter();
if (result == null || result.size() <= 0) {
pw.println("No activities found");
} else {
if (!mComponents) {
pw.println(" activities found:");
PrintWriterPrinter pr = new PrintWriterPrinter(pw);
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
pw.print(" Activity #");
printResolveInfo(pr, " ", result.get(i), mBrief, mComponents);
} else {
PrintWriterPrinter pr = new PrintWriterPrinter(pw);
for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {
printResolveInfo(pr, "", result.get(i), mBrief, mComponents);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed calling service", e);
return 0;
use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class PackageManagerService method setHomeActivity.
public void setHomeActivity(ComponentName comp, int userId) {
ArrayList<ResolveInfo> homeActivities = new ArrayList<>();
getHomeActivitiesAsUser(homeActivities, userId);
boolean found = false;
final int size = homeActivities.size();
final ComponentName[] set = new ComponentName[size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
final ResolveInfo candidate = homeActivities.get(i);
final ActivityInfo info = candidate.activityInfo;
final ComponentName activityName = new ComponentName(info.packageName,;
set[i] = activityName;
if (!found && activityName.equals(comp)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Component " + comp + " cannot be home on user " + userId);
replacePreferredActivity(getHomeFilter(), IntentFilter.MATCH_CATEGORY_EMPTY, set, comp, userId);