use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class AppWidgetServiceImpl method getProviderInfo.
private ActivityInfo getProviderInfo(ComponentName componentName, int userId) {
Intent intent = new Intent(AppWidgetManager.ACTION_APPWIDGET_UPDATE);
List<ResolveInfo> receivers = queryIntentReceivers(intent, userId);
// We are setting component, so there is only one or none.
if (!receivers.isEmpty()) {
return receivers.get(0).activityInfo;
return null;
use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class AccessibilityManagerService method updateLegacyCapabilitiesLocked.
private void updateLegacyCapabilitiesLocked(UserState userState) {
// Up to JB-MR1 we had a white list with services that can enable touch
// exploration. When a service is first started we show a dialog to the
// use to get a permission to white list the service.
final int installedServiceCount = userState.mInstalledServices.size();
for (int i = 0; i < installedServiceCount; i++) {
AccessibilityServiceInfo serviceInfo = userState.mInstalledServices.get(i);
ResolveInfo resolveInfo = serviceInfo.getResolveInfo();
if ((serviceInfo.getCapabilities() & AccessibilityServiceInfo.CAPABILITY_CAN_REQUEST_TOUCH_EXPLORATION) == 0 && resolveInfo.serviceInfo.applicationInfo.targetSdkVersion <= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) {
ComponentName componentName = new ComponentName(resolveInfo.serviceInfo.packageName,;
if (userState.mTouchExplorationGrantedServices.contains(componentName)) {
serviceInfo.setCapabilities(serviceInfo.getCapabilities() | AccessibilityServiceInfo.CAPABILITY_CAN_REQUEST_TOUCH_EXPLORATION);
use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class ActiveServices method retrieveServiceLocked.
private ServiceLookupResult retrieveServiceLocked(Intent service, String resolvedType, String callingPackage, int callingPid, int callingUid, int userId, boolean createIfNeeded, boolean callingFromFg, boolean isBindExternal) {
ServiceRecord r = null;
Slog.v(TAG_SERVICE, "retrieveServiceLocked: " + service + " type=" + resolvedType + " callingUid=" + callingUid);
userId = mAm.mUserController.handleIncomingUser(callingPid, callingUid, userId, false, ActivityManagerService.ALLOW_NON_FULL_IN_PROFILE, "service", null);
ServiceMap smap = getServiceMap(userId);
final ComponentName comp = service.getComponent();
if (comp != null) {
r = smap.mServicesByName.get(comp);
if (r == null && !isBindExternal) {
Intent.FilterComparison filter = new Intent.FilterComparison(service);
r = smap.mServicesByIntent.get(filter);
if (r != null && (r.serviceInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_SERVICE) != 0 && !callingPackage.equals(r.packageName)) {
// If an external service is running within its own package, other packages
// should not bind to that instance.
r = null;
if (r == null) {
try {
// TODO: come back and remove this assumption to triage all services
ResolveInfo rInfo = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().resolveService(service, resolvedType, ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS | PackageManager.MATCH_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, userId);
ServiceInfo sInfo = rInfo != null ? rInfo.serviceInfo : null;
if (sInfo == null) {
Slog.w(TAG_SERVICE, "Unable to start service " + service + " U=" + userId + ": not found");
return null;
ComponentName name = new ComponentName(sInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,;
if ((sInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_SERVICE) != 0) {
if (isBindExternal) {
if (!sInfo.exported) {
throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + name + " is not exported");
if ((sInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_ISOLATED_PROCESS) == 0) {
throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + name + " is not an isolatedProcess");
// Run the service under the calling package's application.
ApplicationInfo aInfo = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(callingPackage, ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS, userId);
if (aInfo == null) {
throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + "could not resolve client package " + callingPackage);
sInfo = new ServiceInfo(sInfo);
sInfo.applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo(sInfo.applicationInfo);
sInfo.applicationInfo.packageName = aInfo.packageName;
sInfo.applicationInfo.uid = aInfo.uid;
name = new ComponentName(aInfo.packageName, name.getClassName());
} else {
throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE required for " + name);
} else if (isBindExternal) {
throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + name + " is not an externalService");
if (userId > 0) {
if (mAm.isSingleton(sInfo.processName, sInfo.applicationInfo,, sInfo.flags) && mAm.isValidSingletonCall(callingUid, sInfo.applicationInfo.uid)) {
userId = 0;
smap = getServiceMap(0);
sInfo = new ServiceInfo(sInfo);
sInfo.applicationInfo = mAm.getAppInfoForUser(sInfo.applicationInfo, userId);
r = smap.mServicesByName.get(name);
if (r == null && createIfNeeded) {
Intent.FilterComparison filter = new Intent.FilterComparison(service.cloneFilter());
ServiceRestarter res = new ServiceRestarter();
BatteryStatsImpl.Uid.Pkg.Serv ss = null;
BatteryStatsImpl stats = mAm.mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics();
synchronized (stats) {
ss = stats.getServiceStatsLocked(sInfo.applicationInfo.uid, sInfo.packageName,;
r = new ServiceRecord(mAm, ss, name, filter, sInfo, callingFromFg, res);
smap.mServicesByName.put(name, r);
smap.mServicesByIntent.put(filter, r);
// Make sure this component isn't in the pending list.
for (int i = mPendingServices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ServiceRecord pr = mPendingServices.get(i);
if (pr.serviceInfo.applicationInfo.uid == sInfo.applicationInfo.uid && {
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
// pm is in same process, this will never happen.
if (r != null) {
if (mAm.checkComponentPermission(r.permission, callingPid, callingUid, r.appInfo.uid, r.exported) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
if (!r.exported) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Permission Denial: Accessing service " + + " from pid=" + callingPid + ", uid=" + callingUid + " that is not exported from uid " + r.appInfo.uid);
return new ServiceLookupResult(null, "not exported from uid " + r.appInfo.uid);
Slog.w(TAG, "Permission Denial: Accessing service " + + " from pid=" + callingPid + ", uid=" + callingUid + " requires " + r.permission);
return new ServiceLookupResult(null, r.permission);
} else if (r.permission != null && callingPackage != null) {
final int opCode = AppOpsManager.permissionToOpCode(r.permission);
if (opCode != AppOpsManager.OP_NONE && mAm.mAppOpsService.noteOperation(opCode, callingUid, callingPackage) != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Appop Denial: Accessing service " + + " from pid=" + callingPid + ", uid=" + callingUid + " requires appop " + AppOpsManager.opToName(opCode));
return null;
if (!mAm.mIntentFirewall.checkService(, service, callingUid, callingPid, resolvedType, r.appInfo)) {
return null;
return new ServiceLookupResult(r, null);
return null;
use of in project httpclient by pixmob.
the class ActionMenu method addIntentOptions.
public int addIntentOptions(int groupId, int itemId, int order, ComponentName caller, Intent[] specifics, Intent intent, int flags, MenuItem[] outSpecificItems) {
PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
final List<ResolveInfo> lri = pm.queryIntentActivityOptions(caller, specifics, intent, 0);
final int N = lri != null ? lri.size() : 0;
if ((flags & FLAG_APPEND_TO_GROUP) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
final ResolveInfo ri = lri.get(i);
Intent rintent = new Intent(ri.specificIndex < 0 ? intent : specifics[ri.specificIndex]);
rintent.setComponent(new ComponentName(ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,;
final MenuItem item = add(groupId, itemId, order, ri.loadLabel(pm)).setIcon(ri.loadIcon(pm)).setIntent(rintent);
if (outSpecificItems != null && ri.specificIndex >= 0) {
outSpecificItems[ri.specificIndex] = item;
return N;
use of in project httpclient by pixmob.
the class MenuBuilder method addIntentOptions.
public int addIntentOptions(int group, int id, int categoryOrder, ComponentName caller, Intent[] specifics, Intent intent, int flags, MenuItem[] outSpecificItems) {
PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
final List<ResolveInfo> lri = pm.queryIntentActivityOptions(caller, specifics, intent, 0);
final int N = lri != null ? lri.size() : 0;
if ((flags & FLAG_APPEND_TO_GROUP) == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
final ResolveInfo ri = lri.get(i);
Intent rintent = new Intent(ri.specificIndex < 0 ? intent : specifics[ri.specificIndex]);
rintent.setComponent(new ComponentName(ri.activityInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,;
final MenuItem item = add(group, id, categoryOrder, ri.loadLabel(pm)).setIcon(ri.loadIcon(pm)).setIntent(rintent);
if (outSpecificItems != null && ri.specificIndex >= 0) {
outSpecificItems[ri.specificIndex] = item;
return N;