use of in project j2objc by google.
the class AstroTest method TestCoverage.
public void TestCoverage() {
GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(1958, Calendar.AUGUST, 15);
Date then = cal.getTime();
CalendarAstronomer myastro = new CalendarAstronomer(then);
// Latitude: 34 degrees 05' North
// Longitude: 118 degrees 22' West
double laLat = 34 + 5d / 60, laLong = 360 - (118 + 22d / 60);
CalendarAstronomer myastro2 = new CalendarAstronomer(laLong, laLat);
double eclLat = laLat * Math.PI / 360;
double eclLong = laLong * Math.PI / 360;
Ecliptic ecl = new Ecliptic(eclLat, eclLong);
logln("ecliptic: " + ecl);
CalendarAstronomer myastro3 = new CalendarAstronomer();
myastro3.setJulianDay((4713 + 2000) * 365.25);
CalendarAstronomer[] astronomers = { // check cache
myastro, // check cache
myastro2, // check cache
myastro3, // check cache
myastro2 };
for (int i = 0; i < astronomers.length; ++i) {
CalendarAstronomer astro = astronomers[i];
logln("astro: " + astro);
logln(" time: " + astro.getTime());
logln(" date: " + astro.getDate());
logln(" cent: " + astro.getJulianCentury());
logln(" gw sidereal: " + astro.getGreenwichSidereal());
logln(" loc sidereal: " + astro.getLocalSidereal());
logln(" equ ecl: " + astro.eclipticToEquatorial(ecl));
logln(" equ long: " + astro.eclipticToEquatorial(eclLong));
logln(" horiz: " + astro.eclipticToHorizon(eclLong));
logln(" sunrise: " + new Date(astro.getSunRiseSet(true)));
logln(" sunset: " + new Date(astro.getSunRiseSet(false)));
logln(" moon phase: " + astro.getMoonPhase());
logln(" moonrise: " + new Date(astro.getMoonRiseSet(true)));
logln(" moonset: " + new Date(astro.getMoonRiseSet(false)));
logln(" prev summer solstice: " + new Date(astro.getSunTime(CalendarAstronomer.SUMMER_SOLSTICE, false)));
logln(" next summer solstice: " + new Date(astro.getSunTime(CalendarAstronomer.SUMMER_SOLSTICE, true)));
logln(" prev full moon: " + new Date(astro.getMoonTime(CalendarAstronomer.FULL_MOON, false)));
logln(" next full moon: " + new Date(astro.getMoonTime(CalendarAstronomer.FULL_MOON, true)));