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the class ICUDurationTest method TestSimpleXMLDuration.
public void TestSimpleXMLDuration() {
Duration d;
DurationFormat df;
String out;
String expected;
String expected2;
// test 1
// "PT2H46M40S"
d = newDuration(1, 2, 46, 40);
df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("en"));
expected = "2 hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds";
out = df.format(d);
if (out.equals(expected)) {
logln("out=expected: " + expected + " from " + d);
} else {
errln("FAIL: got " + out + " wanted " + expected + " from " + d);
// test 2
d = newDuration(10000);
df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("en"));
expected = "10 seconds";
out = df.format(d);
if (out.equals(expected)) {
logln("out=expected: " + expected + " from " + d);
} else {
errln("FAIL: got " + out + " wanted " + expected + " from " + d);
// test 3
// "P0DT0H0M10.0S"
d = newDuration(1, 0, 0, 0, 10);
df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("en"));
expected = "10 seconds";
out = df.format(d);
if (out.equals(expected)) {
logln("out=expected: " + expected + " from " + d);
} else {
errln("FAIL: got " + out + " wanted " + expected + " from " + d);
// test 4
d = newDuration(86400000);
df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("en"));
expected = "1 day, 0 hours, 0 minutes, and 0 seconds";
// This is the expected result for Windows with IBM JRE6
expected2 = "1 day and 0 seconds";
out = df.format(d);
if (out.equals(expected)) {
logln("out=expected: " + expected + " from " + d);
} else {
if (out.equals(expected2)) {
logln("WARNING: got " + out + " wanted " + expected + " from " + d);
} else {
errln("FAIL: got " + out + " wanted " + expected + " from " + d);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class ICUDurationTest method TestXMLDuration.
public void TestXMLDuration() {
final class TestCase {
final String localeString;
final ULocale locale;
final String durationString;
final Duration duration;
final String expected;
TestCase(String loc, String ds, Duration d, String exp) {
localeString = loc;
locale = new ULocale(loc);
durationString = ds;
duration = d;
expected = exp;
TestCase[] cases = { new TestCase("en", "PT10.00099S", newDuration(1, 10.00099F), "10 seconds"), new TestCase("en", "#10000", newDuration(10000), "10 seconds"), new TestCase("en", "-PT10.00099S", newDuration(-1, 10.00099F), "10 seconds"), new TestCase("en", "#-10000", newDuration(-10000), "10 seconds"), // from BD req's
new TestCase("en", "PT2H46M40S", newDuration(1, 2, 46, 40), "2 hours, 46 minutes, and 40 seconds"), new TestCase("it", "PT2H46M40S", newDuration(1, 2, 46, 40), "due ore, 46 minuti e 40 secondi"), // more cases
new TestCase("en", "PT10S", newDuration(1, 10), "10 seconds"), new TestCase("en", "PT88M70S", newDuration(1, -1, 88, 70), "88 minutes and 70 seconds"), new TestCase("en", "PT10.100S", newDuration(1, 10.100F), "10 seconds and 100 milliseconds"), new TestCase("en", "-PT10S", newDuration(-1, 10), "10 seconds"), new TestCase("en", "PT0H5M0S", newDuration(1, 0, 5, 0), "5 minutes and 0 seconds") };
for (TestCase tc : cases) {
String loc = tc.localeString;
String from = tc.durationString;
String to = tc.expected;
ULocale locale = tc.locale;
Duration d = tc.duration;
DurationFormat df = DurationFormat.getInstance(locale);
String output = df.format(d);
if (output.equals(to)) {
logln("SUCCESS: locale: " + loc + ", from " + from + " [" + d.toString() + "] " + " to " + to + "= " + output);
} else {
logln("FAIL: locale: " + loc + ", from " + from + " [" + d.toString() + "] " + ": expected " + to + " got " + output);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class ICUDurationTest method TestBasics.
* Basic test
public void TestBasics() {
DurationFormat df;
String expect;
String formatted;
df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("it"));
formatted = df.formatDurationFromNow(4096);
expect = "fra quattro secondi";
if (!expect.equals(formatted)) {
errln("Expected " + expect + " but got " + formatted);
} else {
logln("format duration -> " + formatted);
formatted = df.formatDurationFromNowTo(new Date(0));
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
// year of Date(0)
int years = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1970;
expect = years + " anni fa";
if (!expect.equals(formatted)) {
errln("Expected " + expect + " but got " + formatted);
} else {
logln("format date -> " + formatted);
formatted = df.formatDurationFrom(1000 * 3600 * 24, new Date(0).getTime());
expect = "fra un giorno";
if (!expect.equals(formatted)) {
errln("Expected " + expect + " but got " + formatted);
} else {
logln("format date from -> " + formatted);
formatted = df.format(new Long(1000 * 3600 * 24 * 2));
expect = "fra due giorni";
if (!expect.equals(formatted)) {
errln("Expected " + expect + " but got " + formatted);
} else {
logln("format long obj -> " + formatted);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class ICUDurationTest method TestBadLocaleError.
public void TestBadLocaleError() {
try {
DurationFormat df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("und"));
df.format(new Date());
logln("Should have thrown err.");
errln("failed, should have thrown err.");
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
logln("PASS: caught missing resource exception on locale 'und'");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class ICUDurationTest method TestBadObjectError.
public void TestBadObjectError() {
Runtime r = Runtime.getRuntime();
DurationFormat df = DurationFormat.getInstance(new ULocale("en"));
String output = null;
try {
output = df.format(r);
errln("FAIL: did NOT get IllegalArgumentException! Should have. Formatted Runtime as " + output + " ???");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logln("PASS: expected: Caught iae: " + iae.toString());
// try a second time, because it is a different code path for java < 1.5
try {
output = df.format(r);
errln("FAIL: [#2] did NOT get IllegalArgumentException! Should have. Formatted Runtime as " + output + " ???");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
logln("PASS: [#2] expected: Caught iae: " + iae.toString());