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the class NumberFormatTest method TestSecondaryGrouping.
* Test the functioning of the secondary grouping value.
public void TestSecondaryGrouping() {
DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#,##,###", US);
expect(f, 123456789L, "12,34,56,789");
expectPat(f, "#,##,###");
expect(f, 123456789L, "12,3456,789");
expectPat(f, "#,####,###");
NumberFormat g = NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("hi", "IN"));
String out = "";
long l = 1876543210L;
out = g.format(l);
// expect "1,87,65,43,210", but with Hindi digits
// 01234567890123
boolean ok = true;
if (out.length() != 14) {
ok = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < out.length(); ++i) {
boolean expectGroup = false;
switch(i) {
case 1:
case 4:
case 7:
case 10:
expectGroup = true;
// Later -- fix this to get the actual grouping
// character from the resource bundle.
boolean isGroup = (out.charAt(i) == 0x002C);
if (isGroup != expectGroup) {
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
errln("FAIL Expected " + l + " x hi_IN . \"1,87,65,43,210\" (with Hindi digits), got \"" + out + "\"");
} else {
logln("Ok " + l + " x hi_IN . \"" + out + "\"");
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the class NumberFormatTest method Test6816.
public void Test6816() {
Currency cur1 = Currency.getInstance(new Locale("und", "PH"));
NumberFormat nfmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new Locale("und", "PH"));
DecimalFormatSymbols decsym = ((DecimalFormat) nfmt).getDecimalFormatSymbols();
Currency cur2 = decsym.getCurrency();
if (!cur1.getCurrencyCode().equals("PHP") || !cur2.getCurrencyCode().equals("PHP")) {
errln("FAIL: Currencies should match PHP: cur1 = " + cur1.getCurrencyCode() + "; cur2 = " + cur2.getCurrencyCode());
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the class NumberFormatTest method TestPatterns.
// Test various patterns
public void TestPatterns() {
DecimalFormatSymbols sym = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
final String[] pat = { "#.#", "#.", ".#", "#" };
int pat_length = pat.length;
final String[] newpat = { "#0.#", "#0.", "#.0", "#" };
final String[] num = { "0", "0.", ".0", "0" };
for (int i = 0; i < pat_length; ++i) {
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat(pat[i], sym);
String newp = fmt.toPattern();
if (!newp.equals(newpat[i]))
errln("FAIL: Pattern " + pat[i] + " should transmute to " + newpat[i] + "; " + newp + " seen instead");
String s = ((NumberFormat) fmt).format(0);
if (!s.equals(num[i])) {
errln("FAIL: Pattern " + pat[i] + " should format zero as " + num[i] + "; " + s + " seen instead");
logln("Min integer digits = " + fmt.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
// BigInteger 0 - ticket#4731
s = ((NumberFormat) fmt).format(BigInteger.ZERO);
if (!s.equals(num[i])) {
errln("FAIL: Pattern " + pat[i] + " should format BigInteger zero as " + num[i] + "; " + s + " seen instead");
logln("Min integer digits = " + fmt.getMinimumIntegerDigits());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class NumberFormatTest method TestCurrencyKeyword.
public void TestCurrencyKeyword() {
ULocale locale = new ULocale("th_TH@currency=QQQ");
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
String result = format.format(12.34f);
if (!"QQQ12.34".equals(result)) {
errln("got unexpected currency: " + result);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class NumberFormatTest method TestNPEIssue11914.
// Testing for Issue 11914, missing FieldPositions for some field types.
public void TestNPEIssue11914() {
// First test: Double value with grouping separators.
List<FieldContainer> v1 = new ArrayList<FieldContainer>(7);
v1.add(new FieldContainer(0, 3, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v1.add(new FieldContainer(3, 4, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v1.add(new FieldContainer(4, 7, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v1.add(new FieldContainer(7, 8, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v1.add(new FieldContainer(8, 11, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v1.add(new FieldContainer(11, 12, NumberFormat.Field.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR));
v1.add(new FieldContainer(12, 15, NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION));
Number number = new Double(123456789.9753);
ULocale usLoc = new ULocale("en-US");
DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(usLoc);
NumberFormat outFmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(usLoc);
String numFmtted = outFmt.format(number);
AttributedCharacterIterator iterator = outFmt.formatToCharacterIterator(number);
CompareAttributedCharacterFormatOutput(iterator, v1, numFmtted);
// Second test: Double with scientific notation formatting.
List<FieldContainer> v2 = new ArrayList<FieldContainer>(7);
v2.add(new FieldContainer(0, 1, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v2.add(new FieldContainer(1, 2, NumberFormat.Field.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR));
v2.add(new FieldContainer(2, 5, NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION));
v2.add(new FieldContainer(5, 6, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SYMBOL));
v2.add(new FieldContainer(6, 7, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SIGN));
v2.add(new FieldContainer(7, 8, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT));
DecimalFormat fmt2 = new DecimalFormat("0.###E+0", US);
numFmtted = fmt2.format(number);
iterator = fmt2.formatToCharacterIterator(number);
CompareAttributedCharacterFormatOutput(iterator, v2, numFmtted);
// Third test. BigInteger with grouping separators.
List<FieldContainer> v3 = new ArrayList<FieldContainer>(7);
v3.add(new FieldContainer(0, 1, NumberFormat.Field.SIGN));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(1, 2, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(2, 3, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(3, 6, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(6, 7, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(7, 10, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(10, 11, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(11, 14, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(14, 15, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(15, 18, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(18, 19, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(19, 22, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(22, 23, NumberFormat.Field.GROUPING_SEPARATOR));
v3.add(new FieldContainer(23, 26, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
BigInteger bigNumberInt = new BigInteger("-1234567890246813579");
String fmtNumberBigInt = outFmt.format(bigNumberInt);
iterator = outFmt.formatToCharacterIterator(bigNumberInt);
CompareAttributedCharacterFormatOutput(iterator, v3, fmtNumberBigInt);
// Fourth test: BigDecimal with exponential formatting.
List<FieldContainer> v4 = new ArrayList<FieldContainer>(7);
v4.add(new FieldContainer(0, 1, NumberFormat.Field.SIGN));
v4.add(new FieldContainer(1, 2, NumberFormat.Field.INTEGER));
v4.add(new FieldContainer(2, 3, NumberFormat.Field.DECIMAL_SEPARATOR));
v4.add(new FieldContainer(3, 6, NumberFormat.Field.FRACTION));
v4.add(new FieldContainer(6, 7, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SYMBOL));
v4.add(new FieldContainer(7, 8, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT_SIGN));
v4.add(new FieldContainer(8, 9, NumberFormat.Field.EXPONENT));
java.math.BigDecimal numberBigD = new java.math.BigDecimal(-123456789);
String fmtNumberBigDExp = fmt2.format(numberBigD);
iterator = fmt2.formatToCharacterIterator(numberBigD);
CompareAttributedCharacterFormatOutput(iterator, v4, fmtNumberBigDExp);