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Example 1 with Currency

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class MeasureFormat method formatMeasure.

private StringBuilder formatMeasure(Measure measure, ImmutableNumberFormat nf, StringBuilder appendTo, FieldPosition fieldPosition) {
    Number n = measure.getNumber();
    MeasureUnit unit = measure.getUnit();
    if (unit instanceof Currency) {
        return appendTo.append(currencyFormat.format(new CurrencyAmount(n, (Currency) unit), new StringBuffer(), fieldPosition));
    StringBuffer formattedNumber = new StringBuffer();
    StandardPlural pluralForm = QuantityFormatter.selectPlural(n,, rules, formattedNumber, fieldPosition);
    String formatter = getPluralFormatter(unit, formatWidth, pluralForm.ordinal());
    return QuantityFormatter.format(formatter, formattedNumber, appendTo, fieldPosition);
Also used : MeasureUnit( Currency( StandardPlural( CurrencyAmount(

Example 2 with Currency

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class MeasureFormat method formatMeasureRange.

 * Format a range of measures, such as "3.4-5.1 meters". It is the caller’s
 * responsibility to have the appropriate values in appropriate order,
 * and using the appropriate Number values.
 * <br>Note: If the format doesn’t have enough decimals, or lowValue ≥ highValue,
 * the result will be a degenerate range, like “5-5 meters”.
 * <br>Currency Units are not yet supported.
 * @param lowValue low value in range
 * @param highValue high value in range
 * @return the formatted string.
 * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
 * @hide original deprecated declaration
 * @hide draft / provisional / internal are hidden on Android
public final String formatMeasureRange(Measure lowValue, Measure highValue) {
    MeasureUnit unit = lowValue.getUnit();
    if (!unit.equals(highValue.getUnit())) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Units must match: " + unit + " ≠ " + highValue.getUnit());
    Number lowNumber = lowValue.getNumber();
    Number highNumber = highValue.getNumber();
    final boolean isCurrency = unit instanceof Currency;
    UFieldPosition lowFpos = new UFieldPosition();
    UFieldPosition highFpos = new UFieldPosition();
    StringBuffer lowFormatted = null;
    StringBuffer highFormatted = null;
    if (isCurrency) {
        Currency currency = (Currency) unit;
        int fracDigits = currency.getDefaultFractionDigits();
        int maxFrac =;
        int minFrac =;
        if (fracDigits != maxFrac || fracDigits != minFrac) {
            DecimalFormat currentNumberFormat = (DecimalFormat) numberFormat.get();
            lowFormatted = currentNumberFormat.format(lowNumber, new StringBuffer(), lowFpos);
            highFormatted = currentNumberFormat.format(highNumber, new StringBuffer(), highFpos);
    if (lowFormatted == null) {
        lowFormatted = numberFormat.format(lowNumber, new StringBuffer(), lowFpos);
        highFormatted = numberFormat.format(highNumber, new StringBuffer(), highFpos);
    final double lowDouble = lowNumber.doubleValue();
    String keywordLow = PluralRules.FixedDecimal(lowDouble, lowFpos.getCountVisibleFractionDigits(), lowFpos.getFractionDigits()));
    final double highDouble = highNumber.doubleValue();
    String keywordHigh = PluralRules.FixedDecimal(highDouble, highFpos.getCountVisibleFractionDigits(), highFpos.getFractionDigits()));
    final PluralRanges pluralRanges = Factory.getDefaultFactory().getPluralRanges(getLocale());
    StandardPlural resolvedPlural = pluralRanges.get(StandardPlural.fromString(keywordLow), StandardPlural.fromString(keywordHigh));
    String rangeFormatter = getRangeFormat(getLocale(), formatWidth);
    String formattedNumber = SimpleFormatterImpl.formatCompiledPattern(rangeFormatter, lowFormatted, highFormatted);
    if (isCurrency) {
        // Nasty hack
        // have to call this for the side effect
        Currency currencyUnit = (Currency) unit;
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        appendReplacingCurrency(currencyFormat.getPrefix(lowDouble >= 0), currencyUnit, resolvedPlural, result);
        appendReplacingCurrency(currencyFormat.getSuffix(highDouble >= 0), currencyUnit, resolvedPlural, result);
        return result.toString();
    // StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    // CurrencyAmount currencyLow = (CurrencyAmount) lowValue;
    // CurrencyAmount currencyHigh = (CurrencyAmount) highValue;
    // FieldPosition pos = new FieldPosition(NumberFormat.INTEGER_FIELD);
    // currencyFormat.format(currencyLow, buffer, pos);
    // int startOfInteger = pos.getBeginIndex();
    // StringBuffer buffer2 = new StringBuffer();
    // FieldPosition pos2 = new FieldPosition(0);
    // currencyFormat.format(currencyHigh, buffer2, pos2);
    } else {
        String formatter = getPluralFormatter(lowValue.getUnit(), formatWidth, resolvedPlural.ordinal());
        return SimpleFormatterImpl.formatCompiledPattern(formatter, formattedNumber);
Also used : MeasureUnit( Currency( StandardPlural(

Example 3 with Currency

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DecimalFormat method compareComplexAffix.

 * Returns the length matched by the given affix, or -1 if none.
 * @param affixPat pattern string
 * @param text input text
 * @param pos offset into input at which to begin matching
 * @param type parse against currency type, LONG_NAME only or not.
 * @param currency return value for parsed currency, for generic
 * currency parsing mode, or null for normal parsing.  In generic
 * currency parsing mode, any currency is parsed, not just the
 * currency that this formatter is set to.
 * @return position after the matched text, or -1 if match failure
private int compareComplexAffix(String affixPat, String text, int pos, int type, Currency[] currency) {
    int start = pos;
    for (int i = 0; i < affixPat.length() && pos >= 0; ) {
        char c = affixPat.charAt(i++);
        if (c == QUOTE) {
            for (; ; ) {
                int j = affixPat.indexOf(QUOTE, i);
                if (j == i) {
                    pos = match(text, pos, QUOTE);
                    i = j + 1;
                } else if (j > i) {
                    pos = match(text, pos, affixPat.substring(i, j));
                    i = j + 1;
                    if (i < affixPat.length() && affixPat.charAt(i) == QUOTE) {
                        pos = match(text, pos, QUOTE);
                    // loop again
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // pattern.
                    throw new RuntimeException();
        String affix = null;
        switch(c) {
            case CURRENCY_SIGN:
                // since the currency names in choice format is saved the same way as
                // other currency names, do not need to do currency choice parsing here.
                // the general currency parsing parse against all names, including names
                // in choice format.  assert(currency != null || (getCurrency() != null &&
                // currencyChoice != null));
                boolean intl = i < affixPat.length() && affixPat.charAt(i) == CURRENCY_SIGN;
                if (intl) {
                boolean plural = i < affixPat.length() && affixPat.charAt(i) == CURRENCY_SIGN;
                if (plural) {
                    intl = false;
                // Parse generic currency -- anything for which we have a display name, or
                // any 3-letter ISO code.  Try to parse display name for our locale; first
                // determine our locale.  TODO: use locale in CurrencyPluralInfo
                ULocale uloc = getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
                if (uloc == null) {
                    // applyPattern has been called; use the symbols
                    uloc = symbols.getLocale(ULocale.VALID_LOCALE);
                // Delegate parse of display name => ISO code to Currency
                ParsePosition ppos = new ParsePosition(pos);
                // using Currency.parse to handle mixed style parsing.
                String iso = Currency.parse(uloc, text, type, ppos);
                // If parse succeeds, populate currency[0]
                if (iso != null) {
                    if (currency != null) {
                        currency[0] = Currency.getInstance(iso);
                    } else {
                        // The formatter is currency-style but the client has not requested
                        // the value of the parsed currency. In this case, if that value does
                        // not match the formatter's current value, then the parse fails.
                        Currency effectiveCurr = getEffectiveCurrency();
                        if (iso.compareTo(effectiveCurr.getCurrencyCode()) != 0) {
                            pos = -1;
                    pos = ppos.getIndex();
                } else {
                    pos = -1;
            case PATTERN_PERCENT:
                affix = symbols.getPercentString();
            case PATTERN_PER_MILLE:
                affix = symbols.getPerMillString();
            case PATTERN_PLUS_SIGN:
                affix = symbols.getPlusSignString();
            case PATTERN_MINUS_SIGN:
                affix = symbols.getMinusSignString();
                // fall through to affix != null test, which will fail
        if (affix != null) {
            pos = match(text, pos, affix);
        pos = match(text, pos, c);
        if (PatternProps.isWhiteSpace(c)) {
            i = skipPatternWhiteSpace(affixPat, i);
    return pos - start;
Also used : ULocale( Currency( AttributedString(java.text.AttributedString) ParsePosition(java.text.ParsePosition)

Example 4 with Currency

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DecimalFormat method expandAffix.

 * Expands an affix pattern into an affix string. All characters in the pattern are
 * literal unless bracketed by QUOTEs. The following characters outside QUOTE are
 * CURRENCY_SIGN. If CURRENCY_SIGN is doubled, it is interpreted as an international
 * currency sign. If CURRENCY_SIGN is tripled, it is interpreted as currency plural
 * long names, such as "US Dollars". Any other character outside QUOTE represents
 * itself. Quoted text must be well-formed.
 * This method is used in two distinct ways. First, it is used to expand the stored
 * affix patterns into actual affixes. For this usage, doFormat must be false. Second,
 * it is used to expand the stored affix patterns given a specific number (doFormat ==
 * true), for those rare cases in which a currency format references a ChoiceFormat
 * (e.g., en_IN display name for INR). The number itself is taken from digitList.
 * TODO: There are no currency ChoiceFormat patterns, figure out what is still relevant here.
 * When used in the first way, this method has a side effect: It sets currencyChoice
 * to a ChoiceFormat object, if the currency's display name in this locale is a
 * ChoiceFormat pattern (very rare). It only does this if currencyChoice is null to
 * start with.
 * @param pattern the non-null, possibly empty pattern
 * @param pluralCount the plural count. It is only used for currency plural format. In
 * which case, it is the plural count of the currency amount. For example, in en_US,
 * it is the singular "one", or the plural "other". For all other cases, it is null,
 * and is not being used.
 * @param buffer a scratch StringBuffer; its contents will be lost
// Bug 4212072 [Richard/GCL]
private void expandAffix(String pattern, String pluralCount, StringBuffer buffer) {
    for (int i = 0; i < pattern.length(); ) {
        char c = pattern.charAt(i++);
        if (c == QUOTE) {
            for (; ; ) {
                int j = pattern.indexOf(QUOTE, i);
                if (j == i) {
                    i = j + 1;
                } else if (j > i) {
                    buffer.append(pattern.substring(i, j));
                    i = j + 1;
                    if (i < pattern.length() && pattern.charAt(i) == QUOTE) {
                    // loop again
                    } else {
                } else {
                    // pattern.
                    throw new RuntimeException();
        switch(c) {
            case CURRENCY_SIGN:
                // As of ICU 2.2 we use the currency object, and ignore the currency
                // symbols in the DFS, unless we have a null currency object. This occurs
                // if resurrecting a pre-2.2 object or if the user sets a custom DFS.
                boolean intl = i < pattern.length() && pattern.charAt(i) == CURRENCY_SIGN;
                boolean plural = false;
                if (intl) {
                    if (i < pattern.length() && pattern.charAt(i) == CURRENCY_SIGN) {
                        plural = true;
                        intl = false;
                String s = null;
                Currency currency = getCurrency();
                if (currency != null) {
                    // pluralCount == null, and plural names are not needed.
                    if (plural && pluralCount != null) {
                        s = currency.getName(symbols.getULocale(), Currency.PLURAL_LONG_NAME, pluralCount, null);
                    } else if (!intl) {
                        s = currency.getName(symbols.getULocale(), Currency.SYMBOL_NAME, null);
                    } else {
                        s = currency.getCurrencyCode();
                } else {
                    s = intl ? symbols.getInternationalCurrencySymbol() : symbols.getCurrencySymbol();
                // Here is where FieldPosition could be set for CURRENCY PLURAL.
            case PATTERN_PERCENT:
            case PATTERN_PER_MILLE:
            case PATTERN_MINUS_SIGN:
Also used : Currency( AttributedString(java.text.AttributedString)

Example 5 with Currency

use of in project j2objc by google.

the class DecimalFormat method setCurrencyUsage.

 * Sets the <tt>Currency Usage</tt> object used to display currency.
 * This takes effect immediately, if this format is a
 * currency format.
 * @param newUsage new currency context object to use.
public void setCurrencyUsage(CurrencyUsage newUsage) {
    if (newUsage == null) {
        throw new NullPointerException("return value is null at method AAA");
    currencyUsage = newUsage;
    Currency theCurrency = this.getCurrency();
    // We set rounding/digit based on currency context
    if (theCurrency != null) {
        int d = theCurrency.getDefaultFractionDigits(currencyUsage);
Also used : Currency(


Currency ( Test (org.junit.Test)19 ULocale ( Locale (java.util.Locale)7 DecimalFormatSymbols ( NumberFormat ( RuleBasedNumberFormat ( CurrencyAmount ( CompactDecimalFormat ( DecimalFormat ( AttributedString (java.text.AttributedString)3 StandardPlural ( MeasureUnit ( BigDecimal ( MeasureFormat ( GlobalizationPreferences ( Output ( ParseException (java.text.ParseException)1 ParsePosition (java.text.ParsePosition)1