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the class NumberFormatRegressionTest method TestNBSPInPattern.
public void TestNBSPInPattern() {
NumberFormat nf = null;
String testcase;
testcase = "ar_AE UNUM_CURRENCY";
nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new ULocale("ar_AE"));
checkNBSPPatternRT(testcase, nf);
// if we don't have CLDR 1.6 data, bring out the problem anyways
String SPECIAL_PATTERN = "\u00A4\u00A4'\u062f.\u0625.\u200f\u00a0'###0.00";
testcase = "ar_AE special pattern: " + SPECIAL_PATTERN;
nf = new DecimalFormat();
((DecimalFormat) nf).applyPattern(SPECIAL_PATTERN);
checkNBSPPatternRT(testcase, nf);
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the class NumberFormatTest method TestAccountingCurrency.
public void TestAccountingCurrency() {
String[][] tests = { // locale num curr fmt per loc curr std fmt curr acct fmt rt
{ "en_US", "1234.5", "$1,234.50", "$1,234.50", "$1,234.50", "true" }, { "en_US@cf=account", "1234.5", "$1,234.50", "$1,234.50", "$1,234.50", "true" }, { "en_US", "-1234.5", "-$1,234.50", "-$1,234.50", "($1,234.50)", "true" }, { "en_US@cf=standard", "-1234.5", "-$1,234.50", "-$1,234.50", "($1,234.50)", "true" }, { "en_US@cf=account", "-1234.5", "($1,234.50)", "-$1,234.50", "($1,234.50)", "true" }, { "en_US", "0", "$0.00", "$0.00", "$0.00", "true" }, { "en_US", "-0.2", "-$0.20", "-$0.20", "($0.20)", "true" }, { "en_US@cf=standard", "-0.2", "-$0.20", "-$0.20", "($0.20)", "true" }, { "en_US@cf=account", "-0.2", "($0.20)", "-$0.20", "($0.20)", "true" }, { "ja_JP", "10000", "¥10,000", "¥10,000", "¥10,000", "true" }, { "ja_JP", "-1000.5", "-¥1,000", "-¥1,000", "(¥1,000)", "false" }, { "ja_JP@cf=account", "-1000.5", "(¥1,000)", "-¥1,000", "(¥1,000)", "false" }, { "de_DE", "-23456.7", "-23.456,70\u00A0€", "-23.456,70\u00A0€", "-23.456,70\u00A0€", "true" } };
for (String[] data : tests) {
ULocale loc = new ULocale(data[0]);
double num = Double.parseDouble(data[1]);
String fmtPerLocExpected = data[2];
String fmtStandardExpected = data[3];
String fmtAccountExpected = data[4];
boolean rt = Boolean.parseBoolean(data[5]);
NumberFormat fmtPerLoc = NumberFormat.getInstance(loc, NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE);
expect(fmtPerLoc, num, fmtPerLocExpected, rt);
NumberFormat fmtStandard = NumberFormat.getInstance(loc, NumberFormat.STANDARDCURRENCYSTYLE);
expect(fmtStandard, num, fmtStandardExpected, rt);
NumberFormat fmtAccount = NumberFormat.getInstance(loc, NumberFormat.ACCOUNTINGCURRENCYSTYLE);
expect(fmtAccount, num, fmtAccountExpected, rt);
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the class NumberFormatTest method TestCurrencyFractionDigits.
* Testing currency driven max/min fraction digits problem
* reported by ticket#7282
public void TestCurrencyFractionDigits() {
double value = 99.12345;
// Create currency instance
NumberFormat cfmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(new ULocale("ja_JP"));
String text1 = cfmt.format(value);
// Reset the same currency and format the test value again
String text2 = cfmt.format(value);
// output1 and output2 must be identical
if (!text1.equals(text2)) {
errln("NumberFormat.format() should return the same result - text1=" + text1 + " text2=" + text2);
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the class NumberFormatTest method TestCoverage.
public void TestCoverage() {
// default locale
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
logln(fmt.format(new BigInteger("1234567890987654321234567890987654321", 10)));
// default locale
fmt = NumberFormat.getScientificInstance();
try {
errln("numberformat of string did not throw exception");
} catch (Exception e) {
logln("PASS: numberformat of string failed as expected");
int hash = fmt.hashCode();
logln("hash code " + hash);
logln("compare to string returns: " + fmt.equals(""));
// For ICU 2.6 - alan
DecimalFormatSymbols US = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("'*&'' '\u00A4' ''&*' #,##0.00", US);
expect2(df, 1.0, "*&' \u20B9 '&* 1.00");
expect2(df, -2.0, "-*&' \u20B9 '&* 2.00");
df.applyPattern("#,##0.00 '*&'' '\u00A4' ''&*'");
expect2(df, 2.0, "2.00 *&' \u20B9 '&*");
expect2(df, -1.0, "-1.00 *&' \u20B9 '&*");
java.math.BigDecimal r;
r = df.getRoundingIncrement();
if (r != null) {
errln("FAIL: rounding = " + r + ", expect null");
if (df.isScientificNotation()) {
errln("FAIL: isScientificNotation = true, expect false");
if (!df.isScientificNotation()) {
errln("FAIL: isScientificNotation = false, expect true");
df.setMinimumExponentDigits((byte) 2);
if (df.getMinimumExponentDigits() != 2) {
errln("FAIL: getMinimumExponentDigits = " + df.getMinimumExponentDigits() + ", expect 2");
if (!df.isExponentSignAlwaysShown()) {
errln("FAIL: isExponentSignAlwaysShown = false, expect true");
if (df.getSecondaryGroupingSize() != 0) {
errln("FAIL: getSecondaryGroupingSize = " + df.getSecondaryGroupingSize() + ", expect 0");
expect2(df, 3.14159, "3.14159E+00");
// DecimalFormatSymbols#getInstance
DecimalFormatSymbols decsym1 = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance();
DecimalFormatSymbols decsym2 = new DecimalFormatSymbols();
if (!decsym1.equals(decsym2)) {
errln("FAIL: DecimalFormatSymbols returned by getInstance()" + "does not match new DecimalFormatSymbols().");
decsym1 = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN);
decsym2 = DecimalFormatSymbols.getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN);
if (!decsym1.equals(decsym2)) {
errln("FAIL: DecimalFormatSymbols returned by getInstance(Locale.JAPAN)" + "does not match the one returned by getInstance(ULocale.JAPAN).");
// DecimalFormatSymbols#getAvailableLocales/#getAvailableULocales
Locale[] allLocales = DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales();
if (allLocales.length == 0) {
errln("FAIL: Got a empty list for DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales");
} else {
logln("PASS: " + allLocales.length + " available locales returned by DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales");
ULocale[] allULocales = DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableULocales();
if (allULocales.length == 0) {
errln("FAIL: Got a empty list for DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableLocales");
} else {
logln("PASS: " + allULocales.length + " available locales returned by DecimalFormatSymbols.getAvailableULocales");
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the class NumberFormatTest method TestCurrencyObject.
* Test the Currency object handling, new as of ICU 2.2.
public void TestCurrencyObject() {
NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
expectCurrency(fmt, null, 1234.56, "$1,234.56");
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE), 1234.56, // Euro
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN), 1234.56, // Yen
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(new Locale("fr", "CH", "")), 1234.56, // no more 0.05 rounding here, see cldrbug 5548
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(Locale.US), 1234.56, "$1,234.56");
fmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.FRANCE);
expectCurrency(fmt, null, 1234.56, "1 234,56 \u20AC");
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(Locale.JAPAN), 1234.56, // Yen
"1 235 JPY");
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(new Locale("fr", "CH", "")), 1234.56, // no more rounding here, see cldrbug 5548
"1 234,56 CHF");
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(Locale.US), 1234.56, "1 234,56 $US");
expectCurrency(fmt, Currency.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE), 1234.56, // Euro
"1 234,56 \u20AC");