use of in project j2objc by google.
the class PluralFormatUnitTest method TestApplyPatternAndFormat.
public void TestApplyPatternAndFormat() {
// Create rules for testing.
PluralRules oddAndEven = PluralRules.createRules("odd: n mod 2 is 1");
// Test full specified case for testing RuleSet
PluralFormat plfOddAndEven = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plfOddAndEven.applyPattern("odd{# is odd.} other{# is even.}");
// Test fall back to other.
PluralFormat plfOddOrEven = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plfOddOrEven.applyPattern("other{# is odd or even.}");
NumberFormat numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(ULocale.getDefault());
for (int i = 0; i < 22; ++i) {
assertEquals("Fallback to other gave wrong results", numberFormat.format(i) + " is odd or even.", plfOddOrEven.format(i));
assertEquals("Fully specified PluralFormat gave wrong results", numberFormat.format(i) + ((i % 2 == 1) ? " is odd." : " is even."), plfOddAndEven.format(i));
// ICU 4.8 does not check for duplicate keywords any more.
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, oddAndEven, "odd{foo} odd{bar} other{foobar}");
assertEquals("should use first occurrence of the 'odd' keyword", "foo", pf.format(1));
pf.applyPattern("odd{foo} other{bar} other{foobar}");
assertEquals("should use first occurrence of the 'other' keyword", "bar", pf.format(2));
// This sees the first "other" before calling the PluralSelector which then selects "other".
pf.applyPattern("other{foo} odd{bar} other{foobar}");
assertEquals("should use first occurrence of the 'other' keyword", "foo", pf.format(2));
// omit other keyword.
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
errln("Not defining plural case other should result in an " + "exception but did not.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// ICU 4.8 does not check for unknown keywords any more.
PluralFormat pf = new PluralFormat(ULocale.ENGLISH, oddAndEven, "otto{foo} other{bar}");
assertEquals("should ignore unknown keywords", "bar", pf.format(1));
// Test invalid keyword.
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("*odd{foo} other{bar}");
errln("Defining a message for an invalid keyword should result in " + "an exception but did not.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// -- keyword{message1}{message2}
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
errln("Separating keyword{message} items with other characters " + "than space should provoke an exception but did not.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("od d{foo} other{bar}");
errln("Spaces inside keywords should provoke an exception but " + "did not.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
try {
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
errln("Defining multiple messages after a keyword should provoke " + "an exception but did not.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
// Check that nested format is preserved.
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("odd{The number {0, number, #.#0} is odd.}" + "other{The number {0, number, #.#0} is even.}");
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
assertEquals("format did not preserve a nested format string.", ((i % 2 == 1) ? "The number {0, number, #.#0} is odd." : "The number {0, number, #.#0} is even."), plFmt.format(i));
// Check that a pound sign in curly braces is preserved.
PluralFormat plFmt = new PluralFormat(oddAndEven);
plFmt.applyPattern("odd{The number {1,number,#} is odd.}" + "other{The number {2,number,#} is even.}");
for (int i = 1; i < 3; ++i) {
assertEquals("format did not preserve # inside curly braces.", ((i % 2 == 1) ? "The number {1,number,#} is odd." : "The number {2,number,#} is even."), plFmt.format(i));
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class NumberFormatTest method TestCurrencyIsoPluralFormat.
public void TestCurrencyIsoPluralFormat() {
String[][] DATA = { // format result using PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE,
{ "en_US", "1", "USD", "$1.00", "USD1.00", "1.00 US dollars" }, { "en_US", "1234.56", "USD", "$1,234.56", "USD1,234.56", "1,234.56 US dollars" }, { "en_US", "-1234.56", "USD", "-$1,234.56", "-USD1,234.56", "-1,234.56 US dollars" }, { "zh_CN", "1", "USD", "US$1.00", "USD1.00", "1.00美元" }, { "zh_CN", "1234.56", "USD", "US$1,234.56", "USD1,234.56", "1,234.56美元" }, { "zh_CN", "1", "CNY", "¥1.00", "CNY1.00", "1.00人民币" }, { "zh_CN", "1234.56", "CNY", "¥1,234.56", "CNY1,234.56", "1,234.56人民币" }, { "ru_RU", "1", "RUB", "1,00 \u20BD", "1,00 RUB", "1,00 российского рубля" }, { "ru_RU", "2", "RUB", "2,00 \u20BD", "2,00 RUB", "2,00 российского рубля" }, { "ru_RU", "5", "RUB", "5,00 \u20BD", "5,00 RUB", "5,00 российского рубля" }, // test locale without currency information
{ "root", "-1.23", "USD", "-US$ 1.23", "-USD 1.23", "-1.23 USD" }, // ensure that the root locale is still used with modifiers
{ "root@numbers=latn", "-1.23", "USD", "-US$ 1.23", "-USD 1.23", "-1.23 USD" }, // ensure that the root locale is still used with modifiers
{ "root@numbers=arab", "-1.23", "USD", "\u061C-\u0661\u066B\u0662\u0663\u00A0US$", "\u061C-\u0661\u066B\u0662\u0663\u00A0USD", "\u061C-\u0661\u066B\u0662\u0663 USD" }, { "es_AR", "1", "INR", "INR\u00A01,00", "INR\u00A01,00", "1,00 rupia india" }, { "ar_EG", "1", "USD", "١٫٠٠\u00A0US$", "١٫٠٠\u00A0USD", "١٫٠٠ دولار أمريكي" } };
for (int i = 0; i < DATA.length; ++i) {
for (int k = NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE; k <= NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE; ++k) {
// k represents currency format style.
if (k != NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE && k != NumberFormat.ISOCURRENCYSTYLE && k != NumberFormat.PLURALCURRENCYSTYLE) {
String localeString = DATA[i][0];
Double numberToBeFormat = new Double(DATA[i][1]);
String currencyISOCode = DATA[i][2];
ULocale locale = new ULocale(localeString);
NumberFormat numFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale, k);
String strBuf = numFmt.format(numberToBeFormat);
int resultDataIndex = k - 1;
if (k == NumberFormat.CURRENCYSTYLE) {
resultDataIndex = k + 2;
// DATA[i][resultDataIndex] is the currency format result
// using 'k' currency style.
String formatResult = DATA[i][resultDataIndex];
if (!strBuf.equals(formatResult)) {
errln("FAIL: localeID: " + localeString + ", expected(" + formatResult.length() + "): \"" + formatResult + "\", actual(" + strBuf.length() + "): \"" + strBuf + "\"");
try {
// test parsing, and test parsing for all currency formats.
for (int j = 3; j < 6; ++j) {
// DATA[i][3] is the currency format result using
// CURRENCYSTYLE formatter.
// DATA[i][4] is the currency format result using
// DATA[i][5] is the currency format result using
String oneCurrencyFormatResult = DATA[i][j];
Number val = numFmt.parse(oneCurrencyFormatResult);
if (val.doubleValue() != numberToBeFormat.doubleValue()) {
errln("FAIL: getCurrencyFormat of locale " + localeString + " failed roundtripping the number. val=" + val + "; expected: " + numberToBeFormat);
} catch (ParseException e) {
errln("FAIL: " + e.getMessage());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class NumberFormatTest method TestJB3832.
public void TestJB3832() {
ULocale locale = new ULocale("pt_PT@currency=PTE");
NumberFormat format = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
Currency curr = Currency.getInstance(locale);
logln("\nName of the currency is: " + curr.getName(locale, Currency.LONG_NAME, new boolean[] { false }));
CurrencyAmount cAmt = new CurrencyAmount(1150.50, curr);
// cover hashCode
logln("CurrencyAmount object's hashCode is: " + cAmt.hashCode());
String str = format.format(cAmt);
String expected = "1,150$50\u00a0\u200b";
if (!expected.equals(str)) {
errln("Did not get the expected output Expected: " + expected + " Got: " + str);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class MyNumberFormat method Test4185761.
public void Test4185761() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
// Set special values we are going to search for in the output byte stream
// These are all legal values.
// Keep under 309
// Keep under 309
// Keep under 340
// Keep under 340
byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
// Scan for locations of min/max int/fract values in the byte array.
// At the moment (ICU4J 2.1), there is only one instance of each target pair
// in the byte stream, so assume first match is it. Note this is not entirely
// failsafe, and needs to be checked if we change the package or structure of
// this class.
// Current positions are 890, 880, 886, 876
int[] offsets = new int[4];
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length - 1; ++i) {
if (bytes[i] == 0x01) {
// high byte
for (int j = 0; j < offsets.length; ++j) {
if ((offsets[j] == 0) && (bytes[i + 1] == (0x11 + j))) {
// low byte
offsets[j] = i;
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
Object o = ois.readObject();
if (!nf.equals(o)) {
errln("Fail: NumberFormat serialization/equality bug");
} else {
logln("NumberFormat serialization/equality is OKAY.");
// Numberformat should catch this and throw an exception.
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; ++i) {
bytes[offsets[i]] = (byte) (4 - i);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
try {
NumberFormat format = (NumberFormat) ois.readObject();
// fix "The variable is never used"
logln("format: " + format.format(1234.56));
errln("FAIL: Deserialized bogus NumberFormat with minXDigits > maxXDigits");
} catch (InvalidObjectException e) {
logln("Ok: " + e.getMessage());
// (for compatibility with versions streamed out before the maximums were imposed).
for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; ++i) {
bytes[offsets[i]] = 4;
// Android patch (http://b/27855939) start.
// Allow 2 billion integer digits.
bytes[offsets[1] - 2] = 127;
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes));
NumberFormat format = (NumberFormat) ois.readObject();
// For compatibility with previous version
if ((format.getMaximumIntegerDigits() != 2000000000) || format.getMaximumFractionDigits() != 340) {
// Android patch (http://b/27855939) end.
errln("FAIL: Deserialized bogus NumberFormat with values out of range," + " intMin: " + format.getMinimumIntegerDigits() + " intMax: " + format.getMaximumIntegerDigits() + " fracMin: " + format.getMinimumFractionDigits() + " fracMax: " + format.getMaximumFractionDigits());
} else {
logln("Ok: Digit count out of range");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class NumberFormatRegressionTest method TestJ691.
* DateFormat should call setIntegerParseOnly(TRUE) on adopted
* NumberFormat objects.
public void TestJ691() {
Locale loc = new Locale("fr", "CH");
// set up the input date string & expected output
String udt = "11.10.2000";
String exp = "11.10.00";
// create a Calendar for this locale
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(loc);
// create a NumberFormat for this locale
NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(loc);
// *** Here's the key: We don't want to have to do THIS:
// nf.setParseIntegerOnly(true);
// create the DateFormat
DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, loc);
// set parsing to lenient & parse
Date ulocdat = new Date();
try {
ulocdat = df.parse(udt);
} catch (java.text.ParseException pe) {
// format back to a string
String outString = df.format(ulocdat);
if (!outString.equals(exp)) {
errln("FAIL: " + udt + " => " + outString);