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the class RbnfRoundTripTest method TestItalianSpelloutRT.
* Perform an exhaustive round-trip test on the Italian spellout rules
public void TestItalianSpelloutRT() {
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(Locale.ITALIAN, RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
doTest(formatter, -999999, 999999);
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the class RbnfRoundTripTest method TestSwissFrenchSpelloutRT.
* Perform an exhaustive round-trip test on the Swiss French spellout rules
public void TestSwissFrenchSpelloutRT() {
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(new Locale("fr", "CH", ""), RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
doTest(formatter, -12345678, 12345678);
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the class RbnfLenientScannerTest method doLenientParseTest.
void doLenientParseTest(RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter, String[][] testData) {
NumberFormat decFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
try {
for (int i = 0; i < testData.length; i++) {
String words = testData[i][0];
String expectedNumber = testData[i][1];
String actualNumber = decFmt.format(formatter.parse(words));
if (!actualNumber.equals(expectedNumber)) {
errln("Lenient-parse spot check failed: for " + words + ", expected " + expectedNumber + ", but got " + actualNumber);
} catch (Throwable e) {
errln("Test failed with exception: " + e.toString());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RbnfTest method TestBigNumbers.
public void TestBigNumbers() {
BigInteger bigI = new BigInteger("1234567890", 10);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
RuleBasedNumberFormat fmt = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
fmt.format(bigI, buf, null);
logln("big int: " + buf.toString());
java.math.BigDecimal bigD = new java.math.BigDecimal(bigI);
fmt.format(bigD, buf, null);
logln("big dec: " + buf.toString());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RbnfTest method TestPluralRules.
* Perform a simple spot check on the ordinal spellout rules
public void TestPluralRules() {
String enRules = "%digits-ordinal:" + "-x: −>>;" + "0: =#,##0=$(ordinal,one{st}two{nd}few{rd}other{th})$;";
RuleBasedNumberFormat enFormatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(enRules, ULocale.ENGLISH);
String[][] enTestData = { { "1", "1st" }, { "2", "2nd" }, { "3", "3rd" }, { "4", "4th" }, { "11", "11th" }, { "12", "12th" }, { "13", "13th" }, { "14", "14th" }, { "21", "21st" }, { "22", "22nd" }, { "23", "23rd" }, { "24", "24th" } };
doTest(enFormatter, enTestData, true);
// This is trying to model the feminine form, but don't worry about the details too much.
// We're trying to test the plural rules.
String ruRules = "%spellout-numbering:" + "-x: минус >>;" + "x.x: [<< $(cardinal,one{целый}other{целых})$ ]>%%fractions-feminine>;" + "0: ноль;" + "1: один;" + "2: два;" + "3: три;" + "4: четыре;" + "5: пять;" + "6: шесть;" + "7: семь;" + "8: восемь;" + "9: девять;" + "10: десять;" + "11: одиннадцать;" + "12: двенадцать;" + "13: тринадцать;" + "14: четырнадцать;" + "15: пятнадцать;" + "16: шестнадцать;" + "17: семнадцать;" + "18: восемнадцать;" + "19: девятнадцать;" + "20: двадцать[ >>];" + "30: тридцать[ >>];" + "40: сорок[ >>];" + "50: пятьдесят[ >>];" + "60: шестьдесят[ >>];" + "70: семьдесят[ >>];" + "80: восемьдесят[ >>];" + "90: девяносто[ >>];" + "100: сто[ >>];" + "200: <<сти[ >>];" + "300: <<ста[ >>];" + "500: <<сот[ >>];" + "1000: << $(cardinal,one{тысяча}few{тысячи}other{тысяч})$[ >>];" + "1000000: << $(cardinal,one{миллион}few{миллионы}other{миллионов})$[ >>];" + "%%fractions-feminine:" + "10: <%spellout-numbering< $(cardinal,one{десятая}other{десятых})$;" + "100: <%spellout-numbering< $(cardinal,one{сотая}other{сотых})$;";
RuleBasedNumberFormat ruFormatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(ruRules, new ULocale("ru"));
String[][] ruTestData = { { "1", "один" }, { "100", "сто" }, { "125", "сто двадцать пять" }, { "399", "триста девяносто девять" }, { "1,000", "один тысяча" }, { "1,001", "один тысяча один" }, { "2,000", "два тысячи" }, { "2,001", "два тысячи один" }, { "2,002", "два тысячи два" }, { "3,333", "три тысячи триста тридцать три" }, { "5,000", "пять тысяч" }, { "11,000", "одиннадцать тысяч" }, { "21,000", "двадцать один тысяча" }, { "22,000", "двадцать два тысячи" }, { "25,001", "двадцать пять тысяч один" }, { "0.1", "один десятая" }, { "0.2", "два десятых" }, { "0.21", "двадцать один сотая" }, { "0.22", "двадцать два сотых" }, { "21.1", "двадцать один целый один десятая" }, { "22.2", "двадцать два целых два десятых" } };
doTest(ruFormatter, ruTestData, true);
// Make sure there are no divide by 0 errors.
String result = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(ruRules, new ULocale("ru")).format(21000);
if (!"двадцать один тысяча".equals(result)) {
errln("Got " + result + " for 21000");