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the class RbnfTest method TestRuleSetDisplayName.
public void TestRuleSetDisplayName() {
* Spellout rules for U.K. English.
* I borrow the rule sets for TestRuleSetDisplayName()
final String ukEnglish = "%simplified:\n" + " -x: minus >>;\n" + " x.x: << point >>;\n" + " zero; one; two; three; four; five; six; seven; eight; nine;\n" + " ten; eleven; twelve; thirteen; fourteen; fifteen; sixteen;\n" + " seventeen; eighteen; nineteen;\n" + " 20: twenty[->>];\n" + " 30: thirty[->>];\n" + " 40: forty[->>];\n" + " 50: fifty[->>];\n" + " 60: sixty[->>];\n" + " 70: seventy[->>];\n" + " 80: eighty[->>];\n" + " 90: ninety[->>];\n" + " 100: << hundred[ >>];\n" + " 1000: << thousand[ >>];\n" + " 1,000,000: << million[ >>];\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000: << billion[ >>];\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + "%alt-teens:\n" + " =%simplified=;\n" + " 1000>: <%%alt-hundreds<[ >>];\n" + " 10,000: =%simplified=;\n" + " 1,000,000: << million[ >%simplified>];\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000: << billion[ >%simplified>];\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + "%%alt-hundreds:\n" + " 0: SHOULD NEVER GET HERE!;\n" + " 10: <%simplified< thousand;\n" + " 11: =%simplified= hundred>%%empty>;\n" + "%%empty:\n" + " 0:;" + "%ordinal:\n" + " zeroth; first; second; third; fourth; fifth; sixth; seventh;\n" + " eighth; ninth;\n" + " tenth; eleventh; twelfth; thirteenth; fourteenth;\n" + " fifteenth; sixteenth; seventeenth; eighteenth;\n" + " nineteenth;\n" + " twentieth; twenty->>;\n" + " 30: thirtieth; thirty->>;\n" + " 40: fortieth; forty->>;\n" + " 50: fiftieth; fifty->>;\n" + " 60: sixtieth; sixty->>;\n" + " 70: seventieth; seventy->>;\n" + " 80: eightieth; eighty->>;\n" + " 90: ninetieth; ninety->>;\n" + " 100: <%simplified< hundredth; <%simplified< hundred >>;\n" + " 1000: <%simplified< thousandth; <%simplified< thousand >>;\n" + " 1,000,000: <%simplified< millionth; <%simplified< million >>;\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000: <%simplified< billionth;\n" + " <%simplified< billion >>;\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;" + "%default:\n" + " -x: minus >>;\n" + " x.x: << point >>;\n" + " =%simplified=;\n" + " 100: << hundred[ >%%and>];\n" + " 1000: << thousand[ >%%and>];\n" + " 100,000>>: << thousand[>%%commas>];\n" + " 1,000,000: << million[>%%commas>];\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000: << billion[>%%commas>];\n" + " 1,000,000,000,000,000: =#,##0=;\n" + "%%and:\n" + " and =%default=;\n" + " 100: =%default=;\n" + "%%commas:\n" + " ' and =%default=;\n" + " 100: , =%default=;\n" + " 1000: , <%default< thousand, >%default>;\n" + " 1,000,000: , =%default=;" + "%%lenient-parse:\n" + " & ' ' , ',' ;\n";
String[][] localizations = new String[][] { /* public rule sets*/
{ "%simplified", "%default", "%ordinal" }, /* display names in "en_US" locale*/
{ "en_US", "Simplified", "Default", "Ordinal" }, /* display names in "zh_Hans" locale*/
{ "zh_Hans", "\u7B80\u5316", "\u7F3A\u7701", "\u5E8F\u5217" }, /* display names in a fake locale*/
{ "foo_Bar_BAZ", "Simplified", "Default", "Ordinal" } };
// Construct RuleBasedNumberFormat by rule sets and localizations list
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(ukEnglish, localizations, ULocale.US);
RuleBasedNumberFormat f2 = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(ukEnglish, localizations);
assertTrue("Check the two formatters' equality", formatter.equals(f2));
// get displayName by name
String[] ruleSetNames = formatter.getRuleSetNames();
for (int i = 0; i < ruleSetNames.length; i++) {
logln("Rule set name: " + ruleSetNames[i]);
String RSName_defLoc = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayName(ruleSetNames[i]);
assertEquals("Display name in default locale", localizations[1][i + 1], RSName_defLoc);
String RSName_loc = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayName(ruleSetNames[i], ULocale.CHINA);
assertEquals("Display name in Chinese", localizations[2][i + 1], RSName_loc);
// getDefaultRuleSetName
String defaultRS = formatter.getDefaultRuleSetName();
// you know that the default rule set is %simplified according to rule sets string ukEnglish
assertEquals("getDefaultRuleSetName", "%simplified", defaultRS);
// get locales of localizations
ULocale[] locales = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayNameLocales();
for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) {
// get displayNames
String[] RSNames_defLoc = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayNames();
for (int i = 0; i < RSNames_defLoc.length; i++) {
assertEquals("getRuleSetDisplayNames in default locale", localizations[1][i + 1], RSNames_defLoc[i]);
String[] RSNames_loc = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayNames(ULocale.UK);
for (int i = 0; i < RSNames_loc.length; i++) {
assertEquals("getRuleSetDisplayNames in English", localizations[1][i + 1], RSNames_loc[i]);
RSNames_loc = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayNames(ULocale.CHINA);
for (int i = 0; i < RSNames_loc.length; i++) {
assertEquals("getRuleSetDisplayNames in Chinese", localizations[2][i + 1], RSNames_loc[i]);
RSNames_loc = formatter.getRuleSetDisplayNames(new ULocale("foo_Bar_BAZ"));
for (int i = 0; i < RSNames_loc.length; i++) {
assertEquals("getRuleSetDisplayNames in fake locale", localizations[3][i + 1], RSNames_loc[i]);
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the class RbnfTest method TestFractionalRuleSet.
public void TestFractionalRuleSet() {
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(fracRules, Locale.ENGLISH);
String[][] testData = { { "0", "0" }, { "1", "1" }, { "10", "10" }, { ".1", "1/10" }, { ".11", "1/9" }, { ".125", "1/8" }, { ".1428", "1/7" }, { ".1667", "1/6" }, { ".2", "1/5" }, { ".25", "1/4" }, { ".333", "1/3" }, { ".5", "1/2" }, { "1.1", "1 1/10" }, { "2.11", "2 1/9" }, { "3.125", "3 1/8" }, { "4.1428", "4 1/7" }, { "5.1667", "5 1/6" }, { "6.2", "6 1/5" }, { "7.25", "7 1/4" }, { "8.333", "8 1/3" }, { "9.5", "9 1/2" }, { ".2222", "2/9" }, { ".4444", "4/9" }, { ".5555", "5/9" }, { "1.2856", "1 2/7" } };
// exact values aren't parsable from fractions
doTest(formatter, testData, false);
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the class RbnfTest method TestMultiplePluralRules.
* Perform a simple spot check on the parsing going into an infinite loop for alternate rules.
public void TestMultiplePluralRules() {
// This is trying to model the feminine form, but don't worry about the details too much.
// We're trying to test the plural rules where there are different prefixes.
String ruRules = "%spellout-cardinal-feminine-genitive:" + "-x: минус >>;" + "x.x: << запятая >>;" + "0: ноля;" + "1: одной;" + "2: двух;" + "3: трех;" + "4: четырех;" + "5: пяти;" + "6: шести;" + "7: семи;" + "8: восьми;" + "9: девяти;" + "10: десяти;" + "11: одиннадцати;" + "12: двенадцати;" + "13: тринадцати;" + "14: четырнадцати;" + "15: пятнадцати;" + "16: шестнадцати;" + "17: семнадцати;" + "18: восемнадцати;" + "19: девятнадцати;" + "20: двадцати[ >>];" + "30: тридцати[ >>];" + "40: сорока[ >>];" + "50: пятидесяти[ >>];" + "60: шестидесяти[ >>];" + "70: семидесяти[ >>];" + "80: восемидесяти[ >>];" + "90: девяноста[ >>];" + "100: ста[ >>];" + "200: <<сот[ >>];" + "1000: << $(cardinal,one{тысяча}few{тысячи}other{тысяч})$[ >>];" + "1000000: =#,##0=;" + "%spellout-cardinal-feminine:" + "-x: минус >>;" + "x.x: << запятая >>;" + "0: ноль;" + "1: одна;" + "2: две;" + "3: три;" + "4: четыре;" + "5: пять;" + "6: шесть;" + "7: семь;" + "8: восемь;" + "9: девять;" + "10: десять;" + "11: одиннадцать;" + "12: двенадцать;" + "13: тринадцать;" + "14: четырнадцать;" + "15: пятнадцать;" + "16: шестнадцать;" + "17: семнадцать;" + "18: восемнадцать;" + "19: девятнадцать;" + "20: двадцать[ >>];" + "30: тридцать[ >>];" + "40: сорок[ >>];" + "50: пятьдесят[ >>];" + "60: шестьдесят[ >>];" + "70: семьдесят[ >>];" + "80: восемьдесят[ >>];" + "90: девяносто[ >>];" + "100: сто[ >>];" + "200: <<сти[ >>];" + "300: <<ста[ >>];" + "500: <<сот[ >>];" + "1000: << $(cardinal,one{тысяча}few{тысячи}other{тысяч})$[ >>];" + "1000000: =#,##0=;";
RuleBasedNumberFormat ruFormatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(ruRules, new ULocale("ru"));
try {
Number result;
if (1000 != (result = ruFormatter.parse(ruFormatter.format(1000))).doubleValue()) {
errln("RuleBasedNumberFormat did not return the correct value. Got: " + result);
if (1000 != (result = ruFormatter.parse(ruFormatter.format(1000, "%spellout-cardinal-feminine-genitive"))).doubleValue()) {
errln("RuleBasedNumberFormat did not return the correct value. Got: " + result);
if (1000 != (result = ruFormatter.parse(ruFormatter.format(1000, "%spellout-cardinal-feminine"))).doubleValue()) {
errln("RuleBasedNumberFormat did not return the correct value. Got: " + result);
} catch (ParseException e) {
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the class RbnfTest method TestEnglishSpellout.
* Perform a simple spot check on the English spellout rules
public void TestEnglishSpellout() {
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(Locale.US, RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
String[][] testData = { { "1", "one" }, { "15", "fifteen" }, { "20", "twenty" }, { "23", "twenty-three" }, { "73", "seventy-three" }, { "88", "eighty-eight" }, { "100", "one hundred" }, { "106", "one hundred six" }, { "127", "one hundred twenty-seven" }, { "200", "two hundred" }, { "579", "five hundred seventy-nine" }, { "1,000", "one thousand" }, { "2,000", "two thousand" }, { "3,004", "three thousand four" }, { "4,567", "four thousand five hundred sixty-seven" }, { "15,943", "fifteen thousand nine hundred forty-three" }, { "2,345,678", "two million three hundred forty-five " + "thousand six hundred seventy-eight" }, { "-36", "minus thirty-six" }, { "234.567", "two hundred thirty-four point five six seven" } };
doTest(formatter, testData, true);
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the class RbnfLenientScannerTest method TestGermanSpellout.
* Perform a simple spot check on the German spellout rules
public void TestGermanSpellout() {
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(Locale.GERMANY, RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
String[][] lpTestData = { { "ein Tausend sechs Hundert fuenfunddreissig", "1,635" } };
doLenientParseTest(formatter, lpTestData);