use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RbnfTest method TestGetNameListForLocale.
/* Tests the method
* private String[] getNameListForLocale(ULocale loc)
* public String[] getRuleSetDisplayNames(ULocale loc)
public void TestGetNameListForLocale() {
// Tests when "if (names != null)" is false and
// "if (loc != null && ruleSetDisplayNames != null)" is false
RuleBasedNumberFormat rbnf = new RuleBasedNumberFormat("dummy");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
errln("RuleBasedNumberFormat.getRuleSetDisplayNames(ULocale loc) " + "was not suppose to have an exception.");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RbnfTest method TestDurations.
* Perform a simple spot check on the duration-formatting rules
public void TestDurations() {
RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(Locale.US, RuleBasedNumberFormat.DURATION);
String[][] testData = { // move me and I fail
{ "3,600", "1:00:00" }, { "0", "0 sec." }, { "1", "1 sec." }, { "24", "24 sec." }, { "60", "1:00" }, { "73", "1:13" }, { "145", "2:25" }, { "666", "11:06" }, // { "3,600", "1:00:00" },
{ "3,740", "1:02:20" }, { "10,293", "2:51:33" } };
doTest(formatter, testData, true);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RbnfTest method doTest.
void doTest(RuleBasedNumberFormat formatter, String[][] testData, boolean testParsing) {
// NumberFormat decFmt = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);
NumberFormat decFmt = new DecimalFormat("#,###.################");
try {
for (int i = 0; i < testData.length; i++) {
String number = testData[i][0];
String expectedWords = testData[i][1];
if (isVerbose()) {
logln("test[" + i + "] number: " + number + " target: " + expectedWords);
Number num = decFmt.parse(number);
String actualWords = formatter.format(num);
if (!actualWords.equals(expectedWords)) {
errln("Spot check format failed: for " + number + ", expected\n " + expectedWords + ", but got\n " + actualWords);
} else if (testParsing) {
String actualNumber = decFmt.format(formatter.parse(actualWords));
if (!actualNumber.equals(number)) {
errln("Spot check parse failed: for " + actualWords + ", expected " + number + ", but got " + actualNumber);
} catch (Throwable e) {
errln("Test failed with exception: " + e.toString());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RBNFParseTest method TestLenientParse.
public void TestLenientParse() throws Exception {
RuleBasedNumberFormat rbnf_en, rbnf_fr;
// TODO: this still passes, but setLenientParseMode should have no effect now.
// Did it ever test what it was supposed to?
rbnf_en = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(Locale.ENGLISH, RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
rbnf_fr = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(Locale.FRENCH, RuleBasedNumberFormat.SPELLOUT);
Number n = rbnf_en.parse("1,2 million");
String[][] lists = { { "1,2", "twelve", "un virgule deux" }, { "1,2 million", "twelve million", "un virgule deux" }, { "1,2 millions", "twelve million", "un million deux cent mille" }, { "1.2", "one point two", "douze" }, { "1.2 million", "one million two hundred thousand", "douze" }, { "1.2 millions", "one million two hundred thousand", "douze millions" } };
logln("Default locale:" + Locale.getDefault());
logln("rbnf_en:" + rbnf_en.getDefaultRuleSetName());
logln("rbnf_fr:" + rbnf_en.getDefaultRuleSetName());
parseList(rbnf_en, rbnf_fr, lists);
logln("Default locale:" + Locale.getDefault());
logln("rbnf_en:" + rbnf_en.getDefaultRuleSetName());
logln("rbnf_fr:" + rbnf_en.getDefaultRuleSetName());
parseList(rbnf_en, rbnf_fr, lists);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class RBNFParseTest method TestParse.
public void TestParse() {
// these rules make no sense but behave rationally
String[] okrules = { "random text", "%foo:bar", "%foo: bar", "0:", "0::", "%%foo:;", "-", "-1", "-:", ".", ".1", "[", "]", "[]", "[foo]", "[[]", "[]]", "[[]]", "[][]", "<", ">", "=", "==", "===", "=foo=" };
String[] exceptrules = { "", ";", ";;", ":", "::", ":1", ":;", ":;:;", "<<", "<<<", "10:;9:;", ">>", ">>>", // formatting any value with a one's digit will fail
"10:", // formating a multiple of 10 causes rollback rule to fail
"11: << x", "%%foo: 0 foo; 10: =%%bar=; %%bar: 0: bar; 10: =%%foo=;" };
String[][] allrules = { okrules, exceptrules };
for (int j = 0; j < allrules.length; ++j) {
String[] tests = allrules[j];
boolean except = tests == exceptrules;
for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
logln("rules: '" + tests[i] + "'");
boolean caughtException = false;
try {
RuleBasedNumberFormat fmt = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(tests[i], Locale.US);
logln("1.23: " + fmt.format(20));
logln("-123: " + fmt.format(-123));
logln(".123: " + fmt.format(.123));
logln(" 123: " + fmt.format(123));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!except) {
errln("Unexpected exception: " + e.getMessage());
} else {
caughtException = true;
if (except && !caughtException) {
errln("expected exception but didn't get one!");