use of in project j2objc by google.
the class SpoofCheckerTest method TestRestrictionLevel.
public void TestRestrictionLevel() {
Object[][] tests = { { "aγ♥", RestrictionLevel.UNRESTRICTIVE }, { "a", RestrictionLevel.ASCII }, { "γ", RestrictionLevel.SINGLE_SCRIPT_RESTRICTIVE }, { "aアー", RestrictionLevel.HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "aऄ", RestrictionLevel.MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "aγ", RestrictionLevel.MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "a♥", RestrictionLevel.UNRESTRICTIVE }, { "a\u303c", RestrictionLevel.HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "aー\u303c", RestrictionLevel.HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "aー\u303cア", RestrictionLevel.HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "アaー\u303c", RestrictionLevel.HIGHLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "a1١", RestrictionLevel.MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "a1١۱", RestrictionLevel.MODERATELY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "١ー\u303caア1१۱", RestrictionLevel.MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE }, { "aアー\u303c1१١۱", RestrictionLevel.MINIMALLY_RESTRICTIVE } };
UnicodeSet allowedChars = new UnicodeSet();
// Allowed Identifier Characters. In addition to the Recommended Set,
// allow u303c, which has an interesting script extension of Hani Hira Kana.
CheckResult checkResult = new CheckResult();
for (Object[] test : tests) {
String testString = (String) test[0];
RestrictionLevel expectedLevel = (RestrictionLevel) test[1];
for (RestrictionLevel levelSetInSpoofChecker : RestrictionLevel.values()) {
SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setAllowedChars(allowedChars).setRestrictionLevel(levelSetInSpoofChecker).setChecks(// only check this
boolean actualValue = sc.failsChecks(testString, checkResult);
assertEquals("Testing restriction level for '" + testString + "'", expectedLevel, checkResult.restrictionLevel);
// we want to fail if the text is (say) MODERATE and the testLevel is ASCII
boolean expectedFailure = expectedLevel.compareTo(levelSetInSpoofChecker) > 0;
assertEquals("Testing spoof restriction level for '" + testString + "', " + levelSetInSpoofChecker, expectedFailure, actualValue);
// Coverage for getRestrictionLevel
assertEquals("Restriction level on built SpoofChecker should be same as on builder", levelSetInSpoofChecker, sc.getRestrictionLevel());