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the class SpoofCheckerTest method TestAreConfusable1.
public void TestAreConfusable1() {
SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
int checkResults;
checkResults = sc.areConfusable(scLatin, scMixed);
assertEquals("Latin/Mixed is not MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE", SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults);
checkResults = sc.areConfusable(goodGreek, scLatin);
assertEquals("Greek/Latin is not unconfusable", 0, checkResults);
checkResults = sc.areConfusable(lll_Latin_a, lll_Latin_b);
assertEquals("Latin/Latin is not SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE", SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResults);
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the class SpoofCheckerTest method TestSpoofAPI.
* IntlTestSpoof is the top level test class for the Unicode Spoof detection tests
// Test the USpoofDetector API functions that require C++
// The pure C part of the API, which is most of it, is tested in cintltst
* IntlTestSpoof tests for USpoofDetector
public void TestSpoofAPI() {
SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS).build();
String s = "xyz";
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
result.position = 666;
boolean checkResults = sc.failsChecks(s, result);
assertFalse("", checkResults);
assertEquals("", 0, result.position);
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
String s1 = "cxs";
// Cyrillic "cxs"
String s2 = Utility.unescape("\\u0441\\u0445\\u0455");
int checkResult = sc.areConfusable(s1, s2);
assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE | SpoofChecker.WHOLE_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE, checkResult);
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
s = "I1l0O";
String dest = sc.getSkeleton(SpoofChecker.ANY_CASE, s);
assertEquals("", dest, "lllOO");
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the class SpoofCheckerTest method TestMixedNumbers.
public void TestMixedNumbers() {
Object[][] tests = { { "1", "[0]" }, { "१", "[०]" }, { "1१", "[0०]" }, { "١۱", "[٠۰]" }, { "a♥", "[]" }, { "a\u303c", "[]" }, { "aー\u303c", "[]" }, { "aー\u303cア", "[]" }, { "アaー\u303c", "[]" }, { "a1١", "[0٠]" }, { "a1١۱", "[0٠۰]" }, { "١ー\u303caア1१۱", "[0٠۰०]" }, { "aアー\u303c1१١۱", "[0٠۰०]" } };
CheckResult checkResult = new CheckResult();
for (Object[] test : tests) {
String testString = (String) test[0];
UnicodeSet expected = new UnicodeSet((String) test[1]);
SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(// only check this
boolean actualValue = sc.failsChecks(testString, checkResult);
assertEquals("", expected, checkResult.numerics);
assertEquals("Testing spoof mixed numbers for '" + testString + "', ", expected.size() > 1, actualValue);
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the class SpoofCheckerTest method TestGetSetChecks.
* get & set Checks
public void TestGetSetChecks() {
SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().build();
int checks;
int checks2;
boolean checkResults;
checks = sc.getChecks();
assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.ALL_CHECKS, checks);
checks &= ~(SpoofChecker.SINGLE_SCRIPT | SpoofChecker.MIXED_SCRIPT_CONFUSABLE);
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(checks).build();
checks2 = sc.getChecks();
assertEquals("", checks, checks2);
* The checks that were disabled just above are the same ones that the "scMixed" test fails. So with those tests
* gone checking that Identifier should now succeed
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(scMixed);
assertFalse("", checkResults);
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the class SpoofCheckerTest method TestAllowedLocales.
* AllowedLocales
public void TestAllowedLocales() {
SpoofChecker sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).build();
Set<ULocale> allowedLocales = null;
Set<Locale> allowedJavaLocales = null;
boolean checkResults;
/* Default allowed locales list should be empty */
allowedLocales = sc.getAllowedLocales();
assertTrue("Empty allowed locales", allowedLocales.isEmpty());
allowedJavaLocales = sc.getAllowedJavaLocales();
assertTrue("Empty allowed Java locales", allowedJavaLocales.isEmpty());
/* Allow en and ru, which should enable Latin and Cyrillic only to pass */
ULocale enloc = new ULocale("en");
ULocale ruloc = new ULocale("ru_RU");
allowedLocales = new HashSet<ULocale>();
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
allowedLocales = sc.getAllowedLocales();
assertTrue("en in allowed locales", allowedLocales.contains(enloc));
assertTrue("ru_RU in allowed locales", allowedLocales.contains(ruloc));
Locale frlocJ = new Locale("fr");
allowedJavaLocales = new HashSet<Locale>();
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedJavaLocales(allowedJavaLocales).build();
assertFalse("no en in allowed Java locales", allowedJavaLocales.contains(new Locale("en")));
assertTrue("fr in allowed Java locales", allowedJavaLocales.contains(frlocJ));
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
SpoofChecker.CheckResult result = new SpoofChecker.CheckResult();
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodLatin);
assertFalse("", checkResults);
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek, result);
assertEquals("", SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT, result.checks);
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodCyrl);
assertFalse("", checkResults);
/* Reset with an empty locale list, which should allow all characters to pass */
allowedLocales = new LinkedHashSet<ULocale>();
sc = new SpoofChecker.Builder().setChecks(SpoofChecker.CHAR_LIMIT).setAllowedLocales(allowedLocales).build();
checkResults = sc.failsChecks(goodGreek);
assertFalse("", checkResults);