use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneFormatTest method TestFormat.
public void TestFormat() {
// 2013-01-15T00:00:00Z
final Date dateJan = new Date(1358208000000L);
// 2013-07-15T00:00:00Z
final Date dateJul = new Date(1373846400000L);
final Object[][] TESTDATA = { { "en", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJan, Style.GENERIC_LOCATION, "Los Angeles Time", TimeType.UNKNOWN }, { "en", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJan, Style.GENERIC_LONG, "Pacific Time", TimeType.UNKNOWN }, { "en", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJan, Style.SPECIFIC_LONG, "Pacific Standard Time", TimeType.STANDARD }, { "en", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJul, Style.SPECIFIC_LONG, "Pacific Daylight Time", TimeType.DAYLIGHT }, { "ja", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJan, Style.ZONE_ID, "America/Los_Angeles", TimeType.UNKNOWN }, { "fr", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJul, Style.ZONE_ID_SHORT, "uslax", TimeType.UNKNOWN }, { "en", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJan, Style.EXEMPLAR_LOCATION, "Los Angeles", TimeType.UNKNOWN }, { "ja", "Asia/Tokyo", dateJan, Style.GENERIC_LONG, // "日本標準時"
"\u65E5\u672C\u6A19\u6E96\u6642", TimeType.UNKNOWN } };
for (Object[] testCase : TESTDATA) {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) testCase[1]);
Output<TimeType> timeType = new Output<TimeType>();
ULocale uloc = new ULocale((String) testCase[0]);
TimeZoneFormat tzfmt = TimeZoneFormat.getInstance(uloc);
String out = tzfmt.format((Style) testCase[3], tz, ((Date) testCase[2]).getTime(), timeType);
if (!out.equals(testCase[4]) || timeType.value != testCase[5]) {
errln("Format result for [locale=" + testCase[0] + ",tzid=" + testCase[1] + ",date=" + testCase[2] + ",style=" + testCase[3] + "]: expected [output=" + testCase[4] + ",type=" + testCase[5] + "]; actual [output=" + out + ",type=" + timeType.value + "]");
// with equivalent Java Locale
Locale loc = uloc.toLocale();
tzfmt = TimeZoneFormat.getInstance(loc);
out = tzfmt.format((Style) testCase[3], tz, ((Date) testCase[2]).getTime(), timeType);
if (!out.equals(testCase[4]) || timeType.value != testCase[5]) {
errln("Format result for [locale(Java)=" + testCase[0] + ",tzid=" + testCase[1] + ",date=" + testCase[2] + ",style=" + testCase[3] + "]: expected [output=" + testCase[4] + ",type=" + testCase[5] + "]; actual [output=" + out + ",type=" + timeType.value + "]");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneFormatTest method TestFormatTZDBNames.
public void TestFormatTZDBNames() {
// 2013-01-15T00:00:00Z
final Date dateJan = new Date(1358208000000L);
// 2013-07-15T00:00:00Z
final Date dateJul = new Date(1373846400000L);
final Object[][] TESTDATA = { { "en", "America/Chicago", dateJan, Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT, "CST", TimeType.STANDARD }, { "en", "Asia/Shanghai", dateJan, Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT, "CST", TimeType.STANDARD }, { "zh_Hans", "Asia/Shanghai", dateJan, Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT, "CST", TimeType.STANDARD }, { "en", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJul, Style.SPECIFIC_LONG, // No long display names
"GMT-07:00", TimeType.DAYLIGHT }, { "ja", "America/Los_Angeles", dateJul, Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT, "PDT", TimeType.DAYLIGHT }, { "en", "Australia/Sydney", dateJan, Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT, "AEDT", TimeType.DAYLIGHT }, { "en", "Australia/Sydney", dateJul, Style.SPECIFIC_SHORT, "AEST", TimeType.STANDARD } };
for (Object[] testCase : TESTDATA) {
ULocale loc = new ULocale((String) testCase[0]);
TimeZoneFormat tzfmt = TimeZoneFormat.getInstance(loc).cloneAsThawed();
TimeZoneNames tzdbNames = TimeZoneNames.getTZDBInstance(loc);
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) testCase[1]);
Output<TimeType> timeType = new Output<TimeType>();
String out = tzfmt.format((Style) testCase[3], tz, ((Date) testCase[2]).getTime(), timeType);
if (!out.equals(testCase[4]) || timeType.value != testCase[5]) {
errln("Format result for [locale=" + testCase[0] + ",tzid=" + testCase[1] + ",date=" + testCase[2] + ",style=" + testCase[3] + "]: expected [output=" + testCase[4] + ",type=" + testCase[5] + "]; actual [output=" + out + ",type=" + timeType.value + "]");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneFormatTest method TestParseCoverage.
// Coverage tests for other versions of the parse() method. All of them end up
// calling the full parse() method tested on the TestParse() test.
public void TestParseCoverage() {
TimeZone expectedTZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
TimeZoneFormat fmt = TimeZoneFormat.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
// Test parse(String)
try {
TimeZone tz1 = fmt.parse("America/Los_Angeles");
if (tz1 == null) {
errln("Parse failure using parse(String) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID());
} else if (!expectedTZ.equals(tz1)) {
errln("Parsed TimeZone: '" + tz1.getID() + "' using parse(String) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID());
} catch (ParseException e) {
errln("Parse failure using parse(String) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID() + " exception: " + e.getMessage());
// Test parse(String, ParsePosition)
TimeZone tz2 = fmt.parse("++America/Los_Angeles", new ParsePosition(2));
if (tz2 == null) {
errln("Parse failure using parse(String, ParsePosition) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID());
} else if (!expectedTZ.equals(tz2)) {
errln("Parsed TimeZone: '" + tz2.getID() + "' using parse(String, ParsePosition) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID());
// Test parseObject(String, ParsePosition)
Object tz3 = fmt.parseObject("++America/Los_Angeles", new ParsePosition(2));
if (tz3 == null) {
errln("Parse failure using parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID());
} else if (!expectedTZ.equals(tz3)) {
errln("Parsed TimeZone: '" + ((TimeZone) tz3).getID() + "' using parseObject(String, ParsePosition) - expected: " + expectedTZ.getID());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneFormatTest method TestInheritedFormat.
// Tests format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition):StringBuffer method
// inherited from Format class
public void TestInheritedFormat() {
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
// Mar 28, 2016
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
FieldPosition fp = new FieldPosition(DateFormat.Field.TIME_ZONE);
TimeZoneFormat fmt = TimeZoneFormat.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH);
// Test formatting a non-timezone related object
try {
fmt.format(new Object(), sb, fp);
errln("ERROR: format non-timezone related object failed");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
/* Expected */
// Test formatting a TimeZone object
sb = new StringBuffer();
fmt.format(tz, sb, fp);
// When formatting a TimeZone object the formatter uses the current date.
String fmtOutput = tz.inDaylightTime(new Date()) ? "GMT-07:00" : "GMT-08:00";
if (!sb.toString().equals(fmtOutput)) {
errln("ERROR: format TimerZone object failed. Expected: " + fmtOutput + ", actual: " + sb);
// Test formatting a Calendar object
sb = new StringBuffer();
fmt.format(cal, sb, fp);
if (!sb.toString().equals("GMT-07:00")) {
errln("ERROR: format Calendar object failed. Expected: GMT-07:00, actual: " + sb);