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the class TimeZoneRuleTest method TestHasEquivalentTransitions.
* Test cases for HasTimeZoneRules#hasEquivalentTransitions
public void TestHasEquivalentTransitions() {
// America/New_York and America/Indiana/Indianapolis are equivalent
// since 2006
TimeZone newyork = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/New_York", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
TimeZone indianapolis = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Indiana/Indianapolis", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
TimeZone gmt_5 = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/GMT+5", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
long jan1_1971 = getUTCMillis(1971, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
long jan1_2005 = getUTCMillis(2005, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
long jan1_2006 = getUTCMillis(2006, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
long jan1_2007 = getUTCMillis(2007, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
long jan1_2011 = getUTCMillis(2010, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
if (((BasicTimeZone) newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(indianapolis, jan1_2005, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: New_York is not equivalent to Indianapolis between 2005 and 2010, but returned true");
if (!((BasicTimeZone) newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(indianapolis, jan1_2006, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: New_York is equivalent to Indianapolis between 2006 and 2010, but returned false");
if (!((BasicTimeZone) indianapolis).hasEquivalentTransitions(gmt_5, jan1_1971, jan1_2006)) {
errln("FAIL: Indianapolis is equivalent to GMT+5 between 1971 and 2005, but returned false");
if (((BasicTimeZone) indianapolis).hasEquivalentTransitions(gmt_5, jan1_1971, jan1_2007)) {
errln("FAIL: Indianapolis is not equivalent to GMT+5 between 1971 and 2006, but returned true");
// Cloned TimeZone
TimeZone newyork2 = (TimeZone) newyork.clone();
if (!((BasicTimeZone) newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(newyork2, jan1_1971, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: Cloned TimeZone must have the same transitions");
if (!((BasicTimeZone) newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(newyork2, jan1_1971, jan1_2011, true)) {
errln("FAIL: Cloned TimeZone must have the same transitions");
// America/New_York and America/Los_Angeles has same DST start rules, but
// raw offsets are different
TimeZone losangeles = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles", TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
if (((BasicTimeZone) newyork).hasEquivalentTransitions(losangeles, jan1_2006, jan1_2011)) {
errln("FAIL: New_York is not equivalent to Los Angeles, but returned true");
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the class TimeZoneRuleTest method verifyTransitions.
// Internal utility methods -----------------------------------------
* Check if a time shift really happens on each transition returned by getNextTransition or
* getPreviousTransition in the specified time range
private void verifyTransitions(TimeZone tz, long start, long end) {
BasicTimeZone icutz = (BasicTimeZone) tz;
long time;
int[] before = new int[2];
int[] after = new int[2];
TimeZoneTransition tzt0;
// Ascending
tzt0 = null;
time = start;
while (true) {
TimeZoneTransition tzt = icutz.getNextTransition(time, false);
if (tzt == null) {
time = tzt.getTime();
if (time >= end) {
icutz.getOffset(time, false, after);
icutz.getOffset(time - 1, false, before);
if (after[0] == before[0] && after[1] == before[1]) {
errln("FAIL: False transition returned by getNextTransition for " + icutz.getID() + " at " + time);
if (tzt0 != null && (tzt0.getTo().getRawOffset() != tzt.getFrom().getRawOffset() || tzt0.getTo().getDSTSavings() != tzt.getFrom().getDSTSavings())) {
errln("FAIL: TO rule of the previous transition does not match FROM rule of this transtion at " + time + " for " + icutz.getID());
tzt0 = tzt;
// Descending
tzt0 = null;
time = end;
while (true) {
TimeZoneTransition tzt = icutz.getPreviousTransition(time, false);
if (tzt == null) {
time = tzt.getTime();
if (time <= start) {
icutz.getOffset(time, false, after);
icutz.getOffset(time - 1, false, before);
if (after[0] == before[0] && after[1] == before[1]) {
errln("FAIL: False transition returned by getPreviousTransition for " + icutz.getID() + " at " + time);
if (tzt0 != null && (tzt0.getFrom().getRawOffset() != tzt.getTo().getRawOffset() || tzt0.getFrom().getDSTSavings() != tzt.getTo().getDSTSavings())) {
errln("FAIL: TO rule of the next transition does not match FROM rule in this transtion at " + time + " for " + icutz.getID());
tzt0 = tzt;
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the class TimeZoneRuleTest method compareTransitionsDescending.
* Compare all time transitions in 2 time zones in the specified time range in descending order
private void compareTransitionsDescending(TimeZone tz1, TimeZone tz2, long start, long end, boolean inclusive) {
BasicTimeZone z1 = (BasicTimeZone) tz1;
BasicTimeZone z2 = (BasicTimeZone) tz2;
String zid1 = tz1.getID();
String zid2 = tz2.getID();
long time = end;
while (true) {
TimeZoneTransition tzt1 = z1.getPreviousTransition(time, inclusive);
TimeZoneTransition tzt2 = z2.getPreviousTransition(time, inclusive);
boolean inRange1 = false;
boolean inRange2 = false;
if (tzt1 != null) {
if (tzt1.getTime() > start || (inclusive && tzt1.getTime() == start)) {
inRange1 = true;
if (tzt2 != null) {
if (tzt2.getTime() > start || (inclusive && tzt2.getTime() == start)) {
inRange2 = true;
if (!inRange1 && !inRange2) {
// No more transition in the range
if (!inRange1) {
errln("FAIL: " + zid1 + " does not have any transitions before " + time + " after " + start);
if (!inRange2) {
errln("FAIL: " + zid2 + " does not have any transitions before " + time + " after " + start);
if (tzt1.getTime() != tzt2.getTime()) {
errln("FAIL: Last transition before " + time + " " + zid1 + "[" + tzt1.getTime() + "] " + zid2 + "[" + tzt2.getTime() + "]");
time = tzt1.getTime();
if (inclusive) {
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the class TimeZoneRuleTest method TestVTimeZoneRoundTripPartial.
* Write out time zone rules of OlsonTimeZone after a cutoff date into VTIMEZONE format,
* create a new VTimeZone from the VTIMEZONE data, then compare transitions
public void TestVTimeZoneRoundTripPartial() {
long[] startTimes = new long[] { getUTCMillis(1900, Calendar.JANUARY, 1), getUTCMillis(1950, Calendar.JANUARY, 1), getUTCMillis(2020, Calendar.JANUARY, 1) };
long endTime = getUTCMillis(2050, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
String[] tzids = getTestZIDs();
for (int n = 0; n < startTimes.length; n++) {
long startTime = startTimes[n];
for (int i = 0; i < tzids.length; i++) {
BasicTimeZone olsontz = (BasicTimeZone) TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzids[i], TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
VTimeZone vtz_org = VTimeZone.create(tzids[i]);
VTimeZone vtz_new = null;
try {
// Write out VTIMEZONE
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(baos);
vtz_org.write(writer, startTime);
byte[] vtzdata = baos.toByteArray();
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(vtzdata);
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(bais);
vtz_new = VTimeZone.create(reader);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
errln("FAIL: IO error while writing/reading VTIMEZONE data");
if (vtz_new.getOffset(startTime) != olsontz.getOffset(startTime)) {
errln("FAIL: VTimeZone for " + tzids[i] + " is not equivalent to its OlsonTimeZone corresponding at " + startTime);
TimeZoneTransition tzt = olsontz.getNextTransition(startTime, false);
if (tzt != null) {
if (!vtz_new.hasEquivalentTransitions(olsontz, tzt.getTime(), endTime, true)) {
int maxDelta = 1000;
if (!hasEquivalentTransitions(vtz_new, olsontz, tzt.getTime() + maxDelta, endTime, true, maxDelta)) {
errln("FAIL: VTimeZone for " + tzids[i] + "(>=" + startTime + ") is not equivalent to its OlsonTimeZone corresponding.");
} else {
logln("VTimeZone for " + tzids[i] + "(>=" + startTime + ") differs from its OlsonTimeZone corresponding with maximum transition time delta - " + maxDelta);
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the class TimeZoneTest method TestObservesDaylightTime.
public void TestObservesDaylightTime() {
boolean observesDaylight;
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
// J2ObjC change: time zones going through adjustments are problematic when comparing
// the ICU tz data vs. the operating system tz data.
Set<String> unstableTzids = new HashSet<>();
String[] tzids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
for (String tzid : tzids) {
// OlsonTimeZone
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid, TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
observesDaylight = tz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(tz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [OlsonTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + tzid);
// RuleBasedTimeZone
RuleBasedTimeZone rbtz = createRBTZ((BasicTimeZone) tz, current);
boolean observesDaylightRBTZ = rbtz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylightRBTZ != isDaylightTimeAvailable(rbtz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [RuleBasedTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylightRBTZ + " for " + rbtz.getID());
} else if (observesDaylight != observesDaylightRBTZ) {
errln("Fail: RuleBasedTimeZone " + rbtz.getID() + " returns " + observesDaylightRBTZ + ", but different from match OlsonTimeZone");
// JavaTimeZone
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid, TimeZone.TIMEZONE_JDK);
observesDaylight = tz.observesDaylightTime();
if (!unstableTzids.contains(tzid) && observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(tz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [JavaTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + tzid);
// VTimeZone
tz = VTimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid);
observesDaylight = tz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(tz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [VTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + tzid);
// SimpleTimeZone
SimpleTimeZone[] stzs = { new SimpleTimeZone(0, "STZ0"), new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, "STZ-5D", Calendar.MARCH, 2, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000) };
for (SimpleTimeZone stz : stzs) {
observesDaylight = stz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(stz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [SimpleTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + stz.getID());