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the class TimeZoneTest method TestFebruary.
// Test that a transition at the end of February is handled correctly.
public void TestFebruary() {
// Time zone with daylight savings time from the first Sunday in November
// to the last Sunday in February.
// Similar to the new rule for Brazil (Sao Paulo) in tzdata2006n.
// Note: In tzdata2007h, the rule had changed, so no actual zones uses
// lastSun in Feb anymore.
SimpleTimeZone tz1 = new SimpleTimeZone(// raw offset: 3h before (west of) GMT
-3 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR, "nov-feb", // start: November, first, Sunday
Calendar.NOVEMBER, // start: November, first, Sunday
1, // start: November, first, Sunday
Calendar.SUNDAY, // midnight wall time
0, // end: February, last, Sunday
Calendar.FEBRUARY, // end: February, last, Sunday
-1, // end: February, last, Sunday
Calendar.SUNDAY, // midnight wall time
// Now hardcode the same rules as for Brazil in tzdata 2006n, so that
// we cover the intended code even when in the future zoneinfo hardcodes
// these transition dates.
SimpleTimeZone tz2 = new SimpleTimeZone(// raw offset: 3h before (west of) GMT
-3 * MILLIS_PER_HOUR, "nov-feb2", // start: November, 1 or after, Sunday
Calendar.NOVEMBER, // start: November, 1 or after, Sunday
1, // start: November, 1 or after, Sunday
-Calendar.SUNDAY, // midnight wall time
0, // end: February, 29 or before, Sunday
Calendar.FEBRUARY, // end: February, 29 or before, Sunday
-29, // end: February, 29 or before, Sunday
-Calendar.SUNDAY, // midnight wall time
// Gregorian calendar with the UTC time zone for getting sample test date/times.
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Etc/GMT"));
// "Unable to create the UTC calendar: %s"
int[] data = { // int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, offsetHours
2006, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 5, 02, 59, 59, -3, 2006, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 5, 03, 00, 00, -2, 2007, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 25, 01, 59, 59, -2, 2007, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 25, 02, 00, 00, -3, 2007, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 4, 02, 59, 59, -3, 2007, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 4, 03, 00, 00, -2, 2008, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 24, 01, 59, 59, -2, 2008, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 24, 02, 00, 00, -3, 2008, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2, 02, 59, 59, -3, 2008, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 2, 03, 00, 00, -2, 2009, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 22, 01, 59, 59, -2, 2009, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 22, 02, 00, 00, -3, 2009, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, 02, 59, 59, -3, 2009, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, 03, 00, 00, -2, 2010, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 28, 01, 59, 59, -2, 2010, Calendar.FEBRUARY, 28, 02, 00, 00, -3 };
TimeZone[] timezones = { tz1, tz2 };
TimeZone tz;
Date dt;
int t, i, raw, dst;
// raw = offsets[0], dst = offsets[1]
int[] offsets = new int[2];
for (t = 0; t < timezones.length; ++t) {
tz = timezones[t];
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i += 7) {
gc.set(data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3], data[i + 4], data[i + 5]);
dt = gc.getTime();
tz.getOffset(dt.getTime(), false, offsets);
raw = offsets[0];
dst = offsets[1];
if ((raw + dst) != data[i + 6] * MILLIS_PER_HOUR) {
errln("test case " + t + "." + (i / 7) + ": " + "tz.getOffset(" + data[i] + "-" + (data[i + 1] + 1) + "-" + data[i + 2] + " " + data[i + 3] + ":" + data[i + 4] + ":" + data[i + 5] + ") returns " + raw + "+" + dst + " != " + data[i + 6] * MILLIS_PER_HOUR);
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneTest method TestRuleAPI.
public void TestRuleAPI() {
// ErrorCode status = ZERO_ERROR;
// Pick a weird offset
int offset = (int) (60 * 60 * 1000 * 1.75);
SimpleTimeZone zone = new SimpleTimeZone(offset, "TestZone");
if (zone.useDaylightTime())
errln("FAIL: useDaylightTime should return false");
// Establish our expected transition times. Do this with a non-DST
// calendar with the (above) declared local offset.
GregorianCalendar gc = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
gc.set(1990, Calendar.MARCH, 1);
// Local Std time midnight
long marchOneStd = gc.getTime().getTime();
gc.set(1990, Calendar.JULY, 1);
// Local Std time midnight
long julyOneStd = gc.getTime().getTime();
// Starting and ending hours, WALL TIME
int startHour = (int) (2.25 * 3600000);
int endHour = (int) (3.5 * 3600000);
zone.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 1, 0, startHour);
zone.setEndRule(Calendar.JULY, 1, 0, endHour);
gc = new GregorianCalendar(zone);
// if (failure(status, "new GregorianCalendar")) return;
long marchOne = marchOneStd + startHour;
// Adjust from wall to Std time
long julyOne = julyOneStd + endHour - 3600000;
long expMarchOne = 636251400000L;
if (marchOne != expMarchOne) {
errln("FAIL: Expected start computed as " + marchOne + " = " + new Date(marchOne));
logln(" Should be " + expMarchOne + " = " + new Date(expMarchOne));
long expJulyOne = 646793100000L;
if (julyOne != expJulyOne) {
errln("FAIL: Expected start computed as " + julyOne + " = " + new Date(julyOne));
logln(" Should be " + expJulyOne + " = " + new Date(expJulyOne));
Calendar cal1 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal1.set(1990, Calendar.JANUARY, 1);
Calendar cal2 = Calendar.getInstance();
cal2.set(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
_testUsingBinarySearch(zone, cal1.getTimeInMillis(), cal2.getTimeInMillis(), marchOne);
cal1.set(1990, Calendar.JUNE, 1);
cal2.set(1990, Calendar.DECEMBER, 31);
_testUsingBinarySearch(zone, cal1.getTimeInMillis(), cal2.getTimeInMillis(), julyOne);
if (zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne - 1000)) || !zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne)))
errln("FAIL: Start rule broken");
if (!zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne - 1000)) || zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne)))
errln("FAIL: End rule broken");
if (zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(marchOne)) || zone.inDaylightTime(new Date(julyOne - 1000)))
errln("FAIL: Start year broken");
// failure(status, "TestRuleAPI");
// delete gc;
// delete zone;
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the class TimeZoneTest method TestAlternateRules.
* Bug 4107570
public void TestAlternateRules() {
// Like TestDSTSavings, this test should probably be integrated somehow with the main
// test at the top of this class, but I didn't have time to figure out how to do that.
// --rtg 1/28/98
SimpleTimeZone tz = new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * millisPerHour, "alternateRuleTest");
// test the day-of-month API
tz.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 10, 12 * millisPerHour);
tz.setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, 20, 12 * millisPerHour);
int offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 5, Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/5/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 15, Calendar.SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 15, Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 25, Calendar.SUNDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/25/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
// test the day-of-week-after-day-in-month API
tz.setStartRule(Calendar.MARCH, 10, Calendar.FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, true);
tz.setEndRule(Calendar.OCTOBER, 20, Calendar.FRIDAY, 12 * millisPerHour, false);
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 11, Calendar.WEDNESDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/11/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.MARCH, 14, Calendar.SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 3/14/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 15, Calendar.THURSDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -4 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/15/98 should have been -4 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
offset = tz.getOffset(GregorianCalendar.AD, 1998, Calendar.OCTOBER, 17, Calendar.SATURDAY, 10 * millisPerHour);
if (offset != -5 * millisPerHour)
errln("The offset for 10AM, 10/17/98 should have been -5 hours, but we got " + (offset / millisPerHour) + " hours.");
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneTest method TestObservesDaylightTime.
public void TestObservesDaylightTime() {
boolean observesDaylight;
long current = System.currentTimeMillis();
// J2ObjC change: time zones going through adjustments are problematic when comparing
// the ICU tz data vs. the operating system tz data.
Set<String> unstableTzids = new HashSet<>();
String[] tzids = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs();
for (String tzid : tzids) {
// OlsonTimeZone
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid, TimeZone.TIMEZONE_ICU);
observesDaylight = tz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(tz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [OlsonTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + tzid);
// RuleBasedTimeZone
RuleBasedTimeZone rbtz = createRBTZ((BasicTimeZone) tz, current);
boolean observesDaylightRBTZ = rbtz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylightRBTZ != isDaylightTimeAvailable(rbtz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [RuleBasedTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylightRBTZ + " for " + rbtz.getID());
} else if (observesDaylight != observesDaylightRBTZ) {
errln("Fail: RuleBasedTimeZone " + rbtz.getID() + " returns " + observesDaylightRBTZ + ", but different from match OlsonTimeZone");
// JavaTimeZone
tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid, TimeZone.TIMEZONE_JDK);
observesDaylight = tz.observesDaylightTime();
if (!unstableTzids.contains(tzid) && observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(tz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [JavaTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + tzid);
// VTimeZone
tz = VTimeZone.getTimeZone(tzid);
observesDaylight = tz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(tz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [VTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + tzid);
// SimpleTimeZone
SimpleTimeZone[] stzs = { new SimpleTimeZone(0, "STZ0"), new SimpleTimeZone(-5 * 60 * 60 * 1000, "STZ-5D", Calendar.MARCH, 2, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000, Calendar.NOVEMBER, 1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000) };
for (SimpleTimeZone stz : stzs) {
observesDaylight = stz.observesDaylightTime();
if (observesDaylight != isDaylightTimeAvailable(stz, current)) {
errln("Fail: [SimpleTimeZone] observesDaylightTime() returned " + observesDaylight + " for " + stz.getID());
use of in project j2objc by google.
the class TimeZoneTest method TestSimpleTimeZoneSerialization.
// jb4484
public void TestSimpleTimeZoneSerialization() {
SimpleTimeZone stz0 = new SimpleTimeZone(32400000, "MyTimeZone");
SimpleTimeZone stz1 = new SimpleTimeZone(32400000, "Asia/Tokyo");
SimpleTimeZone stz2 = new SimpleTimeZone(32400000, "Asia/Tokyo");
SimpleTimeZone stz3 = new SimpleTimeZone(32400000, "Asia/Tokyo");
SimpleTimeZone stz4 = new SimpleTimeZone(32400000, "Asia/Tokyo");
stz4.setStartRule(3, 4, 180000);
stz4.setEndRule(6, 3, 4, 360000);
SimpleTimeZone stz5 = new SimpleTimeZone(32400000, "Asia/Tokyo");
stz5.setStartRule(2, 3, 4, 360000);
stz5.setEndRule(6, 3, 4, 360000);
SimpleTimeZone[] stzs = { stz0, stz1, stz2, stz3, stz4, stz5 };
for (int i = 0; i < stzs.length; ++i) {
SimpleTimeZone stz = stzs[i];
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
logln("id: " + stz.getID() + " length: " + bytes.length);
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais);
SimpleTimeZone stzDeserialized = (SimpleTimeZone) ois.readObject();
assertEquals("time zones", stz, stzDeserialized);
} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
errln("could not deserialize SimpleTimeZone");
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {