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Example 6 with GpsSatellite

use of android.location.GpsSatellite in project DataLogger by sussexwearlab.

the class SatelliteDataCollector method logSatelliteInfo.

private void logSatelliteInfo(Iterable<GpsSatellite> gpsSatellites) {
    int satCounter = 0;
    // System nanoseconds since boot, including time spent in sleep.
    long nanoTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() + mNanosOffset;
    // System local time in millis
    long currentMillis = (new Date()).getTime();
    String message = String.format("%s", currentMillis) + ";" + String.format("%s", nanoTime) + ";" + String.format("%s", mNanosOffset);
    for (GpsSatellite satellite : gpsSatellites) {
        // PRN (pseudo-random number) for the satellite.
        int prn = satellite.getPrn();
        // Signal to noise ratio for the satellite.
        float snr = satellite.getSnr();
        // Azimuth of the satellite in degrees.
        float azimuth = satellite.getAzimuth();
        // Elevation of the satellite in degrees.
        float elevation = satellite.getElevation();
        message += ";" + prn + ";" + snr + ";" + azimuth + ";" + elevation;
    message += ";" + Integer.toString(satCounter);
Also used : GpsSatellite(android.location.GpsSatellite) Date(java.util.Date)

Example 7 with GpsSatellite

use of android.location.GpsSatellite in project satstat by mvglasow.

the class PasvLocListenerService method onLocationChanged.

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    if (!location.getProvider().equals(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER))
    if (mNotifyFix && (mStatus != GPS_INACTIVE)) {
        mStatus = GPS_FIX;
        GpsStatus status = mLocationManager.getGpsStatus(null);
        int satsInView = 0;
        int satsUsed = 0;
        Iterable<GpsSatellite> sats = status.getSatellites();
        for (GpsSatellite sat : sats) {
            if (sat.usedInFix()) {
        double lat = Math.abs(location.getLatitude());
        double lon = Math.abs(location.getLongitude());
        String ns = (location.getLatitude() > 0) ? getString(R.string.value_N) : (location.getLatitude() < 0) ? getString(R.string.value_S) : "";
        String ew = (location.getLongitude() > 0) ? getString(R.string.value_E) : (location.getLongitude() < 0) ? getString(R.string.value_W) : "";
        String title = "";
        if (prefCoord == Const.KEY_PREF_COORD_DECIMAL) {
            title = String.format("%.5f%s%s %.5f%s%s", lat, getString(R.string.unit_degree), ns, lon, getString(R.string.unit_degree), ew);
        } else if (prefCoord == Const.KEY_PREF_COORD_MIN) {
            double decY = lat;
            double degY = (int) decY;
            double minY = Math.abs(60.0 * (decY - degY));
            double decX = lon;
            double degX = (int) decX;
            double minX = Math.abs(60.0 * (decX - degX));
            title = String.format("%.0f%s %.3f' %s %.0f%s %.3f' %s", degY, getString(R.string.unit_degree), minY + /*rounding*/
            0.0005, ns, degX, getString(R.string.unit_degree), minX + /*rounding*/
            0.0005, ew);
        } else if (prefCoord == Const.KEY_PREF_COORD_SEC) {
            double decY = lat;
            double degY = (int) decY;
            double tmp = 60.0 * (decY - degY);
            double minY = (int) Math.abs(tmp);
            double secY = Math.abs(60.0 * (tmp - minY));
            double decX = lon;
            double degX = (int) decX;
            tmp = 60.0 * (decX - degX);
            double minX = (int) Math.abs(tmp);
            double secX = Math.abs(60.0 * (tmp - minX));
            title = String.format("%.0f%s %.0f' %.1f\" %s %.0f%s %.0f' %.1f\" %s", degY, getString(R.string.unit_degree), minY, secY + /*rounding*/
            0.05, ns, degX, getString(R.string.unit_degree), minX, secX + /*rounding*/
            0.05, ew);
        } else if (prefCoord == Const.KEY_PREF_COORD_MGRS) {
            title = new LatLng(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude()).toMGRSRef().toString(MGRSRef.PRECISION_1M);
        } else if (prefCoord == Const.KEY_PREF_COORD_UTM) {
            title = UTM.lat_lon_to_utm(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude(), this.getApplicationContext());
        String text = "";
        if (location.hasAltitude()) {
            text = text + String.format("%.0f%s", (location.getAltitude() * (prefUnitType ? 1 : 3.28084)), getString(((prefUnitType) ? R.string.unit_meter : R.string.unit_feet)));
        if (location.hasSpeed()) {
            text = text + (text.equals("") ? "" : ", ") + String.format("%.0f%s", (location.getSpeed() * (prefKnots ? 1.943844 : prefUnitType ? 3.6 : 2.23694)), getString(((prefKnots) ? R.string.unit_kn : (prefUnitType) ? R.string.unit_km_h : R.string.unit_mph)));
        if (location.hasAccuracy()) {
            text = text + (text.equals("") ? "" : ", ") + String.format("\u03b5 = %.0f%s", (location.getAccuracy() * (prefUnitType ? 1 : 3.28084)), getString(((prefUnitType) ? R.string.unit_meter : R.string.unit_feet)));
        text = text + (text.equals("") ? "" : ", ") + String.format("%d/%d", satsUsed, satsInView);
        text = text + (text.equals("") ? "" : ",\n") + String.format("TTFF %d s", status.getTimeToFirstFix() / 1000);
        mBuilder.setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(text));
    } else {
Also used : GpsStatus(android.location.GpsStatus) GpsSatellite(android.location.GpsSatellite) LatLng(

Example 8 with GpsSatellite

use of android.location.GpsSatellite in project satstat by mvglasow.

the class MainActivity method onGpsStatusChanged.

 * Called when the status of the GPS changes. Updates GPS display.
public void onGpsStatusChanged(int event) {
    GpsStatus status = locationManager.getGpsStatus(null);
    int satsInView = 0;
    int satsUsed = 0;
    Iterable<GpsSatellite> sats = status.getSatellites();
    for (GpsSatellite sat : sats) {
        if (sat.usedInFix()) {
    if (gpsSectionFragment != null) {
        gpsSectionFragment.onGpsStatusChanged(status, satsInView, satsUsed, sats);
    if (mapSectionFragment != null) {
        mapSectionFragment.onGpsStatusChanged(status, satsInView, satsUsed, sats);
Also used : GpsStatus(android.location.GpsStatus) GpsSatellite(android.location.GpsSatellite)

Example 9 with GpsSatellite

use of android.location.GpsSatellite in project satstat by mvglasow.

the class GpsStatusView method onDraw.

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    int cx = mW / 2;
    int cy = mH / 2;
    // Log.d("GpsStatusView", String.format("Drawing on a %dx%d canvas", w, h));
    canvas.translate(cx, cy);
    canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, mW * 0.37125f, gridBorderPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(-mW * 0.405f, 0, mW * 0.405f, 0, gridPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(0, -mH * 0.405f, 0, mH * 0.405f, gridPaint);
    canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, mW * 0.405f, gridPaint);
    canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, mW * 0.27f, gridPaint);
    canvas.drawCircle(0, 0, mW * 0.135f, gridPaint);
    canvas.drawPath(northArrow, northPaint);
    canvas.drawTextOnPath(((Activity) getContext()).getString(R.string.value_N), labelPathN, 0, -labelPaint.descent(), labelPaint);
    canvas.drawTextOnPath(((Activity) getContext()).getString(R.string.value_S), labelPathS, 0, -labelPaint.descent(), labelPaint);
    canvas.drawTextOnPath(((Activity) getContext()).getString(R.string.value_E), labelPathE, 0, -labelPaint.descent(), labelPaint);
    canvas.drawTextOnPath(((Activity) getContext()).getString(R.string.value_W), labelPathW, 0, -labelPaint.descent(), labelPaint);
    if (mSats != null) {
        for (GpsSatellite sat : mSats) {
            drawSat(canvas, sat.getPrn(), sat.getAzimuth(), sat.getElevation(), sat.getSnr(), sat.usedInFix());
Also used : GpsSatellite(android.location.GpsSatellite) Paint(


GpsSatellite (android.location.GpsSatellite)9 GpsStatus (android.location.GpsStatus)5 Location (android.location.Location)2 Paint ( NmeaListener (android.location.GpsStatus.NmeaListener)1 LocationListener (android.location.LocationListener)1 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)1 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Date (java.util.Date)1 QuadPoint ( TargetPoint ( LatLng (