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Example 1 with TargetPoint

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class DashWaypointsFragment method selectTargetModel.

private void selectTargetModel(final TargetPoint point, final View view) {
    final PopupMenu optionsMenu = new PopupMenu(getActivity(), view);
    MenuItem item;
    // item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(
    // R.string.shared_string_add_to_favorites).setIcon(getMyApplication().getIconsCache().
    // getIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_fav_dark));
    // item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {
    // @Override
    // public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
    // Bundle args = new Bundle();
    // Dialog dlg = FavoriteDialogs.createAddFavouriteDialog(getActivity(), args);
    // FavoriteDialogs.prepareAddFavouriteDialog(getActivity(), dlg, args, model.getLatitude(), model.getLongitude(),
    // model.getOriginalPointDescription());
    // return true;
    // }
    // });
    final boolean target = point == getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToNavigate();
    if (SHOW_ALL && getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper().getIntermediatePoints().size() > 0) {
        final List<TargetPoint> allTargets = getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper().getIntermediatePointsWithTarget();
        if (point.index > 0 || target) {
            final int ind = target ? allTargets.size() - 1 : point.index;
            item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.waypoint_visit_before).setIcon(getMyApplication().getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_up_dark));
            item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {

                public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
                    TargetPoint remove = allTargets.remove(ind - 1);
                    allTargets.add(ind, remove);
                    getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper().reorderAllTargetPoints(allTargets, true);
                    return true;
        if (!target) {
            item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.waypoint_visit_after).setIcon(getMyApplication().getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_down_dark));
            item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {

                public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
                    TargetPoint remove = allTargets.remove(point.index + 1);
                    allTargets.add(point.index, remove);
                    getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper().reorderAllTargetPoints(allTargets, true);
                    return true;
    item = optionsMenu.getMenu().add(R.string.shared_string_remove).setIcon(getMyApplication().getIconsCache().getThemedIcon(R.drawable.ic_action_remove_dark));
    item.setOnMenuItemClickListener(new MenuItem.OnMenuItemClickListener() {

        public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
            deletePointConfirm(point, view);
            return true;
Also used : MenuItem(android.view.MenuItem) TargetPoint( TargetPoint( PopupMenu(

Example 2 with TargetPoint

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class FailSafeFuntions method restoreRoutingMode.

public static void restoreRoutingMode(final MapActivity ma) {
    final OsmandApplication app = ma.getMyApplication();
    final OsmandSettings settings = app.getSettings();
    final Handler uiHandler = new Handler();
    final String gpxPath = settings.FOLLOW_THE_GPX_ROUTE.get();
    final TargetPointsHelper targetPoints = app.getTargetPointsHelper();
    final TargetPoint pointToNavigate = targetPoints.getPointToNavigate();
    if (pointToNavigate == null && gpxPath == null) {
        notRestoreRoutingMode(ma, app);
    } else {
        quitRouteRestoreDialog = false;
        Runnable encapsulate = new Runnable() {

            int delay = 7;

            Runnable delayDisplay = null;

            public void run() {
                AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ma);
                final TextView tv = new TextView(ma);
                tv.setText(ma.getString(R.string.continue_follow_previous_route_auto, delay + ""));
                tv.setPadding(7, 5, 7, 5);
                builder.setPositiveButton(R.string.shared_string_yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                        quitRouteRestoreDialog = true;
                builder.setNegativeButton(R.string.shared_string_no, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {

                    public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                        quitRouteRestoreDialog = true;
                        notRestoreRoutingMode(ma, app);
                final AlertDialog dlg =;
                dlg.setOnDismissListener(new OnDismissListener() {

                    public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) {
                        quitRouteRestoreDialog = true;
                dlg.setOnCancelListener(new OnCancelListener() {

                    public void onCancel(DialogInterface dialog) {
                        quitRouteRestoreDialog = true;
                delayDisplay = new Runnable() {

                    public void run() {
                        if (!quitRouteRestoreDialog) {
                            tv.setText(ma.getString(R.string.continue_follow_previous_route_auto, delay + ""));
                            if (delay <= 0) {
                                try {
                                    if (dlg.isShowing() && !quitRouteRestoreDialog) {
                                    quitRouteRestoreDialog = true;
                                } catch (Exception e) {
                                    // swalow view not attached exception
                                    log.error(e.getMessage() + "", e);
                            } else {
                                uiHandler.postDelayed(delayDisplay, 1000);

            private void restoreRoutingModeInner() {
                AsyncTask<String, Void, GPXFile> task = new AsyncTask<String, Void, GPXFile>() {

                    protected GPXFile doInBackground(String... params) {
                        if (gpxPath != null) {
                            // Reverse also should be stored ?
                            GPXFile f = GPXUtilities.loadGPXFile(app, new File(gpxPath));
                            if (f.warning != null) {
                                return null;
                            return f;
                        } else {
                            return null;

                    protected void onPostExecute(GPXFile result) {
                        final GPXRouteParamsBuilder gpxRoute;
                        if (result != null) {
                            gpxRoute = new GPXRouteParamsBuilder(result, settings);
                            if (settings.GPX_ROUTE_CALC_OSMAND_PARTS.get()) {
                            if (settings.GPX_CALCULATE_RTEPT.get()) {
                            if (settings.GPX_ROUTE_CALC.get()) {
                        } else {
                            gpxRoute = null;
                        TargetPoint endPoint = pointToNavigate;
                        if (endPoint == null) {
                            notRestoreRoutingMode(ma, app);
                        } else {
                            enterRoutingMode(ma, gpxRoute);
                task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, gpxPath);
Also used : AlertDialog( OsmandApplication( DialogInterface(android.content.DialogInterface) GPXRouteParamsBuilder( GPXRouteParamsBuilder( OnDismissListener(android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener) AsyncTask(android.os.AsyncTask) Handler(android.os.Handler) TargetPoint( OsmandSettings( TargetPoint( TextView(android.widget.TextView) GPXFile( TargetPointsHelper( GPXFile( File( OnCancelListener(android.content.DialogInterface.OnCancelListener)

Example 3 with TargetPoint

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RoutingHelper method updateCurrentRouteStatus.

private boolean updateCurrentRouteStatus(Location currentLocation, float posTolerance) {
    List<Location> routeNodes = route.getImmutableAllLocations();
    int currentRoute = route.currentRoute;
    // 1. Try to proceed to next point using orthogonal distance (finding minimum orthogonal dist)
    while (currentRoute + 1 < routeNodes.size()) {
        double dist = currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute));
        if (currentRoute > 0) {
            dist = getOrthogonalDistance(currentLocation, routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1), routeNodes.get(currentRoute));
        boolean processed = false;
        // if we are still too far try to proceed many points
        // if not then look ahead only 3 in order to catch sharp turns
        boolean longDistance = dist >= 250;
        int newCurrentRoute = lookAheadFindMinOrthogonalDistance(currentLocation, routeNodes, currentRoute, longDistance ? 15 : 8);
        double newDist = getOrthogonalDistance(currentLocation, routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute), routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute + 1));
        if (longDistance) {
            if (newDist < dist) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
                    log.debug("Processed by distance : (new) " + newDist + " (old) " + dist);
                processed = true;
        } else if (newDist < dist || newDist < 10) {
            // newDist < 10 (avoid distance 0 till next turn)
            if (dist > posTolerance) {
                processed = true;
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
                    log.debug("Processed by distance : " + newDist + " " + dist);
            } else {
                // but you have not yet turned (could be checked bearing)
                if (currentLocation.hasBearing() || lastFixedLocation != null) {
                    float bearingToRoute = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute));
                    float bearingRouteNext = routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute + 1));
                    float bearingMotion = currentLocation.hasBearing() ? currentLocation.getBearing() : lastFixedLocation.bearingTo(currentLocation);
                    double diff = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(bearingMotion, bearingToRoute));
                    double diffToNext = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(bearingMotion, bearingRouteNext));
                    if (diff > diffToNext) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Processed point bearing deltas : " + diff + " " + diffToNext);
                        processed = true;
        if (processed) {
            // that node already passed
            route.updateCurrentRoute(newCurrentRoute + 1);
            currentRoute = newCurrentRoute + 1;
        } else {
    // 2. check if intermediate found
    if (route.getIntermediatePointsToPass() > 0 && route.getDistanceToNextIntermediate(lastFixedLocation) < getArrivalDistance() * 2f && !isRoutePlanningMode) {
        TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper();
        String name = "";
        if (intermediatePoints != null && !intermediatePoints.isEmpty()) {
            LatLon rm = intermediatePoints.remove(0);
            List<TargetPoint> ll = targets.getIntermediatePointsNavigation();
            int ind = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < ll.size(); i++) {
                if (ll.get(i).point != null && MapUtils.getDistance(ll.get(i).point, rm) < 5) {
                    name = ll.get(i).getOnlyName();
                    ind = i;
            if (ind >= 0) {
                targets.removeWayPoint(false, ind);
        if (isFollowingMode) {
        // double check
        while (intermediatePoints != null && route.getIntermediatePointsToPass() < intermediatePoints.size()) {
    // 3. check if destination found
    Location lastPoint = routeNodes.get(routeNodes.size() - 1);
    if (currentRoute > routeNodes.size() - 3 && currentLocation.distanceTo(lastPoint) < getArrivalDistance() && !isRoutePlanningMode) {
        // showMessage(app.getString(R.string.arrived_at_destination));
        TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper();
        TargetPoint tp = targets.getPointToNavigate();
        String description = tp == null ? "" : tp.getOnlyName();
        if (isFollowingMode) {
        boolean onDestinationReached = OsmandPlugin.onDestinationReached();
        onDestinationReached &= app.getAppCustomization().onDestinationReached();
        if (onDestinationReached) {
            clearCurrentRoute(null, null);
            app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    settings.LAST_ROUTING_APPLICATION_MODE = settings.APPLICATION_MODE.get();
                // settings.APPLICATION_MODE.set(settings.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_MODE.get());
            // targets.clearPointToNavigate(false);
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : LatLon( TargetPoint( TargetPointsHelper( TargetPoint( Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 4 with TargetPoint

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class MapActivity method newRouteIsCalculated.

public void newRouteIsCalculated(boolean newRoute, ValueHolder<Boolean> showToast) {
    RoutingHelper rh = app.getRoutingHelper();
    if (newRoute && rh.isRoutePlanningMode() && mapView != null) {
        Location lt = rh.getLastProjection();
        if (lt == null) {
            lt = app.getTargetPointsHelper().getPointToStartLocation();
        if (lt != null) {
            double left = lt.getLongitude(), right = lt.getLongitude();
            double top = lt.getLatitude(), bottom = lt.getLatitude();
            List<Location> list = rh.getCurrentCalculatedRoute();
            for (Location l : list) {
                left = Math.min(left, l.getLongitude());
                right = Math.max(right, l.getLongitude());
                top = Math.max(top, l.getLatitude());
                bottom = Math.min(bottom, l.getLatitude());
            List<TargetPoint> targetPoints = app.getTargetPointsHelper().getIntermediatePointsWithTarget();
            for (TargetPoint l : targetPoints) {
                left = Math.min(left, l.getLongitude());
                right = Math.max(right, l.getLongitude());
                top = Math.max(top, l.getLatitude());
                bottom = Math.min(bottom, l.getLatitude());
            RotatedTileBox tb = mapView.getCurrentRotatedTileBox().copy();
            int tileBoxWidthPx = 0;
            int tileBoxHeightPx = 0;
            MapRouteInfoMenu routeInfoMenu = mapLayers.getMapControlsLayer().getMapRouteInfoMenu();
            WeakReference<MapRouteInfoMenuFragment> fragmentRef = routeInfoMenu.findMenuFragment();
            if (fragmentRef != null) {
                MapRouteInfoMenuFragment f = fragmentRef.get();
                if (landscapeLayout) {
                    tileBoxWidthPx = tb.getPixWidth() - f.getWidth();
                } else {
                    tileBoxHeightPx = tb.getPixHeight() - f.getHeight();
            mapView.fitRectToMap(left, right, top, bottom, tileBoxWidthPx, tileBoxHeightPx, 0);
Also used : RotatedTileBox( MapRouteInfoMenu( RoutingHelper( TargetPoint( MapRouteInfoMenuFragment( TargetPoint( QuadPoint( NewGpxPoint( Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 5 with TargetPoint

use of in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class PointNavigationLayer method collectObjectsFromPoint.

public void collectObjectsFromPoint(PointF point, RotatedTileBox tileBox, List<Object> o, boolean unknownLocation) {
    if (tileBox.getZoom() >= 3) {
        TargetPointsHelper tg = map.getMyApplication().getTargetPointsHelper();
        List<TargetPoint> intermediatePoints = tg.getAllPoints();
        int r = getDefaultRadiusPoi(tileBox);
        for (int i = 0; i < intermediatePoints.size(); i++) {
            TargetPoint tp = intermediatePoints.get(i);
            LatLon latLon = tp.point;
            if (latLon != null) {
                int ex = (int) point.x;
                int ey = (int) point.y;
                int x = (int) tileBox.getPixXFromLatLon(latLon.getLatitude(), latLon.getLongitude());
                int y = (int) tileBox.getPixYFromLatLon(latLon.getLatitude(), latLon.getLongitude());
                if (calculateBelongs(ex, ey, x, y, r)) {
Also used : LatLon( TargetPoint( TargetPointsHelper( TargetPoint( Paint(


TargetPoint ( TargetPointsHelper ( LatLon ( View (android.view.View)13 TextView (android.widget.TextView)13 Location (net.osmand.Location)10 PointDescription ( AdapterView (android.widget.AdapterView)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)8 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)6 LocationPoint ( FavouritePoint ( OsmandApplication ( Paint ( ImageButton (android.widget.ImageButton)4 ListView (android.widget.ListView)4 List (java.util.List)4 RoutingHelper ( DialogInterface (android.content.DialogInterface)3