Search in sources :

Example 1 with Location

use of net.osmand.Location in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class AudioVideoNotesPlugin method defaultAction.

public void defaultAction(final MapActivity mapActivity) {
    final Location loc = app.getLocationProvider().getLastKnownLocation();
    // double lon = mapActivity.getMapView().getLongitude();
    if (loc == null) {
        Toast.makeText(app, R.string.audionotes_location_not_defined, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
    double lon = loc.getLongitude();
    double lat = loc.getLatitude();
    int action = AV_DEFAULT_ACTION.get();
    if (action == AV_DEFAULT_ACTION_CHOOSE) {
        chooseDefaultAction(lat, lon, mapActivity);
    } else {
        takeAction(mapActivity, lon, lat, action);
Also used : GeoParsedPoint(net.osmand.util.GeoPointParserUtil.GeoParsedPoint) Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 2 with Location

use of net.osmand.Location in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RoutingHelper method updateCurrentRouteStatus.

private boolean updateCurrentRouteStatus(Location currentLocation, float posTolerance) {
    List<Location> routeNodes = route.getImmutableAllLocations();
    int currentRoute = route.currentRoute;
    // 1. Try to proceed to next point using orthogonal distance (finding minimum orthogonal dist)
    while (currentRoute + 1 < routeNodes.size()) {
        double dist = currentLocation.distanceTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute));
        if (currentRoute > 0) {
            dist = getOrthogonalDistance(currentLocation, routeNodes.get(currentRoute - 1), routeNodes.get(currentRoute));
        boolean processed = false;
        // if we are still too far try to proceed many points
        // if not then look ahead only 3 in order to catch sharp turns
        boolean longDistance = dist >= 250;
        int newCurrentRoute = lookAheadFindMinOrthogonalDistance(currentLocation, routeNodes, currentRoute, longDistance ? 15 : 8);
        double newDist = getOrthogonalDistance(currentLocation, routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute), routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute + 1));
        if (longDistance) {
            if (newDist < dist) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
                    log.debug("Processed by distance : (new) " + newDist + " (old) " + dist);
                processed = true;
        } else if (newDist < dist || newDist < 10) {
            // newDist < 10 (avoid distance 0 till next turn)
            if (dist > posTolerance) {
                processed = true;
                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                    // $NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
                    log.debug("Processed by distance : " + newDist + " " + dist);
            } else {
                // but you have not yet turned (could be checked bearing)
                if (currentLocation.hasBearing() || lastFixedLocation != null) {
                    float bearingToRoute = currentLocation.bearingTo(routeNodes.get(currentRoute));
                    float bearingRouteNext = routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute).bearingTo(routeNodes.get(newCurrentRoute + 1));
                    float bearingMotion = currentLocation.hasBearing() ? currentLocation.getBearing() : lastFixedLocation.bearingTo(currentLocation);
                    double diff = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(bearingMotion, bearingToRoute));
                    double diffToNext = Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(bearingMotion, bearingRouteNext));
                    if (diff > diffToNext) {
                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                            log.debug("Processed point bearing deltas : " + diff + " " + diffToNext);
                        processed = true;
        if (processed) {
            // that node already passed
            route.updateCurrentRoute(newCurrentRoute + 1);
            currentRoute = newCurrentRoute + 1;
        } else {
    // 2. check if intermediate found
    if (route.getIntermediatePointsToPass() > 0 && route.getDistanceToNextIntermediate(lastFixedLocation) < getArrivalDistance() * 2f && !isRoutePlanningMode) {
        TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper();
        String name = "";
        if (intermediatePoints != null && !intermediatePoints.isEmpty()) {
            LatLon rm = intermediatePoints.remove(0);
            List<TargetPoint> ll = targets.getIntermediatePointsNavigation();
            int ind = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < ll.size(); i++) {
                if (ll.get(i).point != null && MapUtils.getDistance(ll.get(i).point, rm) < 5) {
                    name = ll.get(i).getOnlyName();
                    ind = i;
            if (ind >= 0) {
                targets.removeWayPoint(false, ind);
        if (isFollowingMode) {
        // double check
        while (intermediatePoints != null && route.getIntermediatePointsToPass() < intermediatePoints.size()) {
    // 3. check if destination found
    Location lastPoint = routeNodes.get(routeNodes.size() - 1);
    if (currentRoute > routeNodes.size() - 3 && currentLocation.distanceTo(lastPoint) < getArrivalDistance() && !isRoutePlanningMode) {
        // showMessage(app.getString(R.string.arrived_at_destination));
        TargetPointsHelper targets = app.getTargetPointsHelper();
        TargetPoint tp = targets.getPointToNavigate();
        String description = tp == null ? "" : tp.getOnlyName();
        if (isFollowingMode) {
        boolean onDestinationReached = OsmandPlugin.onDestinationReached();
        onDestinationReached &= app.getAppCustomization().onDestinationReached();
        if (onDestinationReached) {
            clearCurrentRoute(null, null);
            app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {
                    settings.LAST_ROUTING_APPLICATION_MODE = settings.APPLICATION_MODE.get();
                // settings.APPLICATION_MODE.set(settings.DEFAULT_APPLICATION_MODE.get());
            // targets.clearPointToNavigate(false);
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : LatLon( TargetPoint( TargetPointsHelper( TargetPoint( Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 3 with Location

use of net.osmand.Location in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RoutingHelper method getCurrentName.

// protected boolean isDistanceLess(float currentSpeed, double dist, double etalon, float defSpeed){
// if(dist < etalon || ((dist / currentSpeed) < (etalon / defSpeed))){
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
public synchronized String getCurrentName(TurnType[] next) {
    NextDirectionInfo n = getNextRouteDirectionInfo(new NextDirectionInfo(), true);
    Location l = lastFixedLocation;
    float speed = 0;
    if (l != null && l.hasSpeed()) {
        speed = l.getSpeed();
    if (n.distanceTo > 0 && n.directionInfo != null && !n.directionInfo.getTurnType().isSkipToSpeak() && voiceRouter.isDistanceLess(speed, n.distanceTo, voiceRouter.PREPARE_DISTANCE * 0.75f, 0f)) {
        String nm = n.directionInfo.getStreetName();
        String rf = n.directionInfo.getRef();
        String dn = n.directionInfo.getDestinationName();
        if (next != null) {
            next[0] = n.directionInfo.getTurnType();
        return formatStreetName(nm, rf, dn, "»");
    RouteSegmentResult rs = getCurrentSegmentResult();
    if (rs != null) {
        String nm = rs.getObject().getName(settings.MAP_PREFERRED_LOCALE.get(), settings.MAP_TRANSLITERATE_NAMES.get());
        String rf = rs.getObject().getRef(settings.MAP_PREFERRED_LOCALE.get(), settings.MAP_TRANSLITERATE_NAMES.get(), rs.isForwardDirection());
        String dn = rs.getObject().getDestinationName(settings.MAP_PREFERRED_LOCALE.get(), settings.MAP_TRANSLITERATE_NAMES.get(), rs.isForwardDirection());
        return formatStreetName(nm, rf, dn, "»");
    return null;
Also used : NextDirectionInfo( RouteSegmentResult(net.osmand.router.RouteSegmentResult) Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 4 with Location

use of net.osmand.Location in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class RoutingHelper method identifyUTurnIsNeeded.

private boolean identifyUTurnIsNeeded(Location currentLocation, float posTolerance) {
    if (finalLocation == null || currentLocation == null || !route.isCalculated()) {
        return false;
    boolean isOffRoute = false;
    if (currentLocation.hasBearing()) {
        float bearingMotion = currentLocation.getBearing();
        Location nextRoutePosition = route.getNextRouteLocation();
        float bearingToRoute = currentLocation.bearingTo(nextRoutePosition);
        double diff = MapUtils.degreesDiff(bearingMotion, bearingToRoute);
        // This prompt is an interim advice and does only sound if a new route in forward direction could not be found in x seconds
        if (Math.abs(diff) > 135f) {
            float d = currentLocation.distanceTo(nextRoutePosition);
            // 60m tolerance to allow for GPS inaccuracy
            if (d > posTolerance) {
                // require x sec continuous since first detection
                if (deviateFromRouteDetected == 0) {
                    deviateFromRouteDetected = System.currentTimeMillis();
                } else if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - deviateFromRouteDetected > 10000)) {
                    isOffRoute = true;
                //"bearingMotion is opposite to bearingRoute"); //$NON-NLS-1$
        } else {
            deviateFromRouteDetected = 0;
    return isOffRoute;
Also used : Location(net.osmand.Location)

Example 5 with Location

use of net.osmand.Location in project Osmand by osmandapp.

the class QuickSearchDialogFragment method updateCompassValue.

public void updateCompassValue(final float value) {
    // 99 in next line used to one-time initialize arrows (with reference vs. fixed-north direction)
    // on non-compass devices
    float lastHeading = heading != null ? heading : 99;
    heading = value;
    if (Math.abs(MapUtils.degreesDiff(lastHeading, heading)) > 5) {
        final Location location = this.location;
        app.runInUIThread(new Runnable() {

            public void run() {
                updateLocationUI(location, value);
    } else {
        heading = lastHeading;
Also used : Location(net.osmand.Location)


Location (net.osmand.Location)105 LatLon ( TargetPoint ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)21 LocationPoint ( View (android.view.View)13 OsmandApplication ( Paint ( TextView (android.widget.TextView)11 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)10 RouteDataObject (net.osmand.binary.RouteDataObject)9 WptPt ( MapMarker ( TargetPointsHelper ( PointDescription ( OsmandMapTileView ( TIntArrayList (gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList)5 IOException ( QuadPoint ( MapActivity (