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Example 1 with MediaExtractor

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class MediaDecoder method onStart.

private void onStart() throws Exception {
    if (mOpenGLEnabled) {
    mMediaExtractor = new MediaExtractor();
    mMediaExtractor.setDataSource(mContext, mUri, null);
    mVideoTrackIndex = -1;
    mAudioTrackIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < mMediaExtractor.getTrackCount(); i++) {
        MediaFormat format = mMediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(i);
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Uri " + mUri + ", track " + i + ": " + format);
        if (DecoderUtil.isVideoFormat(format) && mVideoTrackIndex == -1) {
            mVideoTrackIndex = i;
        } else if (DecoderUtil.isAudioFormat(format) && mAudioTrackIndex == -1) {
            mAudioTrackIndex = i;
    if (mVideoTrackIndex == -1 && mAudioTrackIndex == -1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find a video or audio track in the provided file");
    if (mVideoTrackIndex != -1) {
        MediaFormat videoFormat = mMediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(mVideoTrackIndex);
        mVideoTrackDecoder = mOpenGLEnabled ? new GpuVideoTrackDecoder(mVideoTrackIndex, videoFormat, this) : new CpuVideoTrackDecoder(mVideoTrackIndex, videoFormat, this);
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
    if (mAudioTrackIndex != -1) {
        MediaFormat audioFormat = mMediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(mAudioTrackIndex);
        mAudioTrackDecoder = new AudioTrackDecoder(mAudioTrackIndex, audioFormat, this);
    if (mStartMicros > 0) {
        mMediaExtractor.seekTo(mStartMicros, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_SYNC);
    mStarted = true;
Also used : MediaFormat( MediaExtractor(

Example 2 with MediaExtractor

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class MediaDecoder method onStart.

private void onStart() throws Exception {
    if (mOpenGLEnabled) {
    mMediaExtractor = new MediaExtractor();
    mMediaExtractor.setDataSource(mContext, mUri, null);
    mVideoTrackIndex = -1;
    mAudioTrackIndex = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < mMediaExtractor.getTrackCount(); i++) {
        MediaFormat format = mMediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(i);
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Uri " + mUri + ", track " + i + ": " + format);
        if (DecoderUtil.isVideoFormat(format) && mVideoTrackIndex == -1) {
            mVideoTrackIndex = i;
        } else if (DecoderUtil.isAudioFormat(format) && mAudioTrackIndex == -1) {
            mAudioTrackIndex = i;
    if (mVideoTrackIndex == -1 && mAudioTrackIndex == -1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find a video or audio track in the provided file");
    if (mVideoTrackIndex != -1) {
        MediaFormat videoFormat = mMediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(mVideoTrackIndex);
        mVideoTrackDecoder = mOpenGLEnabled ? new GpuVideoTrackDecoder(mVideoTrackIndex, videoFormat, this) : new CpuVideoTrackDecoder(mVideoTrackIndex, videoFormat, this);
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) {
    if (mAudioTrackIndex != -1) {
        MediaFormat audioFormat = mMediaExtractor.getTrackFormat(mAudioTrackIndex);
        mAudioTrackDecoder = new AudioTrackDecoder(mAudioTrackIndex, audioFormat, this);
    if (mStartMicros > 0) {
        mMediaExtractor.seekTo(mStartMicros, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_PREVIOUS_SYNC);
    mStarted = true;
Also used : MediaFormat( MediaExtractor(

Example 3 with MediaExtractor

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class Camera2RecordingTest method validateRecording.

private void validateRecording(Size sz, int expectedDurationMs) throws Exception {
    File outFile = new File(mOutMediaFileName);
    assertTrue("No video is recorded", outFile.exists());
    MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor();
    try {
        long durationUs = 0;
        int width = -1, height = -1;
        int numTracks = extractor.getTrackCount();
        final String VIDEO_MIME_TYPE = "video";
        for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) {
            MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i);
            String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
            if (mime.contains(VIDEO_MIME_TYPE)) {
                Log.i(TAG, "video format is: " + format.toString());
                durationUs = format.getLong(MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION);
                width = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
                height = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
        Size videoSz = new Size(width, height);
        assertTrue("Video size doesn't match, expected " + sz.toString() + " got " + videoSz.toString(), videoSz.equals(sz));
        int duration = (int) (durationUs / 1000);
        if (VERBOSE) {
            Log.v(TAG, String.format("Video duration: recorded %dms, expected %dms", duration, expectedDurationMs));
        // TODO: Don't skip this for video snapshot
        if (!mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy()) {
            assertTrue(String.format("Camera %s: Video duration doesn't match: recorded %dms, expected %dms.", mCamera.getId(), duration, expectedDurationMs), Math.abs(duration - expectedDurationMs) < DURATION_MARGIN * expectedDurationMs);
    } finally {
        if (!DEBUG_DUMP) {
Also used : MediaFormat( Size(android.util.Size) MediaExtractor( File(

Example 4 with MediaExtractor

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class Camera2RecordingTest method validateRecording.

private void validateRecording(Size sz, int expectedDurationMs) throws Exception {
    File outFile = new File(mOutMediaFileName);
    assertTrue("No video is recorded", outFile.exists());
    MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor();
    try {
        long durationUs = 0;
        int width = -1, height = -1;
        int numTracks = extractor.getTrackCount();
        final String VIDEO_MIME_TYPE = "video";
        for (int i = 0; i < numTracks; i++) {
            MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i);
            String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
            if (mime.contains(VIDEO_MIME_TYPE)) {
                Log.i(TAG, "video format is: " + format.toString());
                durationUs = format.getLong(MediaFormat.KEY_DURATION);
                width = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_WIDTH);
                height = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_HEIGHT);
        Size videoSz = new Size(width, height);
        assertTrue("Video size doesn't match, expected " + sz.toString() + " got " + videoSz.toString(), videoSz.equals(sz));
        int duration = (int) (durationUs / 1000);
        if (VERBOSE) {
            Log.v(TAG, String.format("Video duration: recorded %dms, expected %dms", duration, expectedDurationMs));
        // TODO: Don't skip this for video snapshot
        if (!mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy()) {
            assertTrue(String.format("Camera %s: Video duration doesn't match: recorded %dms, expected %dms.", mCamera.getId(), duration, expectedDurationMs), Math.abs(duration - expectedDurationMs) < DURATION_MARGIN * expectedDurationMs);
    } finally {
        if (!DEBUG_DUMP) {
Also used : MediaFormat( Size(android.util.Size) MediaExtractor( File(

Example 5 with MediaExtractor

use of in project android_packages_apps_Gallery2 by LineageOS.

the class VideoUtils method genVideoUsingMuxer.

 * @param srcPath the path of source video file.
 * @param dstPath the path of destination video file.
 * @param startMs starting time in milliseconds for trimming. Set to
 *            negative if starting from beginning.
 * @param endMs end time for trimming in milliseconds. Set to negative if
 *            no trimming at the end.
 * @param useAudio true if keep the audio track from the source.
 * @param useVideo true if keep the video track from the source.
 * @throws IOException
private static void genVideoUsingMuxer(String srcPath, String dstPath, int startMs, int endMs, boolean useAudio, boolean useVideo) throws IOException {
    // Set up MediaExtractor to read from the source.
    MediaExtractor extractor = new MediaExtractor();
    int trackCount = extractor.getTrackCount();
    // Set up MediaMuxer for the destination.
    MediaMuxer muxer;
    muxer = new MediaMuxer(dstPath, MediaMuxer.OutputFormat.MUXER_OUTPUT_MPEG_4);
    // Set up the tracks and retrieve the max buffer size for selected
    // tracks.
    HashMap<Integer, Integer> indexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(trackCount);
    int bufferSize = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < trackCount; i++) {
        MediaFormat format = extractor.getTrackFormat(i);
        String mime = format.getString(MediaFormat.KEY_MIME);
        boolean selectCurrentTrack = false;
        if (mime.startsWith("audio/") && useAudio) {
            selectCurrentTrack = true;
        } else if (mime.startsWith("video/") && useVideo) {
            selectCurrentTrack = true;
        if (selectCurrentTrack) {
            try {
                int dstIndex = muxer.addTrack(format);
                indexMap.put(i, dstIndex);
                if (format.containsKey(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE)) {
                    int newSize = format.getInteger(MediaFormat.KEY_MAX_INPUT_SIZE);
                    bufferSize = newSize > bufferSize ? newSize : bufferSize;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                Log.e(LOGTAG, "Unsupported format '" + mime + "'");
                throw new IOException("Muxer does not support " + mime);
    if (bufferSize < 0) {
        bufferSize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
    // Set up the orientation and starting time for extractor.
    MediaMetadataRetriever retrieverSrc = new MediaMetadataRetriever();
    String degreesString = retrieverSrc.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_VIDEO_ROTATION);
    if (degreesString != null) {
        int degrees = Integer.parseInt(degreesString);
        if (degrees >= 0) {
    if (startMs > 0) {
        extractor.seekTo(startMs * 1000, MediaExtractor.SEEK_TO_CLOSEST_SYNC);
    // Copy the samples from MediaExtractor to MediaMuxer. We will loop
    // for copying each sample and stop when we get to the end of the source
    // file or exceed the end time of the trimming.
    int offset = 0;
    int trackIndex = -1;
    ByteBuffer dstBuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(bufferSize);
    BufferInfo bufferInfo = new BufferInfo();
    try {
        while (true) {
            bufferInfo.offset = offset;
            bufferInfo.size = extractor.readSampleData(dstBuf, offset);
            if (bufferInfo.size < 0) {
                Log.d(LOGTAG, "Saw input EOS.");
                bufferInfo.size = 0;
            } else {
                bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs = extractor.getSampleTime();
                if (endMs > 0 && bufferInfo.presentationTimeUs > (endMs * 1000)) {
                    Log.d(LOGTAG, "The current sample is over the trim end time.");
                } else {
                    bufferInfo.flags = extractor.getSampleFlags();
                    trackIndex = extractor.getSampleTrackIndex();
                    muxer.writeSampleData(indexMap.get(trackIndex), dstBuf, bufferInfo);
    } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
        // Swallow the exception due to malformed source.
        Log.w(LOGTAG, "The source video file is malformed");
        File f = new File(dstPath);
        if (f.exists()) {
        throw e;
    } finally {
Also used : MediaFormat( BufferInfo( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IOException( MediaExtractor( MediaMuxer( ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) MediaMetadataRetriever( RandomAccessFile( IsoFile(com.coremedia.iso.IsoFile) File(


MediaExtractor ( MediaFormat ( Test (org.junit.Test)8 File ( IOException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)7 MediaCodec ( Size (android.util.Size)5 Nullable (androidx.annotation.Nullable)3 BufferInfo ( MediaMuxer ( RequiresApi (androidx.annotation.RequiresApi)2 ByteArrayOutputStream ( AssetFileDescriptor (android.content.res.AssetFileDescriptor)1 MediaMetadataRetriever ( MediaPlayer ( ParcelFileDescriptor (android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor)1 NonNull (androidx.annotation.NonNull)1 WorkerThread (androidx.annotation.WorkerThread)1 IsoFile (com.coremedia.iso.IsoFile)1