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Example 1 with ArrayMap

use of in project PocketHub by pockethub.

the class GistFilesViewActivityTest method setUp.

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
    RoboGuice.injectMembers(getInstrumentation().getTargetContext().getApplicationContext(), this);
    Map<String, GistFile> files = new ArrayMap<>();
    GistFile a = GistFile.builder().content("aa").filename("a").build();
    GistFile b = GistFile.builder().content("bb").filename("b").build();
    files.put("a", a);
    files.put("b", b);
    gist = Gist.builder().id("abcd").files(files).build();
    setActivityIntent(GistFilesViewActivity.createIntent(gist, 0));
Also used : ArrayMap( GistFile(com.meisolsson.githubsdk.model.GistFile)

Example 2 with ArrayMap

use of in project Transitions-Everywhere by andkulikov.

the class Transition method createAnimators.

     * This method, essentially a wrapper around all calls to createAnimator for all
     * possible target views, is called with the entire set of start/end
     * values. The implementation in Transition iterates through these lists
     * and calls {@link #createAnimator(ViewGroup, TransitionValues, TransitionValues)}
     * with each set of start/end values on this transition. The
     * TransitionSet subclass overrides this method and delegates it to
     * each of its children in succession.
     * @hide
protected void createAnimators(ViewGroup sceneRoot, TransitionValuesMaps startValues, TransitionValuesMaps endValues, ArrayList<TransitionValues> startValuesList, ArrayList<TransitionValues> endValuesList) {
    if (DBG) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "createAnimators() for " + this);
    ArrayMap<Animator, AnimationInfo> runningAnimators = getRunningAnimators();
    long minStartDelay = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    int minAnimator = mAnimators.size();
    SparseArray<Long> startDelays = new SparseArray<Long>();
    int startValuesListCount = startValuesList.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < startValuesListCount; ++i) {
        TransitionValues start = startValuesList.get(i);
        TransitionValues end = endValuesList.get(i);
        if (start != null && !start.targetedTransitions.contains(this)) {
            start = null;
        if (end != null && !end.targetedTransitions.contains(this)) {
            end = null;
        if (start == null && end == null) {
        // Only bother trying to animate with values that differ between start/end
        boolean isChanged = start == null || end == null || isTransitionRequired(start, end);
        if (isChanged) {
            if (DBG) {
                View view = (end != null) ? end.view : start.view;
                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "  differing start/end values for view " + view);
                if (start == null || end == null) {
                    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "    " + ((start == null) ? "start null, end non-null" : "start non-null, end null"));
                } else {
                    for (String key : start.values.keySet()) {
                        Object startValue = start.values.get(key);
                        Object endValue = end.values.get(key);
                        if (startValue != endValue && !startValue.equals(endValue)) {
                            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "    " + key + ": start(" + startValue + "), end(" + endValue + ")");
            // TODO: what to do about targetIds and itemIds?
            Animator animator = createAnimator(sceneRoot, start, end);
            if (animator != null) {
                // Save animation info for future cancellation purposes
                View view;
                TransitionValues infoValues = null;
                if (end != null) {
                    view = end.view;
                    String[] properties = getTransitionProperties();
                    if (view != null && properties != null && properties.length > 0) {
                        infoValues = new TransitionValues();
                        infoValues.view = view;
                        TransitionValues newValues = endValues.viewValues.get(view);
                        if (newValues != null) {
                            for (int j = 0; j < properties.length; ++j) {
                                infoValues.values.put(properties[j], newValues.values.get(properties[j]));
                        synchronized (sRunningAnimators) {
                            int numExistingAnims = runningAnimators.size();
                            for (int j = 0; j < numExistingAnims; ++j) {
                                Animator anim = runningAnimators.keyAt(j);
                                AnimationInfo info = runningAnimators.get(anim);
                                if (info.values != null && info.view == view && (( == null && getName() == null) || ( != null && {
                                    if (info.values.equals(infoValues)) {
                                        // Favor the old animator
                                        animator = null;
                } else {
                    view = start.view;
                if (animator != null) {
                    if (mPropagation != null) {
                        long delay = mPropagation.getStartDelay(sceneRoot, this, start, end);
                        startDelays.put(mAnimators.size(), delay);
                        minStartDelay = Math.min(delay, minStartDelay);
                    AnimationInfo info = new AnimationInfo(view, getName(), this, ViewUtils.getWindowId(sceneRoot), infoValues);
                    runningAnimators.put(animator, info);
    if (startDelays.size() != 0) {
        for (int i = 0; i < startDelays.size(); i++) {
            int index = startDelays.keyAt(i);
            Animator animator = mAnimators.get(index);
            long delay = startDelays.valueAt(i) - minStartDelay + animator.getStartDelay();
Also used : SurfaceView(android.view.SurfaceView) View(android.view.View) TextureView(android.view.TextureView) ListView(android.widget.ListView) LongSparseArray( SparseArray(android.util.SparseArray) Animator(android.animation.Animator)

Example 3 with ArrayMap

use of in project ride-read-android by Ride-Read.

the class AppUtils method getVersion.

     * 获取版本信息
     * @return
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public static ArrayMap getVersion() {
    ArrayMap vInfo = new ArrayMap<>();
    try {
        PackageManager pm = Utils.getAppContext().getPackageManager();
        PackageInfo info = pm.getPackageInfo(Utils.getAppContext().getPackageName(), 0);
        vInfo.put("VERSION_CODE", info.versionCode);
        vInfo.put("VERSION_NAME", info.versionName);
        vInfo.put(Version.VERSION_CODE, info.versionCode);
        vInfo.put(Version.VERSION_NAME, info.versionName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return vInfo;
Also used : PackageManager( PackageInfo( ArrayMap(

Example 4 with ArrayMap

use of in project AntennaPod by AntennaPod.

the class DBReader method getFeedImages.

     * Searches the DB for a FeedImage of the given id.
     * @param imageIds The ids of the images
     * @return Map that associates the id of an image with the image itself
private static Map<Long, FeedImage> getFeedImages(PodDBAdapter adapter, final long... imageIds) {
    String[] ids = new String[imageIds.length];
    for (int i = 0, len = imageIds.length; i < len; i++) {
        ids[i] = String.valueOf(imageIds[i]);
    Cursor cursor = adapter.getImageCursor(ids);
    Map<Long, FeedImage> result = new ArrayMap<>(cursor.getCount());
    try {
        if ((cursor.getCount() == 0) || !cursor.moveToFirst()) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();
        do {
            FeedImage image = FeedImage.fromCursor(cursor);
            result.put(image.getId(), image);
        } while (cursor.moveToNext());
    } finally {
    return result;
Also used : FeedImage(de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedImage) ArrayMap( Cursor(android.database.Cursor)

Example 5 with ArrayMap

use of in project AntennaPod by AntennaPod.

the class GpodnetEpisodeActionPostResponse method fromJSONObject.

     * Creates a new GpodnetUploadChangesResponse-object from a JSON object that was
     * returned by an uploadChanges call.
     * @throws org.json.JSONException If the method could not parse the JSONObject.
public static GpodnetEpisodeActionPostResponse fromJSONObject(String objectString) throws JSONException {
    final JSONObject object = new JSONObject(objectString);
    final long timestamp = object.getLong("timestamp");
    JSONArray urls = object.getJSONArray("update_urls");
    Map<String, String> updatedUrls = new ArrayMap<>(urls.length());
    for (int i = 0; i < urls.length(); i++) {
        JSONArray urlPair = urls.getJSONArray(i);
        updatedUrls.put(urlPair.getString(0), urlPair.getString(1));
    return new GpodnetEpisodeActionPostResponse(timestamp, updatedUrls);
Also used : JSONObject(org.json.JSONObject) JSONArray(org.json.JSONArray) ArrayMap(


ArrayMap ( Cursor (android.database.Cursor)2 FeedMedia (de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedMedia)2 JSONArray (org.json.JSONArray)2 JSONObject (org.json.JSONObject)2 Animator (android.animation.Animator)1 PackageInfo ( PackageManager ( LongSparseArray ( Pair (android.util.Pair)1 SparseArray (android.util.SparseArray)1 SurfaceView (android.view.SurfaceView)1 TextureView (android.view.TextureView)1 View (android.view.View)1 ListView (android.widget.ListView)1 TextView (android.widget.TextView)1 JSONObject ( GistFile (com.meisolsson.githubsdk.model.GistFile)1 WXSDKInstance ( FeedImage (de.danoeh.antennapod.core.feed.FeedImage)1