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Example 1 with ACTION_STATE_DRAG

use of in project Reader by TheKeeperOfPie.

the class CustomItemTouchHelper method moveIfNecessary.

 * Checks if we should swap w/ another view holder.
private void moveIfNecessary(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder) {
    if (mRecyclerView.isLayoutRequested()) {
    if (mActionState != ACTION_STATE_DRAG) {
    final float threshold = mCallback.getMoveThreshold(viewHolder);
    final int x = (int) (mSelectedStartX + mDx);
    final int y = (int) (mSelectedStartY + mDy);
    if (Math.abs(y - viewHolder.itemView.getTop()) < viewHolder.itemView.getHeight() * threshold && Math.abs(x - viewHolder.itemView.getLeft()) < viewHolder.itemView.getWidth() * threshold) {
    List<RecyclerView.ViewHolder> swapTargets = findSwapTargets(viewHolder);
    if (swapTargets.size() == 0) {
    // may swap.
    RecyclerView.ViewHolder target = mCallback.chooseDropTarget(viewHolder, swapTargets, x, y);
    if (target == null) {
    final int toPosition = target.getAdapterPosition();
    final int fromPosition = viewHolder.getAdapterPosition();
    if (mCallback.onMove(mRecyclerView, viewHolder, target)) {
        // keep target visible
        mCallback.onMoved(mRecyclerView, viewHolder, fromPosition, target, toPosition, x, y);
Also used : RecyclerView( Paint(

Example 2 with ACTION_STATE_DRAG

use of in project Reader by TheKeeperOfPie.

the class CustomItemTouchHelper method select.

 * Starts dragging or swiping the given View. Call with null if you want to clear it.
 * @param selected    The ViewHolder to drag or swipe. Can be null if you want to cancel the
 *                    current action
 * @param actionState The type of action
public void select(RecyclerView.ViewHolder selected, int actionState) {
    if (selected == mSelected && actionState == mActionState) {
    mDragScrollStartTimeInMs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    final int prevActionState = mActionState;
    // prevent duplicate animations
    endRecoverAnimation(selected, true);
    mActionState = actionState;
    if (actionState == ACTION_STATE_DRAG) {
        // we remove after animation is complete. this means we only elevate the last drag
        // child but that should perform good enough as it is very hard to start dragging a
        // new child before the previous one settles.
        mOverdrawChild = selected.itemView;
    int actionStateMask = (1 << (DIRECTION_FLAG_COUNT + DIRECTION_FLAG_COUNT * actionState)) - 1;
    boolean preventLayout = false;
    if (mSelected != null) {
        final RecyclerView.ViewHolder prevSelected = mSelected;
        if (prevSelected.itemView.getParent() != null) {
            final int swipeDir = prevActionState == ACTION_STATE_DRAG ? 0 : swipeIfNecessary(prevSelected);
            // find where we should animate to
            final float targetTranslateX, targetTranslateY;
            int animationType;
            switch(swipeDir) {
                case LEFT:
                case RIGHT:
                case START:
                case END:
                    targetTranslateY = 0;
                    targetTranslateX = Math.signum(mDx) * mRecyclerView.getWidth();
                case UP:
                case DOWN:
                    targetTranslateX = 0;
                    targetTranslateY = Math.signum(mDy) * mRecyclerView.getHeight();
                    targetTranslateX = 0;
                    targetTranslateY = 0;
            if (prevActionState == ACTION_STATE_DRAG) {
                animationType = ANIMATION_TYPE_DRAG;
            } else if (swipeDir > 0) {
                animationType = ANIMATION_TYPE_SWIPE_SUCCESS;
            } else {
                animationType = ANIMATION_TYPE_SWIPE_CANCEL;
            final float currentTranslateX = mTmpPosition[0];
            final float currentTranslateY = mTmpPosition[1];
            final RecoverAnimation rv = new RecoverAnimation(prevSelected, animationType, prevActionState, currentTranslateX, currentTranslateY, targetTranslateX, targetTranslateY) {

                public void onAnimationEnd(ValueAnimatorCompat animation) {
                    if (this.mOverridden) {
                    if (swipeDir <= 0) {
                        // this is a drag or failed swipe. recover immediately
                        mCallback.clearView(mRecyclerView, prevSelected);
                    // full cleanup will happen on onDrawOver
                    } else {
                        // wait until remove animation is complete.
                        mIsPendingCleanup = true;
                        if (swipeDir > 0) {
                            // Animation might be ended by other animators during a layout.
                            // We defer callback to avoid editing adapter during a layout.
                            postDispatchSwipe(this, swipeDir);
                    // removed from the list after it is drawn for the last time
                    if (mOverdrawChild == prevSelected.itemView) {
            final long duration = mCallback.getAnimationDuration(mRecyclerView, animationType, targetTranslateX - currentTranslateX, targetTranslateY - currentTranslateY);
            preventLayout = true;
        } else {
            mCallback.clearView(mRecyclerView, prevSelected);
        mSelected = null;
    if (selected != null) {
        mSelectedFlags = (mCallback.getAbsoluteMovementFlags(mRecyclerView, selected) & actionStateMask) >> (mActionState * DIRECTION_FLAG_COUNT);
        mSelectedStartX = selected.itemView.getLeft();
        mSelectedStartY = selected.itemView.getTop();
        mSelected = selected;
        if (actionState == ACTION_STATE_DRAG) {
    final ViewParent rvParent = mRecyclerView.getParent();
    if (rvParent != null) {
    // rvParent.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(mSelected != null);
    if (!preventLayout) {
    mCallback.onSelectedChanged(mSelected, mActionState);
Also used : ViewParent(android.view.ViewParent) RecyclerView( Paint( ValueAnimatorCompat(

Example 3 with ACTION_STATE_DRAG

use of in project Reader by TheKeeperOfPie.

the class CustomItemTouchHelper method checkSelectForSwipe.

 * Checks whether we should select a View for swiping.
private boolean checkSelectForSwipe(int action, MotionEvent motionEvent, int pointerIndex) {
    if (mSelected != null || action != MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE || mActionState == ACTION_STATE_DRAG || !mCallback.isItemViewSwipeEnabled()) {
        return false;
    if (mRecyclerView.getScrollState() == RecyclerView.SCROLL_STATE_DRAGGING) {
        return false;
    final RecyclerView.ViewHolder vh = findSwipedView(motionEvent);
    if (vh == null) {
        return false;
    final int movementFlags = mCallback.getAbsoluteMovementFlags(mRecyclerView, vh);
    final int swipeFlags = (movementFlags & ACTION_MODE_SWIPE_MASK) >> (DIRECTION_FLAG_COUNT * ACTION_STATE_SWIPE);
    if (swipeFlags == 0) {
        return false;
    // mDx and mDy are only set in allowed directions. We use custom x/y here instead of
    // updateDxDy to avoid swiping if user moves more in the other direction
    final float x = MotionEventCompat.getX(motionEvent, pointerIndex);
    final float y = MotionEventCompat.getY(motionEvent, pointerIndex);
    // Calculate the distance moved
    final float dx = x - mInitialTouchX;
    final float dy = y - mInitialTouchY;
    // swipe target is chose w/o applying flags so it does not really check if swiping in that
    // direction is allowed. This why here, we use mDx mDy to check slope value again.
    final float absDx = Math.abs(dx);
    final float absDy = Math.abs(dy);
    if (absDx < mSlop && absDy < mSlop) {
        return false;
    if (absDx > absDy) {
        if (dx < 0 && (swipeFlags & LEFT) == 0) {
            return false;
        if (dx > 0 && (swipeFlags & RIGHT) == 0) {
            return false;
    } else {
        if (dy < 0 && (swipeFlags & UP) == 0) {
            return false;
        if (dy > 0 && (swipeFlags & DOWN) == 0) {
            return false;
    mDx = mDy = 0f;
    mActivePointerId = MotionEventCompat.getPointerId(motionEvent, 0);
    select(vh, ACTION_STATE_SWIPE);
    return true;
Also used : RecyclerView( Paint(


Paint ( RecyclerView ( ValueAnimatorCompat ( ViewParent (android.view.ViewParent)1