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Example 1 with ImsiEncryptionInfo

use of android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class CarrierInfoManager method getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption.

 * Returns Carrier specific information that will be used to encrypt the IMSI and IMPI.
 * @param keyType whether the key is being used for WLAN or ePDG.
 * @param mContext
 * @return ImsiEncryptionInfo which contains the information, including the public key, to be
 *         used for encryption.
public static ImsiEncryptionInfo getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(int keyType, Context mContext) {
    String mcc = "";
    String mnc = "";
    final TelephonyManager telephonyManager = (TelephonyManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE);
    String networkOperator = telephonyManager.getNetworkOperator();
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(networkOperator)) {
        mcc = networkOperator.substring(0, 3);
        mnc = networkOperator.substring(3);
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "using values for mnc, mcc: " + mnc + "," + mcc);
    } else {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Invalid networkOperator: " + networkOperator);
        return null;
    Cursor findCursor = null;
    try {
        // In the current design, MVNOs are not supported. If we decide to support them,
        // we'll need to add to this CL.
        ContentResolver mContentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver();
        String[] columns = { Telephony.CarrierColumns.PUBLIC_KEY, Telephony.CarrierColumns.EXPIRATION_TIME, Telephony.CarrierColumns.KEY_IDENTIFIER };
        findCursor = mContentResolver.query(Telephony.CarrierColumns.CONTENT_URI, columns, "mcc=? and mnc=? and key_type=?", new String[] { mcc, mnc, String.valueOf(keyType) }, null);
        if (findCursor == null || !findCursor.moveToFirst()) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "No rows found for keyType: " + keyType);
            return null;
        if (findCursor.getCount() > 1) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "More than 1 row found for the keyType: " + keyType);
        byte[] carrier_key = findCursor.getBlob(0);
        Date expirationTime = new Date(findCursor.getLong(1));
        String keyIdentifier = findCursor.getString(2);
        return new ImsiEncryptionInfo(mcc, mnc, keyType, keyIdentifier, carrier_key, expirationTime);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Bad arguments:" + e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Query failed:" + e);
    } finally {
        if (findCursor != null) {
    return null;
Also used : ImsiEncryptionInfo(android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo) TelephonyManager(android.telephony.TelephonyManager) Cursor(android.database.Cursor) Date(java.util.Date) SQLiteConstraintException(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException) ContentResolver(android.content.ContentResolver)

Example 2 with ImsiEncryptionInfo

use of android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class CarrierKeyDownloadManager method areCarrierKeysAbsentOrExpiring.

 * Checks whether is the keys are absent or close to expiration. Returns true, if either of
 * those conditions are true.
 * @return boolean returns true when keys are absent or close to expiration, else false.
public boolean areCarrierKeysAbsentOrExpiring() {
    for (int key_type : CARRIER_KEY_TYPES) {
        if (!isKeyEnabled(key_type)) {
        ImsiEncryptionInfo imsiEncryptionInfo = mPhone.getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(key_type);
        if (imsiEncryptionInfo == null) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Key not found for: " + key_type);
            return true;
        Date imsiDate = imsiEncryptionInfo.getExpirationTime();
        long timeToExpire = imsiDate.getTime() - System.currentTimeMillis();
        return (timeToExpire < START_RENEWAL_WINDOW_DAYS * DAY_IN_MILLIS) ? true : false;
    return false;
Also used : ImsiEncryptionInfo(android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo) Date(java.util.Date) VisibleForTesting(

Example 3 with ImsiEncryptionInfo

use of android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class CarrierKeyDownloadManager method getExpirationDate.

 * this method returns the date to be used to decide on when to start downloading the key.
 * from the carrier.
public long getExpirationDate() {
    long minExpirationDate = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    for (int key_type : CARRIER_KEY_TYPES) {
        if (!isKeyEnabled(key_type)) {
        ImsiEncryptionInfo imsiEncryptionInfo = mPhone.getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(key_type);
        if (imsiEncryptionInfo != null && imsiEncryptionInfo.getExpirationTime() != null) {
            if (minExpirationDate > imsiEncryptionInfo.getExpirationTime().getTime()) {
                minExpirationDate = imsiEncryptionInfo.getExpirationTime().getTime();
    // expiration.
    if (minExpirationDate == Long.MAX_VALUE || (minExpirationDate < System.currentTimeMillis() + END_RENEWAL_WINDOW_DAYS * DAY_IN_MILLIS)) {
        minExpirationDate = System.currentTimeMillis() + DAY_IN_MILLIS;
    } else {
        // We don't want all the phones to download the certs simultaneously, so
        // we pick a random time during the download window to avoid this situation.
        Random random = new Random();
        int randomTime = random.nextInt(max - min) + min;
        minExpirationDate = minExpirationDate - randomTime;
    return minExpirationDate;
Also used : ImsiEncryptionInfo(android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo) Random(java.util.Random) VisibleForTesting(

Example 4 with ImsiEncryptionInfo

use of android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class CarrierInfoManager method getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption.

 * Returns Carrier specific information that will be used to encrypt the IMSI and IMPI.
 * @param keyType whether the key is being used for WLAN or ePDG.
 * @param context
 * @return ImsiEncryptionInfo which contains the information, including the public key, to be
 *         used for encryption.
public static ImsiEncryptionInfo getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(int keyType, Context context, String operatorNumeric) {
    String mcc = "";
    String mnc = "";
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(operatorNumeric)) {
        mcc = operatorNumeric.substring(0, 3);
        mnc = operatorNumeric.substring(3);
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "using values for mnc, mcc: " + mnc + "," + mcc);
    } else {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Invalid networkOperator: " + operatorNumeric);
        return null;
    Cursor findCursor = null;
    try {
        // In the current design, MVNOs are not supported. If we decide to support them,
        // we'll need to add to this CL.
        ContentResolver mContentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
        String[] columns = { Telephony.CarrierColumns.PUBLIC_KEY, Telephony.CarrierColumns.EXPIRATION_TIME, Telephony.CarrierColumns.KEY_IDENTIFIER };
        findCursor = mContentResolver.query(Telephony.CarrierColumns.CONTENT_URI, columns, "mcc=? and mnc=? and key_type=?", new String[] { mcc, mnc, String.valueOf(keyType) }, null);
        if (findCursor == null || !findCursor.moveToFirst()) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "No rows found for keyType: " + keyType);
            return null;
        if (findCursor.getCount() > 1) {
            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "More than 1 row found for the keyType: " + keyType);
        byte[] carrier_key = findCursor.getBlob(0);
        Date expirationTime = new Date(findCursor.getLong(1));
        String keyIdentifier = findCursor.getString(2);
        return new ImsiEncryptionInfo(mcc, mnc, keyType, keyIdentifier, carrier_key, expirationTime);
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Bad arguments:" + e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Query failed:" + e);
    } finally {
        if (findCursor != null) {
    return null;
Also used : ImsiEncryptionInfo(android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo) Cursor(android.database.Cursor) Date(java.util.Date) SQLiteConstraintException(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException) ContentResolver(android.content.ContentResolver)

Example 5 with ImsiEncryptionInfo

use of android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo in project android_frameworks_opt_telephony by LineageOS.

the class ImsiEncryptionInfoTest method testParcel.

 * Tests the parceling/un-parceling of the object.
public void testParcel() {
    Parcel p = Parcel.obtain();
    mImsiEncryptionInfo.writeToParcel(p, 0);
    ImsiEncryptionInfo nw = new ImsiEncryptionInfo(p);
    assertEquals("310", mImsiEncryptionInfo.getMcc());
    assertEquals("270", mImsiEncryptionInfo.getMnc());
    assertEquals(TelephonyManager.KEY_TYPE_WLAN, mImsiEncryptionInfo.getKeyType());
    assertEquals("key1=value", mImsiEncryptionInfo.getKeyIdentifier());
    assertEquals(mPublicKey, mImsiEncryptionInfo.getPublicKey());
    assertEquals(mDate, mImsiEncryptionInfo.getExpirationTime());
Also used : ImsiEncryptionInfo(android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo) Parcel(android.os.Parcel) SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest) Test(org.junit.Test) SmallTest(android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)


ImsiEncryptionInfo (android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo)13 Date (java.util.Date)9 SmallTest (android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest)6 Test (org.junit.Test)6 PublicKey ( VisibleForTesting ( ContentResolver (android.content.ContentResolver)2 Cursor (android.database.Cursor)2 SQLiteConstraintException (android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException)2 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2 Calendar (java.util.Calendar)2 GregorianCalendar (java.util.GregorianCalendar)2 IRadio ( Parcel (android.os.Parcel)1 RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)1 TelephonyManager (android.telephony.TelephonyManager)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 Before (org.junit.Before)1