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Example 6 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project LuaViewSDK by alibaba.

the class AutofitHelper method getAutofitTextSize.

     * Recursive binary search to find the best size for the text.
private static float getAutofitTextSize(CharSequence text, TextPaint paint, float targetWidth, int maxLines, float low, float high, float precision, DisplayMetrics displayMetrics) {
    float mid = (low + high) / 2.0f;
    int lineCount = 1;
    StaticLayout layout = null;
    paint.setTextSize(TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, mid, displayMetrics));
    if (maxLines != 1) {
        layout = new StaticLayout(text, paint, (int) targetWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
        lineCount = layout.getLineCount();
    if (SPEW)
        Log.d(TAG, "low=" + low + " high=" + high + " mid=" + mid + " target=" + targetWidth + " maxLines=" + maxLines + " lineCount=" + lineCount);
    if (lineCount > maxLines) {
        // For the case that `text` has more newline characters than `maxLines`.
        if ((high - low) < precision) {
            return low;
        return getAutofitTextSize(text, paint, targetWidth, maxLines, low, mid, precision, displayMetrics);
    } else if (lineCount < maxLines) {
        return getAutofitTextSize(text, paint, targetWidth, maxLines, mid, high, precision, displayMetrics);
    } else {
        float maxLineWidth = 0;
        if (maxLines == 1) {
            maxLineWidth = paint.measureText(text, 0, text.length());
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
                if (layout.getLineWidth(i) > maxLineWidth) {
                    maxLineWidth = layout.getLineWidth(i);
        if ((high - low) < precision) {
            return low;
        } else if (maxLineWidth > targetWidth) {
            return getAutofitTextSize(text, paint, targetWidth, maxLines, low, mid, precision, displayMetrics);
        } else if (maxLineWidth < targetWidth) {
            return getAutofitTextSize(text, paint, targetWidth, maxLines, mid, high, precision, displayMetrics);
        } else {
            return mid;
Also used : StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint)

Example 7 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project plaid by nickbutcher.

the class ReflowText method createAnimator.

public Animator createAnimator(ViewGroup sceneRoot, TransitionValues startValues, TransitionValues endValues) {
    if (startValues == null || endValues == null)
        return null;
    final View view = endValues.view;
    AnimatorSet transition = new AnimatorSet();
    ReflowData startData = (ReflowData) startValues.values.get(PROPNAME_DATA);
    ReflowData endData = (ReflowData) endValues.values.get(PROPNAME_DATA);
    duration = calculateDuration(startData.bounds, endData.bounds);
    // create layouts & capture a bitmaps of the text in both states
    // (with max lines variants where needed)
    Layout startLayout = createLayout(startData, sceneRoot.getContext(), false);
    Layout endLayout = createLayout(endData, sceneRoot.getContext(), false);
    Layout startLayoutMaxLines = null;
    Layout endLayoutMaxLines = null;
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) {
        // StaticLayout maxLines support
        if (startData.maxLines != -1) {
            startLayoutMaxLines = createLayout(startData, sceneRoot.getContext(), true);
        if (endData.maxLines != -1) {
            endLayoutMaxLines = createLayout(endData, sceneRoot.getContext(), true);
    final Bitmap startText = createBitmap(startData, startLayoutMaxLines != null ? startLayoutMaxLines : startLayout);
    final Bitmap endText = createBitmap(endData, endLayoutMaxLines != null ? endLayoutMaxLines : endLayout);
    // temporarily turn off clipping so we can draw outside of our bounds don't draw
    ((ViewGroup) view.getParent()).setClipChildren(false);
    // calculate the runs of text to move together
    List<Run> runs = getRuns(startData, startLayout, startLayoutMaxLines, endData, endLayout, endLayoutMaxLines);
    // create animators for moving, scaling and fading each run of text
    transition.playTogether(createRunAnimators(view, startData, endData, startText, endText, runs));
    if (!freezeFrame) {
        transition.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                // clean up
                ((ViewGroup) view.getParent()).setClipChildren(true);
    return transition;
Also used : Bitmap( Animator(android.animation.Animator) ObjectAnimator(android.animation.ObjectAnimator) StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) Layout(android.text.Layout) ViewGroup(android.view.ViewGroup) AnimatorListenerAdapter(android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter) AnimatorSet(android.animation.AnimatorSet) View(android.view.View) TextView(android.widget.TextView)

Example 8 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project plaid by nickbutcher.

the class DynamicTextView method fitMultiline.

private void fitMultiline() {
    int targetWidth = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
    int targetHeight = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
    if (targetWidth > 0 && targetHeight > 0) {
        int textSize = mMaxTextSize;
        TextPaint paint = getPaint();
        StaticLayout staticLayout = new StaticLayout(getText(), paint, targetWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
        int currentHeight = staticLayout.getHeight();
        while (currentHeight > targetHeight && textSize > mMinTextSize) {
            staticLayout = new StaticLayout(getText(), paint, targetWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
            currentHeight = staticLayout.getHeight();
        setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, textSize);
        mCalculated = true;
Also used : StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint)

Example 9 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project plaid by nickbutcher.

the class DynamicTextView method fitSnappedMultiLine.

private void fitSnappedMultiLine() {
    int targetWidth = getWidth() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight();
    int targetHeight = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom();
    if (targetWidth > 0 && targetHeight > 0) {
        int style = 0;
        MaterialTypeStyle currentStyle = mStyles[style];
        TextPaint paint = getPaint();
        StaticLayout staticLayout = null;
        int currentHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int lines = 0;
        boolean maxLinesSet = getMaxLines() != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        while ((currentHeight > targetHeight || (maxLinesSet && lines > getMaxLines())) && style <= mStyles.length - 1 && currentStyle.size * scaledDensity >= mMinTextSize && currentStyle.size * scaledDensity <= mMaxTextSize) {
            currentStyle = mStyles[style];
            paint.setTextSize(currentStyle.size * scaledDensity);
            paint.setTypeface(Typeface.create(currentStyle.fontFamily, Typeface.NORMAL));
            staticLayout = new StaticLayout(getText(), paint, targetWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
            currentHeight = staticLayout.getHeight();
            lines = staticLayout.getLineCount();
        super.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, currentStyle.size);
        setTypeface(Typeface.create(currentStyle.fontFamily, Typeface.NORMAL));
        int currentColour = getCurrentTextColor();
        if (style == mStyles.length) {
        if (currentStyle.size * scaledDensity < mMinTextSize) {
            // wanted to make text smaller but hit min text size.  Need to set max lines.
            setMaxLines((int) Math.floor((((float) targetHeight / (float) currentHeight) * lines)));
        mCalculated = true;
Also used : StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint)

Example 10 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project MaterialEditText by rengwuxian.

the class MaterialAutoCompleteTextView method adjustBottomLines.

   * @return True, if adjustments were made that require the view to be invalidated.
private boolean adjustBottomLines() {
    // Bail out if we have a zero width; lines will be adjusted during next layout.
    if (getWidth() == 0) {
        return false;
    int destBottomLines;
    if (tempErrorText != null || helperText != null) {
        Layout.Alignment alignment = (getGravity() & Gravity.RIGHT) == Gravity.RIGHT || isRTL() ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_OPPOSITE : (getGravity() & Gravity.LEFT) == Gravity.LEFT ? Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL : Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER;
        textLayout = new StaticLayout(tempErrorText != null ? tempErrorText : helperText, textPaint, getWidth() - getBottomTextLeftOffset() - getBottomTextRightOffset() - getPaddingLeft() - getPaddingRight(), alignment, 1.0f, 0.0f, true);
        destBottomLines = Math.max(textLayout.getLineCount(), minBottomTextLines);
    } else {
        destBottomLines = minBottomLines;
    if (bottomLines != destBottomLines) {
    bottomLines = destBottomLines;
    return true;
Also used : StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) Layout(android.text.Layout) StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint(


StaticLayout (android.text.StaticLayout)80 TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)56 Paint ( Layout (android.text.Layout)21 DynamicLayout (android.text.DynamicLayout)9 RectF ( Bitmap ( NonNull ( BoringLayout (android.text.BoringLayout)3 SpannableStringBuilder (android.text.SpannableStringBuilder)3 KeyEvent (android.view.KeyEvent)3 MotionEvent (android.view.MotionEvent)3 AccessibilityEvent (android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent)3 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)2 Canvas ( Rect ( Spanned (android.text.Spanned)2 TruncateAt (android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt)2 StyleSpan ( Animator (android.animation.Animator)1