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Example 11 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class SubtitleView method onDraw.

protected void onDraw(Canvas c) {
    final StaticLayout layout = mLayout;
    if (layout == null) {
    final int saveCount =;
    final int innerPaddingX = mInnerPaddingX;
    c.translate(mPaddingLeft + innerPaddingX, mPaddingTop);
    final int lineCount = layout.getLineCount();
    final Paint textPaint = mTextPaint;
    final Paint paint = mPaint;
    final RectF bounds = mLineBounds;
    if (Color.alpha(mBackgroundColor) > 0) {
        final float cornerRadius = mCornerRadius;
        float previousBottom = layout.getLineTop(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
            bounds.left = layout.getLineLeft(i) - innerPaddingX;
            bounds.right = layout.getLineRight(i) + innerPaddingX;
   = previousBottom;
            bounds.bottom = layout.getLineBottom(i);
            previousBottom = bounds.bottom;
            c.drawRoundRect(bounds, cornerRadius, cornerRadius, paint);
    final int edgeType = mEdgeType;
    if (edgeType == CaptionStyle.EDGE_TYPE_OUTLINE) {
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
            layout.drawText(c, i, i);
    } else if (edgeType == CaptionStyle.EDGE_TYPE_DROP_SHADOW) {
        textPaint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, mShadowOffsetX, mShadowOffsetY, mEdgeColor);
    } else if (edgeType == CaptionStyle.EDGE_TYPE_RAISED || edgeType == CaptionStyle.EDGE_TYPE_DEPRESSED) {
        final boolean raised = edgeType == CaptionStyle.EDGE_TYPE_RAISED;
        final int colorUp = raised ? Color.WHITE : mEdgeColor;
        final int colorDown = raised ? mEdgeColor : Color.WHITE;
        final float offset = mShadowRadius / 2f;
        textPaint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, -offset, -offset, colorUp);
        for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
            layout.drawText(c, i, i);
        textPaint.setShadowLayer(mShadowRadius, offset, offset, colorDown);
    for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
        layout.drawText(c, i, i);
    textPaint.setShadowLayer(0, 0, 0, 0);
Also used : RectF( StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint( TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint(

Example 12 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class SubtitleView method computeMeasurements.

private boolean computeMeasurements(int maxWidth) {
    if (mHasMeasurements && maxWidth == mLastMeasuredWidth) {
        return true;
    // Account for padding.
    final int paddingX = mPaddingLeft + mPaddingRight + mInnerPaddingX * 2;
    maxWidth -= paddingX;
    if (maxWidth <= 0) {
        return false;
    // TODO: Implement minimum-difference line wrapping. Adding the results
    // of Paint.getTextWidths() seems to return different values than
    // StaticLayout.getWidth(), so this is non-trivial.
    mHasMeasurements = true;
    mLastMeasuredWidth = maxWidth;
    mLayout = new StaticLayout(mText, mTextPaint, maxWidth, mAlignment, mSpacingMult, mSpacingAdd, true);
    return true;
Also used : StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint(

Example 13 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project TextJustify-Android by bluejamesbond.

the class SpannableDocumentLayout method onMeasure.

public boolean onMeasure(IProgress<Float> progress, ICancel<Boolean> cancelled) {
    boolean done = true;
    float parentWidth = params.getParentWidth();
    float boundWidth = params.getParentWidth() - params.getInsetPaddingLeft() - params.getInsetPaddingRight();
    mLeadMarginSpanDrawEvents = new LinkedList<>();
    StaticLayout staticLayout = new StaticLayout(getText(), (TextPaint) getPaint(), (int) boundWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1, 0, false);
    int[] newTokens = new int[TOKEN_LENGTH * 1000];
    LeadingMarginSpan[] activeLeadSpans = new LeadingMarginSpan[0];
    HashMap<LeadingMarginSpan, Integer> leadSpans = new HashMap<>();
    TextAlignment defAlign = params.textAlignment;
    Spannable textCpy = (Spannable) this.text;
    Paint.FontMetricsInt fmi = paint.getFontMetricsInt();
    int maxTextIndex = textCpy.length() - 1;
    int lines = staticLayout.getLineCount();
    int enableLineBreak = 0;
    int index = 0;
    int lineNumber;
    float x;
    float y = params.insetPaddingTop;
    float left = params.insetPaddingLeft;
    float right = params.insetPaddingRight;
    float lineHeightAdd = params.lineHeightMultiplier;
    float lastAscent;
    float lastDescent;
    boolean isParaStart = true;
    boolean isReverse = params.reverse;
    for (lineNumber = 0; lineNumber < lines; lineNumber++) {
        if (cancelled.isCancelled()) {
            done = false;
        progress.onUpdate((float) lineNumber / (float) lines);
        newTokens = ammortizeArray(newTokens, index);
        int start = staticLayout.getLineStart(lineNumber);
        int end = staticLayout.getLineEnd(lineNumber);
        float realWidth = boundWidth;
        if (params.debugging) {
            Console.log(start + " => " + end + " :: " + " " + -staticLayout.getLineAscent(lineNumber) + " " + staticLayout.getLineDescent(lineNumber) + " " + textCpy.subSequence(start, end).toString());
        // start == end => end of textCpy
        if (start == end || lineNumber >= params.maxLines) {
        // Get textCpy alignment for the line
        TextAlignmentSpan[] textAlignmentSpans = textCpy.getSpans(start, end, TextAlignmentSpan.class);
        TextAlignment lineTextAlignment = textAlignmentSpans.length == 0 ? defAlign : textAlignmentSpans[0].getTextAlignment();
        // Calculate components of line height
        lastAscent = -staticLayout.getLineAscent(lineNumber);
        lastDescent = staticLayout.getLineDescent(lineNumber) + lineHeightAdd;
        // Handle reverse
        DirectionSpan[] directionSpans = textCpy.getSpans(start, end, DirectionSpan.class);
        isReverse = directionSpans.length > 0 ? directionSpans[0].isReverse() : params.reverse;
        // Line is ONLY a <br/> or \n
        if (start + 1 == end && (Character.getNumericValue(textCpy.charAt(start)) == -1 || textCpy.charAt(start) == '\n')) {
            // Line break indicates a new paragraph
            // is next
            isParaStart = true;
            // Use the line-height of the next line
            if (lineNumber + 1 < lines) {
                y += enableLineBreak * (-staticLayout.getLineAscent(lineNumber + 1) + staticLayout.getLineDescent(lineNumber + 1));
            // Don't ignore the next line breaks
            enableLineBreak = 1;
        } else {
            // Ignore the next line break
            enableLineBreak = 0;
        x = lineTextAlignment == TextAlignment.RIGHT ? right : left;
        y += lastAscent;
        // Line CONTAINS a \n
        boolean isParaEnd = end == maxTextIndex || textCpy.charAt(Math.min(end, maxTextIndex)) == '\n' || textCpy.charAt(end - 1) == '\n';
        if (isParaEnd) {
            enableLineBreak = 1;
        // LeadingMarginSpan block
        if (isParaStart) {
            // Process LeadingMarginSpan
            activeLeadSpans = textCpy.getSpans(start, end, LeadingMarginSpan.class);
            // Set up all the spans
            if (activeLeadSpans.length > 0) {
                for (LeadingMarginSpan leadSpan : activeLeadSpans) {
                    if (!leadSpans.containsKey(leadSpan)) {
                        // Default margin is everything
                        int marginLineCount = -1;
                        if (leadSpan instanceof LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2) {
                            LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2 leadSpan2 = ((LeadingMarginSpan.LeadingMarginSpan2) leadSpan);
                            marginLineCount = leadSpan2.getLeadingMarginLineCount();
                        leadSpans.put(leadSpan, marginLineCount);
        float totalMargin = 0.0f;
        int top = (int) (y - lastAscent);
        int baseline = (int) (y);
        int bottom = (int) (y + lastDescent);
        for (LeadingMarginSpan leadSpan : activeLeadSpans) {
            // TOKEN_X based on alignment
            float calcX = x;
            // LineAlignment
            int lineAlignmentVal = 1;
            if (lineTextAlignment == TextAlignment.RIGHT) {
                lineAlignmentVal = -1;
                calcX = parentWidth - x;
            // Get current line count
            int spanLines = leadSpans.get(leadSpan);
            // Update only if the valid next valid
            if (spanLines > 0 || spanLines == -1) {
                leadSpans.put(leadSpan, spanLines == -1 ? -1 : spanLines - 1);
                mLeadMarginSpanDrawEvents.add(new LeadingMarginSpanDrawParameters(leadSpan, (int) calcX, lineAlignmentVal, top, baseline, bottom, start, end, isParaStart));
                // Is margin required?
                totalMargin += leadSpan.getLeadingMargin(isParaStart);
        x += totalMargin;
        realWidth -= totalMargin;
        // Disable/enable new paragraph
        isParaStart = isParaEnd;
        // TextAlignmentSpan block
        if (isParaEnd && lineTextAlignment == TextAlignment.JUSTIFIED) {
            lineTextAlignment = isReverse ? TextAlignment.RIGHT : TextAlignment.LEFT;
        if (params.debugging) {
            Console.log(String.format("Align: %s, X: %fpx, Y: %fpx, PWidth: %fpx", lineTextAlignment, x, y, parentWidth));
        switch(lineTextAlignment) {
            case RIGHT:
                    float lineWidth = Styled.measureText(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, end, fmi);
                    index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, end, parentWidth - x - lineWidth, y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber);
                    y += lastDescent;
            case CENTER:
                    float lineWidth = Styled.measureText(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, end, fmi);
                    index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, end, x + (realWidth - lineWidth) / 2, y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber);
                    y += lastDescent;
            case LEFT:
                    index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, end, x, y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber);
                    y += lastDescent;
        // FIXME: Space at the end of each line, possibly due to scrollbar offset
        //            LinkedList<Integer> tokenized = tokenize(textCpy, start, end - 1);
        // FIXME: 2016/4/16 Issue #105 bug
        LinkedList<Integer> tokenized = tokenize(textCpy, start, end);
        // If one long word without any spaces
        if (tokenized.size() == 1) {
            int stop = tokenized.get(0);
            // characters individually
            if (getTrimmedLength(textCpy, start, stop) != 0) {
                float[] textWidths = new float[stop - start];
                float sum = 0.0f, textsOffset = 0.0f, offset;
                int m = 0;
                Styled.getTextWidths(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, stop, textWidths, fmi);
                for (float tw : textWidths) {
                    sum += tw;
                offset = (realWidth - sum) / (textWidths.length - 1);
                for (int k = start; k < stop; k++) {
                    index = pushToken(newTokens, index, k, k + 1, x + textsOffset + (offset * m), y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber);
                    newTokens = ammortizeArray(newTokens, index);
                    textsOffset += textWidths[m++];
        } else //  Handle multiple words
            int m = 1;
            int indexOffset = 0;
            int startIndex = index;
            int reqSpaces = (tokenized.size() - 1) * TOKEN_LENGTH;
            int rtlZero = 0;
            float rtlRight = 0;
            float rtlMul = 1;
            float lineWidth = 0;
            float offset;
            if (isReverse) {
                indexOffset = -2 * TOKEN_LENGTH;
                rtlRight = parentWidth;
                rtlMul = -1;
                rtlZero = 1;
                // reverse index
                index += reqSpaces;
            // more space
            newTokens = ammortizeArray(newTokens, index + reqSpaces);
            for (int stop : tokenized) {
                float wordWidth = Styled.measureText(paint, workPaint, textCpy, start, stop, fmi);
                // add word
                index = pushToken(newTokens, index, start, stop, rtlRight + rtlMul * (x + lineWidth + rtlZero * wordWidth), y, lastAscent, lastDescent, lineNumber);
                lineWidth += wordWidth;
                start = stop + 1;
                // based on if rtl
                index += indexOffset;
            if (isReverse) {
                index = startIndex + reqSpaces + TOKEN_LENGTH;
            offset = (realWidth - lineWidth) / (float) (tokenized.size() - 1);
            if (isReverse) {
                for (int pos = index - TOKEN_LENGTH * 2; pos >= startIndex; pos -= TOKEN_LENGTH) {
                    newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X] = (int) (((float) newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X]) - (offset * (float) m++));
            } else {
                for (int pos = startIndex + TOKEN_LENGTH; pos < index; pos += TOKEN_LENGTH) {
                    newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X] = (int) (((float) newTokens[pos + TOKEN_X]) + (offset * (float) m++));
        y += lastDescent;
    lineCount = lineNumber;
    tokens = newTokens;
    params.changed = false;
    textChange = !done;
    measuredHeight = (int) (y - lineHeightAdd + params.insetPaddingBottom);
    return done;
Also used : DirectionSpan( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint( TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint( TextAlignmentSpan( TextAlignment( LeadingMarginSpan( Spannable(android.text.Spannable)

Example 14 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project BGAQRCode-Android by bingoogolapple.

the class ScanBoxView method setIsBarcode.

public void setIsBarcode(boolean isBarcode) {
    mIsBarcode = isBarcode;
    if (mCustomGridScanLineDrawable != null || mIsShowDefaultGridScanLineDrawable) {
        if (mIsBarcode) {
            mGridScanLineBitmap = mOriginBarCodeGridScanLineBitmap;
        } else {
            mGridScanLineBitmap = mOriginQRCodeGridScanLineBitmap;
    } else if (mCustomScanLineDrawable != null || mIsShowDefaultScanLineDrawable) {
        if (mIsBarcode) {
            mScanLineBitmap = mOriginBarCodeScanLineBitmap;
        } else {
            mScanLineBitmap = mOriginQRCodeScanLineBitmap;
    if (mIsBarcode) {
        mTipText = mBarCodeTipText;
        mRectHeight = mBarcodeRectHeight;
        mAnimDelayTime = (int) ((1.0f * mAnimTime * mMoveStepDistance) / mRectWidth);
    } else {
        mTipText = mQRCodeTipText;
        mRectHeight = mRectWidth;
        mAnimDelayTime = (int) ((1.0f * mAnimTime * mMoveStepDistance) / mRectHeight);
    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mTipText)) {
        if (mIsShowTipTextAsSingleLine) {
            mTipTextSl = new StaticLayout(mTipText, mTipPaint, BGAQRCodeUtil.getScreenResolution(getContext()).x, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0, true);
        } else {
            mTipTextSl = new StaticLayout(mTipText, mTipPaint, mRectWidth - 2 * mTipBackgroundRadius, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, 1.0f, 0, true);
    if (mIsCenterVertical) {
        int screenHeight = BGAQRCodeUtil.getScreenResolution(getContext()).y;
        if (mToolbarHeight == 0) {
            mTopOffset = (screenHeight - mRectHeight) / 2;
        } else {
            mTopOffset = (screenHeight - mRectHeight) / 2 + mToolbarHeight / 2;
Also used : StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint(

Example 15 with StaticLayout

use of android.text.StaticLayout in project ExoPlayer by google.

the class SubtitlePainter method setupTextLayout.

private void setupTextLayout() {
    int parentWidth = parentRight - parentLeft;
    int parentHeight = parentBottom - parentTop;
    int textPaddingX = (int) (textSizePx * INNER_PADDING_RATIO + 0.5f);
    int availableWidth = parentWidth - textPaddingX * 2;
    if (cueSize != Cue.DIMEN_UNSET) {
        availableWidth = (int) (availableWidth * cueSize);
    if (availableWidth <= 0) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Skipped drawing subtitle cue (insufficient space)");
    Alignment textAlignment = cueTextAlignment == null ? Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER : cueTextAlignment;
    textLayout = new StaticLayout(cueText, textPaint, availableWidth, textAlignment, spacingMult, spacingAdd, true);
    int textHeight = textLayout.getHeight();
    int textWidth = 0;
    int lineCount = textLayout.getLineCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < lineCount; i++) {
        textWidth = Math.max((int) Math.ceil(textLayout.getLineWidth(i)), textWidth);
    if (cueSize != Cue.DIMEN_UNSET && textWidth < availableWidth) {
        textWidth = availableWidth;
    textWidth += textPaddingX * 2;
    int textLeft;
    int textRight;
    if (cuePosition != Cue.DIMEN_UNSET) {
        int anchorPosition = Math.round(parentWidth * cuePosition) + parentLeft;
        textLeft = cuePositionAnchor == Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END ? anchorPosition - textWidth : cuePositionAnchor == Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE ? (anchorPosition * 2 - textWidth) / 2 : anchorPosition;
        textLeft = Math.max(textLeft, parentLeft);
        textRight = Math.min(textLeft + textWidth, parentRight);
    } else {
        textLeft = (parentWidth - textWidth) / 2;
        textRight = textLeft + textWidth;
    textWidth = textRight - textLeft;
    if (textWidth <= 0) {
        Log.w(TAG, "Skipped drawing subtitle cue (invalid horizontal positioning)");
    int textTop;
    if (cueLine != Cue.DIMEN_UNSET) {
        int anchorPosition;
        if (cueLineType == Cue.LINE_TYPE_FRACTION) {
            anchorPosition = Math.round(parentHeight * cueLine) + parentTop;
        } else {
            // cueLineType == Cue.LINE_TYPE_NUMBER
            int firstLineHeight = textLayout.getLineBottom(0) - textLayout.getLineTop(0);
            if (cueLine >= 0) {
                anchorPosition = Math.round(cueLine * firstLineHeight) + parentTop;
            } else {
                anchorPosition = Math.round((cueLine + 1) * firstLineHeight) + parentBottom;
        textTop = cueLineAnchor == Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_END ? anchorPosition - textHeight : cueLineAnchor == Cue.ANCHOR_TYPE_MIDDLE ? (anchorPosition * 2 - textHeight) / 2 : anchorPosition;
        if (textTop + textHeight > parentBottom) {
            textTop = parentBottom - textHeight;
        } else if (textTop < parentTop) {
            textTop = parentTop;
    } else {
        textTop = parentBottom - textHeight - (int) (parentHeight * bottomPaddingFraction);
    // Update the derived drawing variables.
    this.textLayout = new StaticLayout(cueText, textPaint, textWidth, textAlignment, spacingMult, spacingAdd, true);
    this.textLeft = textLeft;
    this.textTop = textTop;
    this.textPaddingX = textPaddingX;
Also used : Alignment(android.text.Layout.Alignment) StaticLayout(android.text.StaticLayout) TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Paint(


StaticLayout (android.text.StaticLayout)80 TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)56 Paint ( Layout (android.text.Layout)21 DynamicLayout (android.text.DynamicLayout)9 RectF ( Bitmap ( NonNull ( BoringLayout (android.text.BoringLayout)3 SpannableStringBuilder (android.text.SpannableStringBuilder)3 KeyEvent (android.view.KeyEvent)3 MotionEvent (android.view.MotionEvent)3 AccessibilityEvent (android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent)3 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)2 Canvas ( Rect ( Spanned (android.text.Spanned)2 TruncateAt (android.text.TextUtils.TruncateAt)2 StyleSpan ( Animator (android.animation.Animator)1