use of android.util.Rational in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class RationalTest method testEquals.
public void testEquals() {
Rational r = new Rational(1, 2);
assertEquals(1, r.getNumerator());
assertEquals(2, r.getDenominator());
assertEquals(r, r);
assertFalse(r.equals(new Object()));
Rational twoThirds = new Rational(2, 3);
Rational fourSixths = new Rational(4, 6);
assertEquals(twoThirds, fourSixths);
assertEquals(fourSixths, twoThirds);
Rational moreComplicated = new Rational(5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9, 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5);
Rational moreComplicated2 = new Rational(5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 78, 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 78);
assertEquals(moreComplicated, moreComplicated2);
assertEquals(moreComplicated2, moreComplicated);
// Ensure negatives are fine
twoThirds = new Rational(-2, 3);
fourSixths = new Rational(-4, 6);
assertEquals(twoThirds, fourSixths);
assertEquals(fourSixths, twoThirds);
moreComplicated = new Rational(-5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9, 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5);
moreComplicated2 = new Rational(-5 * 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 78, 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 * 78);
assertEquals(moreComplicated, moreComplicated2);
assertEquals(moreComplicated2, moreComplicated);
// Zero is always equal to itself
Rational zero2 = new Rational(0, 100);
assertEquals(ZERO, zero2);
assertEquals(zero2, ZERO);
// NaN is always equal to itself
Rational nan = NaN;
Rational nan2 = new Rational(0, 0);
// Infinities of the same sign are equal.
Rational posInf = POSITIVE_INFINITY;
Rational posInf2 = new Rational(2, 0);
Rational negInf = NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
Rational negInf2 = new Rational(-2, 0);
assertEquals(posInf, posInf);
assertEquals(negInf, negInf);
assertEquals(posInf, posInf2);
assertEquals(negInf, negInf2);
// Infinities aren't equal to anything else.
use of android.util.Rational in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class ColorSpaceTransform method equals.
* Check if this {@link ColorSpaceTransform} is equal to another {@link ColorSpaceTransform}.
* <p>Two color space transforms are equal if and only if all of their elements are
* {@link Object#equals equal}.</p>
* @return {@code true} if the objects were equal, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof ColorSpaceTransform) {
final ColorSpaceTransform other = (ColorSpaceTransform) obj;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < COUNT; ++i, j += RATIONAL_SIZE) {
int numerator = mElements[j + OFFSET_NUMERATOR];
int denominator = mElements[j + OFFSET_DENOMINATOR];
int numeratorOther = other.mElements[j + OFFSET_NUMERATOR];
int denominatorOther = other.mElements[j + OFFSET_DENOMINATOR];
Rational r = new Rational(numerator, denominator);
Rational rOther = new Rational(numeratorOther, denominatorOther);
if (!r.equals(rOther)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
use of android.util.Rational in project platform_frameworks_base by android.
the class ColorSpaceTransform method copyElements.
* Copy the {@link Rational} elements in row-major order from this matrix into the destination.
* @param destination
* an array big enough to hold at least {@code 9} elements after the
* {@code offset}
* @param offset
* a non-negative offset into the array
* @throws NullPointerException
* If {@code destination} was {@code null}
* @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
* If there's not enough room to write the elements at the specified destination and
* offset.
public void copyElements(Rational[] destination, int offset) {
checkArgumentNonnegative(offset, "offset must not be negative");
checkNotNull(destination, "destination must not be null");
if (destination.length - offset < COUNT) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("destination too small to fit elements");
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < COUNT; ++i, j += RATIONAL_SIZE) {
int numerator = mElements[j + OFFSET_NUMERATOR];
int denominator = mElements[j + OFFSET_DENOMINATOR];
destination[i + offset] = new Rational(numerator, denominator);
use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class Camera2StillCaptureTest method verifyRawCaptureResult.
* Validate that raw {@link CaptureResult}.
* @param rawRequest a {@link CaptureRequest} use to capture a RAW16 image.
* @param rawResult the {@link CaptureResult} corresponding to the given request.
private void verifyRawCaptureResult(CaptureRequest rawRequest, CaptureResult rawResult) {
Rational[] empty = new Rational[] { Rational.ZERO, Rational.ZERO, Rational.ZERO };
Rational[] neutralColorPoint = mCollector.expectKeyValueNotNull("NeutralColorPoint", rawResult, CaptureResult.SENSOR_NEUTRAL_COLOR_POINT);
if (neutralColorPoint != null) {
mCollector.expectEquals("NeutralColorPoint length", empty.length, neutralColorPoint.length);
mCollector.expectNotEquals("NeutralColorPoint cannot be all zeroes, ", empty, neutralColorPoint);
mCollector.expectValuesGreaterOrEqual("NeutralColorPoint", neutralColorPoint, Rational.ZERO);
mCollector.expectKeyValueGreaterOrEqual(rawResult, CaptureResult.SENSOR_GREEN_SPLIT, 0.0f);
Pair<Double, Double>[] noiseProfile = mCollector.expectKeyValueNotNull("NoiseProfile", rawResult, CaptureResult.SENSOR_NOISE_PROFILE);
if (noiseProfile != null) {
mCollector.expectEquals("NoiseProfile length", noiseProfile.length, /*Num CFA channels*/
for (Pair<Double, Double> p : noiseProfile) {
mCollector.expectTrue("NoiseProfile coefficients " + p + " must have: S > 0, O >= 0", p.first > 0 && p.second >= 0);
Integer hotPixelMode = mCollector.expectKeyValueNotNull("HotPixelMode", rawResult, CaptureResult.HOT_PIXEL_MODE);
Boolean hotPixelMapMode = mCollector.expectKeyValueNotNull("HotPixelMapMode", rawResult, CaptureResult.STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE);
Point[] hotPixelMap = rawResult.get(CaptureResult.STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP);
Size pixelArraySize = mStaticInfo.getPixelArraySizeChecked();
boolean[] availableHotPixelMapModes = mStaticInfo.getValueFromKeyNonNull(CameraCharacteristics.STATISTICS_INFO_AVAILABLE_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODES);
if (hotPixelMode != null) {
Integer requestMode = mCollector.expectKeyValueNotNull(rawRequest, CaptureRequest.HOT_PIXEL_MODE);
if (requestMode != null) {
mCollector.expectKeyValueEquals(rawResult, CaptureResult.HOT_PIXEL_MODE, requestMode);
if (hotPixelMapMode != null) {
Boolean requestMapMode = mCollector.expectKeyValueNotNull(rawRequest, CaptureRequest.STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE);
if (requestMapMode != null) {
mCollector.expectKeyValueEquals(rawResult, CaptureResult.STATISTICS_HOT_PIXEL_MAP_MODE, requestMapMode);
if (!hotPixelMapMode) {
mCollector.expectTrue("HotPixelMap must be empty", hotPixelMap == null || hotPixelMap.length == 0);
} else {
mCollector.expectTrue("HotPixelMap must not be empty", hotPixelMap != null);
mCollector.expectNotNull("AvailableHotPixelMapModes must not be null", availableHotPixelMapModes);
if (availableHotPixelMapModes != null) {
mCollector.expectContains("HotPixelMapMode", availableHotPixelMapModes, true);
int height = pixelArraySize.getHeight();
int width = pixelArraySize.getWidth();
for (Point p : hotPixelMap) {
mCollector.expectTrue("Hotpixel " + p + " must be in pixelArray " + pixelArraySize, p.x >= 0 && p.x < width && p.y >= 0 && p.y < height);
// TODO: profileHueSatMap, and profileToneCurve aren't supported yet.
use of android.util.Rational in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class ColorSpaceTransform method equals.
* Check if this {@link ColorSpaceTransform} is equal to another {@link ColorSpaceTransform}.
* <p>Two color space transforms are equal if and only if all of their elements are
* {@link Object#equals equal}.</p>
* @return {@code true} if the objects were equal, {@code false} otherwise
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return false;
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof ColorSpaceTransform) {
final ColorSpaceTransform other = (ColorSpaceTransform) obj;
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < COUNT; ++i, j += RATIONAL_SIZE) {
int numerator = mElements[j + OFFSET_NUMERATOR];
int denominator = mElements[j + OFFSET_DENOMINATOR];
int numeratorOther = other.mElements[j + OFFSET_NUMERATOR];
int denominatorOther = other.mElements[j + OFFSET_DENOMINATOR];
Rational r = new Rational(numerator, denominator);
Rational rOther = new Rational(numeratorOther, denominatorOther);
if (!r.equals(rOther)) {
return false;
return true;
return false;