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Example 1 with MagnificationSpec

use of android.view.MagnificationSpec in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ScreenMagnifier method getMagnifiedFrameInContentCoords.

private void getMagnifiedFrameInContentCoords(Rect rect) {
    MagnificationSpec spec = mMagnificationController.getMagnificationSpec();
    rect.offset((int) -spec.offsetX, (int) -spec.offsetY);
    rect.scale(1.0f / spec.scale);
Also used : MagnificationSpec(android.view.MagnificationSpec)

Example 2 with MagnificationSpec

use of android.view.MagnificationSpec in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WindowManagerService method getCompatibleMagnificationSpecForWindow.

public MagnificationSpec getCompatibleMagnificationSpecForWindow(IBinder windowToken) {
    if (!checkCallingPermission(android.Manifest.permission.MAGNIFY_DISPLAY, "getCompatibleMagnificationSpecForWindow()")) {
        throw new SecurityException("Requires MAGNIFY_DISPLAY permission.");
    synchronized (mWindowMap) {
        WindowState windowState = mWindowMap.get(windowToken);
        if (windowState == null) {
            return null;
        MagnificationSpec spec = null;
        if (mDisplayMagnifier != null) {
            spec = mDisplayMagnifier.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(windowState);
        if ((spec == null || spec.isNop()) && windowState.mGlobalScale == 1.0f) {
            return null;
        spec = (spec == null) ? MagnificationSpec.obtain() : MagnificationSpec.obtain(spec);
        spec.scale *= windowState.mGlobalScale;
        return spec;
Also used : MagnificationSpec(android.view.MagnificationSpec)

Example 3 with MagnificationSpec

use of android.view.MagnificationSpec in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class WindowStateAnimator method computeShownFrameLocked.

void computeShownFrameLocked() {
    final boolean selfTransformation = mHasLocalTransformation;
    Transformation attachedTransformation = (mAttachedWinAnimator != null && mAttachedWinAnimator.mHasLocalTransformation) ? mAttachedWinAnimator.mTransformation : null;
    Transformation appTransformation = (mAppAnimator != null && mAppAnimator.hasTransformation) ? mAppAnimator.transformation : null;
    // are currently targeting.
    if (mIsWallpaper && mService.mLowerWallpaperTarget == null && mService.mWallpaperTarget != null) {
        final WindowStateAnimator wallpaperAnimator = mService.mWallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator;
        if (wallpaperAnimator.mHasLocalTransformation && wallpaperAnimator.mAnimation != null && !wallpaperAnimator.mAnimation.getDetachWallpaper()) {
            attachedTransformation = wallpaperAnimator.mTransformation;
            if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WALLPAPER && attachedTransformation != null) {
                Slog.v(TAG, "WP target attached xform: " + attachedTransformation);
        final AppWindowAnimator wpAppAnimator = mAnimator.getWallpaperAppAnimator();
        if (wpAppAnimator != null && wpAppAnimator.hasTransformation && wpAppAnimator.animation != null && !wpAppAnimator.animation.getDetachWallpaper()) {
            appTransformation = wpAppAnimator.transformation;
            if (WindowManagerService.DEBUG_WALLPAPER && appTransformation != null) {
                Slog.v(TAG, "WP target app xform: " + appTransformation);
    final int displayId = mWin.getDisplayId();
    final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation = mAnimator.getScreenRotationAnimationLocked(displayId);
    final boolean screenAnimation = screenRotationAnimation != null && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating();
    if (selfTransformation || attachedTransformation != null || appTransformation != null || screenAnimation) {
        // cache often used attributes locally
        final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame;
        final float[] tmpFloats = mService.mTmpFloats;
        final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;
        // Compute the desired transformation.
        if (screenAnimation && screenRotationAnimation.isRotating()) {
            // If we are doing a screen animation, the global rotation
            // applied to windows can result in windows that are carefully
            // aligned with each other to slightly separate, allowing you
            // to see what is behind them.  An unsightly mess.  This...
            // thing...  magically makes it call good: scale each window
            // slightly (two pixels larger in each dimension, from the
            // window's center).
            final float w = frame.width();
            final float h = frame.height();
            if (w >= 1 && h >= 1) {
                tmpMatrix.setScale(1 + 2 / w, 1 + 2 / h, w / 2, h / 2);
            } else {
        } else {
        tmpMatrix.postScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);
        if (selfTransformation) {
        tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);
        if (attachedTransformation != null) {
        if (appTransformation != null) {
        if (mAnimator.mUniverseBackground != null) {
        if (screenAnimation) {
        //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.
        if (mService.mDisplayMagnifier != null && mWin.getDisplayId() == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
            MagnificationSpec spec = mService.mDisplayMagnifier.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(mWin);
            if (spec != null && !spec.isNop()) {
                tmpMatrix.postScale(spec.scale, spec.scale);
                tmpMatrix.postTranslate(spec.offsetX, spec.offsetY);
        // "convert" it into SurfaceFlinger's format
        // (a 2x2 matrix + an offset)
        // Here we must not transform the position of the surface
        // since it is already included in the transformation.
        //Slog.i(TAG, "Transform: " + matrix);
        mHaveMatrix = true;
        mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
        mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y];
        mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X];
        mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];
        float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
        float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
        int w = frame.width();
        int h = frame.height();
        mWin.mShownFrame.set(x, y, x + w, y + h);
        // Now set the alpha...  but because our current hardware
        // can't do alpha transformation on a non-opaque surface,
        // turn it off if we are running an animation that is also
        // transforming since it is more important to have that
        // animation be smooth.
        mShownAlpha = mAlpha;
        if (!mService.mLimitedAlphaCompositing || (!PixelFormat.formatHasAlpha(mWin.mAttrs.format) || (mWin.isIdentityMatrix(mDsDx, mDtDx, mDsDy, mDtDy) && x == frame.left && y == {
            //Slog.i(TAG, "Applying alpha transform");
            if (selfTransformation) {
                mShownAlpha *= mTransformation.getAlpha();
            if (attachedTransformation != null) {
                mShownAlpha *= attachedTransformation.getAlpha();
            if (appTransformation != null) {
                mShownAlpha *= appTransformation.getAlpha();
            if (mAnimator.mUniverseBackground != null) {
                mShownAlpha *= mAnimator.mUniverseBackground.mUniverseTransform.getAlpha();
            if (screenAnimation) {
                mShownAlpha *= screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getAlpha();
        } else {
        //Slog.i(TAG, "Not applying alpha transform");
        if ((DEBUG_SURFACE_TRACE || WindowManagerService.localLOGV) && (mShownAlpha == 1.0 || mShownAlpha == 0.0))
            Slog.v(TAG, "computeShownFrameLocked: Animating " + this + " mAlpha=" + mAlpha + " self=" + (selfTransformation ? mTransformation.getAlpha() : "null") + " attached=" + (attachedTransformation == null ? "null" : attachedTransformation.getAlpha()) + " app=" + (appTransformation == null ? "null" : appTransformation.getAlpha()) + " screen=" + (screenAnimation ? screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getAlpha() : "null"));
    } else if (mIsWallpaper && mService.mInnerFields.mWallpaperActionPending) {
    if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV)
        Slog.v(TAG, "computeShownFrameLocked: " + this + " not attached, mAlpha=" + mAlpha);
    final boolean applyUniverseTransformation = (mAnimator.mUniverseBackground != null && mWin.mAttrs.type != WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_UNIVERSE_BACKGROUND && mWin.mBaseLayer < mAnimator.mAboveUniverseLayer);
    MagnificationSpec spec = null;
    //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.
    if (mService.mDisplayMagnifier != null && mWin.getDisplayId() == Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
        spec = mService.mDisplayMagnifier.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(mWin);
    if (applyUniverseTransformation || spec != null) {
        final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame;
        final float[] tmpFloats = mService.mTmpFloats;
        final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;
        tmpMatrix.setScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);
        tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);
        if (applyUniverseTransformation) {
        if (spec != null && !spec.isNop()) {
            tmpMatrix.postScale(spec.scale, spec.scale);
            tmpMatrix.postTranslate(spec.offsetX, spec.offsetY);
        mHaveMatrix = true;
        mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
        mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y];
        mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X];
        mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y];
        float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X];
        float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y];
        int w = frame.width();
        int h = frame.height();
        mWin.mShownFrame.set(x, y, x + w, y + h);
        mShownAlpha = mAlpha;
        if (applyUniverseTransformation) {
            mShownAlpha *= mAnimator.mUniverseBackground.mUniverseTransform.getAlpha();
    } else {
        if (mWin.mXOffset != 0 || mWin.mYOffset != 0) {
            mWin.mShownFrame.offset(mWin.mXOffset, mWin.mYOffset);
        mShownAlpha = mAlpha;
        mHaveMatrix = false;
        mDsDx = mWin.mGlobalScale;
        mDtDx = 0;
        mDsDy = 0;
        mDtDy = mWin.mGlobalScale;
Also used : MagnificationSpec(android.view.MagnificationSpec) Transformation(android.view.animation.Transformation) Rect( Matrix( Point(

Example 4 with MagnificationSpec

use of android.view.MagnificationSpec in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class WindowStateAnimator method computeShownFrameLocked.

void computeShownFrameLocked(int type) {
    final boolean selfTransformation = mHasLocalTransformation;
    Transformation attachedTransformation = (mAttachedWinAnimator != null && mAttachedWinAnimator.mHasLocalTransformation) ? mAttachedWinAnimator.mTransformation : null;
    Transformation appTransformation = (mAppAnimator != null && mAppAnimator.hasTransformation) ? mAppAnimator.transformation : null;
    if (type == TYPE_LEFT || type == TYPE_RIGHT) {
    // Wallpapers are animated based on the "real" window they
    // are currently targeting.
    final WindowState wallpaperTarget = mWallpaperControllerLocked.getWallpaperTarget();
    if (mIsWallpaper && wallpaperTarget != null && mService.mAnimateWallpaperWithTarget) {
        final WindowStateAnimator wallpaperAnimator = wallpaperTarget.mWinAnimator;
        if (wallpaperAnimator.mHasLocalTransformation && wallpaperAnimator.mAnimation != null && !wallpaperAnimator.mAnimation.getDetachWallpaper()) {
            attachedTransformation = wallpaperAnimator.mTransformation;
            if (DEBUG_WALLPAPER && attachedTransformation != null) {
                Slog.v(TAG, "WP target attached xform: " + attachedTransformation);
        final AppWindowAnimator wpAppAnimator = wallpaperTarget.mAppToken == null ? null : wallpaperTarget.mAppToken.mAppAnimator;
        if (wpAppAnimator != null && wpAppAnimator.hasTransformation && wpAppAnimator.animation != null && !wpAppAnimator.animation.getDetachWallpaper()) {
            appTransformation = wpAppAnimator.transformation;
            if (DEBUG_WALLPAPER && appTransformation != null) {
                Slog.v(TAG, "WP target app xform: " + appTransformation);
    final int displayId = mWin.getDisplayId();
    final ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation = mAnimator.getScreenRotationAnimationLocked(displayId);
    final boolean screenAnimation = screenRotationAnimation != null && screenRotationAnimation.isAnimating();
    float ratio = 1.0f;
    float pendingX = 0.0f;
    float pendingY = 0.0f;
    if (type == TYPE_LEFT) {
        ratio = mSingleHandScale;
        pendingY = (float) mHeight * (1 - mSingleHandScale);
    } else if (type == TYPE_RIGHT) {
        ratio = mSingleHandScale;
        pendingX = (float) mWidth * (1 - mSingleHandScale);
        pendingY = (float) mHeight * (1 - mSingleHandScale);
    mHasClipRect = false;
    if (selfTransformation || attachedTransformation != null || appTransformation != null || screenAnimation) {
        // cache often used attributes locally
        final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame;
        final float[] tmpFloats = mService.mTmpFloats;
        final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;
        // Compute the desired transformation.
        if (screenAnimation && screenRotationAnimation.isRotating()) {
            // If we are doing a screen animation, the global rotation
            // applied to windows can result in windows that are carefully
            // aligned with each other to slightly separate, allowing you
            // to see what is behind them.  An unsightly mess.  This...
            // thing...  magically makes it call good: scale each window
            // slightly (two pixels larger in each dimension, from the
            // window's center).
            final float w = frame.width();
            final float h = frame.height();
            if (w >= 1 && h >= 1) {
                tmpMatrix.setScale(1 + 2 / w, 1 + 2 / h, w / 2, h / 2);
            } else {
        } else {
        tmpMatrix.postScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);
        if (selfTransformation) {
        if (attachedTransformation != null) {
        tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);
        if (appTransformation != null) {
        if (screenAnimation) {
        //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.
        if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null && displayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
            MagnificationSpec spec = mService.mAccessibilityController.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(mWin);
            applyMagnificationSpec(spec, tmpMatrix);
        // "convert" it into SurfaceFlinger's format
        // (a 2x2 matrix + an offset)
        // Here we must not transform the position of the surface
        // since it is already included in the transformation.
        //Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Transform: " + matrix);
        mHaveMatrix = true;
        mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X] * ratio;
        mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y] * ratio;
        mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X] * ratio;
        mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] * ratio;
        float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X] * ratio + pendingX;
        float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] * ratio + pendingY;
        mWin.mShownPosition.set(Math.round(x), Math.round(y));
        // Now set the alpha...  but because our current hardware
        // can't do alpha transformation on a non-opaque surface,
        // turn it off if we are running an animation that is also
        // transforming since it is more important to have that
        // animation be smooth.
        mShownAlpha = mAlpha;
        if (!mService.mLimitedAlphaCompositing || (!PixelFormat.formatHasAlpha(mWin.mAttrs.format) || (mWin.isIdentityMatrix(mDsDx, mDtDx, mDsDy, mDtDy) && floatEqualCompare(x, frame.left) && floatEqualCompare(y, {
            //Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Applying alpha transform");
            if (selfTransformation) {
                mShownAlpha *= mTransformation.getAlpha();
            if (attachedTransformation != null) {
                mShownAlpha *= attachedTransformation.getAlpha();
            if (appTransformation != null) {
                mShownAlpha *= appTransformation.getAlpha();
                if (appTransformation.hasClipRect()) {
                    mHasClipRect = true;
                    // bounds to compensate for this.
                    if (mWin.layoutInParentFrame()) {
                        mClipRect.offset((mWin.mContainingFrame.left - mWin.mFrame.left), -;
            if (screenAnimation) {
                mShownAlpha *= screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getAlpha();
        } else {
        //Slog.i(TAG_WM, "Not applying alpha transform");
        if ((DEBUG_SURFACE_TRACE || WindowManagerService.localLOGV) && (mShownAlpha == 1.0 || mShownAlpha == 0.0))
            Slog.v(TAG, "computeShownFrameLocked: Animating " + this + " mAlpha=" + mAlpha + " self=" + (selfTransformation ? mTransformation.getAlpha() : "null") + " attached=" + (attachedTransformation == null ? "null" : attachedTransformation.getAlpha()) + " app=" + (appTransformation == null ? "null" : appTransformation.getAlpha()) + " screen=" + (screenAnimation ? screenRotationAnimation.getEnterTransformation().getAlpha() : "null"));
    } else if (mIsWallpaper && mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.mWallpaperActionPending) {
    } else if (mWin.isDragResizeChanged()) {
        // with new geometry.
    if (WindowManagerService.localLOGV)
        Slog.v(TAG, "computeShownFrameLocked: " + this + " not attached, mAlpha=" + mAlpha);
    MagnificationSpec spec = null;
    //TODO (multidisplay): Magnification is supported only for the default display.
    if (mService.mAccessibilityController != null && displayId == DEFAULT_DISPLAY) {
        spec = mService.mAccessibilityController.getMagnificationSpecForWindowLocked(mWin);
    if (spec != null) {
        final Rect frame = mWin.mFrame;
        final float[] tmpFloats = mService.mTmpFloats;
        final Matrix tmpMatrix = mWin.mTmpMatrix;
        tmpMatrix.setScale(mWin.mGlobalScale, mWin.mGlobalScale);
        tmpMatrix.postTranslate(frame.left + mWin.mXOffset, + mWin.mYOffset);
        applyMagnificationSpec(spec, tmpMatrix);
        mHaveMatrix = true;
        mDsDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_X] * ratio;
        mDtDx = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_Y] * ratio;
        mDsDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSKEW_X] * ratio;
        mDtDy = tmpFloats[Matrix.MSCALE_Y] * ratio;
        float x = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_X] * ratio + pendingX;
        float y = tmpFloats[Matrix.MTRANS_Y] * ratio + pendingY;
        mWin.mShownPosition.set(Math.round(x), Math.round(y));
        mShownAlpha = mAlpha;
    } else {
        float x = mWin.mFrame.left * ratio + pendingX;
        float y = * ratio + pendingY;
        mWin.mShownPosition.set((int) x, (int) y);
        if (mWin.mXOffset != 0 || mWin.mYOffset != 0) {
            mWin.mShownPosition.offset((int) (mWin.mXOffset * mSingleHandScale), (int) (mWin.mYOffset * mSingleHandScale));
        mShownAlpha = mAlpha;
        mHaveMatrix = false;
        mDsDx = mWin.mGlobalScale * ratio;
        mDtDx = 0;
        mDsDy = 0;
        mDtDy = mWin.mGlobalScale * ratio;
Also used : MagnificationSpec(android.view.MagnificationSpec) Transformation(android.view.animation.Transformation) Rect( Matrix( Point(

Example 5 with MagnificationSpec

use of android.view.MagnificationSpec in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class MagnificationController method offsetMagnifiedRegionCenter.

     * Offsets the center of the magnified region.
     * @param offsetX the amount in pixels to offset the X center
     * @param offsetY the amount in pixels to offset the Y center
     * @param id the ID of the service requesting the change
public void offsetMagnifiedRegionCenter(float offsetX, float offsetY, int id) {
    synchronized (mLock) {
        if (!mRegistered) {
        final MagnificationSpec currSpec = mCurrentMagnificationSpec;
        final float nonNormOffsetX = currSpec.offsetX - offsetX;
        currSpec.offsetX = MathUtils.constrain(nonNormOffsetX, getMinOffsetXLocked(), 0);
        final float nonNormOffsetY = currSpec.offsetY - offsetY;
        currSpec.offsetY = MathUtils.constrain(nonNormOffsetY, getMinOffsetYLocked(), 0);
        if (id != INVALID_ID) {
            mIdOfLastServiceToMagnify = id;
        mSpecAnimationBridge.updateSentSpec(currSpec, false);
Also used : MagnificationSpec(android.view.MagnificationSpec)


MagnificationSpec (android.view.MagnificationSpec)35 Rect ( Point ( Matrix ( Transformation (android.view.animation.Transformation)5 AccessibilityService (android.accessibilityservice.AccessibilityService)1 Paint ( WindowManagerPolicy (android.view.WindowManagerPolicy)1 AccessibilityInteractionClient (android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityInteractionClient)1 AccessibilityNodeInfo (android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo)1 IStatusBarService (