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Example 1 with RestrictTo

use of androidx.annotation.RestrictTo in project CustomActivityOnCrash by Ereza.

the class CustomActivityOnCrash method install.

 * Installs CustomActivityOnCrash on the application using the default error activity.
 * @param context Context to use for obtaining the ApplicationContext. Must not be null.
public static void install(@Nullable final Context context) {
    try {
        if (context == null) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Install failed: context is null!");
        } else {
            // INSTALL!
            final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler oldHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
            if (oldHandler != null && oldHandler.getClass().getName().startsWith(CAOC_HANDLER_PACKAGE_NAME)) {
                Log.e(TAG, "CustomActivityOnCrash was already installed, doing nothing!");
            } else {
                if (oldHandler != null && !oldHandler.getClass().getName().startsWith(DEFAULT_HANDLER_PACKAGE_NAME)) {
                    Log.e(TAG, "IMPORTANT WARNING! You already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER CustomActivityOnCrash! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be called.");
                application = (Application) context.getApplicationContext();
                // We define a default exception handler that does what we want so it can be called from Crashlytics/ACRA
                Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {

                    public void uncaughtException(@NonNull Thread thread, @NonNull final Throwable throwable) {
                        if (config.isEnabled()) {
                            Log.e(TAG, "App has crashed, executing CustomActivityOnCrash's UncaughtExceptionHandler", throwable);
                            if (hasCrashedInTheLastSeconds(application)) {
                                Log.e(TAG, "App already crashed recently, not starting custom error activity because we could enter a restart loop. Are you sure that your app does not crash directly on init?", throwable);
                                if (oldHandler != null) {
                                    oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                            } else {
                                setLastCrashTimestamp(application, new Date().getTime());
                                Class<? extends Activity> errorActivityClass = config.getErrorActivityClass();
                                if (errorActivityClass == null) {
                                    errorActivityClass = guessErrorActivityClass(application);
                                if (isStackTraceLikelyConflictive(throwable, errorActivityClass)) {
                                    Log.e(TAG, "Your application class or your error activity have crashed, the custom activity will not be launched!");
                                    if (oldHandler != null) {
                                        oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                                } else if (config.getBackgroundMode() == CaocConfig.BACKGROUND_MODE_SHOW_CUSTOM || !isInBackground || (lastActivityCreatedTimestamp >= new Date().getTime() - TIME_TO_CONSIDER_FOREGROUND_MS)) {
                                    final Intent intent = new Intent(application, errorActivityClass);
                                    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                                    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
                                    String stackTraceString = sw.toString();
                                    // And:
                                    if (stackTraceString.length() > MAX_STACK_TRACE_SIZE) {
                                        String disclaimer = " [stack trace too large]";
                                        stackTraceString = stackTraceString.substring(0, MAX_STACK_TRACE_SIZE - disclaimer.length()) + disclaimer;
                                    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_STACK_TRACE, stackTraceString);
                                    if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                                        StringBuilder activityLogStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                        while (!activityLog.isEmpty()) {
                                        intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ACTIVITY_LOG, activityLogStringBuilder.toString());
                                    if (config.isShowRestartButton() && config.getRestartActivityClass() == null) {
                                        // We can set the restartActivityClass because the app will terminate right now,
                                        // and when relaunched, will be null again by default.
                                    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CONFIG, config);
                                    intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);
                                    if (config.getEventListener() != null) {
                                } else if (config.getBackgroundMode() == CaocConfig.BACKGROUND_MODE_CRASH) {
                                    if (oldHandler != null) {
                                        oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                                // If it is null (should not be), we let it continue and kill the process or it will be stuck
                            // Else (BACKGROUND_MODE_SILENT): do nothing and let the following code kill the process
                            final Activity lastActivity = lastActivityCreated.get();
                            if (lastActivity != null) {
                                // We finish the activity, this solves a bug which causes infinite recursion.
                                // See:
                        } else if (oldHandler != null) {
                            oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() {

                    int currentlyStartedActivities = 0;

                    final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US);

                    public void onActivityCreated(@NonNull Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                        if (activity.getClass() != config.getErrorActivityClass()) {
                            // Copied from ACRA:
                            // Ignore activityClass because we want the last
                            // application Activity that was started so that we can
                            // explicitly kill it off.
                            lastActivityCreated = new WeakReference<>(activity);
                            lastActivityCreatedTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " created\n");

                    public void onActivityStarted(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        isInBackground = (currentlyStartedActivities == 0);
                    // Do nothing

                    public void onActivityResumed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " resumed\n");

                    public void onActivityPaused(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " paused\n");

                    public void onActivityStopped(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        // Do nothing
                        isInBackground = (currentlyStartedActivities == 0);

                    public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Bundle outState) {
                    // Do nothing

                    public void onActivityDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " destroyed\n");
            Log.i(TAG, "CustomActivityOnCrash has been installed.");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        Log.e(TAG, "An unknown error occurred while installing CustomActivityOnCrash, it may not have been properly initialized. Please report this as a bug if needed.", t);
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) DefaultErrorActivity(cat.ereza.customactivityoncrash.activity.DefaultErrorActivity) Activity( Intent(android.content.Intent) Date(java.util.Date) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) StringWriter( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) WeakReference(java.lang.ref.WeakReference) Application( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) PrintWriter( RestrictTo(androidx.annotation.RestrictTo)

Example 2 with RestrictTo

use of androidx.annotation.RestrictTo in project Carbon by ZieIony.

the class TypefaceCompat method createFromResourcesFontFile.

 * Used by Resources to load a font resource of type font file.
 * @hide
public static Typeface createFromResourcesFontFile(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Resources resources, int id, String path, boolean italic, int weight) {
    Typeface typeface = sTypefaceCompatImpl.createFromResourcesFontFile(context, resources, id, path, 0);
    if (typeface != null) {
        final String resourceUid = createResourceUid(resources, id, italic, weight);
        sTypefaceCache.put(resourceUid, typeface);
    return typeface;
Also used : Typeface( RestrictTo(androidx.annotation.RestrictTo) Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)

Example 3 with RestrictTo

use of androidx.annotation.RestrictTo in project lottie-android by airbnb.

the class LottieDrawable method draw.

 * To be used by lottie-compose only.
public void draw(Canvas canvas, Matrix matrix) {
    CompositionLayer compositionLayer = this.compositionLayer;
    LottieComposition composition = this.composition;
    if (compositionLayer == null || composition == null) {
    if (useSoftwareRendering) {;
        renderAndDrawAsBitmap(canvas, compositionLayer);
    } else {
        compositionLayer.draw(canvas, matrix, alpha);
    isDirty = false;
Also used : CompositionLayer(com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.CompositionLayer) RestrictTo(androidx.annotation.RestrictTo)

Example 4 with RestrictTo

use of androidx.annotation.RestrictTo in project RxTools by vondear.

the class TCrashTool method install.

 * Installs CustomActivityOnCrash on the application using the default error activity.
 * @param context Context to use for obtaining the ApplicationContext. Must not be null.
public static void install(@Nullable final Context context) {
    try {
        if (context == null) {
            TLog.e(TAG, "Install failed: context is null!");
        } else {
            // INSTALL!
            final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler oldHandler = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
            if (oldHandler != null && oldHandler.getClass().getName().startsWith(TAM_HANDLER_PACKAGE_NAME)) {
                TLog.e(TAG, "TCrashTool was already installed, doing nothing!");
            } else {
                if (oldHandler != null && !oldHandler.getClass().getName().startsWith(DEFAULT_HANDLER_PACKAGE_NAME)) {
                    TLog.e(TAG, "IMPORTANT WARNING! You already have an UncaughtExceptionHandler, are you sure this is correct? If you use a custom UncaughtExceptionHandler, you must initialize it AFTER TCrashTool! Installing anyway, but your original handler will not be called.");
                application = (Application) context.getApplicationContext();
                // We define a default exception handler that does what we want so it can be called from Crashlytics/ACRA
                Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler((thread, throwable) -> {
                    if (config.isEnabled()) {
                        TLog.e(TAG, "App has crashed, executing TCrashTool's UncaughtExceptionHandler", throwable);
                        if (hasCrashedInTheLastSeconds(application)) {
                            TLog.e(TAG, "App already crashed recently, not starting custom error activity because we could enter a restart loop. Are you sure that your app does not crash directly on init?", throwable);
                            if (oldHandler != null) {
                                oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                        } else {
                            setLastCrashTimestamp(application, new Date().getTime());
                            Class<? extends Activity> errorActivityClass = config.getErrorActivityClass();
                            if (errorActivityClass == null) {
                                errorActivityClass = guessErrorActivityClass(application);
                            if (isStackTraceLikelyConflictive(throwable, errorActivityClass)) {
                                TLog.e(TAG, "Your application class or your error activity have crashed, the custom activity will not be launched!");
                                if (oldHandler != null) {
                                    oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                            } else if (config.getBackgroundMode() == TCrashProfile.BACKGROUND_MODE_SHOW_CUSTOM || !isInBackground || (lastActivityCreatedTimestamp >= new Date().getTime() - TIME_TO_CONSIDER_FOREGROUND_MS)) {
                                final Intent intent = new Intent(application, errorActivityClass);
                                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                                PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
                                String stackTraceString = sw.toString();
                                // And:
                                if (stackTraceString.length() > MAX_STACK_TRACE_SIZE) {
                                    String disclaimer = " [stack trace too large]";
                                    stackTraceString = stackTraceString.substring(0, MAX_STACK_TRACE_SIZE - disclaimer.length()) + disclaimer;
                                intent.putExtra(EXTRA_STACK_TRACE, stackTraceString);
                                if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                                    StringBuilder activityLogStringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                                    while (!activityLog.isEmpty()) {
                                    intent.putExtra(EXTRA_ACTIVITY_LOG, activityLogStringBuilder.toString());
                                if (config.isShowRestartButton() && config.getRestartActivityClass() == null) {
                                    // We can set the restartActivityClass because the app will terminate right now,
                                    // and when relaunched, will be null again by default.
                                intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CONFIG, config);
                                intent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK);
                                if (config.getEventListener() != null) {
                            } else if (config.getBackgroundMode() == TCrashProfile.BACKGROUND_MODE_CRASH) {
                                if (oldHandler != null) {
                                    oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                            // If it is null (should not be), we let it continue and kill the process or it will be stuck
                        // Else (BACKGROUND_MODE_SILENT): do nothing and let the following code kill the process
                        final Activity lastActivity = lastActivityCreated.get();
                        if (lastActivity != null) {
                            // We finish the activity, this solves a bug which causes infinite recursion.
                            // See:
                    } else if (oldHandler != null) {
                        oldHandler.uncaughtException(thread, throwable);
                application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks() {

                    final DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.CHINA);

                    int currentlyStartedActivities = 0;

                    public void onActivityCreated(@NonNull Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
                        if (activity.getClass() != config.getErrorActivityClass()) {
                            // Copied from ACRA:
                            // Ignore activityClass because we want the last
                            // application Activity that was started so that we can
                            // explicitly kill it off.
                            lastActivityCreated = new WeakReference<>(activity);
                            lastActivityCreatedTimestamp = new Date().getTime();
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " created\n");

                    public void onActivityStarted(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        isInBackground = (currentlyStartedActivities == 0);
                    // Do nothing

                    public void onActivityResumed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " resumed\n");

                    public void onActivityPaused(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " paused\n");

                    public void onActivityStopped(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        // Do nothing
                        isInBackground = (currentlyStartedActivities == 0);

                    public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(@NonNull Activity activity, @NonNull Bundle outState) {
                    // Do nothing

                    public void onActivityDestroyed(@NonNull Activity activity) {
                        if (config.isTrackActivities()) {
                            activityLog.add(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ": " + activity.getClass().getSimpleName() + " destroyed\n");
            TLog.i(TAG, "TCrashTool has been installed.");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        TLog.e(TAG, "An unknown error occurred while installing TCrashTool, it may not have been properly initialized. Please report this as a bug if needed.", t);
Also used : Bundle(android.os.Bundle) Activity( Intent(android.content.Intent) Date(java.util.Date) SuppressLint(android.annotation.SuppressLint) StringWriter( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) DateFormat(java.text.DateFormat) WeakReference(java.lang.ref.WeakReference) Application( SimpleDateFormat(java.text.SimpleDateFormat) PrintWriter( RestrictTo(androidx.annotation.RestrictTo)

Example 5 with RestrictTo

use of androidx.annotation.RestrictTo in project Carbon by ZieIony.

the class TypefaceCompat method createFromResourcesFamilyXml.

 * Create Typeface from XML resource which root node is font-family.
 * @return null if failed to create.
 * @hide
public static Typeface createFromResourcesFamilyXml(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull FamilyResourceEntry entry, @NonNull Resources resources, int id, int style, int weight, @Nullable ResourcesCompat.FontCallback fontCallback, @Nullable Handler handler, boolean isRequestFromLayoutInflator) {
    Typeface typeface;
    if (entry instanceof ProviderResourceEntry) {
        ProviderResourceEntry providerEntry = (ProviderResourceEntry) entry;
        final boolean isBlocking = isRequestFromLayoutInflator ? providerEntry.getFetchStrategy() == FontResourcesParserCompat.FETCH_STRATEGY_BLOCKING : fontCallback == null;
        final int timeout = isRequestFromLayoutInflator ? providerEntry.getTimeout() : FontResourcesParserCompat.INFINITE_TIMEOUT_VALUE;
        typeface = FontsContractCompat.getFontSync(context, providerEntry.getRequest(), fontCallback, handler, isBlocking, timeout, style);
    } else {
        typeface = sTypefaceCompatImpl.createFromFontFamilyFilesResourceEntry(context, (FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry) entry, resources, (style & Typeface.ITALIC) != 0, weight);
        if (fontCallback != null) {
            if (typeface != null) {
                fontCallback.callbackSuccessAsync(typeface, handler);
            } else {
                fontCallback.callbackFailAsync(FontsContractCompat.FontRequestCallback.FAIL_REASON_FONT_LOAD_ERROR, handler);
    if (typeface != null) {
        sTypefaceCache.put(createResourceUid(resources, id, (style & Typeface.ITALIC) != 0, weight), typeface);
    return typeface;
Also used : FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry(androidx.core.content.res.FontResourcesParserCompat.FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry) Typeface( ProviderResourceEntry(androidx.core.content.res.FontResourcesParserCompat.ProviderResourceEntry) RestrictTo(androidx.annotation.RestrictTo) Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable)


RestrictTo (androidx.annotation.RestrictTo)6 SuppressLint (android.annotation.SuppressLint)3 Activity ( Application ( Intent (android.content.Intent)2 Typeface ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)2 Nullable (androidx.annotation.Nullable)2 PrintWriter ( StringWriter ( WeakReference (java.lang.ref.WeakReference)2 DateFormat (java.text.DateFormat)2 SimpleDateFormat (java.text.SimpleDateFormat)2 Date (java.util.Date)2 NonNull (androidx.annotation.NonNull)1 FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry (androidx.core.content.res.FontResourcesParserCompat.FontFamilyFilesResourceEntry)1 ProviderResourceEntry (androidx.core.content.res.FontResourcesParserCompat.ProviderResourceEntry)1 DefaultErrorActivity (cat.ereza.customactivityoncrash.activity.DefaultErrorActivity)1 CompositionLayer (com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.CompositionLayer)1 User (