use of androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.EmptySampleStream in project media by androidx.
the class DashMediaPeriod method selectNewStreams.
private void selectNewStreams(ExoTrackSelection[] selections, SampleStream[] streams, boolean[] streamResetFlags, long positionUs, int[] streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex) {
// Create newly selected primary and event streams.
for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
ExoTrackSelection selection = selections[i];
if (selection == null) {
if (streams[i] == null) {
// Create new stream for selection.
streamResetFlags[i] = true;
int trackGroupIndex = streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex[i];
TrackGroupInfo trackGroupInfo = trackGroupInfos[trackGroupIndex];
if (trackGroupInfo.trackGroupCategory == TrackGroupInfo.CATEGORY_PRIMARY) {
streams[i] = buildSampleStream(trackGroupInfo, selection, positionUs);
} else if (trackGroupInfo.trackGroupCategory == TrackGroupInfo.CATEGORY_MANIFEST_EVENTS) {
EventStream eventStream = eventStreams.get(trackGroupInfo.eventStreamGroupIndex);
Format format = selection.getTrackGroup().getFormat(0);
streams[i] = new EventSampleStream(eventStream, format, manifest.dynamic);
} else if (streams[i] instanceof ChunkSampleStream) {
// Update selection in existing stream.
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ChunkSampleStream<DashChunkSource> stream = (ChunkSampleStream<DashChunkSource>) streams[i];
// pass if the index of the primary stream is greater than the index of the embedded stream.
for (int i = 0; i < selections.length; i++) {
if (streams[i] == null && selections[i] != null) {
int trackGroupIndex = streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex[i];
TrackGroupInfo trackGroupInfo = trackGroupInfos[trackGroupIndex];
if (trackGroupInfo.trackGroupCategory == TrackGroupInfo.CATEGORY_EMBEDDED) {
int primaryStreamIndex = getPrimaryStreamIndex(i, streamIndexToTrackGroupIndex);
if (primaryStreamIndex == C.INDEX_UNSET) {
// If an embedded track is selected without the corresponding primary track, create an
// empty sample stream instead.
streams[i] = new EmptySampleStream();
} else {
streams[i] = ((ChunkSampleStream) streams[primaryStreamIndex]).selectEmbeddedTrack(positionUs, trackGroupInfo.trackType);