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Example 1 with ASTPair

use of antlr.ASTPair in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class HqlParser method handleIdentifierError.

	 * Overrides the base behavior to retry keywords as identifiers.
	 * @param token The token.
	 * @param ex The recognition exception.
	 * @return AST - The new AST.
	 * @throws antlr.RecognitionException if the substitution was not possible.
	 * @throws antlr.TokenStreamException if the substitution was not possible.
public AST handleIdentifierError(Token token, RecognitionException ex) throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
    // If the token can tell us if it could be an identifier...
    if (token instanceof HqlToken) {
        HqlToken hqlToken = (HqlToken) token;
        // a mismatched token error ...
        if (hqlToken.isPossibleID() && (ex instanceof MismatchedTokenException)) {
            MismatchedTokenException mte = (MismatchedTokenException) ex;
            // ... and the expected token type was an identifier, then:
            if (mte.expecting == HqlTokenTypes.IDENT) {
                // Use the token as an identifier.
                reportWarning("Keyword  '" + token.getText() + "' is being interpreted as an identifier due to: " + mte.getMessage());
                // Add the token to the AST.
                ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
                astFactory.addASTChild(currentAST, astFactory.create(token));
                return currentAST.root;
    // if
    // Otherwise, handle the error normally.
    return super.handleIdentifierError(token, ex);
Also used : ASTPair(antlr.ASTPair) MismatchedTokenException(antlr.MismatchedTokenException)

Example 2 with ASTPair

use of antlr.ASTPair in project hibernate-orm by hibernate.

the class HqlParser method matchOptionalFrom.

public void matchOptionalFrom() throws RecognitionException, TokenStreamException {
    returnAST = null;
    ASTPair currentAST = new ASTPair();
    AST optionalFrom_AST = null;
    if (LA(1) == FROM) {
        if (LA(2) != DOT) {
            optionalFrom_AST = (AST) currentAST.root;
            returnAST = optionalFrom_AST;
Also used : ASTPair(antlr.ASTPair) AST(antlr.collections.AST)


ASTPair (antlr.ASTPair)2 MismatchedTokenException (antlr.MismatchedTokenException)1 AST (antlr.collections.AST)1