use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class TestCoherentClass method testCoherence.
public void testCoherence() {
ClassB cb1 = (ClassB) (Parser.parse(null, e).accept(new InjectionOnCore()));
Program p = Program.emptyLibraryProgram();
MethodWithType mwt = (MethodWithType) cb1.getMs().get(0);
//boolean res=Functions.coherent(p, mdf, path, mwt);
//TODO: disabled for now
use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class Methods method methods.
// -methods(p,P0)=M1'..Mk'
// p(P0)={interface? implements Ps Ms}
public List<MethodWithType> methods(Ast.Path p0) {
if (p0.isPrimitive()) {
return Collections.emptyList();
Program p = this;
ClassB cb0 = p.extractClassB(p0);
List<Ast.Path> ps = cb0.getSuperPaths();
// P1..Pn=collect(p,Ps[from P0]), error unless forall i, p(Pi) is an interface
List<Ast.Path> p1n = collect(p, Map.of(pi -> From.fromP(pi, p0), ps));
List<ClassB> cb1n = Map.of(pi -> p.extractClassB(pi), p1n);
int i = -1;
for (ClassB cbi : cb1n) {
if (!cbi.isInterface()) {
throw new ast.ErrorMessage.NonInterfaceImplements(p0, p1n.get(i));
// ms1..msk={ms|p(Pi)(ms) is defined}
HashMap<Ast.MethodSelector, List<ClassB.Member>> ms1k = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (ClassB.Member mij : cb0.getMs()) {
mij.match(nc -> null, mi -> add(true, ms1k, mi.getS(), From.from(mij, p0)), mt -> add(true, ms1k, mt.getMs(), From.from(mij, p0)));
for (Ast.Path pi : p1n) {
//call the memoized methods
for (ClassB.Member mij : p.methods(pi)) {
mij.match(nc -> null, mi -> add(false, ms1k, mi.getS(), mij), mt -> add(false, ms1k, mt.getMs(), mij));
// such that p(Pj)(ms)=mh e? //no refine
for (Entry<MethodSelector, List<Member>> ei : ms1k.entrySet()) {
if (!exactly1NoRefine(ei.getValue())) {
throw new ast.ErrorMessage.NotExaclyOneMethodOrigin(p0, ei.getKey(), ei.getValue());
List<ClassB.MethodWithType> ms = new ArrayList<>();
// for the smallest j in 1..k such that methods(p,Pj)(msi) of form refine? mh
for (Entry<MethodSelector, List<Member>> ei : ms1k.entrySet()) {
List<Member> memsi = ei.getValue();
if (memsi.get(0) != null && memsi.get(0) instanceof MethodWithType) {
ms.add((MethodWithType) memsi.get(0));
ClassB.MethodImplemented mem0 = (ClassB.MethodImplemented) memsi.get(0);
for (Member mj : memsi) {
// 0 will fail instanceof
if (mj == null || !(mj instanceof MethodWithType)) {
// Mi'=Mi
if (mem0 != null) {
mj = mj.withInner(mem0.getE());
ms.add(addRefine((MethodWithType) mj));
return ms;
use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class UsedPaths method deepImplements.
private static Paths deepImplements(ClassB l) {
Paths res = Paths.reorganize(l.getSuperPaths());
Paths acc = Paths.empty();
for (Member mi : l.getMs()) {
if (mi instanceof MethodWithType && !((MethodWithType) mi).get_inner().isPresent()) {
ExpCore e = mi.getInner();
for (ClassB cbij : CollectClassBs0.of(e)) {
acc = acc.union(deepImplements(cbij));
return res.union(acc.pop());
use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class SumMethods method checkConflict.
private static void checkConflict(List<Ast.C> path, MethodSelector mRes, ClassB pathCb, MethodWithType mwtU) {
/*for(PathMwt e:pathCb.getStage().getInherited()){
if(e.getMwt().getMs().equals(mRes)){//method declared in an interface and not implemented
MethodWithType mtConflict=e.getMwt();
mtConflict=From.from(mtConflict, From.fromP(e.getOriginal(),Path.outer(0,path)));
Errors42.checkMethodClash(path, mwtU,mtConflict,false);
//unneded for normalized classb
Optional<Member> optConflict = Functions.getIfInDom(pathCb.getMs(), mRes);
if (optConflict.isPresent()) {
if (optConflict.get() instanceof MethodImplemented) {
throw Errors42.errorMethodClash(path, mwtU, optConflict.get(), true, Collections.emptyList(), true, true, false);
MethodWithType mwtC = (MethodWithType) optConflict.get();
Errors42.checkMethodClash(path, mwtU, mwtC, false);
use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.
the class _Sum method sumMethod.
static MethodWithType sumMethod(MethodWithType ma, MethodWithType mb) {
Set<Path> pa = new HashSet<Path>(Map.of(t -> t.getPath(), ma.getMt().getExceptions()));
Set<Path> pb = new HashSet<Path>(Map.of(t -> t.getPath(), mb.getMt().getExceptions()));
Set<Path> pc = new HashSet<>(pa);
Doc doc = ma.getDoc().sum(mb.getDoc());
MethodType mt = ma.getMt();
List<Ast.Type> opc = -> (Ast.Type) pi.toImmNT()).collect(Collectors.toList());
Collections.sort(opc, (p1, p2) -> p1.toString().compareTo(p2.toString()));
mt = mt.withExceptions(opc);
MethodWithType mwt = ma.withMt(mt).withDoc(doc);
//now mwt has min exceptions and summed docs
assert !ma.get_inner().isPresent() || !mb.get_inner().isPresent();
if (mb.get_inner().isPresent()) {
mwt = mwt.withInner(mb.getInner());
return mwt;