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Example 1 with NestedClass

use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.

the class TsLibrary method libraryWellTyped.

default default TOut libraryWellTyped(TIn in) {
    //   (library well typed)
    //   Phase |- p ~> L' //In implementation, if>=Phase, L'=p.Top()
    ClassB top =;
    assert //   Phase in {Typed,Coherent}
    in.phase.subtypeEq(Phase.Typed) : "";
    if (top.getPhase().subtypeEq(in.phase)) {
        return new TOk(in, top, Path.Library().toImmNT());
    //   L0={interface? implements Ps M1..Mn Phase'}=norm(p)
    //   L'={interface? implements Ps M1'..Mn' max(Phase',Phase)}
    ClassB L0 = normTopL(in);
    List<MethodWithType> mwts = L0.mwts();
    List<NestedClass> ns = L0.ns();
    List<NestedClass> newNs = new ArrayList<>();
    //   forall i in 1..n
    //     Phase| p| Ps |- Mi ~> Mi'
    TIn inNested = in.withP(in.p.updateTop(L0));
    List<MethodWithType> newMwts;
    if (in.phase == Phase.Coherent && top.getPhase() == Phase.Typed) {
        newMwts = new ArrayList<>(mwts);
    } else {
        newMwts = new ArrayList<>();
        for (MethodWithType mwt : mwts) {
            TOutM out = memberMethod(inNested, L0.getSupertypes(), mwt);
            if (!out.isOk()) {
                return out.toError();
            newMwts.add((MethodWithType) out.toOkM().inner);
    for (NestedClass nt : ns) {
        TOutM out = memberNested(inNested, nt);
        if (!out.isOk()) {
            return out.toError();
        newNs.add((NestedClass) out.toOkM().inner);
    Phase maxPhase = L0.getPhase();
    if (in.phase.subtypeEq(maxPhase)) {
        maxPhase = in.phase;
    ClassB L1 = new ClassB(L0.getDoc1(), L0.isInterface(), L0.getSupertypes(), newMwts, newNs, L0.getP(), maxPhase, L0.getUniqueId());
    if (in.phase == Phase.Coherent) {
        boolean isCoh = coherent(in.p.updateTop(L1), true);
        if (!isCoh) {
            return new TErr(in, "", Path.Library().toImmNT(), ErrorKind.LibraryNotCoherent);
    //   //or error not coherent set of abstr. methods:list
    return new TOk(in, L1, Path.Library().toImmNT());
Also used : Phase(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.Phase) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NestedClass(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass) MethodWithType(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType) ClassB(ast.ExpCore.ClassB)

Example 2 with NestedClass

use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.

the class ErrorFormatter method whyIsNotExecutable.

private static String whyIsNotExecutable(ClassB cb) {
    /*if(cb.getH() instanceof Ast.TraitHeader){
      return "\n  The requested path is a trait";
    for (Member m : cb.getMs()) {
        if (!(m instanceof MethodWithType)) {
    /*MethodWithType mt=(MethodWithType)m;
      if (!mt.getInner().isPresent() && !mt.isFieldGenerated()){
        return "\n  The method "+mt.getMs()+" of the requested path is abstract";
    for (Member m : cb.getMs()) {
        if (!(m instanceof NestedClass)) {
        NestedClass nc = (NestedClass) m;
        if (!(nc.getInner() instanceof ClassB)) {
            return "\n  The nested class " + nc.getName() + " of the requested path is not compiled yet";
        String nestedRes = whyIsNotExecutable((ClassB) nc.getInner());
        if (nestedRes != null) {
            return "." + nc.getName() + nestedRes;
    return null;
Also used : NestedClass(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass) MethodWithType(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType) Member(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.Member) ClassB(ast.ExpCore.ClassB)

Example 3 with NestedClass

use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.

the class TestHelper method _dbgCompact.

  static class LoggedPrintStream extends PrintStream {
    final StringBuilder buf;
    final PrintStream underlying;
    LoggedPrintStream(StringBuilder sb, OutputStream os, PrintStream ul) {
        this.buf = sb;
        this.underlying = ul;
  public static LoggedPrintStream create(PrintStream toLog) {//from
    try {
      final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      Field f = FilterOutputStream.class.getDeclaredField("out");
      OutputStream psout = (OutputStream) f.get(toLog);
      return new LoggedPrintStream(sb, new FilterOutputStream(psout) {
        public void write(int b) throws IOException {
          sb.append((char) b);
        }, toLog);
    catch (NoSuchFieldException|IllegalArgumentException |IllegalAccessException e) {
      throw Assertions.codeNotReachable();
public static void _dbgCompact(ExpCore e) {
    assert e instanceof ClassB;
    ClassB cb = (ClassB) e;
    ArrayList<Member> ms = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Member m : cb.getMs()) {
        if (!(m instanceof NestedClass)) {
        NestedClass nc = (NestedClass) m;
        if ((nc.getInner() instanceof ClassB)) {
    cb = cb.withMs(ms);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NestedClass(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass) Member(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.Member) ClassB(ast.ExpCore.ClassB)

Example 4 with NestedClass

use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.

the class ProgramReduction method step.

static Program step(Program p) {
    //precondition: at top level we have a L not of form LC
    assert !IsCompiled.of(;
    CtxL top = CtxL._split(;
    assert top != null;
    Member m = top.originalCtxM();
    assert !IsCompiled.of(m);
    ExpCore hole = top.originalHole();
    if (hole instanceof ClassB) {
        assert !IsCompiled.of(hole);
        return enter(p, top, m);
    ClassB.NestedClass nc = (NestedClass) m;
    return top(p, nc);
Also used : NestedClass(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass) ExpCore(ast.ExpCore) NestedClass(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass) Member(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.Member) ClassB(ast.ExpCore.ClassB)

Example 5 with NestedClass

use of ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass in project L42 by ElvisResearchGroup.

the class UsedPaths method usedInnerM.

private static Paths usedInnerM(Member m, Phase phase0) {
    if (m instanceof NestedClass) {
        NestedClass nc = (NestedClass) m;
        return usedInnerL((ClassB) nc.getInner(), Collections.emptyList(), phase0).pop();
    List<Path> result1;
    List<ClassB> l1n = Collections.emptyList();
    if (m instanceof MethodWithType) {
        MethodWithType mwt = (MethodWithType) m;
        result1 = CollectPaths0.of(mwt);
        if (phase0 == Phase.Typed && mwt.get_inner().isPresent()) {
            l1n = CollectClassBs0.of(m.getInner());
    } else {
        assert m instanceof MethodImplemented;
        result1 = CollectPaths0.of(m.getInner());
    Paths result2 = Paths.reorganize(result1);
    Paths acc = Paths.empty();
    for (ClassB li : l1n) {
        acc = acc.union(usedInnerL(li, Collections.emptyList(), phase0));
    return result2.union(acc.pop());
Also used : Path(ast.Ast.Path) MethodImplemented(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodImplemented) NestedClass(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass) MethodWithType(ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType) ClassB(ast.ExpCore.ClassB)


NestedClass (ast.ExpCore.ClassB.NestedClass)24 Member (ast.ExpCore.ClassB.Member)18 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 ClassB (ast.ExpCore.ClassB)12 Ast (ast.Ast)10 MethodWithType (ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodWithType)7 Path (ast.Ast.Path)5 ExpCore (ast.ExpCore)4 MethodImplemented (ast.ExpCore.ClassB.MethodImplemented)3 PathPath (ast.Util.PathPath)3 EncodingHelper.ensureExtractClassB (auxiliaryGrammar.EncodingHelper.ensureExtractClassB)3 List (java.util.List)3 C (ast.Ast.C)2 Position (ast.Ast.Position)2 Type (ast.Ast.Type)2 Phase (ast.ExpCore.ClassB.Phase)2 CloneVisitor (coreVisitors.CloneVisitor)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 Doc (ast.Ast.Doc)1 MethodSelector (ast.Ast.MethodSelector)1