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Example 6 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class AnalyzeUnjustifiedTest method justifyNegatedFactsRemovedFromReasons.

public void justifyNegatedFactsRemovedFromReasons() {
    String program = "forbidden(2,9). forbidden(1,9)." + "p(X) :- q(X)." + "q(X) :- p(X)." + "q(5) :- r." + "r :- not nr, not forbidden(2,9), not forbidden(1,9)." + "nr :- not r." + ":- not p(5).";
    CompiledProgram internalProgram = parseAndPreprocess.apply(program);
    AtomStore atomStore = new AtomStoreImpl();
    NaiveGrounder grounder = new NaiveGrounder(internalProgram, atomStore, true);
    TrailAssignment assignment = new TrailAssignment(atomStore);
    int rId = atomStore.get(Atoms.newBasicAtom(Predicates.getPredicate("r", 0)));
    int nrId = atomStore.get(Atoms.newBasicAtom(Predicates.getPredicate("nr", 0)));
    assignment.assign(rId, ThriceTruth.FALSE);
    assignment.assign(nrId, ThriceTruth.TRUE);
    BasicAtom p5 = Atoms.newBasicAtom(Predicates.getPredicate("p", 1), Collections.singletonList(Terms.newConstant(5)));
    assignment.assign(atomStore.get(p5), ThriceTruth.MBT);
    Set<Literal> reasons = grounder.justifyAtom(atomStore.get(p5), assignment);
    for (Literal literal : reasons) {
        // Check that facts are not present in justification.
        assertNotEquals(literal.getPredicate(), Predicates.getPredicate("forbidden", 2));
Also used : NaiveGrounder( AtomStore( Literal( AtomStoreImpl( CompiledProgram( BasicAtom( TrailAssignment( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 7 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class IntervalTermToIntervalAtom method rewriteIntervalSpecifications.

 * Rewrites intervals into a new variable and special IntervalAtom.
 * @return true if some interval occurs in the rule.
private static NormalRule rewriteIntervalSpecifications(NormalRule rule) {
    // Collect all intervals and replace them with variables.
    Map<VariableTerm, IntervalTerm> intervalReplacements = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    List<Literal> rewrittenBody = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Literal literal : rule.getBody()) {
        Literal rewrittenLiteral = rewriteLiteral(literal, intervalReplacements);
        if (rewrittenLiteral != null) {
    // Note that this cast is safe: NormalHead can only have a BasicAtom, so literalizing and getting back the Atom destroys type information,
    // but should never yield anything other than a BasicAtom
    NormalHead rewrittenHead = rule.isConstraint() ? null : Heads.newNormalHead((BasicAtom) rewriteLiteral(rule.getHead().getAtom().toLiteral(), intervalReplacements).getAtom());
    // If intervalReplacements is empty, no IntervalTerms have been found, keep rule as is.
    if (intervalReplacements.isEmpty()) {
        return rule;
    // Add new IntervalAtoms representing the interval specifications.
    for (Map.Entry<VariableTerm, IntervalTerm> interval : intervalReplacements.entrySet()) {
        rewrittenBody.add(new IntervalAtom(interval.getValue(), interval.getKey()).toLiteral());
    return new NormalRuleImpl(rewrittenHead, rewrittenBody);
Also used : IntervalAtom( IntervalTerm( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NormalRuleImpl( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) NormalHead( Literal( ComparisonLiteral( VariableTerm( BasicAtom( LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)

Example 8 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class LiteralInstantiationStrategyTest method defaultLazyGroundingCheckFalseGroundLiteral.

 * Uses {@link DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy} to check the truth
 * (i.e. {@link AssignmentStatus}) of the positive ground literal "p(a)".
 * In this case, the instantiation strategy has an assignment where the atom
 * "p(a)" is assigned ThriceTruth.FALSE, so we expect the instantiation strategy
 * to determine that p(a) is FALSE. Since UNASSIGNED and FALSE atoms are
 * (potentially) stale in working memory, we expect the atom "p(a)" to be added
 * to the stale set by the instantiation strategy.
public void defaultLazyGroundingCheckFalseGroundLiteral() {
    Predicate p = Predicates.getPredicate("p", 1);
    BasicAtom pOfA = Atoms.newBasicAtom(p, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"));
    WorkingMemory workingMemory = new WorkingMemory();
    AtomStore atomStore = new AtomStoreImpl();
    WritableAssignment assignment = new TrailAssignment(atomStore);
    assignment.assign(atomStore.get(pOfA), ThriceTruth.FALSE);
    LinkedHashSet<Atom> staleSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy strategy = new DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy(workingMemory, atomStore, Collections.emptyMap(), false);
    AssignmentStatus assignmentStatus = strategy.getTruthForGroundLiteral(Literals.fromAtom(pOfA, true));
    assertEquals(AssignmentStatus.FALSE, assignmentStatus);
    assertEquals(1, staleSet.size());
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) AtomStore( WorkingMemory( AtomStoreImpl( WritableAssignment( BasicAtom( TrailAssignment( BasicAtom( Atom( Predicate( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 9 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class LiteralInstantiationStrategyTest method defaultLazyGroundingNoAssignmentSubstituteNonGroundLiteral.

 * Uses {@link DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy} to find ground
 * instances for the partially ground positive literal "q(a, X)".
 * In this case, the instantiation strategy does not have an assignment set (as
 * is the case when {@link NaiveGrounder} is in bootstrap), so we expect the
 * assignment status (i.e. assignment status of the found ground instance)
 * passed back with the substitution to be TRUE. Furthermore, the stale atom set
 * (used by {@link NaiveGrounder} to clean up atoms that should be deleted from
 * working memory) must stay empty.
public void defaultLazyGroundingNoAssignmentSubstituteNonGroundLiteral() {
    Predicate q = Predicates.getPredicate("q", 2);
    BasicAtom nonGroundAtom = Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newVariable("X"));
    WorkingMemory workingMemory = new WorkingMemory();
    workingMemory.addInstance(Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b")), true);
    LinkedHashSet<Atom> staleSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy strategy = new DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy(workingMemory, new AtomStoreImpl(), Collections.emptyMap(), false);
    List<ImmutablePair<Substitution, AssignmentStatus>> result = strategy.getAcceptedSubstitutions(Literals.fromAtom(nonGroundAtom, true), new BasicSubstitution());
    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    ImmutablePair<Substitution, AssignmentStatus> substitutionInfo = result.get(0);
    Substitution substitution = substitutionInfo.left;
    AssignmentStatus assignmentStatus = substitutionInfo.right;
    assertEquals(AssignmentStatus.TRUE, assignmentStatus);
    assertEquals(Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b"), substitution.eval(Terms.newVariable("X")));
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) WorkingMemory( BasicSubstitution( AtomStoreImpl( BasicAtom( Atom( Predicate( ImmutablePair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair) Substitution( BasicSubstitution( BasicAtom( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)

Example 10 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class LiteralInstantiationStrategyTest method defaultLazyGroundingSubstituteNonGroundLiteralWithFalseInstance.

 * Uses {@link DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy} to find the ground
 * instance "q(a, b)" for the partially ground positive literal "q(a, X)".
 * In this case, the instantiation strategy has an assignment where q(a, b) is
 * assigned ThriceTruth.FALSE, so we expect an empty list from
 * {@link LiteralInstantiationStrategy#getAcceptedSubstitutions(Literal, Substitution)}.
 * Furthermore, we expect the atom q(a, b) to be added to the stale atom set.
public void defaultLazyGroundingSubstituteNonGroundLiteralWithFalseInstance() {
    Predicate q = Predicates.getPredicate("q", 2);
    BasicAtom nonGroundAtom = Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newVariable("X"));
    WorkingMemory workingMemory = new WorkingMemory();
    workingMemory.addInstance(Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b")), true);
    AtomStore atomStore = new AtomStoreImpl();
    WritableAssignment assignment = new TrailAssignment(atomStore);
    BasicAtom groundAtom = Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b"));
    assignment.assign(atomStore.get(groundAtom), ThriceTruth.FALSE);
    LinkedHashSet<Atom> staleSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy strategy = new DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy(workingMemory, atomStore, Collections.emptyMap(), false);
    List<ImmutablePair<Substitution, AssignmentStatus>> result = strategy.getAcceptedSubstitutions(Literals.fromAtom(nonGroundAtom, true), new BasicSubstitution());
    assertEquals(1, staleSet.size());
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) WorkingMemory( BasicSubstitution( AtomStoreImpl( TrailAssignment( BasicAtom( Atom( Predicate( AtomStore( ImmutablePair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair) WritableAssignment( BasicAtom( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


BasicAtom ( Predicate ( Atom ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)15 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)12 AtomStoreImpl ( Literal ( BasicSubstitution ( AtomStore ( WorkingMemory ( TrailAssignment ( Substitution ( WritableAssignment ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 VariableTerm ( ImmutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair)4 NormalHead ( Unifier ( CompiledProgram ( ComparisonLiteral (