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Example 16 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class InternalRule method renameVariables.

 * Returns a new Rule that is equal to this one except that all variables are renamed to have the newVariablePostfix
 * appended.
 * @param newVariablePostfix
 * @return
public InternalRule renameVariables(String newVariablePostfix) {
    List<VariableTerm> occurringVariables = new ArrayList<>();
    BasicAtom headAtom = this.getHeadAtom();
    for (Literal literal : this.getBody()) {
    Unifier variableReplacement = new Unifier();
    for (VariableTerm occurringVariable : occurringVariables) {
        final String newVariableName = occurringVariable.toString() + newVariablePostfix;
        variableReplacement.put(occurringVariable, Terms.newVariable(newVariableName));
    BasicAtom renamedHeadAtom = headAtom.substitute(variableReplacement);
    ArrayList<Literal> renamedBody = new ArrayList<>(this.getBody().size());
    for (Literal literal : this.getBody()) {
    return new InternalRule(Heads.newNormalHead(renamedHeadAtom), renamedBody);
Also used : Literal( AggregateLiteral( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VariableTerm( BasicAtom( Unifier(

Example 17 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class RuleGroundingInfoImpl method computeStartingLiterals.

 * Computes starting literals and indicates whether there is a fixed ground instantiation for this rule.
 * @return true iff the rule has a fixed ground instantiation.
private boolean computeStartingLiterals() {
    LinkedHashSet<Literal> fixedStartingLiterals = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    LinkedHashSet<Literal> ordinaryStartingLiterals = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    // If the rule is ground, every body literal is a starting literal and the ground instantiation is fixed.
    if (internalRule.isGround()) {
        startingLiterals = new LinkedList<>(internalRule.getBody());
        return true;
    // Check each literal in the rule body whether it is eligible.
    for (Literal literal : internalRule.getBody()) {
        // Only literals that need no variables already bound can start grounding.
        if (literal.getNonBindingVariables().size() != 0) {
        if (literal.getAtom() instanceof BasicAtom && !literal.isNegated()) {
            // Positive BasicAtom is the main/ordinary case.
        } else {
            // If literal is no positive BasicAtom but requires no bound variables,
            // it can be the starting literal for some (fixed) instantiation.
    // instantiation literals and those are starting for the one-time grounding.
    if (!ordinaryStartingLiterals.isEmpty()) {
        startingLiterals = new LinkedList<>(ordinaryStartingLiterals);
        return false;
    } else if (!fixedStartingLiterals.isEmpty()) {
        startingLiterals = new LinkedList<>(fixedStartingLiterals);
        return true;
    } else {
        throw new RuntimeException("Unsafe rule encountered: " + internalRule);
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Literal( BasicAtom( LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 18 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class AnalyzeUnjustified method analyze.

public Set<Literal> analyze(int atomToJustify, Assignment currentAssignment) {
    padDepth = 0;
    Atom atom = atomStore.get(atomToJustify);
    if (!(atom instanceof BasicAtom)) {
        throw oops("Starting atom must be a BasicAtom, but received: " + atom + " of type: " + atom.getClass());
    // @formatter:off
    // Calling code must make sure it is a BasicAtom and take precautions.
    // Potential solutions:
    // If atom instanceof RuleAtom and atom is MBT, then the corresponding rule body has a BasicAtom that is MBT.
    // If atom instanceof ChoiceAtom and atom is MBT, then the corresponding rule body has a BasicAtom that is MBT.
    // If atom instanceof RuleAtom and atom is FALSE, then this comes from a violated constraint in the end and the corresponding rule body can be taken as the single rule deriving the RuleAtom.
    // @formatter:on
    assignedAtoms = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (int i = 1; i <= atomStore.getMaxAtomId(); i++) {
        ThriceTruth truth = currentAssignment.getTruth(i);
        if (truth == null) {
        Atom assignedAtom = atomStore.get(i);
        assignedAtoms.putIfAbsent(assignedAtom.getPredicate(), new ArrayList<>());
    return analyze((BasicAtom) atom, currentAssignment);
Also used : ThriceTruth( BasicAtom( BasicAtom( Atom(

Example 19 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class AnalyzeUnjustified method unjustCover.

private Set<LitSet> unjustCover(List<Literal> vB, Set<Unifier> vY, Set<Unifier> vN, Assignment currentAssignment) {
    padDepth += 2;
    log("Begin UnjustCoverFixed()");
    log("Finding unjustified body literals in: {} / {} excluded {}", vB, vY, vN);
    Set<LitSet> ret = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    if (vB.isEmpty() || vY.isEmpty()) {
        log("End unjustCover().");
        padDepth -= 2;
        return Collections.emptySet();
    int chosenLiteralPos = 0;
    // Find a body literal that is not a ComparisonLiteral, because these do not generate/have atoms assigned.
    for (int i = 0; i < vB.size(); i++) {
        if (!(vB.get(i) instanceof ComparisonLiteral)) {
            // TODO: Should this be FixedInterpretationLiteral instead??
            chosenLiteralPos = i;
    Atom b = vB.get(chosenLiteralPos).getAtom();
    log("Picked literal from body is: {}", b);
    for (Unifier sigmaY : vY) {
        Atom bSigmaY = b.substitute(sigmaY);
        log("Treating substitution for: {}", bSigmaY);
        Set<Unifier> vYp = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        log("Checking atoms over predicate: {}", b.getPredicate());
        AssignedAtomsIterator assignedAtomsOverPredicate = getAssignedAtomsOverPredicate(b.getPredicate());
        atomLoop: while (assignedAtomsOverPredicate.hasNext()) {
            Atom atom =;
            // Check that atom is justified/true.
            log("Checking atom: {}", atom);
            if (atomStore.contains(atom)) {
                int atomId = atomStore.get(atom);
                if (currentAssignment.getTruth(atomId) != ThriceTruth.TRUE) {
                    log("Atom is not TRUE. Skipping.");
            // Note: in case the atom is not in the atomStore, it came from a fact and hence is true.
            Unifier sigma = Unification.instantiate(b, atom);
            if (sigma == null) {
                log("Atom does not unify with picked body literal.");
            Atom bSigma = b.substitute(sigma);
            if (!bSigma.isGround()) {
                throw oops("Resulting atom is not ground.");
            Set<VariableTerm> variablesOccurringInSigma = sigma.getMappedVariables();
            if (Unification.instantiate(bSigmaY, bSigma) != null) {
                for (Unifier sigmaN : vN) {
                    ArrayList<Term> occurringVariables = new ArrayList<>(variablesOccurringInSigma);
                    BasicAtom genericAtom = Atoms.newBasicAtom(Predicates.getPredicate("_", occurringVariables.size(), true), occurringVariables);
                    Atom genericSubstituted = genericAtom.substitute(sigmaN).renameVariables("_analyzeTest");
                    if (Unification.instantiate(genericSubstituted, genericAtom.substitute(sigma)) != null) {
                        log("Atom {} is excluded by: {} via {}", genericSubstituted, sigmaN, sigma);
                        continue atomLoop;
                log("Adding corresponding substitution to Y': {}", sigma);
        log("Unjustified body literals: {}", vYp);
        Set<Unifier> vYpUN = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        LitSet toJustify = new LitSet(bSigmaY, vYpUN);
        if (!toJustify.coversNothing()) {
            log("New litset to do: {}", toJustify);
        } else {
            log("Generated LitSet covers nothing. Ignoring: {}", toJustify);
        ArrayList<Literal> newB = new ArrayList<>(vB);
        ret.addAll(unjustCover(newB, vYp, vN, currentAssignment));
        log("Literal set(s) to treat: {}", ret);
    log("End unjustCover().");
    padDepth -= 2;
    return ret;
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) Set(java.util.Set) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BasicAtom( Atom( Literal( ComparisonLiteral( ComparisonLiteral( BasicAtom( Unifier(

Example 20 with BasicAtom

use of in project Alpha by alpha-asp.

the class LiteralInstantiationStrategyTest method defaultLazyGroundingSubstituteNonGroundLiteralWithTrueInstance.

 * Uses {@link DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy} to find the ground
 * instance "q(a, b)" for the partially ground positive literal "q(a, X)".
 * In this case, the instantiation strategy has an assignment where q(a, b) is
 * assigned ThriceTruth.TRUE, so we expect the assignment status (i.e.
 * assignment status of the found ground instance) passed back with the
 * substitution to be TRUE. Furthermore, we expect the stale atom set to stay
 * empty.
public void defaultLazyGroundingSubstituteNonGroundLiteralWithTrueInstance() {
    Predicate q = Predicates.getPredicate("q", 2);
    BasicAtom nonGroundAtom = Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newVariable("X"));
    WorkingMemory workingMemory = new WorkingMemory();
    workingMemory.addInstance(Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b")), true);
    AtomStore atomStore = new AtomStoreImpl();
    WritableAssignment assignment = new TrailAssignment(atomStore);
    BasicAtom groundAtom = Atoms.newBasicAtom(q, Terms.newSymbolicConstant("a"), Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b"));
    assignment.assign(atomStore.get(groundAtom), ThriceTruth.TRUE);
    LinkedHashSet<Atom> staleSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
    DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy strategy = new DefaultLazyGroundingInstantiationStrategy(workingMemory, atomStore, Collections.emptyMap(), false);
    List<ImmutablePair<Substitution, AssignmentStatus>> result = strategy.getAcceptedSubstitutions(Literals.fromAtom(nonGroundAtom, true), new BasicSubstitution());
    assertEquals(1, result.size());
    ImmutablePair<Substitution, AssignmentStatus> substitutionInfo = result.get(0);
    Substitution substitution = substitutionInfo.left;
    AssignmentStatus assignmentStatus = substitutionInfo.right;
    assertEquals(AssignmentStatus.TRUE, assignmentStatus);
    assertEquals(Terms.newSymbolicConstant("b"), substitution.eval(Terms.newVariable("X")));
Also used : LinkedHashSet(java.util.LinkedHashSet) WorkingMemory( BasicSubstitution( AtomStoreImpl( TrailAssignment( BasicAtom( Atom( Predicate( AtomStore( ImmutablePair(org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair) Substitution( BasicSubstitution( WritableAssignment( BasicAtom( Test(org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)


BasicAtom ( Predicate ( Atom ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)15 LinkedHashSet (java.util.LinkedHashSet)12 AtomStoreImpl ( Literal ( BasicSubstitution ( AtomStore ( WorkingMemory ( TrailAssignment ( Substitution ( WritableAssignment ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 VariableTerm ( ImmutablePair (org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair)4 NormalHead ( Unifier ( CompiledProgram ( ComparisonLiteral (