use of at.haha007.edenclient.mods.MessageIgnorer in project EdenClient by HahaOO7.
the class ChestShopItemNames method registerCommand.
public LiteralArgumentBuilder<ClientCommandSource> registerCommand() {
LiteralArgumentBuilder<ClientCommandSource> mapItemNames = literal("mapitemnames");
mapItemNames.executes(c -> {
sendModMessage("/datafetcher mapitemnames <start/check>");
return 1;
mapItemNames.then(literal("start").executes(c -> {
ClientPlayerEntity entityPlayer = PlayerUtils.getPlayer();
if (nameLookupRunning) {
sendModMessage("Mapping of item names already running!");
return -1;
MessageIgnorer mi = EdenClient.getMod(MessageIgnorer.class);
boolean wasMessageIgnoringEnabled = mi.isEnabled();
DefaultedRegistry<Item> itemRegistry = Registry.ITEM;
String[] minecraftIDs = -> itemName.split(":")[1]).map(itemName -> itemName.replace('_', ' ')).map(String::toLowerCase).filter(Predicate.not(itemNameMap::containsValue)).toList().toArray(new String[0]);
sendModMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Started Mapping. Mapping will take about " + ChatColor.AQUA + (minecraftIDs.length / 60 + 1) + " minutes");
AtomicInteger index = new AtomicInteger();
nameLookupRunning = true;
Scheduler.get().scheduleSyncRepeating(() -> {
int i = index.getAndIncrement();
if (i >= minecraftIDs.length) {
sendModMessage("Finished mapping of all items! Disconnect from the world now to save all items into the config properly! They will be loaded the next time you join the world.");
Scheduler.get().scheduleSyncDelayed(() -> {
nameLookupRunning = false;
}, 50);
return false;
String item = minecraftIDs[i];
System.out.println("Mapping item:" + item);
entityPlayer.sendChatMessage("/iteminfo " + item);
if (i % 60 == 0) {
sendModMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Mapped " + ChatColor.AQUA + i + ChatColor.GOLD + " items of " + ChatColor.AQUA + minecraftIDs.length + ChatColor.GOLD + " this far.");
return true;
}, 20, 0);
return 1;
mapItemNames.then(literal("reset").executes(c -> {
sendModMessage("Mapped item names cleared.");
return 1;
mapItemNames.then(literal("check").executes(c -> {
sendModMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Amount of items mapped: " + ChatColor.AQUA + itemNameMap.size());
return 1;
return mapItemNames;