use of au.csiro.pathling.QueryHelpers.DatasetWithColumn in project pathling by aehrc.
the class ReverseResolveFunction method invoke.
public FhirPath invoke(@Nonnull final NamedFunctionInput input) {
checkUserInput(input.getInput() instanceof ResourcePath, "Input to " + NAME + " function must be a resource: " + input.getInput().getExpression());
final ResourcePath inputPath = (ResourcePath) input.getInput();
final String expression = NamedFunction.expressionFromInput(input, NAME);
checkUserInput(input.getArguments().size() == 1, "reverseResolve function accepts a single argument: " + expression);
final FhirPath argument = input.getArguments().get(0);
checkUserInput(argument instanceof ReferencePath, "Argument to reverseResolve function must be a Reference: " + argument.getExpression());
final ReferencePath referencePath = (ReferencePath) argument;
// Check that the input type is one of the possible types specified by the argument.
final Set<ResourceType> argumentTypes = ((ReferencePath) argument).getResourceTypes();
final ResourceType inputType = inputPath.getResourceType();
checkUserInput(argumentTypes.contains(inputType), "Reference in argument to reverseResolve does not support input resource type: " + expression);
// Do a left outer join from the input to the argument dataset using the reference field in the
// argument.
final Column joinCondition = referencePath.getResourceEquality(inputPath);
final Dataset<Row> dataset = join(referencePath.getDataset(), inputPath.getDataset(), joinCondition, JoinType.RIGHT_OUTER);
// Check the argument for information about the current resource that it originated from - if it
// is not present, reverse reference resolution will not be possible.
final NonLiteralPath nonLiteralArgument = (NonLiteralPath) argument;
checkUserInput(nonLiteralArgument.getCurrentResource().isPresent(), "Argument to reverseResolve must be an element that is navigable from a " + "target resource type: " + expression);
final ResourcePath currentResource = nonLiteralArgument.getCurrentResource().get();
final Optional<Column> thisColumn = inputPath.getThisColumn();
// TODO: Consider removing in the future once we separate ordering from element ID.
// Create an synthetic element ID column for reverse resolved resources.
final Column currentResourceValue = currentResource.getValueColumn();
final WindowSpec windowSpec = Window.partitionBy(inputPath.getIdColumn(), inputPath.getOrderingColumn()).orderBy(currentResourceValue);
// row_number() is 1-based, and we use 0-based indexes - thus (minus(1)).
final Column currentResourceIndex = when(currentResourceValue.isNull(), lit(null)).otherwise(row_number().over(windowSpec).minus(lit(1)));
// We need to add the synthetic EID column to the parser context so that it can be used within
// joins in certain situations, e.g. extract.
final Column syntheticEid = inputPath.expandEid(currentResourceIndex);
final DatasetWithColumn datasetWithEid = QueryHelpers.createColumn(dataset, syntheticEid);
input.getContext().getNodeIdColumns().putIfAbsent(expression, datasetWithEid.getColumn());
final ResourcePath result = currentResource.copy(expression, datasetWithEid.getDataset(), inputPath.getIdColumn(), Optional.of(syntheticEid), currentResource.getValueColumn(), false, thisColumn);
return result;
use of au.csiro.pathling.QueryHelpers.DatasetWithColumn in project pathling by aehrc.
the class CombineOperator method invoke.
public FhirPath invoke(@Nonnull final OperatorInput input) {
final String expression = Operator.buildExpression(input, NAME);
final FhirPath left = input.getLeft();
final FhirPath right = input.getRight();
final Dataset<Row> leftTrimmed = left.getUnionableDataset(right);
final Dataset<Row> rightTrimmed = right.getUnionableDataset(left);
final int valueColumnIndex = Arrays.asList(leftTrimmed.columns()).indexOf(left.getValueColumn().toString());
final Dataset<Row> dataset = leftTrimmed.union(rightTrimmed);
final String columnName = dataset.columns()[valueColumnIndex];
final DatasetWithColumn datasetWithColumn = createColumn(dataset, dataset.col("`" + columnName + "`"));
final Optional<Column> eidColumn = Optional.of(array(monotonically_increasing_id()));
final Optional<Column> thisColumn = left instanceof NonLiteralPath ? ((NonLiteralPath) left).getThisColumn() : Optional.empty();
return left.combineWith(right, datasetWithColumn.getDataset(), expression, left.getIdColumn(), eidColumn, datasetWithColumn.getColumn(), false, thisColumn);
use of au.csiro.pathling.QueryHelpers.DatasetWithColumn in project pathling by aehrc.
the class ComparisonOperator method invoke.
public FhirPath invoke(@Nonnull final OperatorInput input) {
final FhirPath left = input.getLeft();
final FhirPath right = input.getRight();
checkUserInput(left.isSingular(), "Left operand must be singular: " + left.getExpression());
checkUserInput(right.isSingular(), "Right operand must be singular: " + right.getExpression());
checkArgumentsAreComparable(input, type.toString());
final String expression = buildExpression(input, type.toString());
final Dataset<Row> dataset = join(input.getContext(), left, right, JoinType.LEFT_OUTER);
final Comparable leftComparable = (Comparable) left;
final Comparable rightComparable = (Comparable) right;
final Column valueColumn = leftComparable.getComparison(type).apply(rightComparable);
final Column idColumn = left.getIdColumn();
final Optional<Column> eidColumn = findEidColumn(left, right);
final Optional<Column> thisColumn = findThisColumn(left, right);
final DatasetWithColumn datasetWithColumn = createColumn(dataset, valueColumn);
return, datasetWithColumn.getDataset(), idColumn, eidColumn, datasetWithColumn.getColumn(), true, Optional.empty(), thisColumn, FHIRDefinedType.BOOLEAN);
use of au.csiro.pathling.QueryHelpers.DatasetWithColumn in project pathling by aehrc.
the class UntypedResourcePath method build.
* @param referencePath a {@link ReferencePath} to base the new UntypedResourcePath on
* @param expression the FHIRPath representation of this path
* @param dataset a {@link Dataset} that can be used to evaluate this path against data
* @param idColumn a column within the dataset containing the identity of the subject resource
* @param eidColumn a column within the dataset containing the element identities of the nodes
* @param typeColumn a column within the dataset containing the resource type
* @return a shiny new UntypedResourcePath
public static UntypedResourcePath build(@Nonnull final ReferencePath referencePath, @Nonnull final String expression, @Nonnull final Dataset<Row> dataset, @Nonnull final Column idColumn, @Nonnull final Optional<Column> eidColumn, @Nonnull final Column typeColumn) {
final Column valueColumn = referencePath.getValueColumn();
final DatasetWithColumn datasetWithType = createColumn(dataset, typeColumn);
final Dataset<Row> finalDataset = datasetWithType.getDataset();
final Column finalTypeColumn = datasetWithType.getColumn();
return new UntypedResourcePath(expression, finalDataset, idColumn, eidColumn, valueColumn, referencePath.isSingular(), referencePath.getThisColumn(), finalTypeColumn);
use of au.csiro.pathling.QueryHelpers.DatasetWithColumn in project pathling by aehrc.
the class QueryExecutor method filterDataset.
protected Dataset<Row> filterDataset(@Nonnull final ResourcePath inputContext, @Nonnull final Collection<String> filters, @Nonnull final Dataset<Row> dataset, @Nonnull final Column idColumn, @Nonnull final BinaryOperator<Column> operator) {
final Dataset<Row> filteredDataset;
if (filters.isEmpty()) {
filteredDataset = dataset;
} else {
final DatasetWithColumn filteredIdsResult = getFilteredIds(filters, inputContext, operator);
final Dataset<Row> filteredIds = filteredIdsResult.getDataset();
final Column filteredIdColumn = filteredIdsResult.getColumn();
filteredDataset = dataset.join(filteredIds, idColumn.equalTo(filteredIdColumn), "left_semi");
return filteredDataset;