use of in project risky by amsa-code.
the class GeoffHAdhocMain method main.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int option = 1;
if (option == 1) {
String filename = "/home/dxm/temp/235099876.track";
// String filename =
// "/media/an/binary-fixes-5-minute/2014/235099876.track";
File file = new File(filename);
BinaryFixes.from(file).doOnNext(System.out::println).toSortedList((a, b) ->, b.time())).flatMap(Observable::from).doOnCompleted(() -> System.out.println("complete")).subscribe();
} else if (option == 2) {
Observable<File> files = Observable.from(Files.find(new File("/media/an/binary-fixes-5-minute/2014"), Pattern.compile("\\d+\\.track")));
Func2<Pair<File, Long>, Pair<File, Long>, Pair<File, Long>> earliest = (p1, p2) -> {
if (p1.b() <= p2.b())
return p1;
return p2;
files.filter(file -> !file.getName().equals("0.track")).flatMap(file -> BinaryFixes.from(file).<Pair<File, Long>>map(fix -> Pair.create(file, fix.time())).reduce(earliest).doOnNext(p -> System.out.println(file + ": " + p)).subscribeOn(Schedulers.computation())).reduce(earliest).doOnNext(System.out::println).toBlocking().single();
use of in project risky by amsa-code.
the class SatelliteReportingIntervalsMain method main.
* Used this oracle query to get time diffs by mmsi for satellite reports
* from cts.position.
* <pre>
* select mmsi, timeMs from
* (
* select mmsi, EXTRACT( DAY FROM diff ) * 24*60*60000
* + EXTRACT( HOUR FROM diff ) * 60*60000
* + EXTRACT( MINUTE FROM diff ) * 60000
* + EXTRACT( SECOND FROM diff ) * 1000 timeMs from
* (
* select mmsi, position_time - to_timestamp('1970-01-01', 'yyyy-mm-dd') diff from cts.position
* where position_time >= to_date('2015/06/28','yyyy/mm/dd') and position_time < to_date('2015/06/30','yyyy/mm/dd')
* and (source_detail like 'AISSat%' or source_detail like 'NORAIS%' or source_detail like 'rEV%')
* )
* ) order by mmsi, timeMs
* </pre>
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
Observable<Double> splits = Strings.from(new File("/home/dxm/times.txt")).compose(o -> Strings.split(o, "\n")).filter(line -> line.trim().length() > 0).map(line -> line.split("\t")).map(items -> new Record(Long.parseLong(items[0]), Long.parseLong(items[1]) / ((double) TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1)))).groupBy(record -> record.mmsi).flatMap(g -> g.buffer(2, 1).filter(list -> list.size() == 2).map(list -> list.get(1).timeHrs - list.get(0).timeHrs)).toSortedList().flatMap(list -> Observable.from(list)).cast(Double.class).cache();
splits.reduce(Pair.create(0, 0.0), (p1, x) -> Pair.<Integer, Double>create(p1.a() + 1, x + p1.b())).map(pair -> pair.b() / pair.a()).doOnNext(value -> System.out.println("average interval hours=" + value)).subscribe();
Observable<BucketCount> buckets = -> Math.floor(diff * 10) / 10.0).collect(() -> new HashMap<Double, Integer>(), (map, x) -> {
if (map.get(x) == null)
map.put(x, 1);
map.put(x, map.get(x) + 1);
}).map(map -> new TreeMap<Double, Integer>(map)).flatMap(map -> Observable.from(map.entrySet())).map(entry -> new BucketCount(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())).scan(new BucketCount(0.0, 0), (b1, b2) -> new BucketCount(b2.bucket, b1.count + b2.count)).cache();
double max = buckets.last().map(b -> b.count).toBlocking().single();
buckets.doOnNext(b -> System.out.println(b.bucket + "\t" + b.count / max * 100)).count().toBlocking().single();
File file = new File("/home/dxm/2015-06-29.txt.gz");
Streams.nmeaFromGzip(file).compose(o -> Streams.extractMessages(o)).filter(m -> m.message() instanceof AisPosition).filter(m -> isNorwaySatellite(m.message().getSource())).groupBy(m -> ((AisPosition) m.message()).getMmsi()).flatMap(g -> g.toSortedList()).doOnNext(System.out::println).count().toBlocking().single();