use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class AutosaveGraphPluginNGTest method setUpMethod.
public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
final Schema schema = SchemaFactoryUtilities.getSchemaFactory(AnalyticSchemaFactory.ANALYTIC_SCHEMA_ID).createSchema();
graph = new DualGraph(schema);
WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("Autosave", true);
try {
attrX = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.X.ensure(wg);
attrY = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Y.ensure(wg);
attrZ = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Z.ensure(wg);
vAttrId = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.ensure(wg);
tAttrId = VisualConcept.TransactionAttribute.SELECTED.ensure(wg);
vxId1 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId1, 1.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId1, 1.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vAttrId, vxId1, false);
vxId2 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId2, 5.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId2, 1.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vAttrId, vxId2, true);
vxId3 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId3, 1.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId3, 5.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vAttrId, vxId3, false);
vxId4 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId4, 5.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId4, 5.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vAttrId, vxId4, false);
vxId5 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId5, 10.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId5, 10.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vAttrId, vxId5, true);
vxId6 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId6, 15.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId6, 15.0f);
vxId7 = wg.addVertex();
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId7, 100.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId7, 100.0f);
txId1 = wg.addTransaction(vxId1, vxId2, false);
txId2 = wg.addTransaction(vxId1, vxId3, false);
txId3 = wg.addTransaction(vxId2, vxId4, true);
txId4 = wg.addTransaction(vxId4, vxId2, true);
txId5 = wg.addTransaction(vxId5, vxId6, false);
} finally {
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class SimpleEditPlugin method run.
public final void run(final PluginGraphs graphs, final PluginInteraction interaction, final PluginParameters parameters) throws InterruptedException, PluginException, RuntimeException {
boolean inControlOfProgress = true;
final Graph graph = graphs.getGraph();
// graph no longer exists
if (graph == null) {
LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Null graph not allowed in a {0}", SimpleEditPlugin.class.getSimpleName());
// Make the graph appear busy
interaction.setBusy(graph.getId(), true);
try {
// Make the progress bar appear nondeterminent
interaction.setProgress(0, 0, WAITING_INTERACTION, true);
try {
boolean cancelled = false;
Object description = null;
WritableGraph writableGraph = graph.getWritableGraph(getName(), isSignificant(), this);
try {
interaction.setProgress(0, 0, "Editing...", true);
try {
description = describedEdit(writableGraph, interaction, parameters);
if (!"Editing...".equals(interaction.getCurrentMessage())) {
inControlOfProgress = false;
} catch (final Exception ex) {
cancelled = true;
throw ex;
} finally {
if (cancelled) {
} else {
} finally {
interaction.setProgress(2, 1, inControlOfProgress ? "Finished" : interaction.getCurrentMessage(), true);
} finally {
interaction.setBusy(graph.getId(), false);
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class QualityControlStateUpdaterNGTest method testReadSelectedNodesWithRules.
public void testReadSelectedNodesWithRules() throws Exception {
System.out.println("read Selected Nodes With Rules");
graph = new DualGraph(SchemaFactoryUtilities.getSchemaFactory(VisualSchemaFactory.VISUAL_SCHEMA_ID).createSchema());
WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("Add Elements", true);
try {
// Add X,Y,Z vertex attributes
attrX = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.X.ensure(wg);
attrY = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Y.ensure(wg);
attrZ = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.Z.ensure(wg);
// Add vertex and transaction SELECTED attributes
vSelectedAttrId = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.SELECTED.ensure(wg);
tSelectedAttrId = VisualConcept.TransactionAttribute.SELECTED.ensure(wg);
// Add two vertices
vxId1 = wg.addVertex();
vxId2 = wg.addVertex();
// Add one transaction between the two vertices
txId1 = wg.addTransaction(vxId1, vxId2, false);
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId1, 1.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId1, 1.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vSelectedAttrId, vxId1, false);
wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId2, 2.0f);
wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId2, 2.0f);
wg.setBooleanValue(vSelectedAttrId, vxId1, true);
// Add vertex IDENTIFIER attribute and label each vertice.
vxIdentifierAttrId = VisualConcept.VertexAttribute.IDENTIFIER.ensure(wg);
wg.setStringValue(vxIdentifierAttrId, vxId1, "Vertex1");
wg.setStringValue(vxIdentifierAttrId, vxId2, "Vertex2");
// Add vertex TYPE attribute and set each type to unknown
typeAttrId = AnalyticConcept.VertexAttribute.TYPE.ensure(wg);
wg.setObjectValue(typeAttrId, vxId1, SchemaVertexType.unknownType());
wg.setObjectValue(typeAttrId, vxId2, SchemaVertexType.unknownType());
} finally {
// Expected rules
final List<QualityControlRule> expectedRegisteredRules = new ArrayList<>(Lookup.getDefault().lookupAll(QualityControlRule.class));
// generate list of vertex ids
final List<Integer> vertexIds = new ArrayList<>();
// Check rules against vertex ids
for (final QualityControlRule rule : expectedRegisteredRules) {
rule.executeRule(graph.getReadableGraph(), vertexIds);
final List<QualityControlEvent> expectedQualityControlEvents = new ArrayList<>();
expectedQualityControlEvents.add(new QualityControlEvent(0, "Vertex1", SchemaVertexType.unknownType(), expectedRegisteredRules));
// Call update state to trigger checking of rules
PluginExecution.withPlugin(new QualityControlStateUpdater()).executeNow(graph);
// get the state and events
final QualityControlState state = QualityControlAutoVetter.getInstance().getQualityControlState();
final List<QualityControlEvent> qualityControlEvents = state.getQualityControlEvents();
final List<QualityControlRule> registeredRules = state.getRegisteredRules();
// Loop all events and check equality for each item specifically. Testing equality of the list was taken literally.
assertEquals(qualityControlEvents.size(), expectedQualityControlEvents.size());
int i = 0;
for (QualityControlEvent event : expectedQualityControlEvents) {
if (qualityControlEvents.size() >= i) {
assertEquals(qualityControlEvents.get(i).getReasons(), event.getReasons());
assertEquals(qualityControlEvents.get(i).getQuality(), event.getQuality());
assertEquals(qualityControlEvents.get(i).getVertex(), event.getVertex());
assertEquals(qualityControlEvents.get(i).getRules(), event.getRules());
assertEquals(qualityControlEvents.get(i).getType(), event.getType());
// check equality of the rules
assertEquals(registeredRules, expectedRegisteredRules);
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class GraphVisualAccessNGTest method testGetCameraAttributeAdded.
* Test of getCamera method when attribute is added, of class
* GraphVisualAccess.
* @throws InterruptedException
public void testGetCameraAttributeAdded() throws InterruptedException {
final WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("Graph Visual Access", true);
try {
final int graphCameraAttribute = VisualConcept.GraphAttribute.CAMERA.ensure(wg);
final Camera newCamera = new Camera();
wg.setObjectValue(graphCameraAttribute, 0, newCamera);
} finally {
final GraphVisualAccess instance = new GraphVisualAccess(graph);
final Camera camera = instance.getCamera();
assertEquals(camera.getVisibilityHigh(), 0.6f);
use of in project constellation by constellation-app.
the class MergeNodeNGTest method mergeTwoTest.
// TODO: commenting out the unit test for now as it fails when run through a headless execution
// /**
// * Use this when running unit tests that requires a DialogDisplay and X11 is
// * not configured
// */
// @ServiceProviders({
// @ServiceProvider(service = DialogDisplayer.class, position = 1)
// })
// public static class DialogDisplayerForUnitTests extends DialogDisplayer {
// @Override
// public Object notify(NotifyDescriptor descriptor) {
// System.out.println(descriptor.getMessage());
// return null;
// }
// @Override
// public Dialog createDialog(DialogDescriptor descriptor) {
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void mergeNothingTest() throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
// final GraphNode graphNode1 = new GraphNode(graph, null, new TopComponent(), null);
// WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("merge", false);
// try {
// assertEquals("Transaction count", 5, wg.getTransactionCount());
// assertEquals("Node count", 7, wg.getVertexCount());
// PluginExecution.withPlugin(CorePluginRegistry.PERMANENT_NODE_MERGE)
// .withParameter(PermanentMergePlugin.SELECTED_NODES_PARAMETER_ID, new ArrayList<>())
// .withParameter(PermanentMergePlugin.ATTTRIBUTES_PARAMETER_ID, null)
// .executeNow(wg);
// assertEquals("Transaction count", 5, wg.getTransactionCount());
// assertEquals("Node count", 7, wg.getVertexCount());
// } finally {
// wg.commit();
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void mergeOneTest() throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
// final GraphNode graphNode1 = new GraphNode(graph, null, new TopComponent(), null);
// WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("merge", false);
// try {
// assertEquals("Transaction count", 5, wg.getTransactionCount());
// assertEquals("Node count", 7, wg.getVertexCount());
// ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
// list.add(vxId7);
// PluginExecution.withPlugin(CorePluginRegistry.PERMANENT_NODE_MERGE)
// .withParameter(PermanentMergePlugin.SELECTED_NODES_PARAMETER_ID, list)
// .withParameter(PermanentMergePlugin.ATTTRIBUTES_PARAMETER_ID, null)
// .executeNow(wg);
// assertEquals("Transaction count", 5, wg.getTransactionCount());
// assertEquals("Node count", 7, wg.getVertexCount());
// } finally {
// wg.commit();
// }
// }
public void mergeTwoTest() throws InterruptedException, PluginException {
WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("merge", false);
try {
assertEquals("Transaction count", 5, wg.getTransactionCount());
assertEquals("Node count", 7, wg.getVertexCount());
ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
HashMap<Integer, String> values = new HashMap<>();
values.put(attrX, "123.0");
values.put(attrY, "456.0");
values.put(attrZ, "789.0");
PluginExecution.withPlugin(VisualGraphPluginRegistry.PERMANENT_MERGE).withParameter(PermanentMergePlugin.SELECTED_NODES_PARAMETER_ID, list).withParameter(PermanentMergePlugin.ATTTRIBUTES_PARAMETER_ID, values).executeNow(wg);
assertEquals("Transaction count", 5, wg.getTransactionCount());
assertEquals("Node count", 6, wg.getVertexCount());
assertFalse("node 5 has been eliminated", this.nodeExists(wg, 10.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f));
assertFalse("node 6 has been eliminated", this.nodeExists(wg, 15.0f, 15.0f, 0.0f));
assertTrue("new node has been created", this.nodeExists(wg, 123.0f, 456.0f, 789.0f));
} finally {