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Example 31 with WritableGraph

use of in project constellation by constellation-app.

the class UndoRedoNGTest method addNode.

// @Test
// public void undoTwoOperationsTest() throws InterruptedException {
// final boolean[] canUndo = new boolean[4];
// final boolean[] canRedo = new boolean[4];
// final boolean[] undoNamesMatch = new boolean[3];
// final boolean[] redoNamesMatch = new boolean[2];
// checkBaseElements();
// checkElementCount(7, 5);
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[0] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[0] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[0] = "Undo original load".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[0]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[0]);
// assertTrue("last undo", undoNamesMatch[0]);
// addNode();
// checkElementCount(8, 5);
// checkNewNode();
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[1] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[1] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[1] = "Undo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[1]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[1]);
// assertTrue("Next undo", undoNamesMatch[0]);
// graph.undo();
// checkElementCount(7, 5);
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[2] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[2] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[2] = "Undo original load".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// redoNamesMatch[0] = "Redo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getRedoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[2]);
// assertTrue("redo available", canRedo[2]);
// assertTrue("Next undo", undoNamesMatch[2]);
// assertTrue("Next redo", redoNamesMatch[0]);
// graph.undo();
// checkElementCount(0, 0);
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[3] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[3] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// redoNamesMatch[1] = "Redo original load".equals(undoMgr.getRedoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertFalse("undo not available", canUndo[3]);
// assertTrue("redo available", canRedo[3]);
// assertTrue("Next redo", redoNamesMatch[1]);
// }
// @Test
// public void vertexUndoRedoTest() throws InterruptedException {
// final boolean[] canUndo = new boolean[4];
// final boolean[] canRedo = new boolean[4];
// final boolean[] undoNamesMatch = new boolean[4];
// final boolean[] redoNamesMatch = new boolean[1];
// checkBaseElements();
// checkElementCount(7, 5);
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[0] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[0] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[0] = "Undo original load".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[0]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[0]);
// assertTrue("last undo", undoNamesMatch[0]);
// addNode();
// checkElementCount(8, 5);
// checkNewNode();
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[1] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[1] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[1] = "Undo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[1]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[1]);
// assertTrue("last undo", undoNamesMatch[1]);
// graph.undo();
// checkElementCount(7, 5);
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[2] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[2] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[2] = "Undo original load".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// redoNamesMatch[0] = "Redo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getRedoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[2]);
// assertTrue("redo available", canRedo[2]);
// assertTrue("last undo", undoNamesMatch[2]);
// assertTrue("last redo", redoNamesMatch[0]);
// graph.redo();
// checkElementCount(8, 5);
// checkNewNode();
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[3] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[3] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[3] = "Undo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[3]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[3]);
// assertTrue("last undo", undoNamesMatch[3]);
// }
// @Test
// public void undoOneOperationsTest() throws InterruptedException {
// final boolean[] canUndo = new boolean[3];
// final boolean[] canRedo = new boolean[3];
// final boolean[] undoNamesMatch = new boolean[3];
// final boolean[] redoNamesMatch = new boolean[1];
// checkBaseElements();
// checkElementCount(7, 5);
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[0] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[0] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[0] = "Undo original load".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[0]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[0]);
// assertTrue("last undo", undoNamesMatch[0]);
// addNode();
// checkElementCount(8, 5);
// checkNewNode();
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[1] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[1] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[1] = "Undo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[1]);
// assertFalse("redo not available", canRedo[1]);
// assertTrue("Next undo", undoNamesMatch[1]);
// graph.undo();
// checkElementCount(7, 5);
// checkBaseElements();
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// canUndo[2] = undoMgr.canUndo();
// canRedo[2] = undoMgr.canRedo();
// undoNamesMatch[2] = "Undo original load".equals(undoMgr.getUndoPresentationName());
// redoNamesMatch[0] = "Redo add vertex".equals(undoMgr.getRedoPresentationName());
// });
// } catch (Exception ex) {
// assertFalse(ex.toString(), false);
// }
// assertTrue("undo available", canUndo[2]);
// assertTrue("redo available", canRedo[2]);
// assertTrue("Next undo", undoNamesMatch[2]);
// assertTrue("Next redo", redoNamesMatch[0]);
// checkBaseElements();
// }
// add new node
private void addNode() throws InterruptedException {
    WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("add vertex", true);
    try {
        int id = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, id, 126.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, id, 126.60f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, id, true);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, id, "name10");
    } finally {
Also used : WritableGraph(

Example 32 with WritableGraph

use of in project constellation by constellation-app.

the class UndoRedoNGTest method setUpMethod.

public void setUpMethod() throws Exception {
    graph = new DualGraph(null);
    undoMgr = new UndoManager();
    WritableGraph wg = graph.getWritableGraph("original load", true);
    try {
        attrX = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, FloatAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "x", "x", 0.0, null);
        if (attrX == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        attrY = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, FloatAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "y", "y", 0.0, null);
        if (attrY == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        attrZ = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, FloatAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "z", "z", 0.0, null);
        if (attrZ == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        vNameAttr = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, StringAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "name", "descr", "", null);
        if (vNameAttr == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        tNameAttr = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.TRANSACTION, StringAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "name", "descr", "", null);
        if (tNameAttr == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        vSelAttr = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, BooleanAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "selected", "selected", false, null);
        if (vSelAttr == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        tSelAttr = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.TRANSACTION, BooleanAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "selected", "selected", false, null);
        if (tSelAttr == Graph.NOT_FOUND) {
        vxId1 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId1, 1.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId1, 1.0f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId1, false);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId1, "name1");
        vxId2 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId2, 5.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId2, 1.0f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId2, true);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId2, "name2");
        vxId3 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId3, 1.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId3, 5.0f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId3, false);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId3, "name3");
        vxId4 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId4, 5.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId4, 5.4f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId4, true);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId4, "name4");
        vxId5 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId5, 15.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId5, 15.5f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId5, false);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId5, "name5");
        vxId6 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId6, 26.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId6, 26.60f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId6, true);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId6, "name6");
        vxId7 = wg.addVertex();
        wg.setFloatValue(attrX, vxId7, 37.0f);
        wg.setFloatValue(attrY, vxId7, 37.7f);
        wg.setBooleanValue(vSelAttr, vxId7, false);
        wg.setStringValue(vNameAttr, vxId7, "name7");
        txId1 = wg.addTransaction(vxId1, vxId2, true);
        wg.setBooleanValue(tSelAttr, txId1, false);
        wg.setStringValue(tNameAttr, txId1, "name101");
        txId2 = wg.addTransaction(vxId1, vxId3, true);
        wg.setBooleanValue(tSelAttr, txId2, true);
        wg.setStringValue(tNameAttr, txId2, "name102");
        txId3 = wg.addTransaction(vxId2, vxId4, true);
        wg.setBooleanValue(tSelAttr, txId3, false);
        wg.setStringValue(tNameAttr, txId3, "name103");
        txId4 = wg.addTransaction(vxId4, vxId2, true);
        wg.setBooleanValue(tSelAttr, txId4, true);
        wg.setStringValue(tNameAttr, txId4, "name104");
        txId5 = wg.addTransaction(vxId5, vxId6, true);
        wg.setBooleanValue(tSelAttr, txId5, false);
        wg.setStringValue(tNameAttr, txId5, "name105");
    } finally {
Also used : UndoManager(javax.swing.undo.UndoManager) DualGraph( WritableGraph( BeforeMethod(org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod)

Example 33 with WritableGraph

use of in project constellation by constellation-app.

the class UpdateNGTest method multiRollback.

public void multiRollback() {
    try {
        final DualGraph g = new DualGraph(null);
        final WritableGraph wg = g.getWritableGraph("", true);
        try {
        } catch (IllegalMonitorStateException ex) {
            System.out.printf("%s\n", ex);
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Also used : WritableGraph( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 34 with WritableGraph

use of in project constellation by constellation-app.

the class UpdateNGTest method createTransactionToNonexistentDestination.

// /**
// * This test is strange: sometimes it fails (and sometimes with a
// * CannotUndoException, sometimes with a NullPointerException), sometimes it
// * doesn't.
// */
// @Test
// public void rollbackNaN() {
// final float defaultValue = 3;
// try {
// final DualGraph g = new DualGraph(null);
// g.setUndoManager(new UndoRedo.Manager());
// final WritableGraph wg = g.getWritableGraph("add stuff", true);
// int attrId, vxId;
// try {
// attrId = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, FloatAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "x", "x", defaultValue, null);
// vxId = wg.addVertex();
// } finally {
// wg.commit();
// }
// final WritableGraph wg2 = g.getWritableGraph("set NaN", true);
// try {
// wg2.setFloatValue(attrId, vxId, Float.NaN);
// } finally {
// wg2.commit();
// }
// // Update the graph.
// final ReadableGraph rg = g.getReadableGraph();
// float v;
// try {
// v = rg.getFloatValue(attrId, vxId);
// } finally {
// rg.release();
// }
// assertTrue("should be Nan", Float.isNaN(v));
// // Undo the update: should go back to the previous value.
// try {
// SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> {
// g.undo();
// });
// } catch (InterruptedException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
// }
// final ReadableGraph rg2 = g.getReadableGraph();
// float v2;
// try {
// v2 = rg2.getFloatValue(attrId, vxId);
// } finally {
// rg2.release();
// }
// assertEquals(defaultValue, v2);
// } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
// Exceptions.printStackTrace(ex);
// }
// }
public void createTransactionToNonexistentDestination() {
    final DualGraph g = new DualGraph(null);
    g.setUndoManager(new UndoRedo.Manager());
    WritableGraph wg = null;
    try {
        wg = g.getWritableGraph("Tx test", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            final String s = String.format("x%d", i);
            wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, FloatAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, s, s, 0, null);
        int vx = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            vx = wg.addVertex();
        final int tx = wg.addTransaction(vx, vx + 1, true);"Shouldn't get here, wg.addTransaction() should fail.");
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
        // Expected result.
        System.out.printf("Expected exception: %s\n", ex.getMessage());
    // ex.printStackTrace(System.out);
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    if (wg != null) {
Also used : UndoRedo(org.openide.awt.UndoRedo) WritableGraph( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 35 with WritableGraph

use of in project constellation by constellation-app.

the class UpdateNGTest method rollingBack.

public void rollingBack() {
    try {
        final DualGraph g = new DualGraph(null);
        final WritableGraph wg = g.getWritableGraph("", true);
        final int af;
        final int ac;
        final int v;
        try {
            af = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, FloatAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "x", "x", 0, null);
            ac = wg.addAttribute(GraphElementType.VERTEX, IntegerAttributeDescription.ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "level", "description", null, null);
            v = wg.addVertex();
            wg.setFloatValue(af, v, 2.71828f);
            wg.setStringValue(ac, v, "3");
        } finally {
        final WritableGraph wgr = g.getWritableGraph("", true);
        try {
            final int vr = wgr.addVertex();
            wgr.setFloatValue(af, vr, 99);
            wgr.setStringValue(ac, vr, "5");
        // throw new Exception();
        } finally {
    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Also used : WritableGraph( Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)


WritableGraph ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)77 DualGraph ( ReadableGraph ( Graph ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 PluginParameters ( StoreGraph ( CompositeNodeState ( Plugin ( BeforeMethod (org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod)7 GraphElementType ( Schema ( PluginException ( Attribute ( GraphAttribute ( CopyToNewGraphPlugin ( ConstellationColor ( DuplicateKeyException ( GraphRecordStore (