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Example 6 with LegendObject

use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.

the class LayerLegendGeneralComposer method updateAnimationDiv.

private void updateAnimationDiv() {
    if (dblAnimationSeconds == null) {
    Query q = mapLayer.getSpeciesQuery();
    if (q instanceof BiocacheQuery) {
        Integer firstYear = mapLayer.getFirstYear();
        Integer lastYear = mapLayer.getLastYear();
        if (firstYear == null) {
            try {
                LegendObject lo = q.getLegend(StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR);
                if (lo != null && lo.getMinMax().length > 0) {
                    firstYear = (int) lo.getMinMax()[0];
                    lastYear = (int) lo.getMinMax()[1];
            } catch (Exception e) {
            // this will fail if there are no records
        Integer step = mapLayer.getAnimationStep();
        if (step != null) {
        Double interval = mapLayer.getAnimationInterval();
        if (interval != null) {
        if (firstYear != null && firstYear < lastYear) {
Also used : LegendObject( ParseException(org.json.simple.parser.ParseException)

Example 7 with LegendObject

use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.

the class LayerLegendGeneralComposer method showPointsColourModeLegend.

void showPointsColourModeLegend() {
    // remove all
    while (!legendHtml.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
    // put any parameters into map
    Map map = new HashMap();
    map.put(StringConstants.QUERY, query);
    map.put(StringConstants.LAYER, mapLayer);
    map.put(StringConstants.READONLY, StringConstants.TRUE);
    String colourmode = cbColour.getSelectedItem().getValue();
    if (!StringConstants.GRID.equals(mapLayer.getColourMode()) && query.getLegend(colourmode) != null && query.getLegend(colourmode).getCategoryNameOrder() != null) {
        map.put("checkmarks", StringConstants.TRUE);
    try {
        LegendObject lo = query.getLegend(colourmode);
        if (lo != null) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("querying layer legend for: " + query.getFullQ(false), e);
    map.put(StringConstants.COLOURMODE, colourmode);
    try {
        Executions.createComponents("/WEB-INF/zul/legend/LayerLegendClassification.zul", legendHtml, map);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOGGER.error("attempting to open classification legend: " + legendHtml, e);
Also used : LegendObject( ParseException(org.json.simple.parser.ParseException)

Example 8 with LegendObject

use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.

the class ClassificationLegend method setupForBiocacheNumber.

private void setupForBiocacheNumber(String facetString, String facetName, boolean integer) {
    String h = facetString;
    isNumber = true;
    intContinous = integer;
    legendFacets = new HashMap<String, String>();
    LegendObject lo = mapLayer.getLegendObject();
    if (lo != null) {
        // enable sliders
        gMinValue = minValue = lo.getMinMax()[0];
        gMaxValue = maxValue = lo.getMinMax()[1];
        if (intContinous) {
            sliderMax = Math.min(sliderMax, (int) (gMaxValue - gMinValue));
        try {
            if (facet != null) {
                // count OR and test for null
                boolean nulls = h.contains("-(" + facetName + ":") || h.contains("-" + facetName + ":");
                int countOr = h.split(" OR ").length;
                if (countOr == 1 || (nulls && countOr == 2)) {
                    minValue = facet.getMin();
                    maxValue = facet.getMax();
                    if (Double.isInfinite(minValue)) {
                        minValue = gMinValue;
                    if (Double.isInfinite(maxValue)) {
                        maxValue = gMaxValue;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOGGER.error("error seting up numerical listing", e);
        // update text in legend lines
        for (int j = 0; j < legendLines.size(); j++) {
            String label = legendLines.get(j)[0];
            if (label.charAt(0) == '-') {
                legendFacets.put(StringConstants.UNKNOWN, legendLines.get(j)[0]);
                legendLines.get(j)[0] = StringConstants.UNKNOWN;
            } else {
                String s = legendLines.get(j)[0];
                String[] ss = s.substring(s.indexOf('[')).replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(StringConstants.DATE_TIME_END_OF_YEAR, "").replace(StringConstants.DATE_TIME_BEGINNING_OF_YEAR, "").split(" TO ");
                float[] cutoffs = lo.getNumericLegend().getCutoffFloats();
                float[] cutoffMins = lo.getNumericLegend().getCutoffMinFloats();
                String range, strFacet;
                if (ss.length > 1) {
                    if ("*".equals(ss[0])) {
                        if (intContinous) {
                            if (cutoffs.length > 1) {
                                range = String.format(">= %d and < %d", (int) cutoffMins[0], (int) cutoffMins[1]);
                            } else {
                                range = String.format(">= %d and <= %d", (int) cutoffMins[0], (int) cutoffs[0]);
                            if (StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR.equals(colourmode) || StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR_DECADE.equals(colourmode) || StringConstants.DECADE.equals(colourmode)) {
                                String minyear = String.valueOf((int) cutoffMins[0]);
                                while (minyear.length() < 4) {
                                    minyear = "0" + minyear;
                                strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + minyear + "-01-01T00:00:00Z TO " + (int) cutoffs[0] + "-12-31T00:00:00Z]";
                            } else {
                                strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + (int) cutoffMins[0] + " TO " + (int) cutoffs[0] + "]";
                        } else {
                            if (cutoffs.length > 1) {
                                range = String.format(">= %.2f and < %.2f", cutoffMins[0], cutoffMins[1]);
                            } else {
                                range = String.format(">= %.2f and <= %.2f", cutoffMins[0], cutoffs[0]);
                            strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + cutoffMins[0] + " TO " + cutoffs[0] + "]";
                    } else if ("*".equals(ss[1])) {
                        if (intContinous) {
                            range = String.format("<= %d", (int) gMaxValue);
                            if (StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR.equals(colourmode) || StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR_DECADE.equals(colourmode) || StringConstants.DECADE.equals(colourmode)) {
                                String minyear = String.valueOf((int) cutoffMins[cutoffMins.length - 1]);
                                while (minyear.length() < 4) {
                                    minyear = "0" + minyear;
                                strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + minyear + "-01-01T00:00:00Z TO " + (int) gMaxValue + "-12-31T00:00:00Z]";
                            } else {
                                strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + (int) cutoffMins[cutoffMins.length - 1] + " TO " + (int) gMaxValue + "]";
                        } else {
                            range = String.format("<= %.2f", gMaxValue);
                            strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + cutoffMins[cutoffMins.length - 1] + " TO " + gMaxValue + "]";
                    } else {
                        double v = Double.parseDouble(ss[1]);
                        int pos = 0;
                        while (v > cutoffs[pos]) {
                        if (intContinous) {
                            if (pos + 1 < cutoffs.length) {
                                range = String.format("< %d", (int) cutoffMins[pos + 1]);
                            } else {
                                range = String.format("<= %d", (int) cutoffs[pos]);
                            if (StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR.equals(colourmode) || StringConstants.OCCURRENCE_YEAR_DECADE.equals(colourmode) || StringConstants.DECADE.equals(colourmode)) {
                                String minyear = String.valueOf((int) cutoffMins[pos]);
                                while (minyear.length() < 4) {
                                    minyear = "0" + minyear;
                                strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + minyear + "-01-01T00:00:00Z TO " + (int) cutoffs[pos] + "-12-31T00:00:00Z]";
                            } else {
                                strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + (int) cutoffMins[pos] + " TO " + (int) cutoffs[pos] + "]";
                        } else {
                            if (pos + 1 < cutoffs.length) {
                                range = String.format("< %.2f", cutoffMins[pos + 1]);
                            } else {
                                range = String.format("<= %.2f", cutoffs[pos]);
                            strFacet = "" + facetName + ":[" + cutoffMins[pos] + " TO " + cutoffs[pos] + "]";
                    legendLines.get(j)[0] = range;
                    legendFacets.put(range, strFacet);
Also used : LegendObject( IOException(


LegendObject ( ParseException (org.json.simple.parser.ParseException)3 IOException ( Facet ( Legend ( Query ( MapLayer ( SelectedArea ( Geometry (com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry)1 WKTReader ( HttpClient (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient)1 GetMethod (org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod)1 Event (org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event)1