use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class ExportSpeciesExternalComposer method onFinish.
public boolean onFinish() {
List<Query> list = getAllSelectedSpecies();
List<Map> maps = new ArrayList<>();
for (Query q : list) {
Map m = new HashMap();
m.put("name", q.getName());
m.put("query", "qid:" + ((BiocacheQuery) q).getQid());
m.put("url", q.getBS());
Map container = new HashMap();
container.put("data", maps);
String json = JSONObject.toJSONString(container);
getMapComposer().getOpenLayersJavascript().execute("postToExternal('" + CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("") + "', " + json + ");");
loggingIn = false;
return true;
use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class LayerLegendScatterplotController method registerScatterPlotSelection.
private void registerScatterPlotSelection() {
try {
if (data.getLayer1() != null && data.getLayer1().length() > 0 && data.getLayer2() != null && data.getLayer2().length() > 0) {
Facet f = getFacetIn();
int count = 0;
if (f != null) {
Query q = data.getQuery().newFacet(f, false);
count = q.getOccurrenceCount();
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error updating scatterplot selection", e);
use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class AooEooComposer method onFinish.
public boolean onFinish() {
SelectedArea sa = getSelectedArea();
Query q = getSelectedSpecies();
q = q.newFacet(new Facet("occurrence_status_s", "absent", false), false);
Facet f = new Facet("occurrence_status_s", "absent", false);
q = q.newFacet(f, false);
Query newQ = QueryUtil.queryFromSelectedArea(q, sa, false, null);
double gridSize = dResolution.doubleValue();
// eoo, use actual points
LegendObject legend = newQ.getLegend("lat_long");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int pointCount = processLegend(legend, sb);
String aooWkt = aooWkt(legend, gridSize);
// aoo = gridSize * gridSize * number of gridSize by gridSize cells with an occurrence * (approx sq degrees to sq km)
double aoo = gridSize * gridSize * aooProcess(legend, gridSize) * 10000;
double eoo = 0;
WKTReader reader = new WKTReader();
String metadata = null;
try {
Geometry g =;
Geometry convexHull = g.convexHull();
String wkt = convexHull.toText().replace(" (", "(").replace(", ", ",");
eoo = SpatialUtil.calculateArea(wkt);
// aoo area
Geometry a =, gridSize));
Geometry aUnion = a.union();
String aWkt = aUnion.toText().replace(" (", "(").replace(", ", ",");
if (eoo > 0) {
String name = "Extent of occurrence (area): " + q.getName();
MapLayer ml = getMapComposer().addWKTLayer(wkt, name, name);
name = "Area of occupancy (area): " + q.getName();
MapLayer mla = getMapComposer().addWKTLayer(aWkt, name, name);
metadata = "<html><body>" + "<div class='aooeoo'>" + "<div>The Sensitive Data Service may have changed the location of taxa that have a sensitive status." + " It is wise to first map the taxa and examine each record, then filter these records to create the " + "desired subset, then run the tool on the new filtered taxa layer.</div><br />" + "<table >" + "<tr><td>Number of records used for the calculations</td><td>" + newQ.getOccurrenceCount() + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Species</td><td>" + q.getName() + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Area of Occupancy (AOO: " + gridSize + " degree grid)</td><td>" + String.format("%.0f", aoo) + " sq km</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Extent of Occurrence (EOO: Minimum convex hull)</td><td>" + (String.format("%.2f", eoo / 1000.0 / 1000.0)) + " sq km</td></tr></table></body></html>" + "</div>";
ml.getMapLayerMetadata().setMoreInfo("Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence\n" + metadata);
name = "Extent of occurrence (points): " + q.getName();
MapLayer ml2 = getMapComposer().mapSpecies(newQ, name, StringConstants.SPECIES, newQ.getOccurrenceCount(), LayerUtilitiesImpl.SPECIES, null, 0, MapComposer.DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE, MapComposer.DEFAULT_POINT_OPACITY, Util.nextColour(), false);
ml2.getMapLayerMetadata().setMoreInfo("Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence\n" + metadata);
} else {
// trigger eoo unavailable message
pointCount = 2;
} catch (Exception e) {
// show results
String message = "The Sensitive Data Service may have changed the location of taxa that have a sensitive status. " + "It is wise to first map the taxa and examine each record, then filter these records to create the " + "desired subset, then run the tool on the new filtered taxa layer.\r\n" + "\r\nNumber of records used for the calculations: " + newQ.getOccurrenceCount() + "\r\nSpecies: " + q.getName() + "\r\nArea of Occupancy: " + String.format("%.0f", aoo) + " sq km" + "\r\nExtent of Occurrence: " + (pointCount < 3 ? "insufficient unique occurrence locations" : (String.format("%.2f", eoo / 1000.0 / 1000.0) + " sq km"));
if (metadata != null) {
Event ev = new Event(StringConstants.ONCLICK, null, "Area of Occupancy and Extent of Occurrence\n" + metadata);
} else {
// download metadata as text, "text/plain", "Calculated AOO and EOO.txt");
return true;
use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class InOutComposer method onFinish.
public boolean onFinish() {
Query query = getSelectedSpecies();
query = query.newFacet(new Facet("occurrence_status_s", "absent", false), false);
if (query == null) {
return false;
List<SelectedArea> sa = getSelectedAreas();
// check the number of selected areas
int countSelected = sa.size();
if (autoCompleteLayerSelection != null && cAreasFromLayer.isChecked() && autoCompleteLayerAreas == null) {
countSelected += 2;
if (countSelected != 2) {
getMapComposer().showMessage(countSelected + " areas are selected. Select only 2 areas.");
return false;
try {
StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();
double inArea = 0;
Query in;
Query out;
double outArea = 0;
String outName;
String inName;
Map<String, String[]> onlyIn = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
Map<String, String[]> onlyOut = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
Map<String, String[]> both = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
String[] speciesListHeader = null;
// get area of the layer
if (autoCompleteLayerSelection != null && cAreasFromLayer.isChecked() && autoCompleteLayerAreas == null) {
// in/out for a selected layer and the marine/terrestrial complement
String fieldId = CommonData.getLayerFacetNameDefault(autoCompleteLayerSelection);
JSONParser jp = new JSONParser();
JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) jp.parse(Util.readUrl(CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/field/" + fieldId));
inName = "In area (" + jo.get("name") + ")";
JSONArray objects = (JSONArray) jo.get("objects");
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++) {
if (((JSONObject) objects.get(i)).containsKey("area_km")) {
inArea += (Double) ((JSONObject) objects.get(i)).get("area_km");
in = query.newFacet(new Facet(fieldId, "*", true), false);
// determine complement area
JSONObject fld = CommonData.getLayer(fieldId);
JSONObject layer = (JSONObject) fld.get("layer");
boolean isMarine = Util.isSameDomain(new String[] { "marine" }, Util.getDomain(layer));
boolean isTerrestrial = Util.isSameDomain(new String[] { "terrestrial" }, Util.getDomain(layer));
String terrestrialQuery = CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("in_out_report.terrestrial.query", "cl2013:*");
String terrestrialName = CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("", "Other - ASGS Australian States and Territories");
Double terrestrialArea = Double.parseDouble(CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("in_out_report.terrestrial.area", "7719806.774"));
String marineQuery = CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("in_out_report.marine.query", "cl21:*");
String marineName = CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("", "Other - IMCRA 4");
Double marineArea = Double.parseDouble(CommonData.getSettings().getProperty("in_out_report.marine.area", "8669607.781"));
if (isMarine && isTerrestrial) {
outName = marineName + " AND " + terrestrialName;
outArea = terrestrialArea + marineArea;
out = query.newFacets(Arrays.asList(new Facet[] { new Facet(fieldId, "*", false), Facet.parseFacet("(" + terrestrialQuery + " OR " + marineQuery + ")") }), false);
} else if (isMarine) {
outName = marineName;
outArea = marineArea;
out = query.newFacets(Arrays.asList(new Facet[] { new Facet(fieldId, "*", false), Facet.parseFacet(marineQuery) }), false);
} else if (isTerrestrial) {
outName = terrestrialName;
outArea = terrestrialArea;
out = query.newFacets(Arrays.asList(new Facet[] { new Facet(fieldId, "*", false), Facet.parseFacet(terrestrialQuery) }), false);
} else {
// world
outName = "rest of the world";
outArea = 510000000.0;
out = query.newFacet(new Facet(fieldId, "*", false), false);
outArea -= inArea;
} else {
inName = sa.get(0).getMapLayer().getDisplayName();
outName = sa.get(1).getMapLayer().getDisplayName();
in = QueryUtil.queryFromSelectedArea(query, sa.get(0), false, null);
out = QueryUtil.queryFromSelectedArea(query, sa.get(1), false, null);
try {
inArea = Double.parseDouble(sa.get(0).getKm2Area().replace(",", ""));
outArea = Double.parseDouble(sa.get(1).getKm2Area().replace(",", ""));
} catch (Exception e) {
// build species lists for comparison
List<String[]> inSpeciesList = new CSVReader(new StringReader(in.speciesList())).readAll();
List<String[]> outSpeciesList = new CSVReader(new StringReader(out.speciesList())).readAll();
// used to exclude header
int row = 0;
for (String[] line : inSpeciesList) {
if (row == 0) {
speciesListHeader = line;
} else if (line.length > 0) {
onlyIn.put(line[0], line);
row = 0;
for (String[] line : outSpeciesList) {
if (row == 0) {
// header will be missing if no species in inArea
speciesListHeader = line;
} else if (line.length > 0) {
if (!onlyIn.containsKey(line[0])) {
onlyOut.put(line[0], line);
} else {
both.put(line[0], line);
results.append("Species,Area name,Sq km,Occurrences,Species\n");
results.append(outName).append(" (").append(outName).append("),").append(outArea).append(",").append(out.getOccurrenceCount()).append(",").append(out.getSpeciesCount()).append("\n");
if (onlyIn.size() + onlyOut.size() + both.size() > 0) {
results.append("\nSpecies found only in ").append(inName).append(",").append(String.format("%d", onlyIn.size()));
results.append("\nSpecies found only in ").append(outName).append(",").append(String.format("%d", onlyOut.size()));
results.append("\nSpecies found in both areas,").append(String.format("%d", both.size()));
results.append("\n\n").append(StringUtils.join(speciesListHeader, ",", 0, speciesListHeader.length - 3)).append(",").append(inName).append(",").append(outName);
for (String[] line : both.values()) {
for (int i = 0; i < line.length - 3; i++) results.append("\"").append(line[i].replace("\"", "\"\",")).append("\",");
for (String[] line : onlyIn.values()) {
for (int i = 0; i < line.length - 3; i++) results.append("\"").append(line[i].replace("\"", "\"\",")).append("\",");
results.append("found,not found");
for (String[] line : onlyOut.values()) {
for (int i = 0; i < line.length - 3; i++) results.append("\"").append(line[i].replace("\"", "\"\",")).append("\",");
results.append("not found,found");
// show results
String metadata = "<html><body>" + "<div class='aooeoo'>" + "<div>Report for: " + getSelectedSpeciesName() + "<br />" + inName + "<br />" + outName + "</div><br />" + "<table >" + "<tr><td>Area name</td><td>Sq km</td><td>Occurrences</td><td>Species</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>" + inName + "</td><td>" + String.format("%.2f", inArea) + "</td><td>" + in.getOccurrenceCount() + "</td><td>" + in.getSpeciesCount() + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>" + outName + "</td><td>" + String.format("%.2f", outArea) + "</td><td>" + out.getOccurrenceCount() + "</td><td>" + out.getSpeciesCount() + "</td></tr>";
if (onlyIn.size() + onlyOut.size() + both.size() > 0) {
metadata += "<tr><td> </td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Species found only in " + inName + "</td><td>" + String.format("%d", onlyIn.size()) + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Species found only in " + outName + "</td><td>" + String.format("%d", onlyOut.size()) + "</td></tr>" + "<tr><td>Species found in both areas</td><td>" + String.format("%d", both.size()) + "</td></tr>";
metadata += "</table></div>";
Event ev = new Event(StringConstants.ONCLICK, null, "Compare Areas Report\n" + metadata);
// download metadata as text, "text/plain", "Compare Areas Report.csv");
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("failed In Out finish", e);
return false;
use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.
the class PhylogeneticDiversityComposer method onFinish.
public boolean onFinish() {
List<SelectedArea> sa = getSelectedAreas();
if (autoCompleteLayerSelection != null && cAreasFromLayer.isChecked()) {
String fieldId = CommonData.getLayerFacetNameDefault(autoCompleteLayerSelection);
String layer = CommonData.getFacetLayerName(fieldId);
JSONObject field = CommonData.getLayer(layer);
JSONObject lyr = (JSONObject) field.get("layer");
String name = field.get(StringConstants.ID).toString();
String uid = lyr.get(StringConstants.ID).toString();
String type = lyr.get(StringConstants.TYPE).toString();
String treeName = StringUtils.capitalize(field.get(StringConstants.NAME).toString());
String treePath = lyr.get("displaypath").toString();
String legendurl = CommonData.getGeoServer() + "/wms?REQUEST=GetLegendGraphic&VERSION=1.0.0&FORMAT=image/png&WIDTH=20&HEIGHT=9&LAYER=" + name + "&styles=" + name + "_style";
String metadata = CommonData.getLayersServer() + "/layers/view/more/" + uid;
// is it already mapped with the same display name?
boolean found = false;
for (MapLayer ml : getMapComposer().getContextualLayers()) {
if (ml.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(treeName)) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
getMapComposer().addWMSLayer(name, treeName, treePath, (float) 0.75, metadata, legendurl, StringConstants.ENVIRONMENTAL.equalsIgnoreCase(type) ? LayerUtilitiesImpl.GRID : LayerUtilitiesImpl.CONTEXTUAL, null, null, null);
remoteLogger.logMapArea(treeName, "Layer - " + type, treePath, name, metadata);
Map<String, Object> hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();
hm.put("selectedareas", sa);
List<Object> st = new ArrayList<Object>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Object o : treesList.getSelectedItems()) {
st.add(trees[((Listitem) o).getIndex()]);
if (sb.length() > 0)
sb.append(((Map<String, String>) trees[((Listitem) o).getIndex()]).get(StringConstants.STUDY_ID));
hm.put("selectedtrees", st);
Query q = getSelectedSpecies();
if (q != null)
q = q.newFacet(new Facet("occurrence_status_s", "absent", false), false);
hm.put("query", q);
PhylogeneticDiversityListResults window = (PhylogeneticDiversityListResults) Executions.createComponents("WEB-INF/zul/results/PhylogeneticDiversityResults.zul", getMapComposer(), hm);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("error opening PhylogeneticDiversityResults.zul", e);
remoteLogger.logMapAnalysis("PhylogeneticDiversity", "PhylogeneticDiversity", sa.size() + " areas", getSelectedSpeciesName(), sb.toString(), "", "", "");
return true;