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Example 1 with PortalSessionCloner

use of in project spatial-portal by AtlasOfLivingAustralia.

the class SessionInitImpl method init.

public void init(Session session, Object request) throws Exception {
    LOGGER.debug("* SESSION INIT:");
    // obtain stage1 loader - check for errors
    ConfigurationLoaderStage1Impl stage1 = getConfigurationLoaderStage1(session);
    // wait for portal to finish if its reloading
    waitForPortalReload(stage1, session);
    /*if (stage1.isReloading()) {
            // portal is taking too long to load - MAX_TIME_RELOADING_SECONDS exceeded!
            redirectAndInvalidateSession(session, "/WEB-INF/jsp/Reloading.jsp");

        } else*/
    if (stage1.isError()) {
        // portal reloaded but has errors
        redirectAndInvalidateSession(session, ERROR_PAGE);
    } else {
        // see if there is a master session
        PortalSession masterPortalSession = getMasterPortalSession(session);
        if (masterPortalSession == null) {
            // hmm master portal session never got created - don't know why, check
            // output for previous errors
            LOGGER.error("masterPortalSession is null - redirecting user to error page");
            // redirect to error page - nothing we can do and portal doesn't look to
            // be coming up any time soon
            redirectAndInvalidateSession(session, ERROR_PAGE);
        } else {
            // all good :-D
            // deep copy of PortalSession - otherwise you will be sharing state with everybody
            // after cloning, save a the independent clone in SESSION scope
            PortalSessionCloner cloner = getPortalSessionCloner(session);
            PortalSession portalSession = cloner.clone(masterPortalSession);
            session.setAttribute(PORTAL_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE, portalSession);
            LOGGER.debug("* SESSION INIT OK");
Also used : PortalSession( PortalSessionCloner( ConfigurationLoaderStage1Impl(


ConfigurationLoaderStage1Impl ( PortalSession ( PortalSessionCloner (