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Example 1 with TreeMLData

use of automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData in project opennars by opennars.

the class LineChart method drawOverlay.

protected void drawOverlay(TimelineVis l, float screenyLo, float screenyHi) {
    // draw overlay
    if (xorOverlay) {
        Graphics2D g2 = l.g2;
    int dsy = (int) Math.abs(screenyLo - screenyHi);
    float ytspace = dsy * 0.75f / data.size() / 2;
    // TODO number precision formatting
    l.g.text("" + ((double) min), 0, screenyLo - dsy / 10f);
    l.g.text("" + ((double) max), 0, screenyHi + dsy / 10f);
    float dsyt = screenyHi + 0.15f * dsy;
    for (TreeMLData chart : data) {
        l.g.fill(chart.getColor() | 0x77777777);
        dsyt += ytspace;
        l.g.text(chart.label, 0, dsyt);
        dsyt += ytspace;
    if (xorOverlay) {
        Graphics2D g2 = l.g2;
Also used : TreeMLData(automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 2 with TreeMLData

use of automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData in project opennars by opennars.

the class LineChart method drawData.

protected void drawData(TimelineVis l, float timeScale1, float yScale1, float y) {
    int ccolor = 0;
    float w = lineThickness * 2.75f;
    for (TreeMLData chart : data) {
        ccolor = chart.getColor();
        float lx = 0;
        float ly = 0;
        boolean firstPoint = false;
        int cs = l.cycleStart;
        for (int t = cs; t < l.cycleEnd; t++) {
            l.g.stroke = true;
            float x = (t - cs) * timeScale1;
            float v = (float) chart.getData(t);
            if (Float.isNaN(v)) {
            float p = (float) ((max == min) ? 0 : (double) ((v - min) / (max - min)));
            float px = width * x;
            float h = p * yScale1;
            float py = y + yScale1 - h;
            if (firstPoint) {
                boolean hadCustom = false;
                if (this.customColor.containsKey(t)) {
                    hadCustom = true;
                if (showVerticalLines) {
                    l.g.line(px, py, px, py + h);
                if (t != l.cycleStart) {
                    l.g.line(lx, ly, px, py);
                if (hadCustom) {
            lx = px;
            ly = py;
            firstPoint = true;
            if (showPoints) {
                l.g.stroke = false;
                // TODO create separate size and opacity get/set parameter for the points
                l.g.fill(ccolor, 128f * (p * 0.5f + 0.5f));
                l.g.rect(px - w / 2f, py - w / 2f, w, w);
Also used : TreeMLData(automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData)

Example 3 with TreeMLData

use of automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData in project opennars by opennars.

the class SpectrumChart method drawData.

protected void drawData(TimelineVis l, float timeScale, float yScale, float y) {
    TreeMLData chart = data.get(0);
    if (!updated) {
        updated = true;
    // int ccolor = chart.getColor();
    long prevWindow = -1;
    float yh = yScale / windowSize;
    for (long t = l.cycleStart - (windowSize); t < l.cycleEnd; t++) {
        if (t < 0)
        float x = t * timeScale;
        long w = cycleToWindow(t);
        if ((w != prevWindow) && (w < windows.size())) {
            float t2 = t + windowSize;
            float x2 = t2 * timeScale;
            // draw window block
            Window win = windows.get((int) w);
            float magMax = Floats.max(win.magnitude);
            float yy = yScale;
            for (int f = 0; f < windowSize; f++) {
                float m = win.magnitude[f] / magMax;
                m = (0.25f + 0.75f * m);
                float phase = (win.phase[f] + (float) Math.PI * 2f) / ((float) Math.PI * 2f);
                l.g.fill((0.2f + 0.3f * phase) * 255f, 0.75f * 255f, m * 255f);
                yy -= yh;
                l.g.rect(x, y + yy, x2 - x, yh);
            prevWindow = w;
Also used : TreeMLData(automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData)

Example 4 with TreeMLData

use of automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData in project opennars by opennars.

the class BarChart method drawData.

protected void drawData(TimelineVis l, float timeScale, float yScale1, float y) {
    if (data.size() != 1)
        throw new RuntimeException("BarChart only supports one data set");
    TreeMLData chart = data.get(0);
    int ccolor = chart.getColor();
    for (int t = l.cycleStart; t < l.cycleEnd; t++) {
        float x = (t - l.cycleStart) * timeScale;
        float v = (float) chart.getData(t);
        if (Float.isNaN(v)) {
        float p = (max == min) ? 0 : (float) ((v - min) / (max - min));
        float px = width * x;
        float h = p * yScale1;
        float py = y + yScale1 - h;
        l.g.fill(ccolor, 255f * (0.5f + 0.5f * p));
        l.g.rect(px, py, width * timeScale * barWidth, h);
Also used : TreeMLData(automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData)

Example 5 with TreeMLData

use of automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData in project opennars by opennars.

the class LineChart method updateRange.

protected void updateRange(TimelineVis l) {
    min = Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    max = Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    for (TreeMLData chart : data) {
        double[] mm = chart.getMinMax(l.cycleStart, l.cycleEnd);
        min = (float) Math.min(min, mm[0]);
        max = (float) Math.max(max, mm[1]);
Also used : TreeMLData(automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData)


TreeMLData (automenta.vivisect.TreeMLData)9 NWindow (automenta.vivisect.swing.NWindow)1 PCanvas (automenta.vivisect.swing.PCanvas)1 LineChart (automenta.vivisect.timeline.LineChart)1 TimelineVis (automenta.vivisect.timeline.TimelineVis)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 Random (java.util.Random)1 DerivationContext (nars.control.DerivationContext)1 Sentence (nars.entity.Sentence)1 Task (nars.entity.Task)1 NARSwing (nars.gui.NARSwing)1 Narsese ( AnswerHandler ( TaskImmediateProcess ( ChangedTextInput (nars.lab.ioutils.ChangedTextInput)1 Term (nars.language.Term)1 NAR (nars.main.NAR)1 Complex (org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex)1