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Example 1 with TextLayoutHitInfo

use of automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo in project opennars by opennars.

the class GEditableTextControl method setSelectedTextStyle.

 * If some text has been selected then set the style. If there is no selection then
 * the text is unchanged.
 * @param style
public void setSelectedTextStyle(TextAttribute style, Object value) {
    if (!hasSelection())
    TextLayoutHitInfo startSelTLHI;
    TextLayoutHitInfo endSelTLHI;
    if (endTLHI.compareTo(startTLHI) == -1) {
        startSelTLHI = endTLHI;
        endSelTLHI = startTLHI;
    } else {
        startSelTLHI = startTLHI;
        endSelTLHI = endTLHI;
    int ss = startSelTLHI.tli.startCharIndex + startSelTLHI.thi.getInsertionIndex();
    int ee = endSelTLHI.tli.startCharIndex + endSelTLHI.thi.getInsertionIndex();
    stext.addAttribute(style, value, ss, ee);
    // We have modified the text style so the end of the selection may have
    // moved, so it needs to be recalculated. The start will be unaffected.
    endSelTLHI.tli = stext.getTLIforCharNo(ee);
    int cn = ee - endSelTLHI.tli.startCharIndex;
    if (// start of line
    cn == 0)
        endSelTLHI.thi = endSelTLHI.tli.layout.getNextLeftHit(1);
        endSelTLHI.thi = endSelTLHI.tli.layout.getNextRightHit(cn - 1);
    bufferInvalid = true;
Also used : TextLayoutHitInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo)

Example 2 with TextLayoutHitInfo

use of automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo in project opennars by opennars.

the class GEditableTextControl method getSelectedText.

 * Get the text that has been selected (highlighted) by the user. <br>
 * @return the selected text without styling
public String getSelectedText() {
    if (!hasSelection())
        return "";
    TextLayoutHitInfo startSelTLHI;
    TextLayoutHitInfo endSelTLHI;
    if (endTLHI.compareTo(startTLHI) == -1) {
        startSelTLHI = endTLHI;
        endSelTLHI = startTLHI;
    } else {
        startSelTLHI = startTLHI;
        endSelTLHI = endTLHI;
    int ss = startSelTLHI.tli.startCharIndex + startSelTLHI.thi.getInsertionIndex();
    int ee = endSelTLHI.tli.startCharIndex + endSelTLHI.thi.getInsertionIndex();
    String s = stext.getPlainText().substring(ss, ee);
    return s;
Also used : TextLayoutHitInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo)

Example 3 with TextLayoutHitInfo

use of automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo in project opennars by opennars.

the class GTextArea method insertText.

 * Insert text at the display position specified. <br>
 * The area line number starts at 0 and includes any lines scrolled off the top. So if
 * three lines have been scrolled off the top the first visible line is number 3. <br>
 * No events will be generated and the caret will be moved to the end of any inserted text. <br>
 * @param text the text to insert
 * @param lineNo the area line number
 * @param charNo the character position to insert text in display line
 * @param startWithEOL if true,inserted text will start on newline
 * @param endWithEOL if true, text after inserted text will start on new line
 * @return true if some characters were inserted
public boolean insertText(String text, int lineNo, int charNo, boolean startWithEOL, boolean endWithEOL) {
    if (text != null && text.length() > 0) {
        int pos = stext.getPos(lineNo, charNo);
        int change = stext.insertCharacters(text, lineNo, charNo, startWithEOL, endWithEOL);
        // displayCaretPos("Caret starts at ");
        if (change != 0) {
            LinkedList<TextLayoutInfo> lines = stext.getLines(buffer.g2);
            // Move caret to end of insert if possible
            pos += change;
            TextLayoutHitInfo tlhi = stext.getTLHIforCharPosition(pos);
            if (tlhi != null) {
                // displayCaretPos("Caret ends at ");
                keepCursorInView = true;
                showCaret = true;
            bufferInvalid = true;
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : TextLayoutHitInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo) TextLayoutInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutInfo)

Example 4 with TextLayoutHitInfo

use of automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo in project opennars by opennars.

the class GTextArea method mouseEvent.

 * Will respond to mouse events.
public void mouseEvent(MouseEvent event) {
    if (!visible || !enabled || !available)
    calcTransformedOrigin(winApp.getCursorX(), winApp.getCursorY());
    // Remove translation
    ox -= tx;
    // Remove translation
    oy -= ty;
    currSpot = whichHotSpot(ox, oy);
    if (currSpot == 1 || focusIsWith == this)
        cursorIsOver = this;
    else if (cursorIsOver == this)
        cursorIsOver = null;
    switch(event.getAction()) {
        case MouseEvent.PRESS:
            if (currSpot == 1) {
                if (focusIsWith != this && z >= focusObjectZ()) {
                    keepCursorInView = true;
                dragging = false;
                if (stext == null || stext.length() == 0) {
                    stext = new StyledString(" ", wrapWidth);
                endTLHI = stext.calculateFromXY(buffer.g2, ox + ptx, oy + pty);
                startTLHI = new TextLayoutHitInfo(endTLHI);
                bufferInvalid = true;
            } else {
                // Not over this control so if we have focus loose it
                if (focusIsWith == this)
        case MouseEvent.RELEASE:
            dragging = false;
            bufferInvalid = true;
        case MouseEvent.DRAG:
            if (focusIsWith == this) {
                keepCursorInView = true;
                dragging = true;
                endTLHI = stext.calculateFromXY(buffer.g2, ox + ptx, oy + pty);
                fireEvent(this, GEvent.SELECTION_CHANGED);
                bufferInvalid = true;
Also used : TextLayoutHitInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo)

Example 5 with TextLayoutHitInfo

use of automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo in project opennars by opennars.

the class GTextField method updateBuffer.

 * If the buffer is invalid then redraw it.
 * @TODO need to use palette for colours
protected void updateBuffer() {
    if (bufferInvalid) {
        Graphics2D g2d = buffer.g2;
        // Get the latest lines of text
        LinkedList<TextLayoutInfo> lines = stext.getLines(g2d);
        if (lines.isEmpty() && promptText != null)
            lines = promptText.getLines(g2d);
        bufferInvalid = false;
        TextLayoutHitInfo startSelTLHI = null, endSelTLHI = null;
        // Whole control surface if opaque
        if (opaque)
            buffer.background(buffer.color(255, 0));
        // Now move to top left corner of text display area
        buffer.translate(tx, ty);
        // Typing area surface
        buffer.rect(-1, -1, tw + 2, th + 2);
        buffer.translate(-ptx, -pty);
        if (hasSelection()) {
            if (endTLHI.compareTo(startTLHI) == -1) {
                startSelTLHI = endTLHI;
                endSelTLHI = startTLHI;
            } else {
                startSelTLHI = startTLHI;
                endSelTLHI = endTLHI;
        // Display selection and text
        for (TextLayoutInfo lineInfo : lines) {
            TextLayout layout = lineInfo.layout;
            buffer.translate(0, layout.getAscent());
            // Draw selection if any
            if (hasSelection() && lineInfo.compareTo(startSelTLHI.tli) >= 0 && lineInfo.compareTo(endSelTLHI.tli) <= 0) {
                int ss = startSelTLHI.thi.getInsertionIndex();
                int ee = endSelTLHI.thi.getInsertionIndex();
                Shape selShape = layout.getLogicalHighlightShape(ss, ee);
            // Draw text
            lineInfo.layout.draw(g2d, 0, 0);
            buffer.translate(0, layout.getDescent() + layout.getLeading());
Also used : TextLayoutHitInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo) Shape(java.awt.Shape) TextLayoutInfo(automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutInfo) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) TextLayout(java.awt.font.TextLayout)


TextLayoutHitInfo (automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutHitInfo)13 TextLayoutInfo (automenta.vivisect.gui.StyledString.TextLayoutInfo)5 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)2 Shape (java.awt.Shape)2 TextLayout (java.awt.font.TextLayout)2