use of backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class WorkerData method updateStormTopology.
private void updateStormTopology() {
StormTopology rawTmp;
StormTopology sysTmp;
try {
rawTmp = StormConfig.read_supervisor_topology_code(conf, topologyId);
sysTmp = Common.system_topology(stormConf, rawTopology);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to read supervisor topology code for " + topologyId, e);
} catch (InvalidTopologyException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to update sysTopology for " + topologyId, e);
updateTopology(rawTopology, rawTmp);
updateTopology(sysTopology, sysTmp);
use of backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class ServiceHandler method submitTopologyWithOpts.
* Submit one Topology
* @param topologyName String: topology name
* @param uploadedJarLocation String: already uploaded jar path
* @param jsonConf String: jsonConf serialize all toplogy configuration to
* Json
* @param topology StormTopology: topology Object
public String submitTopologyWithOpts(String topologyName, String uploadedJarLocation, String jsonConf, StormTopology topology, SubmitOptions options) throws AlreadyAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, TopologyAssignException, TException {"Receive " + topologyName + ", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation);
long start = System.nanoTime();
//check topologyname is valid
if (!Common.charValidate(topologyName)) {
throw new InvalidTopologyException(topologyName + " is not a valid topology name");
Map<Object, Object> serializedConf = (Map<Object, Object>) JStormUtils.from_json(jsonConf);
if (serializedConf == null) {
LOG.warn("Failed to serialized Configuration");
throw new InvalidTopologyException("Failed to serialize topology configuration");
Common.confValidate(serializedConf, data.getConf());
boolean enableDeploy = ConfigExtension.getTopologyHotDeplogyEnable(serializedConf);
try {
checkTopologyActive(data, topologyName, enableDeploy);
} catch (AlreadyAliveException e) { + " already exists ");
throw e;
} catch (NotAliveException e) { + " is not alive ");
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {"Failed to check whether topology is alive or not", e);
throw new TException(e);
if (enableDeploy) {"deploy the topology");
try {
StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState();
String topologyId = Cluster.get_topology_id(stormClusterState, topologyName);
if (topologyId == null) {
throw new NotAliveException(topologyName);
}"start kill the old topology {}", topologyId);
Map oldConf = new HashMap();
Map killedStormConf = StormConfig.read_nimbus_topology_conf(topologyId, data.getBlobStore());
if (killedStormConf != null) {
NimbusUtils.transitionName(data, topologyName, true, StatusType.kill, 0);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topologyName, "killTopology");
//wait all workers' are killed
final long timeoutSeconds = ConfigExtension.getTaskCleanupTimeoutSec(oldConf);
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Semaphore> topologyIdtoSem = data.getTopologyIdtoSem();
if (!topologyIdtoSem.contains(topologyId)) {
topologyIdtoSem.putIfAbsent(topologyId, new Semaphore(0));
Semaphore semaphore = topologyIdtoSem.get(topologyId);
if (semaphore != null) {
semaphore.tryAcquire(timeoutSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
}"success kill the old topology {}", topologyId);
} catch (Exception e) {
String errMsg = "Failed to kill topology " + topologyName;
LOG.error(errMsg, e);
throw new TException(errMsg);
String topologyId = null;
synchronized (data) {
// avoid same topologies from being submitted at the same time
Set<String> pendingTopologies = data.getPendingSubmitTopologies().buildMap().keySet();
for (String cachTopologyId : pendingTopologies) {
if (cachTopologyId.contains(topologyName + "-"))
throw new AlreadyAliveException(topologyName + " were submitted");
int counter = data.getSubmittedCount().incrementAndGet();
topologyId = Common.topologyNameToId(topologyName, counter);
data.getPendingSubmitTopologies().put(topologyId, null);
try {
serializedConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ID, topologyId);
serializedConf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_NAME, topologyName);
Map<Object, Object> stormConf;
stormConf = NimbusUtils.normalizeConf(conf, serializedConf, topology);"Normalized configuration:" + stormConf);
Map<Object, Object> totalStormConf = new HashMap<Object, Object>(conf);
StormTopology normalizedTopology = NimbusUtils.normalizeTopology(stormConf, topology, true);
// this validates the structure of the topology
Common.validate_basic(normalizedTopology, totalStormConf, topologyId);
// don't need generate real topology, so skip Common.system_topology
// Common.system_topology(totalStormConf, topology);
StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState();
// create /local-dir/nimbus/topologyId/xxxx files
setupStormCode(conf, topologyId, uploadedJarLocation, stormConf, normalizedTopology);
// wait for blob replication before activate topology
waitForDesiredCodeReplication(conf, topologyId);
// generate TaskInfo for every bolt or spout in ZK
// /ZK/tasks/topoologyId/xxx
setupZkTaskInfo(conf, topologyId, stormClusterState);
//mkdir topology error directory
String path = Cluster.taskerror_storm_root(topologyId);
// make assignments for a topology"Submit for " + topologyName + " with conf " + serializedConf);
makeAssignment(topologyName, topologyId, options.get_initial_status());
// push start event after startup
double metricsSampleRate = ConfigExtension.getMetricSampleRate(stormConf);
StartTopologyEvent.pushEvent(topologyId, metricsSampleRate);
notifyTopologyActionListener(topologyName, "submitTopology");
} catch (FailedAssignTopologyException e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Fail to sumbit topology, Root cause:");
if (e.getMessage() == null) {
sb.append("submit timeout");
} else {
sb.append("topologyId:" + topologyId);
sb.append(", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation + "\n");
LOG.error(sb.toString(), e);
throw new TopologyAssignException(sb.toString());
} catch (InvalidParameterException e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Fail to sumbit topology ");
sb.append(", cause:" + e.getCause());
sb.append("topologyId:" + topologyId);
sb.append(", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation + "\n");
LOG.error(sb.toString(), e);
throw new InvalidParameterException(sb.toString());
} catch (InvalidTopologyException e) {
LOG.error("Topology is invalid. " + e.get_msg());
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Fail to sumbit topology ");
sb.append(", cause:" + e.getCause());
sb.append("topologyId:" + topologyId);
sb.append(", uploadedJarLocation:" + uploadedJarLocation + "\n");
LOG.error(sb.toString(), e);
throw new TopologyAssignException(sb.toString());
} finally {
// when make assignment for a topology,so remove the topologyid form
// pendingSubmitTopologys
double spend = (System.nanoTime() - start) / TimeUtils.NS_PER_US;
SimpleJStormMetric.updateNimbusHistogram("submitTopologyWithOpts", spend);"submitTopologyWithOpts {} costs {}ms", topologyName, spend);
return topologyId;
use of backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class ServiceHandler method setupZkTaskInfo.
* generate TaskInfo for every bolt or spout in ZK /ZK/tasks/topoologyId/xxx
* @param conf
* @param topologyId
* @param stormClusterState
* @throws Exception
public void setupZkTaskInfo(Map<Object, Object> conf, String topologyId, StormClusterState stormClusterState) throws Exception {
Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskToTaskInfo = mkTaskComponentAssignments(conf, topologyId);
// mkdir /ZK/taskbeats/topoologyId
int masterId = NimbusUtils.getTopologyMasterId(taskToTaskInfo);
TopologyTaskHbInfo topoTaskHbinfo = new TopologyTaskHbInfo(topologyId, masterId);
data.getTasksHeartbeat().put(topologyId, topoTaskHbinfo);
stormClusterState.topology_heartbeat(topologyId, topoTaskHbinfo);
if (taskToTaskInfo == null || taskToTaskInfo.size() == 0) {
throw new InvalidTopologyException("Failed to generate TaskIDs map");
// key is taskid, value is taskinfo
stormClusterState.set_task(topologyId, taskToTaskInfo);
use of backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class ServiceHandler method updateTopology.
public void updateTopology(String name, String uploadedLocation, String updateConf) throws NotAliveException, InvalidTopologyException, TException {
try {
//firstly update jar and conf
checkTopologyActive(data, name, true);
String topologyId = null;
StormClusterState stormClusterState = data.getStormClusterState();
topologyId = Cluster.get_topology_id(stormClusterState, name);
if (topologyId == null) {
throw new NotAliveException(name);
BlobStore blobStore = data.getBlobStore();
StormClusterState clusterState = data.getStormClusterState();
NimbusInfo nimbusInfo = data.getNimbusHostPortInfo();
if (uploadedLocation != null) {
setupJar(uploadedLocation, topologyId, blobStore, clusterState, nimbusInfo, true);
Map topoConf = StormConfig.read_nimbus_topology_conf(topologyId, data.getBlobStore());
Map<Object, Object> config = (Map<Object, Object>) JStormUtils.from_json(updateConf);
String confKey = StormConfig.master_stormconf_key(topologyId);
BlobStoreUtils.updateBlob(blobStore, confKey, Utils.serialize(topoConf));
if (blobStore instanceof LocalFsBlobStore) {
clusterState.setup_blobstore(confKey, nimbusInfo, BlobStoreUtils.getVersionForKey(confKey, nimbusInfo, conf));
NimbusUtils.transitionName(data, name, true, StatusType.update_topology, config);"update topology " + name + " successfully");
notifyTopologyActionListener(name, "updateTopology");
} catch (NotAliveException e) {
String errMsg = "Error, no this topology " + name;
LOG.error(errMsg, e);
throw new NotAliveException(errMsg);
} catch (Exception e) {
String errMsg = "Failed to update topology " + name;
LOG.error(errMsg, e);
throw new TException(errMsg);
use of backtype.storm.generated.InvalidTopologyException in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class TransactionBolt method prepare.
public void prepare(Map stormConf, TopologyContext context, OutputCollector collector) {
this.conf = stormConf;
this.topologyContext = context;
this.topologyId = topologyContext.getTopologyId();
this.taskId = topologyContext.getThisTaskId();
this.componentId = topologyContext.getThisComponentId();
this.upstreamTasks = TransactionCommon.getUpstreamTasks(componentId, topologyContext);
this.downstreamTasks = TransactionCommon.getDownstreamTasks(componentId, topologyContext);
this.topologyMasterId = context.getTopologyMasterId();"TransactionBolt: upstreamTasks=" + upstreamTasks + ", downstreamTasks=" + downstreamTasks);
this.outputCollector = new TransactionOutputCollector(this, collector);
this.boltExecutor.prepare(conf, context, new OutputCollector(outputCollector));
this.boltStatus = State.INIT;
if (sysTopology == null) {
try {
sysTopology = Common.system_topology(stormConf, context.getRawTopology());
} catch (InvalidTopologyException e) {
LOG.error("Failed to build system topology", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
this.lastSuccessfulBatch = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Long>();
this.processingBatches = new HashMap<Integer, Map<Long, BatchTracker>>();
Set<String> upstreamSpoutNames = TransactionCommon.getUpstreamSpouts(componentId, topologyContext);
for (String spoutName : upstreamSpoutNames) {
int groupId = TransactionCommon.groupIndex(topologyContext.getRawTopology(), spoutName);
lastSuccessfulBatch.put(groupId, TransactionCommon.INIT_BATCH_ID);
processingBatches.put(groupId, new HashMap<Long, BatchTracker>());
this.batchCache = new BatchCache(context, upstreamSpoutNames, sysTopology);
this.kryoInput = new Input(1);
this.streamIds = new SerializationFactory.IdDictionary(sysTopology);
this.inputStreamIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
Set<GlobalStreamId> inputs = topologyContext.getThisSources().keySet();
for (GlobalStreamId stream : inputs) {
inputStreamIds.add(streamIds.getStreamId(stream.get_componentId(), stream.get_streamId()));
for (String upstreamComponentId : TransactionCommon.getUpstreamComponents(componentId, topologyContext)) {
inputStreamIds.add(streamIds.getStreamId(upstreamComponentId, TransactionCommon.BARRIER_STREAM_ID));
//"Stream info prepare: streamIds={}, inputStreams={}, inputStreamIds={}", streamIds, inputs, inputStreamIds);