use of backtype.storm.generated.MetricInfo in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class TopologyMetricContext method mergeGauges.
public void mergeGauges(TopologyMetric tpMetric, MetaType metaType, String meta, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> data) {
MetricInfo metricInfo = getMetricInfoByType(tpMetric, metaType);
Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> existing = metricInfo.get_metrics().get(meta);
if (existing == null) {
metricInfo.put_to_metrics(meta, data);
} else {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, MetricSnapshot> dataEntry : data.entrySet()) {
Integer win = dataEntry.getKey();
MetricSnapshot snapshot = dataEntry.getValue();
MetricSnapshot old = existing.get(win);
if (old == null) {
existing.put(win, snapshot);
} else {
if (snapshot.get_ts() >= old.get_ts()) {
if (metaType != MetaType.TOPOLOGY) {
} else {
// for topology metric, gauge might be add-able, e.g., cpu, memory, etc.
old.set_doubleValue(old.get_doubleValue() + snapshot.get_doubleValue());
use of backtype.storm.generated.MetricInfo in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class MetricsUploader method uploadMetrics.
* upload metrics sequentially due to thrift frame size limit (15MB)
private void uploadMetrics(TopologyMetric tpMetric) throws Exception {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (tpMetric == null) {
try {
synchronized (lock) {
if (client == null || !client.isValid()) {
client = new NimbusClientWrapper();
MetricInfo topologyMetrics = tpMetric.get_topologyMetric();
MetricInfo componentMetrics = tpMetric.get_componentMetric();
MetricInfo taskMetrics = tpMetric.get_taskMetric();
MetricInfo streamMetrics = tpMetric.get_streamMetric();
MetricInfo workerMetrics = tpMetric.get_workerMetric();
MetricInfo nettyMetrics = tpMetric.get_nettyMetric();
int totalSize = topologyMetrics.get_metrics_size() + componentMetrics.get_metrics_size() + taskMetrics.get_metrics_size() + streamMetrics.get_metrics_size() + workerMetrics.get_metrics_size() + nettyMetrics.get_metrics_size();
// pressure of nimbus
if (totalSize < MAX_BATCH_SIZE) {
client.getClient().uploadTopologyMetrics(topologyId, new TopologyMetric(topologyMetrics, componentMetrics, workerMetrics, taskMetrics, streamMetrics, nettyMetrics));
} else {
client.getClient().uploadTopologyMetrics(topologyId, new TopologyMetric(topologyMetrics, componentMetrics, dummy, dummy, dummy, dummy));
batchUploadMetrics(workerMetrics, MetaType.WORKER);
batchUploadMetrics(taskMetrics, MetaType.TASK);
batchUploadMetrics(streamMetrics, MetaType.STREAM);
batchUploadMetrics(nettyMetrics, MetaType.NETTY);
} catch (Exception e) {
String errorInfo = "Failed to upload worker metrics";
LOG.error("Failed to upload worker metrics ", e);
if (client != null) {
zkCluster.report_task_error(context.getTopologyId(), context.getThisTaskId(), errorInfo, ErrorConstants.WARN, ErrorConstants.CODE_USER);
}"upload metrics, cost:{}", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
use of backtype.storm.generated.MetricInfo in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class UIMetricUtils method getStreamMetrics.
public static List<UIStreamMetric> getStreamMetrics(List<MetricInfo> taskStreamMetrics, String component, int id, int window) {
Map<String, UIStreamMetric> streamData = new HashMap<>();
if (taskStreamMetrics.size() > 1) {
MetricInfo info = taskStreamMetrics.get(1);
if (info != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> metric : info.get_metrics().entrySet()) {
String name = metric.getKey();
String[] split_name = name.split("@");
int taskId = JStormUtils.parseInt(UIMetricUtils.extractTaskId(split_name));
if (taskId != id)
//only handle the specific task
String metricName = UIMetricUtils.extractMetricName(split_name);
String streamId = UIMetricUtils.extractStreamId(split_name);
String parentComp = null;
if (metricName != null && metricName.contains(".")) {
parentComp = metricName.split("\\.")[0];
metricName = metricName.split("\\.")[1];
MetricSnapshot snapshot = metric.getValue().get(window);
UIStreamMetric streamMetric;
if (streamData.containsKey(streamId)) {
streamMetric = streamData.get(streamId);
} else {
streamMetric = new UIStreamMetric(component, streamId);
streamData.put(streamId, streamMetric);
streamMetric.setMetricValue(snapshot, parentComp, metricName);
for (UIStreamMetric stream : streamData.values()) {
return new ArrayList<>(streamData.values());
use of backtype.storm.generated.MetricInfo in project jstorm by alibaba.
the class UIMetricUtils method getTaskMetric.
* get the specific task metric
* @param taskStreamMetrics raw metric info
* @param component component name
* @param id task id
* @param window window duration for metrics in seconds
* @return the task metric
public static UITaskMetric getTaskMetric(List<MetricInfo> taskStreamMetrics, String component, int id, int window) {
UITaskMetric taskMetric = new UITaskMetric(component, id);
if (taskStreamMetrics.size() > 1) {
MetricInfo info = taskStreamMetrics.get(0);
if (info != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> metric : info.get_metrics().entrySet()) {
String name = metric.getKey();
String[] split_name = name.split("@");
int taskId = JStormUtils.parseInt(UIMetricUtils.extractTaskId(split_name));
if (taskId != id)
//only handle the specific task
String metricName = UIMetricUtils.extractMetricName(split_name);
String parentComp = null;
if (metricName != null && metricName.contains(".")) {
parentComp = metricName.split("\\.")[0];
metricName = metricName.split("\\.")[1];
MetricSnapshot snapshot = metric.getValue().get(window);
taskMetric.setMetricValue(snapshot, parentComp, metricName);
return taskMetric;